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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 47 KB, 620x392, Making-Single-Hop-Beer-Recipes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15232493 No.15232493 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not convinced anyone actually likes the taste of IPAs. They just drink it to look cool

>> No.15232505

Wonder if you could brew beer from Marijuana buds.

>> No.15232514 [DELETED] 

that's pretty much true of beer in general, men drink it to avoid getting beaten up by closeted homophobes, and women drink it to prove they're "not like the other girls"

>> No.15232516

hops are basically weed buds anyway

>> No.15232522

I'm sure you could, but I don't think you'd get the psychoactive effects from just steeping weed in the beer.

>> No.15232525

>They just drink it to look cool
what gave you that impression? Rarely i will drink one because of alcohol content but ipa are mostly a shit beer created to solve a shit problem

>> No.15232540

I drink it to be cool and boy it works, right my dudes?

>> No.15232563

isnt it the opposite? IPAs are basically putting so much hops to actually give the beers taste

>> No.15232581

Not really interested in the psychoactive aspects anyway, I'm more interested in the kind of taste the drink would have. Curious if you can produce anything even remotely palatable from it.

>> No.15232602

Everyone likes IPAs and you probably will too once you are done with school

>> No.15232609

lol is this really what tastelets think to cope?

>> No.15233550

You could, but it would taste like shit.

>> No.15233614


>> No.15233658

IPAs become tiring after a couple and are sometimes too sweet, but if done well they can be delicious, mango, pineapple, peach, citrus juice that gets you drunk? Do some reasearch and you can get some delicious hoppy beers. Two hearted ale, heady topper, lagunitas ipas, hazy ipas in general are quite good.

Stouts and sour beers are my favorite tho.

>> No.15233667

I love IPAs, you will too when you're few years a older.

>> No.15233707

The IPA craze dying is craft brewing leaving it's edgy teenage years. So thankful to see more breweries in my area stop chasing high IBUs for the soyboy cred. Hazy IPAs and their sickly sweet butyric flavor are dying off, and desert stouts and candy beers never had a chance. Some craft breweries have matured and realized a well made kolsch or pilsner style beer is ideal. Drinkable, refreshing and clean.

>> No.15233737

IPAs tasting like fruit are a meme. I have yet to encounter a single one that doesn't taste so overpoweringly bitter there is not a hint of fruit to be found in the drink.

>> No.15233741
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>> No.15233749

I've never met a single person who ordered an IPA to fit in. People who don't like IPAs are extremely vocal about the fact that they don't like IPAs, and people who like IPAs don't act superior because they like IPAs. They're still one of the most popular styles, and you're an idiot.

>> No.15233754
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An inability to empathize with others is a sure sign of sociopathy my friend. Try talking to somebody about it

>> No.15233755

Try looking for an ipa with galaxy or centennial hops in them like founders centennial ipa.

>> No.15233776
File: 1.52 MB, 4032x2268, 20201211_182028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear this board has the most embarrassing takes on beer anywhere on the internet. I can understand not liking something popular, but what is the point of mental gymnastics designed to make you right and everybody else wrong? What do you think the actual odds are of every single IPA drinker being a pretentious insincere liar, with nobody but you to call them out on it?

>> No.15233780

Yeah, I drink IPAs alone in my house cause I just want to look cool.

>> No.15233792
File: 201 KB, 852x581, 1530596484684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things that /ck/ memes that are actually good:
>secret aardvark
>japanese fuzzy logic rice cookers
>sous vide immersion circulators
>angry grandma sauce
>taco bell
>michelin starred restaurants
>anchovy pizza
>cottage cheese
>enameled cast iron dutch ovens

Things that /ck/ memes that are actually terrible, and only posted ironically:
>monster energy drinks
>chili without beans
>not tipping
>detroit style pizza
>crispy fried eggs
>killer dave’s bread
>sweet baby ray’s

>> No.15233810

McChicken is the one /ck/ meme I suspect might actually be a genuine advertising push.

>> No.15233844

That's stupid. No one thinks IPAs are cool. Some people just like the taste.

>> No.15233848

Like all beer, IPAs are acceptable as you 'acquire a taste for them' aka your brain realizes there is alcohol in it. They are alright, I prefer stouts and beers without hops.

>> No.15233856
File: 51 KB, 847x565, 93c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stouts and beers without hops

>> No.15234028

What's wrong with that cunt?

>> No.15234068

sorry but i've been on mcchickens way before the meme and confirm they're great. otherwise you're correct about everything

>> No.15234090

I know some people really do like them. I think they suck dick. Least favorite style of beer, the only redeeming quality is that they have high alcohol content sometimes. The grapefruit ones are okay, those are not so bad.

>> No.15234093

Thanks for informing me that jack's cooking isn't actually good. I was totally lost.

>> No.15234104

hop bitterness is just a matter of tolerance, like hot food - if you start drinking more hoppy beers, they will taste less bitter but if you're not used to them they will seem bitter as fuck
most of them are fruity and bitter, like grapefruit
some of them are just fruity, like new england IPAs
if an IPA is just bitter and doesn't have a strong fruity aroma, it's a shitty or stale IPA

>> No.15234109

I'll drink them if they are around, especially during the summer. I find them to be refreshing.

>> No.15234164

Virtually all beers have hops. It's one of the main ingredients.

>> No.15234174
File: 295 KB, 1872x1872, pepe toast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

silly /ck/asuals. IPAs are fine. just don't overpay for meme indie branding. i personally live the fruity bite. so refreshing.
>durrrr rebbitors and hipsters like IPAs they must suck

>> No.15234324

it's not actually a necessary ingredient, it's just flavoring and a natural preservative
back in the middle ages beer used to be made with various herbs

but yeah, it's hard to find a beer without hops nowadays and I doubt that anon actually drinks beers that contain no hops at all

>> No.15234329

alcohol is gay and so is all other drugs that make you high.

>> No.15234341

>it's not actually a necessary ingredient, it's just flavoring and a natural preservative
There's a lot to unpack here, but I'll just give the tl;dr and say, "cringe".

>> No.15234351

I've had a couple where I actually enjoyed the flavor. But it seems like they can have a similar problem that hot sauce can have where people only care about the scoville rating and flavor isn't as important, but with IPAs it's the IBU rating. They see it as a challenge to consume it but most people don't want their food or drinks to be a challenge.

>> No.15234354

>There's a lot to unpack here
there really isn't - beer is made from malt or grains and then flavored with hops. it has been made for 1000s of years before the germans got the idea to standardize the ingredients with the bavarian purity law, causing the dominance of hops over other herbs

>> No.15234365

>I don't like it therefore NOBODY SHOULD LIKE IT!

>> No.15234387

>beer used to be made with all kinds of different herbs prior to 500 years ago
Do you also regularly make threads about how salt and pepper is a meme and real cooks make their own garum?

