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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15231640 No.15231640 [Reply] [Original]

2021 milk is out now bros

>> No.15231654

THANK GOD I can't get enough of this year, who's with me that 2020 sucked?!

>> No.15231658


>> No.15231662

Great thread

>> No.15231755

my uncle owns a dairy farm and gave me a preview of 2021 milk a few days ago. i can't give too much away, but let me just say: it's gonna blow your mind.

>> No.15231766

did he at least hug you afterward?

>> No.15231768

I am taking milk thistle because I drank about 200 beers in about 2 weeks.

I also had sex with a girl who found out she has herpes 2, and now I am getting my blood tested to find out how fucked my liver is after 15 years of drinking, and if I test positive for herpes 1 or 2.

Classic eh? Milk thistle.

>> No.15231789

This is why we as humans need deadly diseases, to filter out these people.

>> No.15231812

I heard the dealerships talking about new options and incentives for trade ins. Can't wait to get out of my old jug and into a new one!

>> No.15231841

Yeah there needs to be a new black plague or somethin

>> No.15231926

how does it taste?

>> No.15231940

respect us who want the spolier-free experience of 2021 milk

>> No.15231947

2021 cream has been out for weeks. The thrill is gone for me.

>> No.15231951

Yooooo deadass finna boutta grip that

>> No.15231977
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>he's still drinking Jan 1 milk

>> No.15232067

>not drinking big fat milk

>> No.15232077

I don't want to talk about it.

>> No.15232100

I have the lactose free variant, and all I can spoil is: It's fucking sweet bros.

>> No.15232147

Are you guys memeing? Does new year milk taste better?

>> No.15232151

>I also had sex

stopped reading lol

>> No.15232157


>> No.15232159

>he doesn’t know

>> No.15232162
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>tfw I can't eat dairy often because it makes me bloat

>> No.15232163
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>> No.15232172

Get better jeans

>> No.15232200
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How long till mario milk is back in stock?

>> No.15232211

a few months, just hold on a bt longer anon

>> No.15232225
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based, solid thread my guy

>> No.15232228

You are the hero of /ck/ OP

>> No.15232235

extremely based thread

>> No.15232364

Relatable lol

>> No.15232421

don't buy into the hype

wait for them to patch it first

>> No.15233150

Anything significant in the patch notes?

>> No.15233176

You have to live it

>> No.15233198

how do I buy mario milk

>> No.15233246

Milk from the vaccinated cows just hits different.

>> No.15233276

Anon, 2021 is going to be even worse.

>> No.15233290

i've been waiting all year for this milk fuck yea

>> No.15233299

It's the expiration date you moron. God you guys are so dumb.

>> No.15233319

>he doesn't know

>> No.15233347

Why? We got Biden and Kamala coming in to sort out Blumpfs shit, there’s a vaccine on the way, things are looking good.

>> No.15233366

China is now a bigger threat now Trump is gone

>> No.15233372

Right. Enjoy your Joe & Kamala show while spending 2021 in lockdown.

>> No.15233382

I bought 4 jugs gonna resell on ebay for $20 each

>> No.15233399

Holy shit its actually retarded

>> No.15233404

>protagonist gets killed off in the first season
>sidekick becomes the main character
Why do the writers keep doing this shit?

>> No.15233446

This homo buys his milk in a fucking box

>> No.15233460

> Jeans
He isn't the only one that has poor genes

>> No.15233474

Been drinking milk almost everyday for 26 years and I'm 6'1 and 185 pounds

>> No.15233552

check’d n’ kek’d

>> No.15233610

Award time, that's the most tangentially related excuse to blog that I've ever seen in a thread.

>> No.15233621

Why do they need to come out with new milk constantly? The stuff I drank as a kid was fine. Just keep making that stuff. Probably a racket for the dairy farmers' R&D department.

>> No.15233625

>drinking milk almost everyday for 26 years
Same, 5'11 and probly 225-250.

>> No.15233639
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You don't want to know.

>> No.15233740
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>> No.15233781

They changed the recipe

>> No.15233790

Yeah and it's 2%. TWO PERCENT.
What are you trying to loose some weight, fatty?

>> No.15233794

Oh you poor fool

>> No.15233949

Goddamit. I knew it was a mistake to get that 2020 jug just a few weeks ago. I'll call the dealer tomorrow and ask if I can finance a '21 gallon

>> No.15233956

>he thinks 2021 is going to be better
got some bad news for you friend

>> No.15234021

well shit all I've got is milk that comes in a bag and expired yesterday

>> No.15234910


>> No.15234924

Is Mommy getting a firmware patch for 2021 Milk or no?

>> No.15235018

You could get a 2020 model for 0% apr right now

>> No.15235754
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>yes, I'll have the Milk, 1983
>excellent choice, sir

>> No.15235858
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>excellent post sir

>> No.15235903

Might I suggest the ‘89 Flyover Farms choccy milk to pair with your dino nuggets sir?

