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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15249540 No.15249540 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any better beverage than a nice glass of milk?

ITT: Discussion of milk in its beverage form, its flavors, nutritional value, and the latest milk rumors

New to milk? Check: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oakWgLqCwUc

>> No.15249547

Any recipes cooking with cum?

>> No.15249549

Yeah, coffee

>> No.15249555
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>not drinking coffee black

>> No.15249616

I do drink my coffee black. OP asked what's a better beverage than milk and I said coffee is.

>> No.15249644

i too enjoy a big glass of cow estrogen, makes my nips sensitive

>> No.15249677

milk is another species' mucous
why do white people do this?

>> No.15249691

Tastes good
Good for you
Luv cheese
Simple as

>> No.15249707

>good for you
citation needed
maybe if you want increased risk of fractures

>> No.15249738

You're right, anon, I should only speak for myself. It might not be as good for you as it is for me.

>> No.15249763

There are some things that I couldn't imagine having without a nice cold glass of milk. Peanut Butter sandwich. Oreos. Mmmm!

>> No.15249786

i like milk so much i bought almond milk but it's a little strong desu. Any clever recipes where i can use almond milk.

>> No.15249800
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>> No.15249821

Why are you fucking retards making general threads for fucking everything? It's milk. You drink it. End of fucking thread.

Fucking cancerous bullshit generals.

>> No.15249997

>Still drinking milk
Manchild. Enjoy your bitch tits

>> No.15250016

>failed to citate

>> No.15250029

I've never had this before. Might check it out

>> No.15250066
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good for calcium


>> No.15250146

Europeans need to drink milk because where they come from the sun is covered up for four months maybe up towards eight months. Milk is rich in vitamin D which is used to make calcium which is what makes our bones strong.

>> No.15250155
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Last guy who said milk was for babies to me said this while eating ice cream.

I cannot take you fuckers seriously.

>> No.15250160

Yet milk drinkers are more prone to bone fractures.

>> No.15250161
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>makes claim with no citation
>posts this
I hate stupid people.

>> No.15250168

>Milk is rich in vitamin D
Only when fortified. Otherwise milk contains next to no naturally occurring vitamin D.

>> No.15250174

i drink milk every day and have never had a fracture. this has been debunked

>> No.15250202

All anti-milk studies are directly funded by the bottled water and soda industries. Milk is the most healthy drink on the planet.

>> No.15250231

t. Seething nonwhites
Get the fuck out of here, this is a white mans fraternity.

>> No.15250943

Don't worry, I don't have any form of dairy. I'm not a manchild

>> No.15250947

>Citation needed

>> No.15251042

>can't drink milk
>thinks it's animal mucus

Guess /pol/ was right about skin color and low iq's

>> No.15251109

I know, you're a faggot with brittle bones.

>> No.15251121

broccoli has more calcium than milk per serving
i like milk but most commercial milk fucking sucks and is mostly puss
cows fed corn have digestive problems
grass fed milk is fucking delicious +++ unpasteurized huge fucking difference

>> No.15251328


>> No.15251348

Waffles with a nice, tall glass of milk. Saturday mornings couldn't get any better.

>> No.15251351
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>Studies have found that chocolate milk, specifically, is an effective post-workout drink. It provides extra carbohydrates in the form of sugar, which gives the body a spike in insulin levels, which is important after a heavy gym session. Clinical studies have shown that most low-fat chocolate milk has a 4:1 carbs-to-protein ratio, which is about on par with other beverages specifically tailored to recovery.
Stay mad, you lactose-intolerant twinks

>> No.15251409

Gross. You must be a fat fuck if this much sugar in the morning doesn't make you gag.

>> No.15251433

Debunked by whom?

>> No.15251435

Most white men don't drink milk. Most adults, white or otherwise, don't drink milk. Hence why you never see an adult ordering a glass of milk at the bar or drinking milk at work.

>> No.15251484

Most white men don't drink water. Most adults, white or otherwise, don't drink water. Hence why you never see an adult ordering a glass of water at the bar

>> No.15251494

I do see adults drinking water at the bar though. But then again, I'm from a European country.

>> No.15251498

Oh, and I've never seen a white adult being offered milk at someone else's house either. They are always asked whether they want water, or beer or soda. But never, "hey, how about a glass of milk, bro?".

>> No.15251507

>Hence why you never see an adult ordering a glass of water at the bar
Kek, do sharts really?

>> No.15251572

I offer my bros milk all the time
Hell, I'll even ask if they want that milk heated and comforting or just ice cold and refreshing

>> No.15251588

No one cares about spiking their insulin retard

>> No.15251756

Drinking excretions from farm animals is primitive and disgusting

>> No.15251771

I developed lactose intolerance at the age of 27 and now have to drink lactose free milk which is noticeably sweeter and for some reason yellowish

but I can't live without milk, I've been drinking lots of it my whole life since I'm a slav

>> No.15251779

I am an adult. I drink milk at home. I drink milk at work.