>> No.15234391

in b4 XKCD

>> No.15234401


I think you have issues with reading comprehension

>> No.15234403

No, I've been in enough beer threads and heard the same repeated talking points to know that you have no clue what you're talking about, but honestly think that you do.

>> No.15234405

I'm not convinced anyone actually likes the taste of beer. They just drink it to look cool.

>> No.15234424

I like some IPAs, most of them taste like ass but a few are okay, not my first choice at all tho

>> No.15234429


Sounds like you have a mental problems as well.

>> No.15234437

I drink a lot of beer, but at least I don't use reddit spacing.

>> No.15234452

McChicken was definitely just a forced meme. The only thing that has blatantly been paid advertising was Bon Appetit, though I feel as though a couple other e-celebs have been advertising here since then, but it hasn't been as obvious.

>> No.15234454

It depends on the ale. Too much hops are way too much while too little makes it seem flat.
The recent trend of Hazy IPAs annoys the shit outta me though. Such a boring category.

>> No.15234457

This is reddit spacing. Maybe you should drink less. It's clearly affecting your brain.

>> No.15234458

Except literally nobody buys craft lager or pilsner because its more expensive then basic brands they already know. They sell worse then fucking gose ales do and those are already niche enough.

>> No.15234968

With all the colorful consoomer branding appealing to man children on all the cans, with shit like "birthday cake surprise imperial star Wars IPA", nobody, I mean NOBODY thinks someone who drinks IPAs are cool.

>> No.15234983

Is this beer a kangaroo? Because it's heckin' hoppy!

Edit: Thanks for the gold ;)

>> No.15235103

IPAs are fine, but often way too expensive for what it's worth.
I prefer pilsner or lager for casual drinking

>> No.15235104

It doesn't matter what's in my hand or mouth, I don't look cool. Some are pretty decent, and work like a dry red wine - the bitterness gives the tongue a break from rich food.

You can. I've tried it a few times with some small batches... they get pretty skunky or cheesy depending on what you're using - you definitely want to use something fruity, and you want to dry hop with it - weed that's been boiled to death tastes like swampass soup. My best one so far was using a half ounce of Glueberry fresh off the boil on an amber cara-malted wheat beer with tangerine peel and a bit of Galaxy hop added fairly late (about 45 mins into a 60 min boil)... If you're expecting to use enough to get high, you will be disappointed - the flavour's way too strong.

Patently untrue

There are a lot of different styles under the IPA umbrella these days... I could never really get too far into sours - a light lacto or brett is nice, but there seems to be an arms race around here with it, like with hops and IPAs in the past. Most of the old-world sours I've tried, I enjoyed, but the last one was a Lambic that might as well have been malt vinegar.

I think everyone needs a solid flagship beer - something clean and easy to drink, but they should also play around when possible - some godawful stuff comes of it, but then you also find out things like Kveik and post-chill-blended Mandarina Bavaria play nicely with an ESB grain bill.

You can get some passionfruit, orange, grapefruit, pineapple, peach, plum and cherry-like flavours out of some of the newer crossbreeds, usually when they're added very late, but you probably won't find anything but pine and lemon in more traditional styles of IPA. To sweeten anything up, the grain bill has to accommodate the bitterness of the hops.

I made a heather porter on my last batch... it was alright... I thought you should know... thanks for watching my vlog.

>> No.15235693

saying that all beer must be made with hops is like saying all food must be made with salt and pepper - just because it's the norm for many does not mean it's essential

>> No.15235726

Nobody said all beer must be made with hops. But virtually all beer is made with hops, and no, it's nothing like saying that all food must be made with salt and pepper. A better analogy would be to say it's akin to how beef bourguignon is made with red wine; sure, you could make an argument that you could make a braised beef stew that doesn't have wine and call it beef bourguignon, but nobody does that and most people would look at you like you don't really know what you're talking about if you did.

>> No.15235740

Theyre normally high abv which is why I get them. Sometimes Im in the mood for that bitter grass taste. Theyre definitely not my favorite beer

>> No.15235742

IPAs are for when it is very, very hot. You will think differently about them then.

>> No.15235748

Yeah, why would I buy a slightly better Pilsner for a lot more when I could buy 30 hamms for $13

>> No.15235782

There are some good ones out there but the problem is there's a million more shitty craft breweries who just started and think more hops=better IPA and if you hate it then you're a wuss and not someone who actually wants to taste something more than NIGGERS I FUCKING HATE THEMESAHNJSASHASHAHAHAHQAYHAHHHHHBAN ME CUBNTS POOOO IT I POOOP OIN YNIGGERs1

>> No.15235788


>> No.15235820

This is a great beer.

>> No.15235846

They like it because it has a higher abv so you get drunker faster. Similar to why crack is more addictive than cocaine. The quicker a drug enters your system the more addictive it tends to be. That’s what separates adderall from Crystal meth and I mean that literally. Both are converted into amphetamine in the brain but meth enters much quicker and adderall much slower than plain amphetamine.
I will say, as far as flavor goes, it really depends on the quality of your hops. A lot of places just can’t get hold of the right quality in high enough quantity to make great IPA. Oregon grows some of the best hops and is one of the places where craft brewing really took off first in the US. An IPA there is going to be far better than whatever new hipster brewery just opened up in your flyover town.

>> No.15235859

Do you put hops in your bread to give it taste too?

>> No.15235860

No one who drinks IPAs is doing it to get drunk. If that were the case, college students would be buying them by the 32 rack rather than Hams, plastic bottle liquor, and everclear. Go talk out of your ass somewhere else.
>t. alcoholic

>> No.15235866

Probably. Some marijuana buds have pretty good fragrance compared to others. You can breed them to tone down the “dankness” and bring out floral, citrus, and pine notes like you have with hops. I’ve had some weed that smells like pure pine or lemon. Then there are others that smell like cat piss.

>> No.15235870

>you can only get good hops is you live where they are grown
Wow, just about everything in this post is wrong.

>> No.15235875
File: 450 KB, 660x570, 7038A704-4EC8-4485-B8C6-9E2510FDC42E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>craft brewing leaving it's edgy teenage years
Pic related

>> No.15235887

This but the exact opposite. IPA drinkers will often refuse to drink other beers and circle jerk each other about the various craft double triple QUADRUPLE IPA’s they’ve had and who can tolerate the most IBUs.
If you go to most craft breweries on the west coast and ask for a Pilsner the bartender WILL comment on it and accuse you of having shit taste.

>> No.15235894

>t. never left his basement

>> No.15235901

I like them
>They just drink it to look cool
I have no friends

>> No.15235904

>This but the exact opposite. IPA drinkers will often refuse to drink other beers and circle jerk each other about the various craft double triple QUADRUPLE IPA’s they’ve had and who can tolerate the most IBUs.
very true

>> No.15235987

I think it’s funny since so many of the supper hopped up ipas lack nuance and use the hops to mask imperfections and variation between batches.

