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15213942 No.15213942 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15213943
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Full image

>> No.15213968
File: 282 KB, 540x266, tumblr_inline_okwxicFcrs1qfif3n_540[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peanut, curry and banana is the way to go

>> No.15214049

It literally looks like someone had diarrhea and evacuated all over some bread.

>> No.15214098
File: 53 KB, 828x800, 1604348760310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flammkuchen isn't Pizza

>> No.15214129

In my region they add eggs to it.
It's as rubbery as you'd expect from oven baked egg.

>> No.15214130

I've lived in Colorado nearly my whole life and never seen or heard of a Colorado-style pizza
And I worked in a local pizza shop

>> No.15214133

I used to have a collection of messed up emojis like this, now I do not.

>> No.15214136

The three biggest pizza criminals

>> No.15214138

What region are you from?

>> No.15214170 [DELETED] 

this whole image is bullshit

>> No.15214176
File: 268 KB, 1200x1200, Bacon-Breakfast-Pizza_EXPS_SDON17_39715_D06_30_1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking aussies, dont put sauce on your breakfast pizza
>drizzle a little bit of olive oil on dough
>scrambled eggs with milk or cream
>Mexican or American cheese
>crumbled bacon and sausage

>> No.15214193

kek Italy doesn't even make the list.

>> No.15214199

What type of pastry is that for the crust? I want to make this..

>> No.15214215

t. Texafornian who just moved here. Learn to drive in the snow faggot

>> No.15214221

Don't japs have the same kind of pizza there?

>> No.15214247


>> No.15214259

no go za wtf. But California's salmon pizza is allowed?

>> No.15214343

The recipe I got the pic from just says one tube refrigerated pizza crust

>> No.15214377
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Dunno why not, they have plenty of weird pizzas.

>> No.15214405

The australian pizza is blantantly bullshit, if anything spinach seems to be the most popular addition that i dont see elsewhere

>> No.15214423

Nobody has ever made that Salmon pizza, it doesn’t exist.

>> No.15214432

Oh and kangaroo and emu arent common toppings (although kangaroo mince used to be popular, noone sells it anymore)

>> No.15214469
File: 83 KB, 400x363, hellopizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pizza needs being kawaii desu

>> No.15214481
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Garfield pizza time

>> No.15214488

Wait, Traci Lords' hometown has a famous pizza 'Style'?

>> No.15214503
File: 59 KB, 600x637, batman pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

duh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh BATMAN!
your pizza is ready Mr. Wayne...

>> No.15215143

delicious breakfast flatbread

>> No.15215149

Papa murphys has them but theyre not called colorado style
>t. Colorado native

>> No.15215188

I grew up in Philadelphia, and pizza was nothing like that square abomination.

>> No.15215225

I live in Philadelphia and love eating tomato pie 'za.

>> No.15215228

Mozzarella is traditionally considered an optional ingredient for apizza. Depending on the pizza place, you may not get cheese if you don't ask for it but I don't think there's a single place in New Haven that doesn't have mozzarella. If you get a white clam pizza without cheese the clams will just fall off when you eat it.

>> No.15215232

Berlusconi pizza is based, but nobody else except one national franchise makes it

>> No.15215259

Bruh the only aussie pizza is hawaiian orrrrrr meatlovers

>> No.15215269

>The sweet and savory pie uses a cookie crust topped with shrimp and potato. It’s served with a blueberry dipping sauce, though ranch dressing is also a popular condiment.
Jesus Christ that’s horrible.

>> No.15215402

>Kebab pizza is the most popular
This can’t be real lmao

>> No.15216095

Beujos still sells them, good pizzas. Surprised you have not gone their, the crust is huge so you save them for after dinner then dip them in honey. T. Actual Colorado native

>> No.15216099

>Sweden is kebab pizza
You cannot make this up

>> No.15216121

Australian. Although we do somtimes have egg on our "Aussie" pizza. We don't eat this for breakfast. Chart is shit.

