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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 134 KB, 1668x1127, heres_the_mcrib_patt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15226930 No.15226930 [Reply] [Original]

here's your McSlop, bro

>> No.15226961
File: 44 KB, 600x800, 20090759_34_600_800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so, is the covid causing people to supposedly lose taste and smell and the comeback of the mcrib merely a coincidence?

>> No.15226964

Epic, thanks bro

>> No.15226966

Thanks, bro. How much for the box?

>> No.15226970

i saw this pic and went out and got one. it's delicious

>> No.15226972

Welcome to McFlavor Town

>> No.15226979

looks like fucking garbage.

>> No.15226987

think of all the mcfucking piggies we lost

>> No.15226995

Thx bby, get me two of them and a Coke

>> No.15226998


>> No.15227020

Good McLord that looks like some industrial product

>> No.15227081
File: 382 KB, 615x431, 1488170015963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ground meat formed into a cylinder and frozen
>ground meat formed into a ridged rectangle and frozen
sloppa shit

>> No.15227120


>> No.15227205
File: 71 KB, 550x705, 1510574100021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Begone with your CCP propaganda. McDonald's will forever be one of the greatest American success stories.
BTW, Tiananmen Square Massacre 1989 and all that.

>> No.15227347


>> No.15227642

They might've done it because a lot of businesses aren't doing as well this year and pork is cheaper than beef.

>> No.15227702


>> No.15227711

he looks badass

>> No.15228190

>fast food is processed
no fucking way, really?

>> No.15228201

Welcome to the fat loser club, you are here forever

>> No.15228210

You just learned that fast food is unhealthy? In 2020?
Holy fuck that's sad.

>> No.15228212

You the prez, lardass?

>> No.15228237

No, I don't eat fast food or any restaurant slop. Are you obese or super obese? Just learn to cook bro and you lose weight without trying. Oh its too hard? Stay fat and bitter then you lazy tard

>> No.15228241

>I don't eat fast food or any restaurant slop
go to another thread
stop projecting

>> No.15228243

I have an honest question:
For people who have a problem with blocks of frozen pork, what's your hangup? How do you think round hamburger pattys are shipped to the restaurants? How about fish sticks, etc?
I've never understood people freaking out over the McRib's frozen uncooked shape. It's like they've never bothered to make their own food before to freeze.

>> No.15228245

I'm saving the souls of fat losers like you who think McDonald's is an edgy personality

>> No.15228251

Do you think lard, industrial chemicals and pig anus is healthy food? Or tastes good or is cheap?

>> No.15228252

>like you
stop projecting

>> No.15228256

That isn't what the McRib is, but how do you know that anything else you eat isn't filled with that bullshit? Did you personally slaughter the animal to make sure your food is pure? Maybe everything you eat is filled with bugs and anuses.

>> No.15228257

Stop eating McFeces fatty

>> No.15228266

stop projecting

>> No.15228269

>ohhh no I can't take criticisms of my opinions I can only handle validation! GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT!!

>> No.15228275

You sure sound like an insecure landwhale or former human blimp to me. Junk food is perfectly fine in moderation.
If it didn't taste good and it wasn't cheap, people wouldn't care if it's back or not.

>> No.15228279

>see thread about fast food
>enter thread about fast food

>> No.15228290

No one thinks it tastes good you are just a fat loser who is manipulated to go full retard over slop.

>> No.15228294

stop projecting

>> No.15228303

You are projectile vomiting because you ate mcfeces

>> No.15228311

So what you're saying is I can't go to a fast food thread and give my opinion of it (it sucks)?

>> No.15228314

Mate when you break it down everything is chemicals. And using every part of the pig is being an environmental steward. What's your hangup?
Are you too much of a soyboy to eat this kinda thing? Would a nice tofu and lentil burger suit you better?

>> No.15228316

It's your life. Waste it if you want.

>> No.15228319
File: 37 KB, 324x419, 1606591972243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to take a selfie with McDonald's food to prove how random and unique I am

>> No.15228327

Is that macrib? Isn't it supposed to be a ribcage instead of a patty?
I don't know, not a mutt and don't eat shit

>> No.15228328

So everyone should eat horrible tasting expensive poison from McDonald's to save the planet or we are vegans? Fascinating

>> No.15228337

What do you have against tofu? Too healthy for you?

>> No.15228344

Its the McFeces sold only in U-rope where they can't legally sell pig anus because the majority of the U-ropers are Muslims

>> No.15228351

I keep seeing this non argument come up constantly. It makes no sense, it stands upon nothing, there is no reason to it and is instead emotion based.

"Don't come into the thread if you don't like it" or "Why are you doing XYZ if you don't like it" etc, this stems from an emotional appeal, one of being coddled and only ever approaching things which leave a positive impression, bring comfort, in short actions and events which release dopamine. It advocates that the only thing of value is one which produces some form of pleasure, and any events to the contrary are irrelevant, even absurd because it supposedly serves no purpose if it isn't based in pleasure/joy/comfort.

These non-people synapse creatures cannot fathom someone not being satisfied with something but at the same time not being emotionally burdened by the dislike. So the non-argument is always produced from an emotional mind, one that cannot separate feeling the emotion which is expressed, or separating the event from the emotion. Sheltered fucking snowflake response stifling discourse, thought and growth. Tumours upon the consensus and consciousness.

It's okay to dislike something any express it you fucking faggots.

