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15260183 No.15260183 [Reply] [Original]

>too alcoholic
>doesn't pair with anything
Why not drink liquor?

>> No.15260228

its good if youre a smoker, the bitterness helps wash off the chain smoking

>> No.15260249

>My opinion is the only relevant one
Shove that bottle up your ass you annoying faggot.

>> No.15260266

>bitterness gets rid of bitterness
this doesn't invalidate my point
you aren't refuting my point, are you?

>> No.15260283

Wouldn't know. I don't drink alcohol.

>> No.15260298
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We had this thread yesterday. Everyone disagrees with you. IPAs are the most popular style because they are the best. They haven't been a fad in over a decade. They are not easier to brew than less complex styles. They are not unbalanced. The hops aren't "covering up" anything. They are not soy. They are not hipster. They are loved by everyone who enjoys beer. If you don't like them that's okay; nobody is forcing you to drink them or acting superior for liking them. Everybody understands that some people prefer beer that doesn't have a lot of flavor, and that's okay.

>> No.15260311

is there like like an antipode to ipa, as in little to no hop at all?

>> No.15260414


>> No.15260425

>They are not hipster
ehhhh, craft brewing scene has a shitload of hipsters, liking the beer isn't inherently hipster, but that is the simple reality.

>> No.15260431

I like bitter things occasionally.
Don't drink too much.
Depends on the IPA. I like the bitter ones with mild cheese and pickled onions, the more fruity/ citrus ones with burgs

>> No.15260434

No, hipsters are not a significant demographic of craft beer drinkers/brewers, and drinking craft beer is not considered particularly "hipster" among hipsters.

>> No.15260437

foodies care about "craft beer" and "craft whisky" and what not. foodies are also hipsters, hipsters base their identity on commodities they consooooom while the average guy will just drink whatever.

>> No.15260453

agreed. ipa's are extremely over rated

>> No.15260464

Go to a brewery in Portland ME or Providence RI and try to tell me that hipsters aren't a fucking significant demographic

>> No.15260481

RISD and Brown are both in Providence, so that's not exactly normal. Also what breweries are even in Providence?

>> No.15260498

>everyone disagrees with you
I don't, IPAs a shit

>> No.15260504

White beer?

>> No.15260516

>IPAs are the most popular style because they are the best.
No. IPAs are popular because they are, in a way, almost "addictive;" they are the beer equivalent of a masturbatory death grip. On top of a normal tolerance as one might develop to spicy food, the lupulin in hops is known to numb the tongue and thus as you drink progressively hoppier beers, even more progressively hoppier beers are required to get the same effect. The more a person drinks IPAs back to back, the more shitty they need their next IPA to taste.

People who have been constantly drinking IPAs for years can enjoy stuff that a European beer drinker would think tastes like paint, because to a person without a fucked up lupulin tolerance, it DOES taste like paint. Those same people who fuck themselves over with too many IBUs can't taste the subtlety in a normal beer and convince themselves that such beers are watery, and that their taste level must be superior, like you who claims other beer styles are "less complex." News flash, asshole: there's nothing complex about dumping in more hops each time you brew, and there's no science to mixing and matching your favorite overpriced hop varietals. In reality, staunch IPA drinkers are just like smokers who oversalt their food because they can't taste shit. Trash.

>They are loved by everyone who enjoys beer.
They are only popular in America.

Now don't get me wrong, I have liked some IPAs; just not the lupulin addict ones with the retarded death metal band fonts and the oh so quirky graphics on the can. Most IPA offerings are absolute trash.

>> No.15260534

god i wish that was me

>> No.15260537
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>when you find a nice New England-style IPA so delicate it drinks like orange juice

>> No.15260566

Long Live, Beer on Earth, Providence Brewing, Trinity, and Bayberry (not actually a brewery but close enough)

>> No.15260567

I'm a fan of a nice and balanced IPA. It's a style that takes a much more careful hand than the hop overload monstrosities.

>> No.15260572

>the retarded death metal band fonts and the oh so quirky graphics
Every. Single. Time.

>> No.15260588
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>> No.15260594

those are aimed at the stephen hawking crowd

>> No.15260602

>they are only popular in america
It's assumed that we're talking about America in a beer thread - especially one about IPAs. There's not much to talk about outside of America, and what there is is also available in America, so it's a moot point.