With pilsner, hefeweiss, and similar beers theres no where to hide. If it tastes like shit, it shows immediately.

>> No.15236004


>> No.15236010

Wow the bravest opinion of 2013 is back and better than ever.

>> No.15236039

I bet it tastes like grapefruit flavoured asshole.

>> No.15236041

Im not a fan of hops. I dont really get the hype around them.

>> No.15236068
File: 159 KB, 258x446, southampton-double-white.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IPAs are my favorite kind of beer. I like them bitter and the hops have a good pine-like flavor. Ones that add a bit of citrus are good. I drank one IPA yesterday and it tasted like celery, it was strange. My least favorite beers are wheat beers, sours, and anything "barrel aged"

>> No.15236091

Brewers and beer drinkers tend to love IPA because it's the purest expression of what beer can be. Just using the 4 main ingredients no other style comes close to the level of complexity, nuance, and balance found in a well crafted IPA. Double, and to a lesser extent triple, IPAs are basically what a perfect beer looks like.

>> No.15236126

Most IPAs tastes like straight hops and nothing else. The taste is overpowering like they're trying to cover up the fact that the beer is mediocre. I've had some alright IPAs but they're one of my least favorite types of beer.

>> No.15236277

most people don't like IPAs though. Too much hops is a bad thing because it overpowers the other components of the beer.

>> No.15236289

Made a great beer out of apples

>> No.15236291

>too much hops is a bad thing because it overpowers the other components of the beer
Any style of beer can be unbalanced if poorly made.

>> No.15236332

>most people don't like IPAs though
This is less because people don't like IPAs and more because IPAs are the current beer trend, the result being that there are so many breweries making IPAs that many of them are bound to be shit just by law of averages
>Too much hops is a bad thing because it overpowers the other components of the beer.
Very true. If the main thing advertised on a beer is how hoppy it is, don't get it

>> No.15236351

You keep repeating shit that hasn't been true and/or relevant in over a decade, if ever. How many times have you posted in this thread? Everyone just keeps telling you that you have no idea what you're talking about, so it's not like you're trolling.

>> No.15236368

This is my second time posting you paranoid fuck. My only other post was this one >>15235901

>> No.15236487


>> No.15236502

Lol you dumbass it has a whopping 1 abv point higher than a standard beer meaning a 6 pack is equivalent toba whole 7 beers

>> No.15236510

Beer was traditionally made without hops. This isn't hard you braindead faggot

>> No.15236589

When's the last time you saw a gruit?
Oh wait, you're not even old enough to drink, are you?

>> No.15236599
File: 59 KB, 600x684, 5b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My beer? Well good sir, this is a double hopped IPA from Badass Brewing in Minneapolis. 6.7 percent ABV, 95 IBU... well let’s just say it’s no childish macro lager *chuckle*. The initial piney bite, the subtle citrus middle taste, and the fruity aftertaste all make it a fine beer to indulge your senses with. As a craft beer nerd, I gotta support the little guys in the local industry, and they kick some serious ass in the IPA department! Remember to savor the taste and the craft behind it, we’re not some heathen dudebros that drink just to get drunk! I’ll get a flight to split some more beers with you. I’d highly recommend the oatmeal caramel milk chocolate stout these guys make, a true craft stout.

>> No.15236680

>reddit likes it therefore it's bad
I've never even met one of these people. If pilsners were the current trend then your post would say "pilsner" everywhere it currently says IPA. Just like anything there are shitty IPAs and there are good ones get the fuck over yourself

>> No.15236683

>India Pale Ale
>isn't even Indian
Do Americans really drink these lousy knockoffs?

>> No.15236707

>not even indian
>origins involve adding more hops so it will last longer in transportation to india

>> No.15236712

Is this an american thing? IPAs are delicious here in the UK

>> No.15236721

American IPAs are amazing. In case you honestly can't tell, this is just another example of
>popular thing bad

>> No.15236728

It's a popular trend so /ck/ is angry about it. Just try a few and you'll eventually come across a good one. Voodoo ranger and harpoon are generally regarded as good American IPAs

>> No.15236735

>Voodoo ranger and harpoon are generally regarded as good American IPAs
if anything those ipas are considered normie tier beers by craft beer fans.

>> No.15236740

Some people like the extra bitterness.
I'm not one of them.

>> No.15236742

Yeah and?

>> No.15236747

"Generally regarded as good" means "generally regarded as good by the general public" not "popular on a far-right anime food forum"

>> No.15236833

exactly. Shit beer you only see appreciation for on 4chan.

>> No.15236904

I genuinely don't grasp the appeal of hops as a flavor. I view it the same way I view meme hot sauces that have no actual flavor and are just pure heat for idiots on the internet to obsess over.

>> No.15236910

im sorry enjoy whatever you like

>> No.15236958

Bitter is the last flavor you learn to appreciate as your palate matures, but one of the most complex. You'll understand when you're older.

>> No.15236959
File: 208 KB, 516x1024, 781x1550_Nordeast_12oz-516x1024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IPA is vile

Lager, porter & stout is the only sort of beer a man should drink

>> No.15236967

I'll never understand how low abv beer with as little flavor as possible became associated with manliness. I mean, that's basically the definition of a girly drink.

>> No.15236974

dark beers//ales and porters are more bitter than hoppy beers though

>> No.15236984
File: 39 KB, 800x800, large_19afdcef-7eb5-440a-8336-1a4d532e3f6f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow a fellow nordeaster. Thanks for posting the real friendly beer

>> No.15237004

Funny how IBUs are measured according to the hop resin percentages used in the boil and not how dark the malts are.

>> No.15237019

>No flavour

>> No.15237056

When did I say say that?

>> No.15237059

Cool story bro
>Acid from hops adds bitterness to beer, a flavor brewers attempt to quantify with an International Bitterness Units (IBU) scale. But the perception of bitterness in beer changes with the amount of malt, which adds the balancing sweetness, making the scale only moderately useful in determining the "hoppiness" or perceived bitterness of a beer.

>> No.15237069

And this is why I said in an earlier post the double and triple IPAs are some of the most balanced beer styles, despite having the most hops.

>> No.15237089

i went to stay with a buddy for a week and we decided to fuel up on booze for the week in 1 trip. I am not american so i allowed him to select all the american beers. he chose ONLY IPA or similarly hoppy beer.
you learn to love it when its drink or not be drunk

>> No.15237100

The craft breweries around here all make some pils, lager, cream ale or kolsch - they know what side their bread is buttered on, and they know how to make beer-flavoured-beer better than the average macro-bear.

>> No.15237131

They can be... sometimes the brewer just goes off the rails. The grain bill might allow for a 10% beer, but any sweetness that's going to create would be absolutely unnoticeable under 80+ IBU.
Yay semantics. IPAs have had a tendency toward being hop bombs because brewers have had a tendency toward making them hop bombs. While the perception of a West Coast IPA should tend toward bitter, the metric-range for the overarching IPA style (IBU, specific gravity, colour) don't by any stretch necessitate an unbalanced beer.