>> No.15228352

When 41% of tofu eaters try to kys every year tofu cant be healthy (except to the rest of us if you suceed

>> No.15228353

No you simpleton, I'm trying to teach you that using every part of the animal is ethical. Look into sausages, bologna, and so on. What do you think they're made of? And thus far, they haven't hurt anyone no matter what your soyboy forums might tell you.
If they were horrible tasting, do you think anyone would buy them?
And lastly, I can tell you've never had to work a proper day in your life. You've never taken care of animals, tilled the fields to grow crops, or done any real labor in your life. If you had, you might understand how simple foods are beneficial for you. But since you're probably teaching across your third Soylent of the day before you head out to your programming job, followed by sucking on your boyfriend's dick before you come back to shitpost here, try and think about how the real world works outside of your soy latte centric world.

>> No.15228355

that's a really long post, i'm just going to assume you're racist :/

>> No.15228359

I forgot to mention: have you considered removing yourself from this world? It's about the most environmentally conscious thing you could possibly do. Your family, friend, and acquaintances would appreciate it, so what's keeping you? Do the right thing Anon.

>> No.15228365

>industrial chemicals
Fuck off, retard.
>pig anus
Do you know what head cheese is? Your grandparents ate it. People have been eating the "shit" parts of animals to not waste food for hundreds of years.

>> No.15228369

Right? Imagine being a vegan and being mad at people who utilize every part of the animal. Some people should just be shot.

>> No.15228378

Face it fatty, McDonald's looks shitty, tastes shitty, smells awful, is poison, is expensive and unclean even if Jamal doesn't spit on it which he does. My grandmother has nothing to do with any of that

>> No.15228382

Expensive? So you're admitting you're the typical unemployed vegan who shitposts for a 'living?'
I don't even want to argue with you anymore. You're just a sad, pathetic man.

>> No.15228394

>even if Jamal
It always comes to racisms why are you so obsessed with that?

>> No.15228396

this is why i rarely eat fast food nowadays, and mostly stick with the burgers and chicken only.

>> No.15228398

It is expensive in the sense you're massively overpaying for terrible quality food. It's a worse value proposition than taco bell even. There's a reason McDonald's has been struggling for the past decade, if not more.

>> No.15228409

Yes McDonald's is expensive, I can eat new York strip steaks for less. Regardless, I wouldn't eat it if it were free. You sure do love to eat McFeces

>> No.15228425

Are you retards really fighting over this shit? Damn you are autistics

>> No.15228428

Why open the thread?

>> No.15228429

>He thinks they doesn't freeze burger and chicken too
Oh nononono, so naive

>> No.15228435
File: 519 KB, 700x516, 1604887396795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To laught at you, getting mad over fast food

>> No.15228439

And you stayed around this long?
Your time isn't worth much, I take it.

>> No.15228443

>hurrdurr I'm pretending to be a fat retard so I can call you angry for laughing at me

>> No.15228445

I'm waiting at the bank dude I have to entertain myself till is my turn

>> No.15228448
File: 27 KB, 500x500, cctv-ip-camera-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't even participate in the thread, my country doesn't even have this "ribs"

>> No.15228452

You browse 4chan in public? That's somehow worse.

>> No.15228455
File: 195 KB, 333x316, MISTA MERRIKU YOU YUSLESU PISU OB SHITTU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe everything you eat is filled with bugs and anuses.
Introducing the McMasuda

>> No.15228488

It's /ck/ and my first tounge isn't english people don't know/recognize this website, do you show your phone to strangers too? Unless they peek at my shoulder they wouldn't see what I'm doing

>> No.15228496

>trusting strangers to keep to themselves

>> No.15228515

What are they gonna do, report you to the thought police? Why do you care what strangers think?

>> No.15228628

Most people couldn't even read what's going on and again, it's /ck/ what they are going to get mad at a food forum? How delusional are you about this website?

>> No.15228715

Dont care still ordering it.

>> No.15228731

Plebfeed for plebs. They don't get my money.

>> No.15228830

It's just mechanically recovered and compressed meat right?

>> No.15228977
File: 103 KB, 1080x1031, EfZF750XYAE8Vcl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15229007

This is Randy's troll process

>> No.15230323


>> No.15230371

At least you guys are getting something new.
Here in France they keep removing shit

>> No.15230396

lard is the most healthy type of fat
everything including yourself IS chemicals
the McRib patty is made with pork meat

>> No.15230449

Ok but why are they that color? They're almost completely white. Are they freezer burnt to hell or what the fuck is in those things?

>> No.15230469

Need answer

>> No.15230557

Do French actually stoop to eating at Mcdicks when they have some of the best food in the world on every corner? I thought those were only for retarded mutts who were visiting and frightened of eating anything that wasn't sawdust and hfcs.

>> No.15230659

Pour moi? Le MacPoulet, le premiere sandwich rapide.

>> No.15230840

What the fuck do you expect?

>> No.15230848

The quarter pounder has been refined to a level where the McRib is no longer relevant.

>> No.15230864

Arabs love McDonald's they even love the mcrib

>> No.15230883

Do American's really eat so much pork that when they stop eating it on mass it ripples into it's agriculture supply chain to the point where a mega corp like McDonalds can make a quick buck off it?

>> No.15230887

not all arabs are pedophiles

>> No.15230893

we are chicken eaters not pork eaters.

>> No.15230900
File: 33 KB, 800x450, kot1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The french language is disgusting desu

>> No.15230902

Clearly not.

>> No.15230929
File: 127 KB, 834x268, porkvschicken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15230989