>> No.15260617
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The selection this store has is actually pretty varied but 80% of their new arrival advertisements are about IPAs.

Another example

>> No.15260620
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I bet you have no problem with pic related though, right?

>> No.15260627
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>There's not much to talk about outside of America
You're retarded and don't know anything about beer.

>> No.15260643

I've tried it once and never bought it. Don't recall disliking it outright but it's pricey in my area.

>> No.15260646

Most euro beers are overrated, trappists excluded

>> No.15260651

I meant the label with the bright colors, animals, and cheesy name.

>> No.15260706
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I'd be lying if I said I don't buy with my eyes now and then. Usually I find a brewer I like and try to work my way through their offerings.

For example: I enjoy Samuel Smith's. I started with their chocolate stout and branched out from there. Their imperial stout isn't anything to write home about but pic related is pretty good.

>> No.15260992

You sound like the more annoying faggot.

>> No.15261021
File: 7 KB, 230x219, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you enjoy ipa as a straight person? i do like them but i'm hesitant to order ipa's at a bar because i don't want everyone to know i'm gay.

>> No.15261033

A bad dragon dildo would be a less embarrassing purchase.

>> No.15261065

Because hard liquor tastes like nail polish remover and only alchies will disagree

>> No.15261152

I'm a smoker and most prepared food is way too salty for me so that's a fucking myth.

>> No.15261169

I only ever liked hard liquor mixed in cocktails but still rarely drank it. It doesn't matter what flavor profile you're going for when it all has the overwhelming taste of ethanol. I don't drink anymore but I never understood straight liquor people. I enjoyed the subtle difference between good liquor but not the part where it feels like you're pouring gasoline down your throat.

>> No.15261179

I take that back I've had some really good smooth whiskey and bourbon before but for the most part it isn't enjoyable straight. Nothing compared to wine or beer. Cocktails however can be really delicious if they're properly mixed.

>> No.15261187

IPAs are generally considered pretty manly and refined, but most beers don't have sexuality connotations, other than light macrolagers, which are universally recognized as homosexual.

>> No.15261190

you're not wrong.

>> No.15261211

Bullshit. Men almost exclusively drank macros up until the hipster local brewery movement. There are plenty of stronger flavored macros as well. There must be a subset of people with shitty taste buds that need overwhelming flavors to enjoy something. Its the same type of people that dump large quantities of condiments on everything they eat. If you put ranch dressing on your pizza you're a fucking moron.

>> No.15261236
File: 73 KB, 560x720, 510be763a5ac74f9725107d127d0c7cb[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>men almost exclusively drank macros

>> No.15261515

I've had more shit IPAs than good ones. Porters, gosès, and sour ales are so much better. There are a lot of people that feel convinced they must like IPAs to be a true beer somm. No. You're just a faggot who likes beer in the same way a coffee 'lover' exclusively drinks espresso. It's insufferable pseudo-elitism. The best critics can find the beauty in everything, and it's a fact that IPAs are beers that take a backseat to overdone hops 9 times out of 10.

>> No.15261587

this. i dont usually like IPAs or anything hoppy, but the strong bitter/sour hoppy taste tastes amazing and is a nice counter to cottonmouth while smoking a fat joint.

>> No.15261590

if it tastes like that then it isnt chilled properly.
good gin, vodka, tequila etc tastes best when it's been kept in the freezer.
same with jaeger.

>> No.15261707

They're trash that faggy hipsters started drinking because they taste more like pine needles than beer.
Beer is Ales or Stouts anything else is for literal faggots.

>> No.15262450

IPAs are bitter and awful because they need to be served at room temperature. That makes it hold less carbonation and since co2 tastes sour/bitter, it makes the flavour of the hops less bitter. It also makes the hops more aromatic too, so you get the nose of it more.

It's not refreshing but it does have citrus notes, so it pairs with a greasy chicken or fish dish, and it's designed to be nursed over a meal, or one to two hours. It's a hipster beer, and hipsters are food douches, they analyse food like its a high school english test. It's not fun, it's complex.

