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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15180889 No.15180889 [Reply] [Original]

What are some examples of food companies or restaurants cutting corners with cheaper ingredients that drop the quality of their food or slowly reducing the amount of food they sell while still keeping the price the same?

There was that whole scandal about Cadbury reducing the size of their chocolate eggs over time to get away with having the customers pay the same for less.

>> No.15180894
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>> No.15180909

This is a travesty

>> No.15180916

it's long back to the previous format though

>> No.15180928
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they literally cut corners

>> No.15180942

Let me tell you about New Coke

>> No.15180949

Snickers and twix used to be way bigger than they are today. It changed around the 2008 recession.

>> No.15180951
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orange juice comes in 59oz bottles now instead of half gallon 64oz jugs

>> No.15180962

Am I crazy or does Hostess snacks taste worse than they used to be? The ding dongs used to be good but they don't taste good anymore.

>> No.15180983

Selling Cadbury to the Americans was a mistake.

Anyway, cutting corners has been a thing for just about every company for years, especially after the great recession. Another thing I noticed is food that used to be sold in 12s now being sold in 10s. The problem now is there are no more corners to cut so food prices have been really going up this year.

>> No.15181019

Imagine that someone high up actually thought that this is a good idea.

>> No.15181043

Yeah, snickers used to be 60g and twix 58g. Now they're both 50.

>> No.15181082

In germany we had a law which made most products be sold in certain weights and packages. For example cold only be distributed in 100-200-500g and whatever weight tablets. But a couple years back it got thrown out for the benefit of the producers. Now each year they fuck with consomers, reducing weight of the product, quality of ingredients (palm oil ahoi) and whatever they can get away with.

You know what you can do? Stopping to buy their Mendelez and Nestel shit.

>> No.15181098

Cadbury have been dogshit tier ever since Kraft got hold of them and offshored the production and changed the recipe.

>> No.15181322


>> No.15181556

Those have genuinely gotten way fucking smaller since I was a child. Can't believe they charge full price and people still pay for them

>> No.15181573

Mother. Fucking. Fat Tire from New Belgium. It's definitely been watered down over the years, and it sucks now.

>> No.15181694

Reducing sugar content in the name of 'battling obesity' but adding sweeteners and palming it off as 'reduced sugar'. In reality, sugar is more expensive than artificial sweeteners and the sweeteners are much, much sweeter than sugar so are more cost effective. Artificial sweeteners fuck with your gut, your appetite and your taste buds. Eventually you become accustomed to super-sweet foods and the zero-calorie sweeteners stimulate the hunger hormone grehlin which in turn makes your body anticipate digestion but lacks calories so you feel hunger. This is why fat people drink Diet Coke.

It's increasingly hard to find any soft drinks without artificial sweeteners so I generally avoid them entirely and just drink water or dilute fresh fruit juice with seltzer water.

I've also read that artificial sweeteners aren't suitable for baking or cooking so if something's been heated (cakes, donuts etc) then they're most likely made with real sugar.

>> No.15181757
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I disagree with that last note.
I don't know many examples that go against it, but I do know at least one.

Kettlecorn flavored popcorn can't be prepared in the microwave because the sugar will burn. Microwaveable kettle-corn is flavored with sucralose because it won't burn.
They don't even advertise the fact that the product is sugar-free on the packaging.

>> No.15182894
File: 15 KB, 225x225, Ritz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ritz have completely gone to shit. They used to have a distinct buttery taste and were good even without any topping but now they taste like nothing and instantly crumble to pieces as soon as you look at them.

>> No.15182913

>23.5 oz
>saves them a 5c deposit since it's under 24


>> No.15182933

Its not you, they fucked with the recipes big time.

>> No.15182943

I like putting a packet of your ahoj brause pulver on my tongue then filling my mouth with tequila or vodka & shaking my head around. You Germans really have the best drinking games eh.

>> No.15182945

I've noticed this too. Problem is, I can't find anything that comes close to the original flavor and texture.

>> No.15182949

I thought it was just me that noticed this. They used to be so rich and delicious - cheap fucks.

>> No.15183010

Kraft Mac and cheese.

>> No.15183171

powerade. earlier this year the cut like 12oz off the bottles and now no one is selling them for less than 80 cents. used to get the 32oz for 45 cents. feels bad man

>> No.15183190

Monaco Crackers from india

>> No.15183204


>> No.15183232
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The Lindt buyout ruined it. It's such a shame, I bought it for it's nutty chocolate flavor as opposed to Lindt's fruity one. Now it tastes like a shittier Lindt. Forever fucking mad.

>> No.15183234

The Americans own you.

>> No.15183259

-Oreos the double stuff is basically 1.4 to the original oreo frosting. The normal oreo is half the frosting now of the original.

-Chic-fila gets over seas chicken now

-Smithfields largest Us pork producer owned by Chinese and sneaking in Poison Chinese Pork to the USA line, has had multiple recalls now.

