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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15257905 No.15257905 [Reply] [Original]

venison tastes absolutely disgusting. How can people eat such crap?

>> No.15257922

How do you cook the venison? I made jerky, sausages, burgers, steak and even BBQ-rips out roedeer that I shot this year.
Never ever treat venison as "special meat" that needs to rot for days in buttermilk or red wins. My mother did that for years until I told her l to stop that shit and cook it like any other meat.

>> No.15257970

>frozen deer medaillons from the supermarket
>sear it in pan
>add garlic, thyme, rosemary, juniper berries, cloves, star anis, butter
>baste it
>finish it in the oven
>let it rest
>cut it (it's medium-well)
>take a bite
>tastes like shit

>> No.15258062

When you say "tastes like shit", what was actually wrong with it? Juniper and cloves can be quite overpowering, so it's possible that the problem was with the seasoning.
Or you just got shitty quality venison bc you bought it at the fucking supermarket

>> No.15258109

If you are used to beef, it will be a bit much for you initally. 90% of the red meat I have eaten over the lat 15 years has been deer and elk. My family does about 2 deer or a 1 elk and 1 deer per year. It has very little fat in it, like beef does, so you should cook it a little different. It also tends to cook faster than beef. We typically add a little olive oil.

There is some dependence on how the animal was killed. I have had some that I shot with a bow, that had good 100 yard sprint before they died. This adreneline rush seems to make the meat a little off. Ones that I shot, heart/lung shot with a rifle, most were dead before they took 5 steps. Those tend to taste better.

The ones that seem a little off in flavor due to the adreneline rush, we typically try to cook them after marinading in some sort of weak acid (wine, buttermilk, Italian dressing, etc). It does improve. Will also cook them in things that are a little heavier on the seasoning side

You should also shift down your doneness preference. If you like beef medium, cook your venison to med-rare.

My preference has definitely shifted. I cannot stand the smell or flavor of plain ground beef anymore. One year, life got in the way, only got 1 deer and ran out of ground. Went to make tacos, used store bought beef. It was disgusting, kids rejected it. Steaks from beef, however, are still accpetable.

>> No.15258113

the seasoning wasn't the problem. the meat had a very strong taste that vastly overwhelmed all the spices

>> No.15258114

I grew up in the Upper Midwest. Venison is pretty lean so its often mixed with beef or pork to make sausage.

>> No.15258179

This. But it could also be that the kill was a bull in rut (that meat can taste pretty rank), or a gut shot/improper field dressing that spilled digestive or urinary tract contents onto the meat.

>> No.15258236

try making something strong to go with it like a madiera sauce

>> No.15258313

Heard that if given the sauerbraten treatment that it is pretty good.

>> No.15258326

Venison is amazing nigger are you retarded`?

>> No.15258331

>over seasons his food
>stupid meat tastes bad!!

>> No.15258722

it wasn't overseasoned

>> No.15258914

lol filtered

>> No.15258927

It's a classic /ck/ bait. Describe a really good preparation and say it was disgusting anyway.

>> No.15258931

>Supermarket venison
He doesn’t know topkek

>> No.15258947

I live in Iowa and it is deer season right now. It tastes horrible and stinks like shit. Ive had it a ton of different ways and jerky is the only thing tolerable. Hunters are a bunch of entitled faggots too.

>> No.15258952

>Medium Well
Deer like all meat should never be cooked past medium rare. The longer you cook it the more potent the taste.

>> No.15258980

>stupid catfaggot has bad taste
colour me surprised

>> No.15259009

I’m not one of those “rare only” faggots, I’m fine with anything med rare-med well. But genuinely game meat shouldn’t be cooked past med rare. Gets way too tough, and which only amplifies the gamey flavor. It seems counterintuitive to cook it less to avoid the game taste, but it works.

>> No.15259062

>hunters are entitled faggots
Yes anon, the people making the conscious decision to go out and harvest their own natural meats while simultaneously helping control an animal overpopulation are the entitled ones... not the faggots who hired supermarket hitmen to do the deed for them, let alone on a factory farmed animal, not even a healthy wild animal. Beta non-hunting liberals BTFO.

>> No.15259072

Bambi burgers were the best I ever tasted though very low fat and a tiny bit dry.

>> No.15259075

the best burger you ever tasted was dry?
lmao sad for you

>> No.15259121

I have land out in the country and I am so sick of hunters. These dipshits are always asking me to hunt or just trespass. They have the same entitled and self righteous attitude you have. If they wanted to help the deer population, they wouldnt kill off the trophy bucks. They would kill off the sick or weak. What we need is to not kill off the predators and let nature take care of itself

>> No.15259135

No offense, but you sound kind of dumb.

>> No.15259150

>people ask my permission for stuff
wow so rude

>> No.15259155

Would you want a bunch of losers playing dress up and carrying guns on your land?

>> No.15259159

Did you not read the tresspassing part?

>> No.15259164

I don't mind. They often give us some of their game or fish in return. One year some hunters even gave us a bottle of whiskey.

>> No.15259167

>Hunters are a bunch of entitled faggots
Who pump money into our wildlife programs. I will take them over you in a heartbeat

>> No.15259166

no i stopped at the part where you were being a bitter faggot

>> No.15259170

I'm a hunter and quite frankly I don't blame you for forbidding strangers to hunt on your land. Like among any group of people, there are some real douchebags who will trash shit up and not practise safety protocols.

>> No.15259180

Try some midwest venison and cook it like beef, instead of that upper Appalachian gamey shit.

Or turn it into sausages and beef Jerky, or cook it in some eastern Europe or recipes.

>> No.15259182
File: 12 KB, 400x300, angry_deer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only had venison from deer that i've hunted, and it tastes great. Maybe the store bought stuff isn't that good?

>> No.15259187

Tons of them are shitheads. I found a tree stand pad locked to a tree the other day. Fuck that guy. I live in the middle of nowhere to avoid people, not to have people in camo sneaking around

>> No.15259265

If you were starving a venison steak would taste better than the finest mignon steak. Try fasting sometime, fat alchie.

>> No.15259368
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>he can't into gaminess

leave the real meat to the rest of us kiddo

>> No.15259382

Grow the fuck up, manbaby.

>> No.15259391

I'd cut the lock and confiscate the stand. If they come bitching, tell them the stands yours now and get off your property and stay off.

>> No.15259479

I did. I gave the stand to a friend. Nobody ever came for it. I thought about later, but I should have set up a trail cam to see who it was

>> No.15259975

growing up, we ate ground venison vastly more often than store-bought ground beef, to the point where i moved out and made a ground beef burger and thought it tasted weird.
venison is very lean, though, so we would add in either brisket fat or bacon ends and pieces to the grinder to make it roughly 85/15.
super good. miss you, dad

>> No.15260521

Thats a fuckin cat, not venison you filthy chink.

>> No.15260526

you have to eat corn fed deer