>> No.15237139

>The grain bill might allow for a 10% beer, but any sweetness that's going to create would be absolutely unnoticeable under 80+ IBU
That's simply not true.

>> No.15237150

It wouldn't be a sweet or balanced beer at 80, unless that 10% beer was viscous with unfermentable/unfermented sugars.
>t. sales, asst. zymurgist, [REDACTED] Craft Brewery

>> No.15237157

10% is quad territory, which tends to be unbalanced on the malty side even with 100+ IBUs. I have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.15237168

Unless you dry hopped for a full 80 IBU... then it would taste like ethanol-phenol-and-terpene laden vegetable-barley soup.

>> No.15237176

Pretty sure you can't increase the IBU by dry hopping.

>> No.15237199

Craft brewers like IPAs and ales because they're easy to make. Pilsners are a lot more difficult.

>> No.15237202

If you're using lightly roasted malts to get to that 10%, I could see the malt flavours dominating, but it would fall outside of SRM spec very quickly.

>> No.15237209

From a calculations standpoint, you absolutely can, and I'm sure the BJCP will crack down on such nonsense very soon to disqualify and re-file outliers.

>> No.15237212

Lagers take longer, but aren't in any way "more difficult". If your mash sucks you can't "cover it up" with hops. That doesn't even make sense. Macro shit like Bud is incredibly difficult to homebrew because it uses like 200 adjuncts.

>> No.15237236

No American craft brewer has ever made a decent pilsner.

>> No.15237255

Gravely Brewing Company, Louisville KY.

>> No.15237301

I'm 64.

>> No.15237312

This is cursed land, altmann. Flee as fast as your crumblling bones will carry you.

>> No.15237340

It's fine. I've been told I'm Mothman so apparently I AM the curse.

>> No.15237355

Keep your dusty, naphtha covered wings out of my wort!

>> No.15237360
File: 1.19 MB, 2288x3232, Mothman attacks v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My god is it you

>> No.15237952

Hops like its cousin marijuana is low key addictive as fucking hell my dudes.

Be cool.

>> No.15237975

>My least favorite beers are wheat beers
Kill yourself

>> No.15238306

IPAs are great if they're not too bitter or hoppy. Citrus IPAs are some of the best beers out there. Also, acting superior over your beer preference makes you look like a gigantic faggot.

>> No.15238341

There's a time and a place, but unfortunately, the hipsters seem to take that as a green light that the time should be ALL THE TIME and the place should be EVERYWHERE. But there's a time and a place if you can ignore the idiots.
But a big FUCK YOU goes out to the shitty craft fuckwads who think pumping the IBUs so damn high the beer just kills your taste buds for an hour is in any way a good idea. Fuck ALL that nonsense.

>> No.15238346

IPAs are a phase, enjoyable from time to time, lots of varieties too

After being into bitter and spicy food, I cannot taste bitter unless it is a really acerbic IPA

IPAs are also medicinal, good at inducing somnolence

>> No.15238370

You seem to be in the wrong thread >>15226908
IPAs are normie tier.

>> No.15238380

Do you remember which brand of lambic it was? Some of the barrel aged sours rival good white wine in complexity and balance. It's quite remarkable what breweries are pulling off these days with their barrel aging and wild fermentations, but cantillon will still be above all else.

>> No.15238389

I really enjoy their london porter as well. Something so satisfying and delicious about esb.

>> No.15238392


>> No.15238419

Ugh, I forgot some of them came back around. Who is it that's into the IPAs nowadays? Did the jocks jump on to the trend, causing the hipsters to change course?
I don't understand "the scene" any more. I ask the bartender if there's anything I haven't tried; if there is, I try it, if there isn't, I get whatever's on special. It's not that hard.

>> No.15238429

Oof. Blondes are the toughest to get right.

>> No.15238430

I remember it had a very plain label. I usually love Lambics... hell, I usually love old-world beer. This was either a bad batch, or meant for fish and chips on Good Friday.

>> No.15238437

Blonde which? A lot of beers are blonde.

>> No.15238458

It only seems that way because they're cheap and easy, so there are a lot of bad ones out there.

>> No.15238468

American Blonde Ale.

>> No.15238475

You have a babies tongue. I didn't like IPA's the first three or four times I had them back in 2012, but it was tasting the fruit and finding one's that were well-balanced that made them work for me. I don't drink many these days, but enjoy them once in a while.

>> No.15238488

Mcchicken's tasted amazing when I was a teenagers.

>> No.15238531

it's a narrower style for having wide guidelines, but keeping the hops light, and adding them somewhere in the 20-45 min mark helps keep them from being neither too vegetal, nor too fruity. A relatively mild yeast that flocculates well definitely helps. Ramping up to caramel 40 on the grain bill (90% pale, 5-8% light vienna/pils malt, the rest at least half munich or caramel/crystal 20, filled out with 40L) definitely helps bring some sweetness and maltiness to the beer.

>> No.15238555

Kek, stop trying to make fucking blonde ale sound like a complex brew.

>> No.15238567

Jack's Abby in Framingham, Mass. Their pilsner, and other lagers are good, and decently priced.

>> No.15238585

If you want it to be good, you can't just throw things into a kettle and call it beer, especially with lighter and cleaner styles. What I described is one hop addition to the boil, one clean, middle-of-the-road yeast, and small amounts of 3 or 4 specialty grains on a pale-malt heavy bill, so it's not just super-malty or super-sweet barley giving you your colour.

>> No.15238692
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You've just never had a good one then.

>> No.15238715


If I saw you IRL I guarantee i could beat the fuck out of you you shrimp dick fucking ass wipe. Don't you ever come at mcchicken, dave's bread or sweet baby rays ever again

>> No.15238785

The almost all taste the same. I've had some that were great. But mostly they just taste bitter and skunky and are strong for no reason.
Don't even get me started on the hazy/juice bomb faggotry. You should be ashamed.

>> No.15238870

they are always so sour and skunky when you first pour them. have fun with your garbage

>> No.15239061

You have to be a special kind of autistic to think that people liking things you don't like is just a massive conspiracy.

>> No.15239070

Normal beer taste like bread water
IPAs have many flavors to them

>> No.15239071

Nah, craft breweries are just switching to seltzers and adjunct-heavy smoothie sours to target hip millennial moms.

>> No.15239084

I know a few people that genuinely think things like this. They're always exclusively shut-in nerds who avoid social interaction. Like I had a tumblrgirl coworker who kept trying to claim that everyone only pretended to like wine because she personally doesn't like it.

>> No.15239169

What does "straight hops" taste like? There's hundreds of varieties

>> No.15239219

IPAs are the scotch of the beer world

>> No.15239234

>people in this thread posting that they actually LIKE something
You fucking faggots, don't you know how fucking söy that makes you? Stop so gay and liking things, you're supposed to be a no-fun """hard"""-ass that at best tolerates a subset of a thing. Get with the program lmao.