>> No.15262481

I wouldn’t care if that’s the worlds best IPA, anyone drinking a beer with that label in public is a fucking faggot.

>> No.15262491

I don't know why these threads always come up. The people making them seemingly know nothing about IPA outside of "I drank a really bitter one once at it wasn't to my taste". IPA is a fairly broad church and by far the most popular craft beer style. The defining character these days is basically hops. It used to be bitterness, but to assume they will all be bitter is like 2003-2006 thinking.

They have certainly gotten progressively more extreme, but it is a collaborative effort as growers have sought to develop and grow varieties with bolder flavours and upped their processing and logistics game ensuring they get to the brewery fresher, brewers have sought to produce beer with super low oxygen and upped their processes and logistics game to make sure it gets to the customer fresher and customers have developed a taste for it and an understanding of why they cost what they cost compared to more conventional beer or macro beer. Good IPA should express the hops and be appropriately drinkable depending upon subtype.

Want something like a more fragrant lager? Try a session IPA. Want something with more body and sweetness like hopped fruit juice? Try a session NEIPA. Want something heavier and sweet but balanced with a lot of dry bitterness? Try a west coast IPA. Want something heavier, but sweet and full bodied with very little dry bitterness? Try a NEIPA. Want to go further? Try these as a double, a triple, try them as a black IPA, a sour IPA, try a triple black sour NEIPA with coconut. To claim you won't find something you enjoy within the frankly ridiculous amount of IPA's out there is just idiotic.

World class IPA producers select hops from parcels of land because they understand the sensory differences in a way akin to the wine world and terroir. They supervise the processing and transport to ensure they get to the brewery in peak condition.

>> No.15262494

It should be pointed out that the super-hopped IPA is an American meme. British IPA’s tended to be more strongly hopped, but Americans (having zero sense of subtlety) took this way too far in the pursuit of RAD EXTREME HOPS TO THE MAX DUDE.

>> No.15262496

They brew excellent beer and most importantly pack it perfectly and control the supply chain with rigorous QA and shelf life so the customer gets the perfect pour.

I don't even want to get into the advocacy people do to push the industry and the collaborative and creative attitudes which push to create world class beer. You've brewers asking questions and offering solutions to their suppliers who are building relationships with growers just so customers can get access to better beer. This is done out of love for the industry and a genuine desire to push at all stages to raise the bar. The sharing of ideas, the collaborative effort. Craft beer can be absolutely fucking amazing at times when passionate people go above and beyond to produce something amazing for no reason other than because they want to see it happen.

>> No.15262508

>having tried brewed-under-license Heinekwn twice I am now an expert on European beers
Ever wonder why Belgium is the centre of the beer world, you ignorant ass?

>> No.15262510

Alongside side this there is a lot of shit as well. Some smaller breweries see the hype and aim to emulate it without any of the understanding of what goes into good brewing. Bottled NEIPA's with labels that look like they were done in mspaint with 18 month shelf life on them are nearly always trash because they don't understand what goes into a good example of that beer. It is 99% great ingredients and packaging.

>> No.15262518

The british market has traditional hand crafted ales and cask beer keeping one foot in tradition. Many breweries are chained to producing cask beer because the pub market is the largest and most accessible so financially it is very difficult to not at least service some part of it. Cask beer at its best is beer designed to oxidise gracefully and 'modern' brewing methods really don't work well with it especially as it must be turned over rapidly and there is a price ceiling based on historic perception. Keg beer? £6 a pint. Cask beer? £3.50 a pint. Put a keg beer into cask? Surely it must now be worth £3.50 because that is how it works right? Also I'm going to vent it in a cellar and leave it open to oxygen for up to a week. How are the subtle notes on your 6ppb dissolved oxygen new england IPA with 36g/L dry hop holding up?

>> No.15262521


Or, more seriously, ales.

>> No.15262537

Great cask beer is when you make some sweet caramel liquid with a handful of twigs for peanuts. Ferment it a bit too warm in 48 hours with a fruity ale yeast strain so it tastes of something and cask it and roll it out the door still fermenting and get it to the pub cellar by hour 72 before it explodes. The pub can tap it and vent it and deal with all the bullshit of handling your still fermenting beer and the customer gets a dirt cheap piss weak beer which is as fresh as is filled with buttery diacetyl and some glorious fruity/banana esters from the yeast. Any that isn't sold after three days needs to be poured away and a fresh cask delivered. You barely have to wash the casks because they turn around so quickly and there is little expectation to shelf life. You get a great deal of regional variation as it doesn't travel well and everybody knows to deal with their local brewer as it is fresh and you get local support.