-Hersheys taste like after vomit produced in mexico made out of wax

-Any non regular reeses are made in mexico and mostly wax

-Cheeto puffs added a ingredient that makes peoples mouth itchy

-Marie Calendar as a whole is now garbage

-Fish in general most of the cleaner fishing spots now in the world now have Polluting Chinese Fishers going as far as California to fish in mass

Never seen American food get so shitty until it was sold to the Chinese or made in mexico

>> No.15183276

>buying food from india
Its safer buying a jar of ecoli and smearing it on saltines.

>> No.15183297

Normal cheese packages have gone from 1kg->500g->450g->400g.
Soft drinks used to always come in 24s then swapped to 12s and cost what they used to.
Ice cream is now 50% air.
Cake mixes only make half a cake now but the box is the same.
Hotdogs are physically smaller or sold in 8s.
Eggo waffles are smaller, so much that they are practically flat.

>> No.15183511

So do you complain about the lower sizes or do you complain about the higher prices? It's one or the other you know.

>> No.15183825
File: 130 KB, 1500x1500, 30051-fromage-fondu-450-g-cheez-whiz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A thread I'm actually interested in
>Not a lot of posters, probably going to die early
Can any boomer anons tell me about old Cheez Wiz? I hear people complain that it used to be incredible 25 years ago, but never got any real information on what changed

>> No.15183841

yea. I find other brands that copied the ritz are better than them now

>> No.15183852

Bags of chips being 50% air.

>> No.15183853

It was pretty incredible a long time ago. Back when Cheez Whiz was made my an actual cheez wizard. High atop his tower under the ominous clouds he would cast many spells and incantations over a cauldron of cheese and as the concoction bubbled and boiled it slowly formed into a delicious cheezy elixir. Nowadays it's ok but it just doesn't have that thaumaturgical kick that it use to.

>> No.15183856
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Not sure it is different. There used to be squeez cheez that had flavors and was amazing. Mostly used it on Ritz which are crap now since changing to packaging the crackers in rolls, and for grilled cheese.

>> No.15183860

its. always seemed the same to me

>> No.15183863

this has always been the case. its to keep them from being crushed.

>> No.15183866

It's good to see fat people sad

>> No.15183899

Moccona changed their recipe from decent instant coffee to pure dirt water while simultaneously making the giant jars cheaper, like I thought "oh boy how cheap" and I taste it and I'm like "ah"

>> No.15183955

>In germany we had a law which made most products be sold in certain weights and packages. For example cold only be distributed in 100-200-500g and whatever weight tablets.
That actually sounds like a really based law

>> No.15183992

It was. For decades a chocolate was 100g, as we germans always DIN our shit. Nowadays Milka and other brands sell shit with 89g or even less. Especially if it regards special packaging like Chocolate santa clauses. Same goes for everything which could be sold. We also have laws which tell the producer how much extra packaging they are allowed to use, to not make the consomer think there is more inside than it actually is (think chips). But manufakturers just use single packaging to circumvent it and sell you a massive box with 80% air.

Sadly the law got kiked.

>> No.15184666

i dont see how this is a problem at all. im not sure about germany but in austria all prices must also be show in euro/kg so its easy to compare. if i see sweets priced at 20euro/100g i just laugh and take something else. milka is shit chocolate btw

>> No.15184695

Sure, you can do that. But nerly nobody does that. What do you want to do if all chocolate Nikoläuse have been set on diet? Sure, they are already more expansive than normal choclate, but it's still jewish. Or take some Schlemmerfilt, same shit.

It uses the normie consomers to make a profit and wastes your time having to compare the small print for kikery.

>> No.15184749

Tim Horton's pastry, their donuts quality and variety went town the fakking drain.

>> No.15184767

From past Tim Horton threads I've seen, the entire thing has had their quality going down the drain.

>> No.15184811

Everybody owns us, apart from a few banks and insurance companies there's no such thing as British any more.
We have a similar law, but retailers are allowed to deliberately make it confusing by firstly having it in tiny writing hidden on the bottom of the label where it is half hidden by the label holder. Then they are allowed to use different units, e.g. one bar is £/100g, the other is £/1kg, then another is £ per pack. Scum, the lot of them.

>> No.15184903
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For years, I wondered if all pizzas worldwide were getting smaller over the years as part of a massive international conspiracy. Then I realized my appetite just ballooned after puberty.

>> No.15185062

Palm kernel oil replacing more and more coca butter. I'm no connoisseur of chocolate but it's spread to almost every non specialty chocolate maker. There's basically nothing you could get in a drug store or gas station that hasn't done this to such a degree it's no longer satisfying.

>> No.15185067


It was. They lose less money, and people probably buy them just as often as before.

>> No.15185068
File: 90 KB, 640x480, 55BFE9D3-F22F-4005-A8E6-B57B9D2026BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like Pop Tarts have dropped a lot in quality

>> No.15185069

This was some grade a demoralisation propaganda promoted to punish brits for voting for brexit

>> No.15185658

why does american chocolate taste like puke

>> No.15185903

Are you sure your dumb ass isn't just buying the Belgian white version?