>> No.15239574

Most, on their own, are bitter to the point of spiciness. I really don't recommend eating them raw.

>> No.15239592

they smell amazing though

>> No.15239705

IPAs taste good. But they were all pre-americans discovering what actual beer tastes like, then going overboard with everything, so they were basically slightly fruity bitters that were about 4 to 6% ABV. I've tried a few American style IPAs and there is a slightly musky taste about them. Not to mention they taste like fruit punch that's been left out for too long and not like actual beer.

>> No.15239721
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Pretty good actually. Young hop shoots are delicious and a bit of a rural English delicacy in hop heavy parts of the country.

>> No.15239771

If your beer has no hops it isn't a beer it is an ale or mead.

>> No.15239779

>they taste like fruit punch that's been left out for too long and not like actual beer.
There are west coast IPAs that taste more floral or piney, and then New England IPAs that are "juicy" with lots of fruitiness. You may enjoy west coast style more, although you may appreciate NE IPAs more during summer months, as they're very refreshing and easy to drink

>> No.15239885

>they are always so sour and skunky
I have never had a wheat beer that's sour. Are you talking about she shitty IPAs?

>> No.15239915

>gf cares not about beer
>mfw bring all sorts of beer home to drink, ipa included
>implying I am drinking it to "look cool"

Speak for yourself, OP

>> No.15239962
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This has been one of my favorite beers for awhile. IPAs are pretty solid. Besides massive faggots, who actually judges you for what you drink?

>> No.15240138

IPAs are always bitter and sappy not sour.

>> No.15240322

Sour wheats, like Berliner Weisse will definitely be tart. Depending on what they were soured with, they can have a slight aroma of wet dog that got sprayed by a skunk last week (lactobacillus and brettanomyces). It would definitely be strange in Western markets that sour wheat's are more common than hefeweizen.

>> No.15240350

>he's never had a sour ipa

>> No.15240373

I've had two that were good, and about a dozen that were the worst of both worlds.

>> No.15240382

I love a good IPA, fuck you.

>> No.15240453

Do you remember the "Bitter beer face!" commercials? There were old swill apologist propaganda. Hops are the bitter and bright flavors. Most microbrews have taken notes from Sierra Nevada and seem to throw every hop they can at an IPA. I don't know that it's for the better, but occasionally someone gets it right.

>> No.15240480
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>brewing company
>not 'brewery'
Always a red flag for soyboy 'beers'

>> No.15240487

Garum is way better than salt

>> No.15240509

In your imagination do you also walk around with a katana strapped to your back, looking down on everyone else who carries a mere pocket knife?

>> No.15240535

I like me some IPA’s - Imperial/Double strength NEIPA is probably my fav. Tried triple and quad IPA’s but they are a bit of a meme imo. Definitely an overplayed style currently but still enjoyable. Complaining about muh bitter beer is dumb, you just have to get used to the flavour just like with gin and tonic - gotta develop the taste for it

>> No.15240741

I'm just playing devil's advocate for the sake of it here, but some people can't or won't develop a taste for it.

>> No.15241741

for me its more of a holiday treat since IPAs taste like pine trees

>> No.15241789

4-packs are cancer and I avoid buying them on principle

>> No.15241852

The taste of munching a bouquet of flowers. Give me a stout or a brown ale anyday, even an amber or celtic red

>> No.15241934

what the actual fuck is that supposd to mean

>> No.15241936


>> No.15242975

it lets alcoholics hide their alcoholism by drinking fewer beers for more alcohol

dont know how this isn't obvious to you

>> No.15243180

>but ipa are mostly a shit beer created to solve a shit problem
Tell me more!

>> No.15243189

>give me mud and funky pee any day

>> No.15243201

It tastes bad, and I fucking love beer!

It is simply not a good taste man, I like the taste of hops on my beer, but IPAs just take that WAY too far, to a point it beomes unpleasant.

Just drink a weiss or a pilsen, you are better off than drinking that garbage.

>> No.15243235

High abv beers taste really sweet due to the larger amount of unfermentable sugars in them. A higher amount of bittering hops and aroma hops balances out the sweetness.

>> No.15243257

Most people here are underage and don't understand nuance and complexity. See >>15243201

>> No.15243274
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>I'm not convinced anyone actually likes things that I don't like

>> No.15243339

>Most people here are underage and don't understand nuance and complexity.
Im likely old enough to be your father. And I can understand nuance and complexity fine, love wine and beer tasting, but IPAs are just fucking terrible, I would rather drink a High abv beer that is extremelly sweet than a disgusting fucking IPA.

Like this guy said >>15236126
>The taste is overpowering like they're trying to cover up the fact that the beer is mediocre.

>> No.15243345

>no you dont like it you actually like gay piss like me man!


>> No.15243355
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>ewwww icky bitter!!! mommy i need my sippy cup of sugar beer!
They put babies on the labeling for babies like you, drink your sugar beer, baby

>> No.15243365

>our beer doesn't taste good so lets add more flavor to the flavor that already doesn't taste good
This is the most retarded meme in all of /ck/ history and I will never take you people seriously.

>> No.15243393

>no you dont like it you actually like gay piss like me man!
I did not say you did not like it, I said your taste is shit, big difference.

I drink black coffee with no sugar, I like bitter things, but IPA is just fucking too much, if they made an IPA with a bit less hops it would probrably taste better.

How about making a beer that does not taste bad so you don't have to cover up the taste?

>> No.15243401

>making a beer that does not taste bad so you don't have to cover up the taste
How is the taste being covered up? Hops aren't an adjunct or a fruit extract, dum dum.

>> No.15243445

Simple, the point of IPAs is to add a shitload of hops to make it extremelly bitter because otherwise it would taste sweet as hell for being a shitty low quality beer.

Just fucking make proper beer mate! I bet you could buy a beer brewing set and make a better beer yourself in your own kitchen! And I doubt it would taste insanely sweet or extremelly bitter as an IPA.

That said, keep overpaying for shitty quality beer, I don't care what you do or drink.

>> No.15243493
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>IPA fags are such insufferable rodents with something to prove that they now claim IPAs are too sweet

Holy fuck you can't even make this stuff up. How long till we find IPA fags drowned in septic tanks because the only fluids with enough of a manly bitter flavor is actual human feces? Imagine having actual shit taste

>> No.15243496

>the point of IPAs is to add a shitload of hops to make it extremelly bitter because otherwise it would taste sweet as hell
That's literally how beer works, genius. You balance out the mash with the hops. Any style of beer can be unbalanced, but you just notice it more with IPAs because they use such big flavors. Yes, imperfections are more noticeable in IPAs than in your pilsners and golden ales, so stop blathering on about how adding more flavor is somehow covering up the flavor.