Now disconnect the local aspect and force it into a national supply chain with national brands and large industrial brewers. Start trying to produce the same beer at the same price now with a 6 month shelf life. Remove cellars entirely and replace experienced staff with children who just want 'plug and play' products to reduce costs. Use advertising and insist that it is the same with the same quality every single time ignored of the challenges of the dispense method. Insist on a bright beer every time.

Now not only do we have that to contend with, but also customers expecting high end keg beer in cask for the same old price.

One of the major reasons cask beer can be cheap is the quick turn around. You can afford to when it barely sits in tank and you can produce 5 batches in the time it takes to make 1.

>> No.15262542

NEIPAs are straight juice the most of them
I went to New England a couple years ago just as I started to get into beer and ipa without knowing about neipa and they just called it ipa there
nothing but consistently great beer in Maine and NH

>> No.15262566

>They are not soy. They are not hipster.
If anything soygoys and hipsters moved toward stouts lately.

>> No.15262574

Pastry stout pastry sour triple fruited smoothie etc

>> No.15262584

I prefer my beers on the bitter side, but american ipas taste like powdered ibuprofen. There's no balance, aroma or taste to them, they're just bitter.

>> No.15263569

>They are not unbalanced
West Coast IPAs say hello.

>> No.15265024

Leather and whips bdsm is the most basic bitch fetish.

>> No.15265036

Ive had good ones before. The candy like sticky apricots i like and a little pine. Its hard to find a good one.

>> No.15265109

I don't know why, but that image is disturbing, a stare at it several minutes at a time and can,t figure out what's so disturbing about it. Maybe it's partially because of the way they are drawn, they look like tumblr user's vision of hentai.

>> No.15265123
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We're going to ignore the $10.99 price tag on that bottle of shit?

>> No.15265152

It pairs with strongly tasting thing.

>> No.15265157

I would buy it as a gag gift because of the shitty tumblr hentai drawing on the bottle.

>> No.15265179

>anyone who disagrees with me is soy
>everything I don't like is soy

Are you faggots literal children?

>> No.15265181

That is a terrible label.

>> No.15265193

>having an edgy fetish
cringe millennial

>> No.15266741

>too alcoholic
>suggests liquor as an alternative
I'm getting mixed messages here

>> No.15266744

>t. underager drinklet who has only imbibed the foulest liquors available at house parties

>> No.15266746

As a stout person, I loathe the craft community in their never ending boner for IPA's. I've had some amazing IPA's before, but it's gotten way too out of hand.

>> No.15266756
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If it's good, you don't need to chill it, and you probably shouldn't.
I like a swig of freezer Jagermeister as much as the next guy, but keeping hard liquor cold just keeps the alcohol from evaporating into your mouth. With well-made whiskey and tequila, the vapor is what carries the flavor.

>> No.15266904

Alchie cope. I’ve had nice Irish whiskey, rum, and vodka. They taste like ethanol. The whiskey tasted like smokey ethanol. Anything that has that high a percentage of alcohol is just going to taste like alcohol. Your alcoholism has probably ruined your sense of taste.

>> No.15266913

Maybe you're a pussy, have you ever thought about that? Try to feel out your testicles and then gently spread them apart and check whether there's a vagina growing out in the space between.

>> No.15267321

Yes, bitter is a flavour that IPA's have. That's hardly a critique.
Too alcoholic is a judgement call and it depends on the specific beer. Good beers do exist at 11%, and an 11% IPA is quite rare.
Alcohol doesn't need to pair with anything. Ignore the winos, a cab sav so acidic it can only be suffered in the presence of a high fat meal is flawed. That said, if you do think an IPA is bitter than obviously it can be paired with something sweet to balance that out, or something bitter to complement the effect.
Variety. Thirst.

>> No.15267341

I am literally a sommelier. Having an abnormally detailed sense of taste is my job. You are simply a little bitch.