>> No.15185911

Pop Tarts have had full retard icing application for many many years.

>> No.15186225

They never have enough filling. Like eating iced cardboard.

>> No.15186248

because butyric acid

>> No.15187990

some company fucked up whilst trying to make unmeltable tropical chocolate for the US army, instead of scrapping the project after fucking up they decided to sell it to the goyim.

>> No.15188104
File: 35 KB, 393x273, turkey+hill+double+dunker+ice+cream+official.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally just happened to me
original double dunker was pReMiuM ice cream
the one I just opened was frozen dairy dessert with a fraction of the amount of add-ins the original had
never buying turkey hill again

>> No.15188158

club crackers are like this too now, they got really greasy as well

>> No.15188170

ALL cadburys chocolate tastes like sugary wheelbearing grease now, thanks america

>> No.15188180

that gardettos snack mix that's like the fancier chex mix without chex. They used to have sesame seed bread pieces, replaced those with those shitty plain wavy bread sticks that are in chex mix. i think they taste different too, too much vinegar.

>> No.15188535

hate this shit

>> No.15188888

I think it's all in your head

>> No.15189239
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I had a Fray Bentos chicken pie a few months back and there were maybe 3 or 4 pieces of chicken in it and the rest was just gravy, I googled it and apparently they reduced the amount of meat in their pies to save money. I'm sure they're more expensive than they used to be too.

>> No.15189333

chicken nuggets are 100% white meat now and no longer contain any chicken assholes in them and the quality is seriously lacking as a result

>> No.15189377

I was just about to post this, they fucking killed the dunker. I bought it one day and when I bit into it, it had a horrible fluffy texture (they whip it full of air to increase volume) and literally tasted like vomit. They had turned it from actual ice cream into (((frozen dairy dessert))) and I will never forgive them.

>> No.15190509

>inb4 someone says its just nitrogen perserving the chips
That's bullshit and you fuckin know it.

>> No.15190530
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I think there are less in these packages than there used to be. It seems that way with all cookies.

>> No.15191358

hostess is the worst now

>> No.15191387

I distinctly remember saltine crackers lasting longer before going stale when I was a kid. Cheese and crackers is my muhfuckin snack and I find myself begrudgingly eating stale crackers I bought last week and opened moments before.

>> No.15191412

Can you elaborate on Marie calendar? I always liked those products. Except the family size barely feeds two adults

>> No.15191426

they can't keep getting away with it bros
7-11's brand of snack cakes absolutely mog hostess these days. the state of it all...

>> No.15191559

The only people buying pop tarts are ghetto and white trash using food stamps. Their standards are lower because their buyers are literal retard mouth breathers who don't care

>> No.15191926

"The last time I released a blast of intestinal air, the wind blew out like a shot as if it were a tank of pressurized gas and within a nanosecond an accidental spillage of fecal froth broke through the lip of my anal ring that had previously been containing it. Had not the seal been broken because of the release then I would not have my underwear plastered in a thick caulky mess of my ancient breakfast."

>> No.15192024

thats just depressing

>> No.15192078

Craft and Nestle. The fuckers are buying up every decent food and snack manufacturer in the world and making their products shit.

>> No.15192605

UK imposed a sugar tax for drinks a few years ago. Nearly every soft drinks recipe switched over to aspertane immediately.
I havent had a lucozade since

>> No.15194331 [DELETED] 

butt blast

>> No.15195334

Yes, Tim keeps going because coffee is decent and seasonal gimmicks like Rollup the Rim and the iced cappuccino, for the rest it can go fuck itself.

>> No.15195445
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>> No.15195450
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Like Tim Hortons

>> No.15195452
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Did somebody say Tim Hortons?

>> No.15195455
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>> No.15195460
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Tims time

>> No.15195463
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I love Tim Hortons! Creamy chill is my favorite.

>> No.15195467
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Try a breakfast croissant. Don't knock it until you try it ;)

>> No.15195469
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I could eat their wraps every day.

>> No.15195471
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Such yummy wraps. 5 our of 5 stars, haha.

>> No.15195476
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The donuts are so cute!

>> No.15195478
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Gonna get one of their grilled cheese sandwiches in the morning

>> No.15195483
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I heard that Tim Hortons keeps making less and less money as they lose more and more customers. Not sure why, maybe their CEO has an idea.

>> No.15195493


>> No.15196145

The problem started when Tim got sold to this Brazilian company that only wanted to squeeze it for money, then they got sold again back to Canada to RBI which also owns BK and Popeye. 1500 Tim owners sued RBI because they were getting overcharged for their basic supplies and last year settled.

>> No.15196445

Yeah they put all those “power” dents in them

>> No.15196734

the trader joes version are actually really good. not necessarily a good copy of the ritz just their own very very well balanced buttery round cracker. prefer them to any ritz ive ever had and when I was a kid I would crush sleeves of ritz