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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15204531 No.15204531 [Reply] [Original]

Do americans actually?

>> No.15204533

you idiot
you can't bring up american catsup steak without starting some sort of political shitfest

>> No.15204539


>> No.15204578
File: 224 KB, 1600x1200, 3F04FD3B-50DC-43CB-8952-621622674C0C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomato purée is the main ingredient in all these sauces, and in ketchup. Stop being a snob.

>> No.15204589

>he thinks puree = ketchup
americans truly are the dumbest race

>> No.15204595


>> No.15204600

ill never understand people that don't like sauce.
>"muh food tastes good as it is!"
why not make it better?

>> No.15204612

Sauce is absolutely fine I enjoy a thick mushroom sauce on a mediocre piece of steak at a pub or something but when you have a prime cut that's 50 bucks or more you generally want to taste the full flavour of the actual steak with maybe some light salt and pepper. Please, refine your palate and quit being a plebian.

>> No.15204629

Americans don't even do this shit. It's just drumpf apologists.

>> No.15204647

trump lost

>> No.15204669

I've never had it in the past 20 years, but I do have found memories of eating well done steaks with ketchup as a kid. I'd unironically like to try it one more time someday.
Not American, btw.

>> No.15204702

>putting sauce on steak

>> No.15204715

your mom puts my knob sauce on her roast beef whenever I call her, you should be used to it by now

>> No.15204716

you probably eat wings with no sauce on them

>> No.15204741
File: 92 KB, 500x375, 1607654234752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's european style. continental style would be this way

>> No.15204746

what a low IQ comparison to try and conflate wings with steak as if the meats are the same

>> No.15204761
File: 31 KB, 271x320, EC57F6A7-239D-48AF-8F85-DDB698AE55CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>refine your palate and stop being a pleb
so we're plebs because prime cuts need to be enjoyed because it's not an every day thing?
...are you sure you're not the pleb?

>> No.15204769

Growing up mom used to overcook the fuck out of the steak to the point where it was like leather, ketchup made it somewhat tolerable.

>> No.15204778

what you've never had a really high quality wagyu chicken?

>> No.15204785

>Biden wins
>Leftists are still angry
Take your pills

>> No.15204786
File: 48 KB, 550x481, ye boa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm addressing you and you alone plebian. I can tell you're a pleb because you think spending for spending's sake makes you rich, the reason I have a couple mil is because I am not only smart with my investments but also frugal at the same time and if I were to buy a hundred dollar steak every day I would degrade my discipline as well as my modesty, the reason you are poor is much like a nigger you think that outwardly presenting wealth and using money on trinkets means you are rich when in fact you've just blown your wendies paycheck on bullshit rather than using it in an intelligent manner.

>> No.15204787

Mainly with kids, most adults like steak sauce or nothing at all. The few adults who do still use ketchup just like ketchup. It's sweet so there's that.

>> No.15204790

>putting stake on sauce

>> No.15204807

In the Netherlands we actually eat steak with pepper sauce. Don't see how that's any better than eating with ketchup.

We also bake our steak tartare. Don't tell /ck/ or they will freak out.

>> No.15204812

kek poor faggots blown the fuck out

>> No.15204837

Their current two term president does

>> No.15204981

>has a couple mill
a million of what? Indian rupees?

>> No.15204993


>> No.15205002


>> No.15205007


>> No.15205017


>> No.15205061


>> No.15205070

>another American hate thread
Rent free, cocksucker

>> No.15205078
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>> No.15205093

I dislike the faggoty usage of "yikes" too but he's not wrong.

>> No.15205106

>he's not wrong.
Didn't say he was. I just like to shitpost with soijaks.

>> No.15205111


>> No.15205123

How do these threads not get banned for trolling

>> No.15205128
File: 56 KB, 843x903, 1607251577788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to this chart, you lost. Have sex

>> No.15205131

More people need to report them

>> No.15205136


>> No.15205137

Oh, will you shut the fuck up? Can't we have a little fun once in a while? I bet you hate the Skyline threads.

>> No.15205143

rent free

>> No.15205145

seething retards

>> No.15205147

Biden won, y’all just need to cope with that.

>> No.15205150

based as fucking fuck nigger what do you think bidens favorite food is?

>> No.15205151

There was literally a thread about American food being good earlier that got deleted for racism or whatever, this is bullshit. All Americans need to report this shit.

>> No.15205152

Why are Americans so fat and retarded? They really are an embarrassment.

>> No.15205157

Probably has to eat a lot of soft food these days. Maybe ice cream.

>> No.15205163

keke euros are so fragile you must be so mad we lead the western world both economically, culturally and militarily and you haven't been relevant since world war 2 when you ripped yourselves apart with war like the chimps you are. we had to break you apart like a mother breaking apart belligerent children

>> No.15205167

>There was literally a thread about American food being good earlier that got deleted for racism or whatever, this is bullshit

>> No.15205174

our gut microbiomes have been under attack from all angles, and the more research that comes out, the more apparent it is how important healthy gut bacteria composition is in having a healthy and well developed brain. people are literally eating themselves and their future children to a dumber and more psychotic future by damaging it.

east asians by comparison even with infiltration of many western modern foods, still eat closer to what their ancestors ate compared to the fattest western nations. that's why hong kongers live longer despite the smog

>> No.15205179

>east asians have better diets
look I'll agree with places like japan and korea but wow I've travelled to pretty much all of asia and I'll say their quality of food is just as bad if not worse than western nations they don't have as much processed stuff but the actual quality of meats rice and veg is very low they have almost no health standards

>> No.15205186

that's fair, if I had the choice I would much rather vacation in Taiwan or Japan by 1000000x than touch mainland china

>> No.15205193

it's what happens when you have canadians as a neighbour