>> No.15235969

All these inferior faggots raging about the new 2021 milk while I'm sitting here enjoying some classic second-hand, mint condition 2009 milk.

>> No.15235997

Thank you, but a 91' lismore partial to my taste

>> No.15236073

Based and checked
Love you man, let’s meet up sometime and kiss.

>> No.15236733

Plebs are easily filtered by future milk

>> No.15236989
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>parents never really enforced a good diet, drank milk but not often
>5'7 manlet
I swear to fuck if I ever have a son he'll drink his milk and eat his greens until he's 6'0 minimum

>> No.15237024

At least its not out of something gay like a bag or a mans ass hole

>> No.15237040
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>still falling for the dairy jew

>> No.15237336

I don't understand what this sentence means in regards to my post. Plz someone explain.

>> No.15237388


>> No.15237429

>I am taking milk thistle because I drank about 200 beers in about 2 weeks
That's only 14 beers a day you fucking pussy

>> No.15237445

He means it is not related to the OP at all beyond having the word milk in milk thistle

>> No.15237510

Welp, thread ruined

>> No.15237520

>he doesn't know that the year 20agenda21 is going to be even worse

>> No.15237806

>tfw milk cellar stocked with rare vintage milks
You plebs will just never be able to understand the subtle taste nuances that newer milks have.

>> No.15237860

Trump never did anything to stop china anyways

>> No.15237914

do they bake the covid vaccines in 2021 version? gosh, i hope so, i'll down a couple

>> No.15237964

Are people really this dense?

>> No.15238085

you sweet sweet summer child

>> No.15238209

So does ck like their milk with pulp or without?

>> No.15239049

A sign of a brighter tomorrow.

>> No.15239825

retard here how did he get milk from future surely milk exp date doesnt lie???

>> No.15239826

I cannot defend the dairy industry. The dairy industry is pure evil

>> No.15239827

Meme but really this year has not been well. Three deaths in the family. Not from Covid-19 though.

>> No.15239865

I've had 2021 milk for about 3 weeks now (I review it for YouTube), it's good trust me but after over 2000 sequels to the original Milk the series is starting to show its age. I've been told by somebody up the chain that they're soft rebooting the milk cinematic universe and streamlining it for younger audiences as well as making it more accessible for POCs, who previously couldn't experience milk as easily as a white person could. I'm super excited for you guys to experience Milk for the first time again!

>> No.15239933

Big if true

>> No.15240106

I don’t get it

>> No.15240113

The milk is coom

>> No.15240145

Whats the review on it? My stores still stuck on the old model

>she's taking the rushed vaccine created by you know who to get a huge payday while being completely free from liability of all the problems they'll cause
Oh no no no no

>> No.15240722
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>> No.15240767

Instead, all we got was a superflu that barely kills 3% of the infected population even with severe underlying health problems.

>> No.15240769

fucking hyped now u bitch

>> No.15240791

Hit up your city's Little Italy and tell the first greaseball you see that you're looking for some gabagool sauce

>> No.15240808

Yeah, it was a huge letdown after all that hype about plague, death, and social disruption. A few fights over toilet paper shortages and then no real interesting changes. Disappointing as hell.

>> No.15240848

We are totally fucked m8. They're literally the stupidest pair or running mates possibly in history. Not like lole their positions r dum, they're actually total retards. Joe graduated bottom of his class at SYRACUSE LOL and Kamala failed the bar. They're gonna fuck this up and theyre gonna do it hard.

>> No.15240863

My boyfriend grew up on a small hobby farm with Jersey cows, drank raw tiddy juice for his crucial years.

Is just shy of 6'4 and 230lbs with a 6 pack and vascular biceps.

>> No.15240878

>got a free paid vacation from work for several months
>got to spend all that time learning how to cook
>unlimited money because stonks/BTC and nothing to spend it on
>endless entertainment on the streets, the news
>back at work remote so I can get paid to jack off to futanari
This is the best year of my life
I don't ever want this to end

>> No.15240996

I bet his milk is as homo as he is, too.

>> No.15241011

Intelligent people haven't been in office in my lifetime. They're unelectable Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump. Obama's the smartest one, but he's really just a mediocre mind that can talk reasonably well.

>> No.15241030
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fake and gay, there is no more milk

>> No.15241040

>We got Biden and Kamala coming in to sort out Blumpfs shit
Prepare to be dissapointed, you just brought another establishment shill into office and nothing will change.

>> No.15241043

Should've preordered, you poor milkless bastard.

>> No.15241090
File: 418 KB, 750x1102, ADA72334-D65A-4B62-AC31-1F904DD390A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drinking cow pee

>> No.15241965

You are gay for making this post

>> No.15242159

Le evil Bjlarmfphkhalarm!
Stupid larpers making up new names for their "headcannon" characters