>> No.15252146

I've been wanting to try raw milk but I'm not sure where to even get it. Do I have to call up a local farm or are there better ways?

For me, trader joe's organic (or regular) whole milk is the best for overall quality/flavor but the organic version runs around $6 in my state. Worth it once in a while. I was recently surprised by how good aldi's whole milk was despite being the absolute cheapest.

>> No.15252160

Can't you just take a lactase pill?

>> No.15252531

yeah lmao no taking pills everytime I drink milk or shit and waiting for it to work? no, lactose free is available everywhere I go

>> No.15252539

Just like your mum

>> No.15253069

milk is the one thing I waste money on to get organic. imo, the taste difference is there. must be because a lot of the shit they inject into the cow ends up in the milk

>> No.15253374

I have never broken a bone before,so nice try retard. Enjoy your swollen sensitive nipples and high estrogen

>> No.15253381
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>Drinking excretions from farm animals is primitive and disgusting

>> No.15253386

I'm glad I'm not your friend.

>> No.15253394

I'm going to get some raw milk soon and there's nothing you can do except seethe

>> No.15253406
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>t. Seething nonwhites

>> No.15253512

I love how something as simple as drinking milk can he spun into some white vs non-white issue by poltards/chuds

>> No.15253538

I enjoy milk. 1% usually, but I've had some Whole recently as a holiday treat and damn its good.

>> No.15253545

Just had a fucking DELICIOUS glass of 100% whole chocolate milk. And I feel fucking GOOD.

>> No.15253546

I love goat milk. Cow milk is so mainstream and overdone.

>> No.15253549

Ah yes, remove all the good stuff out of the milk that way you only get the bovine hormones and empty calories. Big fucking brain.

>> No.15253553

“I won’t drink cows milk because it’s too mainstream for a cool guy like me to drink, I’m so unique and cultured and quirky, look at me, look at the milk I’m drinking! IT’S FROM A GOAT!!! That’s right, you heard me normie, a fucking GOAT.

>> No.15253555
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>> No.15253566

You’re just a weak faggot prolonging your own condition. If you just fucking ate dairy your body would get used to it. It’s not called “intolerance” for no reason you brain dead nigger. If you introduce it to your body slowly and regularly you will develop a tolerance, then you can eat as much dairy as you want. But noooo you don’t wanna do that, you want everyone to know what a special little snowflake you are because you have a good intolerance that billions of other people around the world have. Guess what retard? You medical deficiencies don’t make you special, purposefully not fixing the issue proves you’re just seeking attention with this lactose intolerant charade.

>> No.15253571
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I've been drinking goats milk for 20 years (my folks have goats). Cow milk tastes wrong. You can almost taste the exploitation and murder in it. It would probably be the same if you drank mass produced goats milk.

>> No.15253572

Imagine falling for the “organic” meme in fucking 2020 topkek

>> No.15253581

You don’t “have” to drink lactose free retard. As I already explained you could fix this if you actually wanted to, but you don’t want to be able to eat like a normal person, you want to inconvenience all of your “friends” and family with your bullshit disorder because forcing the cook to make a whole separate lactose-free dish for you specifically nets you more attention than -not- being a faggot.

>> No.15253586

You're the faglord drinking food meant for baby cows as an adult. Grow up shit for brains

>> No.15253590

Says the faggot who eats “impossible meat” that’s literally just a bunch of plant scraps mushed together and left saturating in horrendous vegetable oils inside a plastic bag on a grocery store shelf for 4 months.

>> No.15253611

>Says the faggot who eats "all natural meat" that's literally just a bunch of shit and puss rubbed together and left to marinate for months on a store shelf

>> No.15253632
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Did you know that Ötzi was lactose intolerant?
He was.

>> No.15253644

You’re the most retarded pathetic attention seeking faggot of all time, what a goddamn stupid thing to say. “Muh it cumz from a different animal so u not poosed’ 2 eat dat”... Jesus fucking Christ, coming from the same dunce-fuck who literally eats vegetables, a thing which comes from a different kingdom than animals. I can’t imagine being as stupid as you, I really cannot do it.

>> No.15253662

Sounds like I hurt someone's feelings. Cry me a river fuck boy. You're not even acknowledging that this is baby food you are suckling on. It's the equivalent of breastfeeding off your ugly mother as an adult. As stated before, keep crying and enjoy growing bitch tits and having sensitive hormone filled nipples as aale adult. I will live my high test life as an adult male enjoying knowing you're seething

>> No.15253679

by him, can you not read?

>> No.15253690

There is literally no better feeling on this planet earth than waking up in the middle of the night thirsty and guzzling a huge glass of milk.

>> No.15253873

The fuck are you even taking about you goddamn moron? Real meat is taken from the animal, cleaned, packed, and sold within a eat. Around 7-12 days from the time the cow is alive until the time it’s on my plate. It also isn’t marinated in anything from the store you goddamn moron, are you a nigger or what?