>> No.15267343

Ipas are the bitterness that hot sauce is for spice.
>Hey bro check out my IPA collection, it's so bitter I bet you can't handle it.

>> No.15267347

that's not a job, we would have respected you more if you had said you were an alcoholic.

>> No.15267367

>Ipas are the bitterness that hot sauce is for spice
Kind of, at least 20 years ago when you were still wearing diapers and Korn was a thing there was a huge surge of shitty hot sauces boasting scovilles and a huge surge of IPAs boasting IBUs. But that was a brief era when people were just discovering those things, and hasn't been relevant for a very, very long time. Now people consume those things because they are good, and only the companies that put out good quality, flavorful, balanced products are still in business.

>> No.15267451

It's just you, faggot.
If only you'd been beaten regularly in school, so you wouldn't make retarded proclamations with the ill-founded confidence of a retard who's never been taken to task for being a retard.
Anti-bullying laws were a mistake, and you are evidence.

>> No.15267492

IPAs are popular because there is a lack of skill needed to produce them. The US is going through its infancy phase with beer production, and new microbreweries that pop up are finding how easy it is to make a passable IPA, as opposed to more refined beers like Kolsches, Dubbels, and the like. IPAs are heavily marketed and pushed because its the easiest beer to make for most microbreweries.

IPAs are in essence the Michael Bay of the beer world. Flashy, shallow, and produced for mass consumption.

Your post may not be real but there are people in the beer industry that genuinely believe the horseshit you just typed. They are the enemy.

>> No.15267514

What's wrong with bitter? Never had a grapefruit before?

>> No.15267570

Anon, isopropyl alcohol is not meant for human consumption.

>> No.15267606

IPAs more like IP GAYS hahhaha but really if you like ipa ur a fucking faggot

>> No.15267653

A kolsch is basically an IPA with training wheels. It's safe, and easy, and predictable, and much simpler to produce and sell if you aren't looking to take a risk and try something that could easily end up unbalanced.

>> No.15267664

I used to live in Tinley and I love hailstorm but I never liked dominatrix. I love every Vlad release I have ever had. Their anniversary lambics are always good too.

>> No.15267668

I Dont Know Anything About Beer Styles: The Post

>> No.15267671

*mouth agape
>"why yes of course I consume copious amounts of estrogenic hops don't you?"
>"soy alone just doesn't cut it for me alone y'know?"

>> No.15267674

Plugging your ears and screaming, "CAN'T HEAR YOU! LA LA LA LA LA!" doesn't make you right.

>> No.15267679

He's literally wrong though.

>> No.15267744

I feel there's something very wrong when people who claim to like beer state that they don't like IPAs because "they're bitter and they hurt my tongue"

What the fuck? Nobody drinks IPAs to show off how tough they are, you guys just have bitch taste buds. It shouldn't be that offensive to the senses.

>> No.15267758

Most people who say they don't like IPAs just haven't been exposed to a lot of beer, but for some reason act like they're experts on it.

>> No.15267765

>Samuel Smiths

My nigga

>> No.15267796

I recognize the artist work on that...........

>> No.15267835

I'll drink a triple IPA like this if I'm relaxing with a movie or something and want something that'll get me pretty buzzed and is nice to savor. 1 strong, flavorful beer instead of 3 watery beers

>> No.15267959

Tried a pint over my Sunday lunch break, once.

That shit is malt liquor. No, really, it tastes like slightly sweeter 211, high gravity and all.

>> No.15267972

Sometimes I wish I had broken taste buds. I'd save a lot of money.

>> No.15267980

Disagree, ipas taste like lavender and shit

>> No.15267995

>here, have a pithy glance down my nose
You don't have to believe that I'm saying that out of a broad set of experiences and a relatively well trained palate, but it'd be nice if you could at least humor the idea.

Maybe that beer is better fresh, who knows? By the time it got to Virginia, canned, it was malt liquor.

>> No.15268021

I'm frequently the guy defending canned beer in these threads - and screw on caps on wine bottles, for what it's worth - but I'll admit that my experience with canned DT hasn't been the greatest. There are a couple beers I always think are better on tap, and a few that just don't taste the same out of a can, and DT is one of the few that falls into that category. It still sounds like you got a bad can if you're comparing it to malt liquor though. For reference, what's your experience with Belgian ales?

