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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15229013 No.15229013 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, so this dish is literally fucking impossible. I have attempted this dish at least fifteen separate times now and only once has the parmesan not clumped. The time it didn't clump the sauce was less than room temperature and I was too scared to hear it up. I have tried:
>low heat through the entire thing
>getting the pan so low heat that I can hold a finger against it
>boiling the pasta in like an inch of water and emulsifying the parmesan in the starch water
>cheating and using butter to emulsify the parmesan

How the fuck do you cook this without the cheese clumping /ck/? Do I need higher grade parmesan or some shit?

>> No.15229045

Don't bother, it's shit

>> No.15229053

Anon it sounds like you aren't using enough pasta water to melt the cheese

>> No.15229063

I'll try more next time, thanks.

I really like black pepper, but I think I'll just start doing carbonara or alfredo.

>> No.15229085
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>3 ingredients.

OP, have you stopped to consider the very real possibility that you might actually be retarded...?

>> No.15229105

Do you put olive öl in your pasta water anon?

>> No.15229111

Post a video of you cooking it rn, I refuse to believe it's possible with the recipes I'm following

>> No.15229122

Kek did you know that in Italy they call soccer calcio?

>> No.15229219

Remember to add the water slowly, by the spoonful while continuously tossing the pasta and the cheese. As you add water, the cheese should soften and the starch from the water should emulsify it into a smooth sauce that clings to the noodles. Keep your pan just above low and you should be gucci.

>> No.15229223

*keep your pan just above low and move the pan off the heat when the sauce looks like it's less than half a minute from being the right consistency. Continue to toss until it looks right.

>> No.15229226

Are you using pre-grated cheese? That stuff doesn't melt correctly.

>> No.15229237

I thought it was a given that OP would use grated fresh parm from a block. Didn't even consider he might be using the powdered, eye-talian restaurant "parm"
Don't do this, use fresh stuff

>> No.15229245

there's only 1 kind of parmesan. if you're making a dish with parmesan the first step is to buy actual parmesan and not wood pulp and vaguely cheese flavored salt powder

>> No.15229246

Try following the first of the two recipes in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkQUblKCkOg&t=382

>> No.15229248
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The powdered stuff won't work at all, but pic related don't work correctly because they coat everything with cellulose to keep it from sticking.

It has to be fresh from the block like you said.

>> No.15229394

Its fucking food. Force it to do what you want. If you're scared you're going to fail every time. You're the one with the brain. Show a little gumption you gutless twat.

>> No.15229422
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Follow the seriouseats recipe to the letter, I got it right first time

>> No.15229438


>> No.15229439
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Italians cook together with their loved ones as a bonding activity, even on weekdays, so generally there is a family member/lover shredding the cheese over the dish while you viciously twist it around. that way, it's harder to clump.
>tfw no gf to shred your grana padano

>> No.15229446

>grana padano
The C&D has been sent, brutto figlio di puttana bastardo

>> No.15229452

sono povero, scusa

>> No.15229475

Same thing happened to me. I tried two times, following some popular YouTube video, and both times it clumped. I used supposedly good quality parmesan, not pre-grated, and still nothing. This is some Italian Harry potter shit

>> No.15229537


It's a complex and easy at the same time dish to prepare. Here's the recipe I'm using, it's idiot proof. Use google translate from spaghetti to English.

Tldr: warm the pecorino emulsion to 55 degrees and add it to the pasta, impossible to do it wrong.

>> No.15229542


You need PECORINO, not PARMIGIANO cheese. You're using the wrong cheese anon.

>> No.15229589

You can't find pecorino in 95% of the US.

>> No.15229597

They sell Romano at Walmart, which is good enough to sub

>> No.15229600

Sounds like a personal problem to me, bub.

>> No.15229604

damn, if you can't get pecorino then you are flyover worse than Indiana.

>> No.15229621

what is the sauce for OP's pic?

>> No.15229797

Get some not pre Ground PECORINO ROMANO. Use the finest setting on your grater. It will take a while but it prevents clumps.

>> No.15229798

AUTHENTIC IMPORTED ITALIAN PECORINO AGED 10,000 MONTHS is within the grasp of the vast majority of Americans you dumb oregano-breathed greaseball.

>> No.15229855

AUTHENTIC IMPORTED ITALIAN PARMESAN is also available almost everywhere in the US so why is it so hard for your pea brained flyover brain to imagine that this could be true for PECORINO you mpouthbreathing imbrecile.

>> No.15229894

>you can't find pecorino in the US
>Yeah you can, idiot.
Shut up, Giuseppe Macaroni. Day of the Boil when?

>> No.15229931

he was clearly using irony sorry your autism prevents you from sseing that.

>> No.15229978

>can't do cacio e pepe
>wants to do carbonara or """alfredo"""
keep trying anon you'll soon discover the bliss of authentic, no-cream italian pasta sauces.
You need to melt the freshly grated cheese in a separate bowl with some pasta water before adding it to the pot. Don't put too much cheese and stir well, no real trick.
Thing is though, the quantity of cheese you'll be able to emulsify strongly depends on the starchiness of your pasta. Italian chefs on youtube put a shitton of cheese because they have high quality freshly made pasta. If you're like me and use not so great quality pasta you won't be able to melt as mcuht cheese and your sauce will be less cheesy. Carbonara is really just fancier cacio e pepe, it's really not easier to make authentically

>> No.15229999

whatever, noodle golem

>> No.15230172

Answer me you fucking newfags.

>> No.15230533


>> No.15230595

thank you good sir.

>> No.15231109
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>denigrating noodles in a thread about pasta

>> No.15231125
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Shit at least use recipes by real Italian chefs, not mutt interpretations.


You need pecorino, not PARMIGIANO

>> No.15231134
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