>> No.15243517
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>I drink black coffee with no sugar

>> No.15243524

There are a LOT of imperfections in IPA.

>> No.15243525

My taste isn't sugary beer and piss water so yes by your beta faggot standards I have shit taste you overcompensating homo

>> No.15243530

One of them being your faggot frail hands holding one

>> No.15243571

Sweet water brewery already does this to some extent. They use the terpenes and oils from cannabis to make beers and they have such beers as Mango Kush or Chocolope Stout. They really do stink like cannabis and they taste pretty good too.
Hops and cannabis are cousins. They both have male and female plants, and you are only using the female plants from both to get the goods you want. But I don't think you can just drop buds into your batch while it is cooking like you would with hops. They may be cousins but they are not exactly the same. I have no idea if cannabis is a preservative like hops.

>> No.15243573

"Imperfections" refers to the individual beer, not the fucking style, retard. If you haven't had a good example of every style you've ever tried then you haven't had enough beer to be arguing about it.

>> No.15243593

I have never had a good pilsner. THey are the worst type of beer. They are bland and weak and I hate them. Anybody that likes pilsners is a cunt that should not ever comment on beer. IPAs are just fine. Some can be too much. Others are great.
Dogfish Head 60 min ipa
Bells Two Farted Ale
Union Jack
Stone IPA is pure hops and is very gross.

>> No.15243594

You really do not understand sarcasm, huh?

>> No.15243613

It's hard sometimes when half the people you talk to are ESL.

>> No.15243620

Stone > Bells = Dogfish Head > Union Jack

>> No.15243677

Stone IPA is the worst IPA to ever be made. It is pure hops. It is like sucking on a fucking whole hops cone while some dominatrix steps on my balls and sticks wet hops cones up my asshole. It is fucking terrible.
Dogfish Head 60 Minute IPA is likely one of the best IPAs of all time. Of all time.

>> No.15243709

Dogfish Head is good, but I just prefer the West Coast style (and you didn't even post the 90 or 120). Stone isn't the best, but they do a really good job. Bells is okay; I'd put it on par with Lagunitas. Union Jack doesn't really belong on that list in the first place.

>> No.15243757

>I have the palate of a 5 year old and want sugary drinks instead of flowery drinks

>> No.15243775

Firestone is a good company. THey make a good IPA but maybe we can take it off the list. 90 minute is a great double. Maybe one of the best. 120 Minute is way too fucking much for me, but I do have a few more aging in my cupboard. They are maybe 3 years old so far.
Bell's is really good. The 2 Farted is up there with a lot of other IPAs. Maui Brewing Company Big Swell IPA is what first turned me to IPAs, and I only drank the fuckers because I wanted the bikini blonde and the coconut porter and they all came together in a six pack. Before I knew it I loved the Big Swell. Also, Sierra Nevada's Pale Ale gets a lot of credit for turning me to the hop side.

>> No.15244525

There's so many sub-categories for "IPA" it's hard to generalize their flavor profile beyond "contains hops"

>> No.15244613

You’ve probably been exclusively drinking west coast IPAs then. Find a hazy New England IPA and you’ll taste the fruit.

>> No.15244640

I like Dave’s but iirc some anon said he worked there and the factory was one big health code violation. I eat it anyway, life’s short.
>sweet baby rays
Respect yourself anon, buy real bbq sauce.

>> No.15244727

>I drink black coffee with no sugar, I like bitter things, but IPA is just fucking too much
They aren't that damn bitter. Some IPAs are as low as 30 IBU

>> No.15246262

Holy shit the autism in this thread. Grown men screeching about a difference in fucking beer preference of all things.

>> No.15246482

Yep... I'm going to be picking up some stuff to make a late (nearly dry) hopped imperial/quad dessert stout that will hopefully pick up a little cherry and passionfruit from the yeast and hops combo. I'm going full soy; wish me luck!

>> No.15246502

Agreed until
>>detroit style pizza
>>crispy fried eggs
>>killer dave’s bread
>>sweet baby ray’s
wtf is wrong with you?

>> No.15246623

grain belt master race

>> No.15246634

I'll drink any beer as long as it's cold
simple as

>> No.15246655

IPa's are just babby's 1st craft beer. They treat it like a macho game in how many IBU's they can pretend to enjoy, just like they do with hot sauce Scoville units. After a few years, they begin to mature and branch out to more balanced and nuanced craft beers.

Iow, IPA's are for kids.

>> No.15246720

Don't know why but I have a revulsion for beer. It's just bitter water with very, very light fruit hints.
I just wonder why drink it over an apple cider, which just tastes like apples? Why would you pick to drink something unpleasant?
Not judging, just curious.

Also, would a beer without hops be sweet? Or is bitterness inherent to beer?

>> No.15247050

I enjoy them much more than regular light beer. Its much better with a meal or something.

2 Hearted Ale is one of the best beers ever.

>> No.15247064

Because I enjoy bitter flavors with hints of fruit

>> No.15247154

Drink contact high by Elysian not bitter at all

>> No.15247311

beer without hops is usually very sweet. Not all of the sugars will ferment... I made an alcoholic orgeat once (beer with almonds instead of hops), and it was pretty good, but not something you'd want to drink straight - more of a mixer for tiki drinks.

>> No.15247713

It's almost as if we're on a borad dedicated to food and drinks

>> No.15247976

very nice

>> No.15248030

I drank 3 IPA's tonight, ask me anything.

>> No.15248099

No it’s just easier to sell. For craft breweries to succeed they have to find a niche. They are not going to be able to bring a lager/pilsner to market that is competitive.

>> No.15248116

It's much more difficult to make a decent IPA, as there's a lot more complexity and nuance. A lager takes longer to ferment, and then you can't sell it for as much.

>> No.15248132

I don't get the IPA hate. The same arguments people make against IPA, non-beer drinkers make against all beer.

You can't look down on this guy >>15246720 and then state that IPA drinkers are "just trying to look cool and have something to prove"

>> No.15248144

3 different ones or 3 bottles of one?

>> No.15248228

Unfortunately only adults may enjoy the rich complexity of bitterness, that's why OP's mom hasn't let him try coffee yet.

>> No.15248289

People who say they don't like IPA actually just don't like beer.

>> No.15248399

Yes and no. I'm going to start backward.
>Can't sell it for as much
Craft lagers and kolsches sell at craft prices; sometimes they even take off a bit and become that brewery's flagship beer, getting a few taps at local bars and whatnot.
>Longer to ferment
They do, but it's the lagering process that takes time. Lager yeast takes a while to clean itself up - a green lager is very green indeed with a strong whiff of sulfur. Giving it time on the yeast, whether on lees in the bottle, or as a very slow "tertiary fermentation" lets the yeast clean the beer up to Adjunct-Lager levels. One of my friends at a local craft brewery has been experimenting with Kveik lager for just this purpose, with fairly decent results.
>Complexity and nuance
Complexity of flavour: yes. Complexity of recipe: not really. You can tip an IPA out of balance, or even out of stylistic range, and still have a good IPA. If your pale lager is anything but clean, with noticeable - and noticeably balanced - hops bitterness, maltiness and sweetness, then you've probably made a bad lager. Dark lagers get away with more sweetness (and harder water), but even then, there shouldn't be anything popping other than how beer-like the beer is. Hacker-Pschorr's Munich Gold Lager is a fairly common touchstone for any home and craft brewer I've worked or drank with - you can taste everything going on without any one thing stealing focus.