>> No.15268696

I hate grapefruits. Also hate IPAs

>> No.15268712

>Somelier LARPing as a heterosexual male

>> No.15268741

I just generally dont enjoy IPAs because 99% of them are just hops in flavor and that's really it. maybe you find an alright one that has some hop flavor along with some fruitiness underneath or like a coffee flavor or whatever. but I'd say 95/100 IPAs are just raping your mouth and tastebuds with the hops. Hops at the beginning, hops in the mouth, and hops on the finish. Typically bitter as fuck in an unpleasant way.

I get it, it's fine if you do enjoy it. but i just dont see how you could. i like bitter foods and drinks. But drinking these beers is like just eating a hop straight up, it sucks.

>> No.15268818

I don't know why you guys keep saying bitter. Nearly all modern IPA is balanced towards sweet, soft, full, fruity, juicy etc. I don't know why you guys keep saying they are easy to make. Great ones are very difficult to make presenting a range of problems not thrown up by more straightforward beer. Even a bad IPA is typically more malt to mash, more hops to dig out, extra steps during fermentation, more running off and settlement etc than a pale ale.

Great lager brewing is difficult because it is as much an industrial numbers game as a brewing one. Yes, you have nowhere to hide your flaws, but they really are the most straightforward and economical recipes. It is difficult because at the craft economy of scale it is almost impossible to make one at the same price as a huge international brewer. Why shit on lager? Because producing it at the craft level ignores the strengths of craft breweries. Also jealousy because the market is huge if you can produce a product for a comparable price. Don't assume that people will pay more for something with some flavour because well brewer lager doesn't taste of very much and the customers drink on brand and price. Most lager drinkers when presented with a craft lager will be very suspicious and only try it if it is cheaper to see if it is acceptable to them because they by nature aren't adventurous drinkers looking for new experiences.

>> No.15268891

>I like this version of drug
>that version of drug is bad and gay
you alcoholics are fucking pathetic

>> No.15268940

how can you drink an IPA and NOT taste only the bitter hops? they are the primary flavor profile of all these shit ass beers. I've tried dozens and dozens and dozens of these fucking things from all different breweries and companies and so on. 9/10 times they are bitter as fuck mouth destroying hops. Maybe a whisper of a taste of a grapefruit or some shit under that. Or a very strong herbal taste which can be really bad like eating a mouthful of rotten leaves.

Unless I am just incredibly unlucky with every one I've tasted being overall bad, or you are somehow over all incredibly lucky to have tasted on the good ones. IPAs fucking suck and I think it's a joke perpetuated on the general populous to say you enjoy them to get someone else to drink a "Triple IPA double hazy juicy Skunk Anus beer from the dick sucking troupe brewing co owned by the 3 dick sucking faglords"

>> No.15268993

Some sour styles come with little to no hopping. That said imo they taste closer to wine/cider than beer.

>> No.15269011

Well it's a high-proof specialty beer so of course it's gonna be expensive.

>> No.15269038

how come?

>> No.15269072

>some bitch-made little fag LARPing as knowing what the fuck he's talking about

>> No.15269077

Post physique, o pure man, o uncorrupted man. Surely it is a kingly physique, surely you must care for your health very well with how much you concern yourself with not doing ""drugs.""

>> No.15269082
File: 13 KB, 232x217, images-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironically taking a somelier class
>impotently raging on 4chan when anons give you shit for bragging about it
The seethe is palpable

>> No.15269196

dude booze lmao

>> No.15269210

based Geography-Anon

>> No.15269221

Faggot "cyclist" routes based on craft beer stops in every other metropolitan says otherwise.

>> No.15269230

Better than water you fucking idiot?

>> No.15269239

LOL no it means you're drinking trash alcohol. Come back when you spend more than $50 on a bottle and you'll know what I mean. You won't want to go back to the paint thinner.

>> No.15269240

>They are not unbalanced.
>beer that doesn't have a lot of flavor
They just taste like sour-bitterness, you don't even get bready flavors
>They are loved by everyone who enjoys beer
Objectively wrong

>> No.15269248

>he doesn't know
Scoville dick measuring is still a huge aspect of the hot sauce branding and sales.

