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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 136 KB, 1140x712, 5A78B8AB-4928-4B8A-A6E6-08E94CC1E032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15219362 No.15219362 [Reply] [Original]

Stay warm in there we’ll just be ringing these bells in the cold wind trying to give a little Christmas joy to some poor families haha

>> No.15219675

Would cum in the one on the right and on the left

>> No.15219761

Fuck, Kill

>> No.15219768

Y-you too!

>> No.15219869

fuck the salvation army

>> No.15220011

Y'all ain't going to be helping no po' homos out are ya?
>"No sir!"
*drops a crisp 5 dollar bill in*

>> No.15220045

fuck the right
kill the left
marry the bucket

>> No.15220268

fuck the bucket, make right snowball left with it, kms in a fit of ecstasy

>> No.15220298

They don't provide receipts for tax write-off purposes, so fuck them.

>> No.15220365

Ok Schlomo

>> No.15220404
File: 92 KB, 410x410, 1603058476510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does the salvation army hate gays again? there's too many people on the planet and gays aren't interested in creating more human beings so.. aren't they kinda our friends in that respect??? seriously you get up for work in the morning and there's tons of fucking traffic because there's so many people. driving a car?? have fun being stuck behind every other human being that's also doing the same thing. taking a walk across the street?? have fun waiting for literally every other car to pass and just when you think it's the perfect time to cross here comes medicated granny and agitated tyrone burning up the pavement. haha isn't life great?

t. posted in the hospital after being hit by a woman who was texting someone

>> No.15220415
File: 530 KB, 560x524, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get better anon we'll sterilize everyone eventually

>> No.15220424

you're supposed to look both ways not go both ways, faggot

>> No.15220427

Learn to look both ways, faggot.

>> No.15220453

i've fucked more women than you'll ever dream of. maximum cope

>> No.15220455

I don't condone slavery. Make sure you girls file a wage claim with the government.

>> No.15220466

whoops, sorry I'm still recovering here at St.Moe's hospital for the criminally gay

>> No.15220473

did a gay person evict you

>> No.15220483

no a woman hit me with her car, that breeder bitch

>> No.15220487

>that breeder bitch
back to rrreddit you cancerous faggot

>> No.15220492

I'm in no condition to travel
my legs are almost as weak as my wrists are right now

>> No.15220494

>Donating to Slagnation Army

>> No.15220503
File: 1.24 MB, 1140x712, bell gamer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15220508

WOAH WAIT, they hate gays?
Now I want to give them money, any organization who openly resists agains the sodomites and their agenda deserves my money.

>> No.15220529

Mah nigga.

>> No.15220550
File: 37 KB, 600x585, 1603407906113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15220571


>> No.15220586

The CEO of the salvation army doesn't pay taxes.
Literally has a miniseries on how he hides his cash

>> No.15220613

Good goy

>> No.15220668
File: 436 KB, 909x716, 1607349856584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.15220684
File: 12 KB, 220x167, Fred_Phelps_10-29-2002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad I donated today now that I know they hate gays

>> No.15220689


>> No.15220720

Good. Got a link? I’d love to learn from the experts.

>> No.15221039


>> No.15221292

That's one ugly chick and one cute girl(male).

>> No.15221414

I literally had a spasm from laughing. Well done.

>> No.15221448


>> No.15221470

I make it a point to make eye contact with these cucks as I walk into and out of the store.

>> No.15221475

has this site always been antinatalist?

>> No.15221672

because gays procreate by raping children

>> No.15221682

Based af

>> No.15221757

yes, being the most reddit board and most antinatalist has a big correlation

>> No.15223529

the other day it was a blind old geezer playing charlie brown tunes on a saxophone, guy fuckin ruled.

>> No.15223535

/pol/ is the most Reddit board though. I don't even hate Reddit but that's an objective fact.

>> No.15223573

>I don't even hate Reddit
Then you don't understand the ethereal detestable quality of reddit and redditors and don't know what you are saying.

>> No.15223626
File: 31 KB, 400x400, hello good hunter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I always ignore and walk right by the Salvation Army and give money to the Veterans Association instead

>> No.15223629

Yeah I don't have an account there or anything so I really don't care about Reddit one way or the other. I do lurk a few tiny boards there like video game mod sub reddits for tips and shit, though.

>> No.15223700

>holds handful of change
>"excuse me"
>walk past them to the coin star
>stare them in the eyes as you lose 11.9% of loose change
>crumple up the voucher
>turn 360 and walk away

>> No.15223703

>nigger having a crisp dollar bill of any value
Haha, no.

>> No.15223714


He could be a southerner, but they're the niggers of white people.

>> No.15223727

>not doing anything with the background stuff
Lame. Waste of opportunity.
Should've moved the "bell" on the nonfat one a smidge to the left, the words are too close making the shoop much more obvious.

>> No.15223735

Well duh. It's a multinational company. None of them pay taxes.

>> No.15223738
File: 250 KB, 1024x708, laughing dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>St.Moe's hospital for the criminally gay