>> No.15248440
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>The taste of munching a bouquet of flowers. Give me a stout or a brown ale anyday, even an amber or celtic red

i drink miller lite and get my dick sucked by my 18 year old husband.

t. U.S Marine

>> No.15248489

>Craft lagers and kolsches sell at craft prices
Which is typically less than what craft IPAs sell for, because they are cheaper to make (and subsequently have a lower abv).

>> No.15248517

It's within a quarter here. Hops aren't cheap, but the difference between a fraction of an ounce per pint isn't enough to jack the price up - the warehousing would technically balance it out or cost more. The percentages can go lower for lagers, but almost everyone in the area makes a comparable Session IPA. Two of the guys I work with from time to time are planning on rolling out Imperial/Triple copper lagers in March, one at 8%, one at 9.5%. Kveik yeast is a hell of a drug.

>> No.15248544

Adjunct lagers are designed to be made cheaply. Craft breweries tend to avoid non-flavour adjuncts.

>> No.15248546

It's not just the hops that cost more, and it's not just a few insignificant pennies here and there.
>warehousing would technically balance it out or cost more
But I don't think people are willing to pay for "warehousing" costs for low abv lagers, which is why most craft brewers don't do a lot of them (not to mention that they're just not very popular).

>> No.15248556

stop posting. i like bud light and i'm gay as well

>> No.15248559

The grain bills between an all-grain (craft) lager and IPA from the same company are going to be comparable. If they need to add salts to their water, that will cost, but usually it needs to be cleaned up for the lagers, not the other way. Lager yeast usually costs more to maintain, but not significantly... and we're running out of ingredients.

>> No.15248569

An average 5% lager and 7% IPA do not have comparable grain bills, and that's before even getting into doubles and triples.

>> No.15248667

An average 5% lager isn't being made at a craft brewery.

At the high end, 2-row is $2.50/lb. At roughly (rounding up) 2lbs/gal for a 6-7%, that's 63c per pint. To double that, and take the beer into the imperial/quad/malt liquor range, you're spending $1.50 on all of your malts per pint, at small-batch, homebrew prices. Hops are the wallet-killer, at least by weight, but half-an-ounce per pint is into overkill territory.

>> No.15248683

>an average 5% lager isn't being made at a craft brewery
I meant that, on average, a lager will be in the 5% range - even at a craft brewery. Of course the difference in the grain bill is going to be negligible if you bump that up to 6-7%.

>> No.15248691

mc chicken is great when you are drunk

>> No.15248725

It's a few ounces in grain difference per gallon maximum (going from a high-ABV, black IPA to a light lager). On the BBL scale, it's a jump, but per pint, it's a slight downward push on the big toe.

>> No.15248755

Most IPAs miss the point and taste sour because they don’t understand what they’re trying to emulate in taste.

>> No.15248839
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>most ipas taste sour

>> No.15248855

Nah, there are some good tasting IPAs and general pale ales. It just gets a bad rap as a bro drink

>> No.15248863

I prefer spirits and beer so there are probably people with more informed views than me tho

>> No.15248891

>gets a bad rap as a bro drink
Wait, I thought it was supposed to be hipster? And before that it was soy! It's almost as though IPAs have a sort of universal appeal among all people who like beer...

>> No.15248902

Pretty much. There are people who don't like it, and people who do. Which is just how shit works. For some reason people feel the need to gild the lily by attaching it to whatever group

>> No.15248947

It doesn't make any sense, though. It's not like it's a wildly different style or uses some weird adjunct that people just taste differently, like that shit a few years ago where people saw the dress a different color and vehemently insisted that the other side was just wrong. I'm not big into saisons, so I don't order them often. How is it so much more difficult for people who don't like IPAs?
>b-but 90% of the beer list is nothing but ipa!
That hasn't been true in almost a decade.

>> No.15248956

When I used to drink beer I drank tons of IPAs.

>> No.15248972

Most of the ones I drank tasted piney in a similar matter to gin.

>> No.15248988

Yes, I select IPAs over other choices at the store and bring them home to drink them alone - to look cool. It's not the fact that it's the most brightly flavored of the options, at all.

>> No.15249002

I feel like I'm getting my money's worth with IPAs. They have the most flavor and highest ABVs in that price range instead of paying top dollar for barrel aged stouts, which I also like

>> No.15249010


>> No.15249076

Brewpubs will usually have a light lager or ale for the "I got dragged in here, do you have beer-flavored beer?" crowd, but it's almost never the first tap - that, and the next three or four are usually reserved for the big sellers, and of those four or five beers, two will be some sort of IPA.

The new it thing I've seen are making things "imperial" that really have no business being that strong. If it's dark, it's probably on tap 6, and possibly an imperial black IPA.

>> No.15249100

>2 out of the 4 or 5 best selling beers will ipas
Okay, what's your point? They're still a very popular style, and a varied enough style that you can have more than one at a time without being redundant. It would be weird if out of a dozen taps they put on 3 kolsches.

>> No.15249103

>black pale ale

>> No.15249164

West Coast IPAs tend toward this - CTZ hops blew up in the Yakima valley, and they used them. Citra became big, which fit in with that style. Some breweries took it a bit too far, but the West Coast style tends toward dry and bitter. New England took it the other way - malty with post-boil, even blended-in hop additions, occasionally with none in the boil at all. This turns down the apparent bitterness and allows things other than pinene, limonene (guess what those taste like) and humulone (tastes like bitter) to survive.

>> No.15249169

My point is that I'm agreeing that it's still at the core of craft brewing, while saying "At least they've kind of branched out a bit" and shrugging impotently.

It's a thing... and they decided not to call it an IBA, in most cases anyway, even though that would make sense.

>> No.15249170

to me they all taste like grapefruit, which i hate.

>> No.15249187

Its that or grass clippings. Only very few recently actually are more than hop water

>> No.15249193

Citra, mosaic, and cascade... all big in that style of beer. Sometimes they'll exclaim what kind of hops they're using. If it's a NEIPA or some weird hybrid or one off, you might enjoy something that's more Galaxy or Sovereign on the back-end... or you might not. It's perfectly fine to not enjoy hoppy beers.

>> No.15249227

I don't take anyone seriously who says they don't like IPAs because they all taste like grapefruit or pine trees, when it's usually very specific hops that have those flavors, but aren't used in every kind of IPA, or even common to every regional style.