>> No.15269271

I like beer. If it's beer I'll drink it.

Simple as.

>> No.15269295

Imagine coming up with a fancy name for alchoholic faggot

>> No.15269464

IPA's are for right pants faggots.

If you aren't drinking Stouts or Porters you're a fucking pussy.

>> No.15269487
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they have more complex flavors than things like lagers, and arent as bitter as things like stouts. you can find IPAs that arent that bitter or hoppy, anyway. pic related has a balanced flavor and is my favorite

>> No.15269581
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how about attacking IPAs as a whole, we attack certain brands that are overhyped garbage
>pic related this shit taste like lighter fluid

>> No.15269597
File: 42 KB, 728x485, FullersESB2_728x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe just dont drink meme beer

>> No.15269598

$111000AU fine for Australian anonymous trolls being legislated year. I can't wait for you guys to be weeded out.

>> No.15269605
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doesn't taste like vomit

>> No.15269629

Sculpin isn't bad, but it's also nothing mind blowing as far as San Diego IPAs go. Ballast Point in general is overhyped as fuck.

>> No.15269686

pineapple sculpin is alright, but yeah. Ballast point is pretty mid-tier in general

>> No.15269759

It's alright to dislike IPA, but if you think they taste sour you either don't know what that word means or need a taste bud transplant

>> No.15269861

My issue with IPA is that there's an annoying amount of "flavored" IPAs that just end up not being that great.

>> No.15269951
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For me, its Hopfuck Your Facehole™ Imperial IPA by Cunt Brothers Brewing. It was given an IBU rating of 121. You won’t find it in any store, and actually you couldn’t even buy it when it was available unless you solved cryptographic clues on the brewery website which gave you coordinates to their secret tasting party with special performances by The Arctic Monkeys and Judah and The Lion. I’m not surprised you’ve never heard of it, enjoy your Two Hearted, pleb.

>> No.15270007

They go great with pizza and most fatty, greasy foods.

>> No.15270012

Only people with terrible taste like Candice like IPAs.

>> No.15270026

Wheat ale

>> No.15270036

IPAs aren't hipster.

>> No.15270084

judah and the lion is one of the worst bands I have ever heard

>> No.15270102
File: 284 KB, 824x1200, 5E813EF6-ABAB-4BB6-8F27-6D68B674FE7E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IPAs aren’t hipster.

>> No.15270742

If IPAs are hipster, all beers are hipster

>> No.15271848


>> No.15271852

>(You) deprivation
You are a worse influence on this board than a thousand hipsters could be.

>> No.15271948

>They are not soy. They are not hipster. They are loved by everyone who enjoys beer.
Probably the fucking dumbest shit I've ever seen posted on this board.

>> No.15271954

Wrong. I primarily see boomers at breweries and buying craft beer at the liquor store

>> No.15271974

This. The main demographic of craft beer/IPA is definitely boomers. Anyone who says otherwise either lives in one of the few hipster infested cities or, more likely, has no idea what they're talking about.

>> No.15271978

>IPAs are the only way, man!!! I can't drink nothing else!!! Everything else lacks FLAVOR and COMPLEXITY like my 5,000 IBU IPA HAS!
You know, for a minute there I almost agreed with your retarded, lupulin-desensitized ass.

>> No.15271981

Who are you quoting?

>> No.15271985

I not quoting anyone. I am paraphrasing your post to make it more concise, and to mock your bad opinion. I am using the >quote feature to make it obvious that my statements are a paraphrasing of your post.

>> No.15271994

But that's not what that post was saying, at all.

>> No.15272001

>omg you don’t understand the COMPLEXITY of the FLAVORS
maybe I just don’t like my mouth getting raped by bitterness

>> No.15272048

That's exactly what your post was saying. Would you like me to break down my statement into chunks and explain which mockery is directly applicable to which statement of yours?

>> No.15272062

>nobody is forcing you to drink them or acting superior
>it's okay if you don't like big beers
Nah, I can read.