>> No.15216395

I am Russian but I've never heard of this "Moskva-style" pizza.

>> No.15216410

Wolfgang Puck was famous for making a smoked salmon pizza back in the 80s. I had a pizza once at a brunch place with smoked salmon, cream cheese, creme fraiche and capers. The dough is blind baked and the toppings are added at the end. Pretty good.

>> No.15216722

Where? Idk a shop that sells egg pizza

>> No.15216732

Real br pizza kino coming through

>> No.15216733

Aussie pizza is delicious with a few Carlton crowns

>> No.15216904

that sweden one looks good

>> No.15217418

>Sweden Turkish Kebap pizza
>germany Flammkuchen which is traditional german and not even sold in pizzarias

>not Turkish pizza in every erupean country

Its hard to even find a Itallian owned Pizzeria today.
today every kebap shop sells Pizza Kebab and Pizza Sucuk

>mfw look up the impressum (german websites need to state the owner) of all pizzerias around me Rajawi poosnotinloo and Rimatim wipeswithleft

somehow the indians took over the pizza market but its not hard to tell look at the Menue 9000 dishes in the categories

Real Itallian owned pizzeria
>5 to 10 different Pizzas
>5 Pasta Dishes

>> No.15217436
File: 157 KB, 1321x936, 4-ways-to-see-the-good-in-the-bad~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nothing from Italy, Chicago, or New York
The first two don't deserve inclusion anyway, but this chart was scientifically designed to create seethe lmao

>> No.15217447
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most of them sound really good

>> No.15217448

More in-depth report of the pizza culture in Korea.

>> No.15217562

Literally my family has lived here since before it was a state you tryhards
My family has actually founded towns here, and I never heard of Colorado Style pizza
Bet you're all front range mongs

>> No.15217576
File: 112 KB, 640x853, ktgvl0ymcy461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does pineapple belong on pizza?

>> No.15217578

When will you people learn that these are almost never what most people in said countries eat as pizza

>> No.15217588

America wins again

>> No.15217621

Wtf is with ohio never melting cheese

>> No.15217629

Really? I have a few friends from there and they're always trying to convince me how good it is if we get on the subject of pizza.

>> No.15217638

Texfag here, I ski 4 times a year, usually CO; I would suggest the pies at Secret Stash and that one in Idaho Springs (Beaujoe’s?) fit this description

>> No.15217728
File: 180 KB, 692x922, 71220849_3315251305184117_3350220455343554560_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meanwhile Mexico has a chile relleno pizza. Mexico always a step ahead.

>> No.15217777

>those American variants
Do these really count as unique styles of pizza? It just seems like slightly different ways of cooking/arranging them. Just feels like a lot of them are really reaching.

>> No.15217786

Viking style isn't actually folded like a viking ship but a start of viking ships.

>> No.15217811

>kebab pizza
Oh no.

>> No.15217930

>viking style
Oh yes

>> No.15217955

i've had a banana pizza, it is not the worst.

>> No.15218063

actual retards

>> No.15218217

It's pretty good, lots of meat and sauce. Turns pizza from a starter to a meal.

>> No.15218562

So you're just retarded?

>> No.15218665

>it's french
LOL this picture is good

>> No.15218697

God even the description of the California Pizza oozes with pretentiousness

>> No.15218778
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>folded like a viking ship
sure bud

>> No.15218938

I've never seen it in my life, it must be some homosexual denver crap.
Ain't even see this stuff in pretentious telluride. My family been living in the San Juans since the 19th century and I've never heard it talked about, never seen it on a menu, never even heard the name.

>> No.15218955
File: 136 KB, 1000x562, Broadway MN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>special because we don't melt the cheese all the way
Fucking retarded.

You'd be better off throwing real Chicago or midwestern pizza in there. Cracker crust, thin sauce, squares. It's like St. Louis, only not disgusting because the info fails to mention Provel is very much like Kraft American Slices.