>> No.15249249

>I don't take anyone seriously who says they don't like IPAs because they all taste like grapefruit or pine trees,
kek, nobody cares you stupid nerd.

>> No.15249251

IPAs were a mistake, there is no subtlety in how they brew them

>> No.15249300
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It's okay anon people can like things that you do not. I happen to enjoy IPAs more than most other styles of beer just due to personal preference. That's not to say that every IPA is the same. Just like any other style of beer, there's bad ones and good ones. I'm not sure what your experience with beers is like, but I would recommend trying different brands and seeing what you like. You can always look at reviews on websites like Beer Advocate to get a better idea of what's out there worth trying.

If you find that none are really doing it for you, that's okay! No one's forcing you to like things you don't and it's completely acceptable to pass if someone offers one to you. I hope you have fun on your new journey of self discovery.

>> No.15249437

They're common in West Coast, and those are the synecdoche of IPAs.

>> No.15249444

Not always true. What have you tried that you don't like? What didn't you like about it? I'll see if I can recommend a beer under the IPA umbrella that might be a bit more your speed.

>> No.15249465

No shit, hence the,
>not common to every style
It's actually become pretty popular in California in the last few years (or, at least before the hazy/juicy craze took over everything) for brewers to do single hop IPAs. So even where the style is most known for being heavy on the grapefruit and pine, that's not really necessarily the case anymore.

>> No.15249489

IPA’s are fucking garbage. Literally tastes like a battery, only faggot hipsters drink that shit and they absolutely do not like it. They grunt through it to keep up their character, being a faggot, that is.

>> No.15249504

Well now I want to. Beer bread is good, adding more hops can only make it better!

>> No.15249512

Zoiglhaus in Portland, OR

>> No.15249517
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I actually like it, it's like coffee in that it grows on you and starts to open up a bit with experience. Once you can actually taste past the bitterness you'll notice that hops is really very floral and has a huge range of varietal flavors. Bad IPA is easy to make but good IPA becomes popular quickly.

>> No.15249519

IPAs were created so that English sailors could have beer all the way from India to England without it going bad. Only way to do that was to hop the fuck out of it and brew it to have extra ABV.

Same reason imperial russian imperial stouts exist: alcohol is a preservative, and a russian Tsar really liked the stout he had while visiting london. He requested some be shipped to moscow and the only way they could get it to stay good was to brew it with a fuckload of alcohol.

>> No.15249521

Oh please faggot, name one IPA that doesn’t taste like a battery. Spoiler alert: you fucking can’t.

>> No.15249592

>created so that English sailors could have beer all the way from India to England without it going bad
Even if that weren't historically dubious, it has absolutely nothing to do with modern IPAs, which need to be consumed fresh.

>> No.15249709

Synecdoche: "A figure of speech in which a part is made to represent the whole or vice versa, as in Cleveland won by six runs (meaning 'Cleveland's baseball team')."

>> No.15249721

I can't possibly imagine what you could think the different narrative is when that is the widely accepted one. IPA's are slightly higher alcohol content which the higher alcohol acts a preservative in itself but needs more malt to to get the higher alcohol, in order to balance out the sweetness of the malt and to also act as a preservative, hops were added. It's really not that complicated. The East India Company. The English love ale. Like what's hard to grasp?

>> No.15249729

Certain hops in particular I should add, not just any hops

>> No.15249732
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Huh. I kind of just ignored that part because I was unaware that "synecdoche" was a synonym for "metonymy".
>and to think I was already regretting spending 4 years studying philosophy and literary theory just to end up flipping burgers

>> No.15249746

I wasn't imagining a different narrative; the original "it was a means of preservation" one has just been contested, a lot. And the narrative you just gave isn't even the original one. It was the hops which were supposed to be the preservative, not the higher abv. You got it both wrong and backwards.

>> No.15249788

Metonymy's more of a substitution than a change of scope. Like suit for businessman, or bottle for beer.

I pull in dozens of dollars bi-weekly ghost-writing lyrics and editing novels.

>> No.15249794

Do you really have that much of a bitch palette that you can't imagine people enjoying an IPA?

Do you stare in disbelief when people drink whisky neat, too?

>> No.15249799

Try Bell's two hearted ale

>> No.15249804

Seems like synecdoche is more a specific form of metonymy? I edited my dad's 8 volume series of dominatrix erotica when I moved back in to my parents' house for a few months in my 30's...

>> No.15249810

It depends on how they drink it. Bros downing a shot of scotch? Yeah, it's like watching a car veer slowly into the guard-rail.

>> No.15249832

They're similar. Synecdoche involves direct connection. Metonymy involves attributes or adjunct connections... either way, I'd like to read your dad's domrotica, and I was just saying that If nothing further's qualified, ordering an IPA will probably get you something Yakima'd... but if you're at a hipster bar, and they're not so gung-ho as to ask what kind of IPA you want, and recommend the new test batch of tangelo IPA with yeast from the bottom of the Dead Sea, maybe they've given up the ghost.

>> No.15249844

I was just memeing sort of, I have a couple IPAs that I like. I like a strong fruity or citrus taste rather than the strongly bitter hop taste which I just find really dry and unpleasant

>> No.15249846

>tangelo IPA with yeast from the bottom of the Dead Sea
I like you, anon.

>> No.15249851

you can acquire tastes. for example I used to think the same about people who drink black coffee

>> No.15249855

I'm not sure whether you can find this stuff in the states but if you like an IPA that's got a really nice citrus flavour you'll love it. gets you fucked up though careful

>> No.15249860
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forgot pic

>> No.15250596

>My beer? Well good sir, this is a double hopped IPA from Badass Brewing in Minneapolis. 6.7 percent ABV, 95 IBU... well let’s just say it’s no childish macro lager *chuckle*. The initial piney bite, the subtle citrus middle taste, and the fruity aftertaste all make it a fine beer to indulge your senses with. As a craft beer nerd, I gotta support the little guys in the local industry, and they kick some serious ass in the IPA department! Remember to savor the taste and the craft behind it, we’re not some heathen dudebros that drink just to get drunk! I’ll get a flight to split some more beers with you. I’d highly recommend the oatmeal caramel milk chocolate stout these guys make, a true craft stout.
Sounds like a great friendly well adjusted person.
Are you talking about yourself anon?

>> No.15250605

Double/triple/imperial IPAs are genuinely tasty. I wouldn't want to exclusively drink them and they will make you very fat very quick but they're some of the most flavorful beers. Tastes like a nice cocktail.

>> No.15250609

I totally agree, I enjoy many different things and am not a terminally chronic virgin who uses soy boy pictures

>> No.15250969
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I love how most alcohol tasting shitty when you're young has led to people like you who unironically think stuff tasting shitty means its good or that there's a binary choice between shitty tasting non-sugar and good tasting super sugary drink
Pic unrelated