>> No.15272096

>Nah, I can read.
No you can't, faggot.
>IPAs are the only way, man!!! I can't drink nothing else!!!
is in reference to
>IPAs are the most popular style because they are the best.
>Everything else lacks FLAVOR and COMPLEXITY like my 5,000 IBU IPA HAS!
is in reference to
>They are not easier to brew than less complex styles.
>Everybody understands that some people prefer beer that doesn't have a lot of flavor

You are a faggot with bad taste, and that would be fine if you did not insist on the supposed objectivity of your bad taste, faggot.

>> No.15272101

Holy reading comprehension, Batman!

>> No.15272126

Soy as fuck post. Explain yourself.

>> No.15272190

>explain yourself
None of your "paraphrasing" follows from the clauses you quoted. Being popular in no way implies that's the only thing you like, and being just as difficult to brew as other styles, while acknowledging that not everybody likes them, in no way implies that you think nothing else has any complexity or flavor. You also keep assuming that I'm the one who originally made that post - 2 days ago - as though you can't possibly fathom that more than one person actually enjoys IPA, and it it's not just some one-off troll.

>> No.15272263

>less complex styles (statement: non-IPA beers are not complex)
>beer that doesn't have a lot of flavor (statement: non-IPAs do not have a lot of flavor)
>they are the best (statement: you are retarded if you don't see this one)
You are a lot dumber than I am, but as a result of this dumbness of yours there is no way I can possibly demonstrate this to you. I'd be mad if I weren't just glad I'm not you.

>> No.15272267

>less complex styles (statement: non-IPA beers are not complex)
Stopped reading there. Maybe try auditing an intro logic course when you get to undergrad.

>> No.15272352

Pride is better.

Also any beer over 4.5% isn’t worth drinking

>> No.15272363

No, you stopped reading several posts ago, retard. I recommend you kill yourself next time the opportunity presents itself to you. Mark off a couple hours in your schedule to run a hot bath and cut your wrists lengthwise in it.

>> No.15273483
File: 143 KB, 783x1024, weihenstephaner_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The trend in IPAs I see today are to take sour patch kids - or some similarly tasting candy - liquefy it, add hops to it, and brand it as some fruity IPA. They all end up tasting like shit.
Almost every other style of beer is _objectively_ superior.

>> No.15273519
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Only if you use selstra and poptus.
T- non big name teclo isper.

>> No.15273527
File: 853 KB, 762x988, redditor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We had this thread yesterday. Everyone disagrees with you. IPAs are the most popular style because they are the best. They haven't been a fad in over a decade. They are not easier to brew than less complex styles. They are not unbalanced. The hops aren't "covering up" anything. They are not soy. They are not hipster. They are loved by everyone who enjoys beer. If you don't like them that's okay; nobody is forcing you to drink them or acting superior for liking them. Everybody understands that some people prefer beer that doesn't have a lot of flavor, and that's okay.

>> No.15274118
File: 1.44 MB, 1400x1875, BeerVarietiesPrint_zoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's more to beer than IPAs.

>> No.15274220

Based hefeweizen enjoyer.

>> No.15274229
File: 87 KB, 960x960, Old-Nation-M43-courtesy-ONB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was a go to for me for a couple years. I kinda tired myself out of it about the time I stopped drinking alot of beer. The brewery had really good food too.

>> No.15274241

Whats that chrischan esq picture on the bottle why the fuck would u buy that

>> No.15274314

Skunk juice for stoners who like the taste of weed

>> No.15274451

Not as pathetic as someone taking time out of their day to antagonize people discussing something they like

>> No.15274561

>too alcoholic
I don't see that as a problem. But IPA tastes like soggy asshole.

>> No.15274736

u r a peeenus

>> No.15274747

For you

>> No.15275754

Dont always like them, but two things-

Voodoo Ranger IPA has a surprising high ABV. Get drunk on two beers.

Second, try Two Hearted IPA. Reminds me a bit of grapefruit; got me into IPAs.

>> No.15275870

its nice to see the how to draw manga people are still in business

>> No.15275905

For Halloween I make Irish car bombs with the chocolate stout and a pumpkin liqueur in place of Bailey's

>> No.15275912
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Did anyone else notice this similarity?

>> No.15275935

Because soyboys can't handle real alcohol

>> No.15276175
File: 162 KB, 350x427, RoboWut2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15276199

Never seen a werediaper before?