>> No.15253882

Topkek this retard thinks bovine hormones = soy. I can’t imagine being half as retarded as you. I won’t grow tits, you will drinking soylent faggot. You don’t have any test whatsoever, literally zero. That’s why you’re a faggot.

>> No.15253890

If you think the mass slaughter of animals doesn't involve the meat getting shit and puss on it, then you are delusional. Only animals eat meat, so I guess you're the nigger here

>> No.15253901

If you think that a plant with a pseudoesteogen can affect me more than a secretion from an animal loaded with animal hormones, you're retarded. Please don't knock on mommy's door tonight, because I will be busy fucking her.

>> No.15253918
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Just finished family dinner tonight with a glass of raw milk from a local farmer. It was delicious. The world can go vegan i'd still be drinking milk even if I had to raise a cow for it.

>> No.15253951

The only milk I drink is from my girlfriends titties.

>> No.15253990

I love to drink a nice glass of cold milk. They’re all good, but for me 1% is simply the best, it’s so damn good. Used to get free milk at work, that was epic. Only person in the whole office who would drink a big ass glass of milk just by itself.

>> No.15254194

you retarded mongoloid, I ate dairy for 27 years and then started to have diarrheas that have gotten stronger by each day
stopped using regular milk for my protein shakes, voila, no diarrhea
same with muesli for breakfast

people develop intolerance as they age sometimes
also next time read the whole chain you turbo faggot

>> No.15254204


>> No.15254218

Same here

>> No.15254270


>> No.15255433

>is there any better beverage than a nice glass of milk
yes, chocolate milk or doodh soda

>> No.15255869

Does cultured buttermilk count as milk here? How about lassi?

>> No.15256030

Yeah. I've never drank buttermilk straight up though. Lassi is stretching it. Closer to Danimals

>> No.15256510


>> No.15257750
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I want to drink a cute human females milk.

>> No.15258107

I am not advocating for any racist schools of thought. I just wanted to discuss my favorite beverage.

>> No.15258311

how does it compare with store bought whole milk

>> No.15258766

The only milk I use come out of one-use disposable plastic containers, for my black coffee, I spill said milk onto the ground to get the waitress back over for a look at her milkies.

>> No.15258910

California has really good and easy to acquire, raw milk. What the hell's wrong with red states, are their operations too just too unsanitary to allow raw milk in those states?

>> No.15258930
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*Blocks your path*

>> No.15258950

The pus, dirt, straw and bacteria haven't been removed and as you can see in the pic it has a bluish tint. In short, it's much healthier for you.

>> No.15259030

Is it true that it makes you fat? I eat oats and milk almost every day

>> No.15259048

Milk is designed to make something gain weight.

>> No.15259131

How stupid are you? Do you know what calories are?

>> No.15259137

I was wondering if there were any particular properties that made it a notably fattening beverage in comparison to other beverages.

>> No.15259544

>Is there any better beverage than a nice glass of milk?

A glass of warm milk with a teaspoon of honey

>> No.15259591

Gee I don’t know. It’s almost like milk is biologically designed to make animals gain weight by being nearly equal parts fat and protein unlike most any other liquid on the planet.

You brain dead, mouth breathing cock fucker. The fact that anyone could actually be this mad has my dick boiling in absolute hatred and rage. I sincerely hope you fucking die.

>> No.15259818
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Join the kefir team, you will never go back

>> No.15260349

Why would he want to be friends with a faggot?

>> No.15260389
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They got 2 galons for $5 at my supermarket of choice. Great taste. 50% fat 25% carbohydrate 25% protein. Perfect proportions.

>> No.15260416

Just to clarify, I, who wrote >>15259131, did not write >>15259591.

>> No.15260446
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>> No.15260465

i only have a fracture cos i skateboard 100mph. but my bones are very strong. i just didn't look after them on the road :(

>> No.15260489
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>> No.15261251

coffee shops are reddit by default

>> No.15261287
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Hi /ck/
I was lactose intolerant for 5 years and now I can drink milk again since like 3 weeks ago. Please congratulate me.

>> No.15261415
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What kind of kid were you guys in school?
Did you guys reach for the whole milk, the 2% milk, the 1% milk, the fat-free milk, the chocolate milk, or the strawberry milk?
Personally, I was a chocolate type of guy, but that's because I noticed that the weird kids in school always got the regular milk but growing up now, my favorite thing to drink is just straight up whole milk with no syrup. Yum.
Also, what was your favorite milk carton joke?

>> No.15261481

this is now a strictly WHOLE MILK general
any other variants of milk can fuck off

>> No.15261482

congrats bro

>> No.15261510

the only options were chocolate and skim, I usually went for chocolate

>> No.15261536

Vanilla when they had it, other wise whole with the occasional strawberry.