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15195018 No.15195018 [Reply] [Original]

Every time I drink, I get a headache. No, not a hangover, but literally like 20 minutes after starting a beer, I'll have a splitting headache. Does anyone know why? I can drink water at the same time, and it doesn't help.

>> No.15195022

you asian?

>> No.15195023

gluten allergy.

>> No.15195024

Take some tylenol with your drinks, you'll be fine

>> No.15195025 [DELETED] 

A bee just flew into my foreskin. I'm not happy about it being in there.

>> No.15195027


>> No.15195063

hows this work with shit other than beer

>> No.15195071

I don't drink a ton, but usually I'll be fine with harder stuff. It's been quite a while though. Last time I drank I had 1 large beer, and got a headache right after. It happens to me a lot unless I get actually drunk.

>> No.15195081

I sometimes get neckpain when I drink just a little amount of alcohol, like few little sips of booze

>> No.15195086

It could really be this. This isn't a joke.

>> No.15195087

>it hurts when i do this
well then don't do it.

>> No.15195093

Forget alcohol. Use cannabis.

>> No.15195100

I can eat bread, pastries, cake etc and feel fine, what else could have gluten in it?

>> No.15195110

Fucking same OP, it sucks

>> No.15195115

Purines or histamines.

>> No.15195124

if you can eat all that, doesnt seem like it would be gluten. maybe its somehow the hops? cant see how though. does it vary among beers?

>> No.15195125

take fucking pcp and speed

>> No.15195156

Not sure, I don't really drink enough to know.

>> No.15195164

Try adding a salty snack? Pickles? If it does not work, drinking is not for you, anon.

>> No.15195166

Histamine intolerance. If you get the same effect after red wine, that's what it is. Switch to clear liquors like vodka.

>> No.15195174

This happens to me a lot but not always.

>> No.15195191

Gluten allergy and acetaldehyde flush have been pretty much ruled out... so yeah, this or a possible reaction to a terpene in the hops. How does marijuana treat you?

>> No.15195195

You are in a perpetual state of dehydration. Drink more water you fuck.

>> No.15195200

Recently I've been getting this a lot too, especially with beer. No gluten allergy for me either. I wonder if it's partly a psychological thing or something, used to get headaches from completely random foods a lot when I was a kid too.

>> No.15195201

> How does marijuana treat you?

Psychologically, horrible. Gives me anxiety and shakes, makes me feel flushed, like my blood sugars just crashed. I can't smoke at all.

>> No.15195202

So don't drink beer, you dummy.

>> No.15195204


>> No.15195206

Mint flavored anything would always give me a headache when I was younger.

>> No.15195207

Could it be you have high blood pressure?
If not switch to a clear booze like Vodka. In moderation of course.

>> No.15195214

Damn, for me it was some citrus flavors. Never had any idea what was up with it.

>> No.15195225

Vodka seems to treat me well, when I drink it. Same with wine of any sort. Seems to be just hoppy beers that give me a headache.

>> No.15195229

Lightweight bitch, ahahaha OP can't even handle one beer.

Absolutely pathetic, just give it up.

>> No.15195232

Any of these ring a bell?


>> No.15195235


t. child

>> No.15195241

Nope, I eat a lot of seafood am I'm fine. Maybe it just dehydrates me like crazy? I don't weigh a ton.

>> No.15195242

Ahahaha a child could outdrink you!

Even a girl child could, pathetic bitch ahahaha!

>> No.15195657
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Hydrate, retard. 95% of headaches are caused by dehydration, especially since alcohol tends to leave you dehydrated.

Don't do this. Tylenol and alcohol will fuck up your liver.

>> No.15195677

alcoholism isnt something to be proud of

>> No.15195679

While they drink themselves to death I will study the blade

>> No.15195836

Sniff my sister's underwear. Smell them. That's the smell of excellence. She's like 10 years old.

>> No.15195849

Try to drink liqour. Beer might cause you gout and that is the reason for your headaches.

>> No.15195861
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Deep in your heart you already know what you need to do.

>> No.15195879

This started happening to me a few years ago too

>> No.15195917

I get exactly the same thing. I can drink spirits just fine but just one or two portions of wine and/or beer and my nape and lower back head just start pulsating with pain within the hour. Kind of a pain in the ass

>> No.15196001
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Fuck a goat and blow myself up?

>> No.15196005

do you take any medications op. usually means you're doing something else in addition to the drinking, or not taking care of yourself.

>> No.15196010

Try cider, wine, or them mixed drinks targeted at teenage girls. Or just drink something like vodka tonic with a twist or vodka soda with a twist.

>> No.15196034

>Tylenol and alcohol will fuck up your liver
Nice mom-science.

>> No.15196036

Try xanax and hooch.

>> No.15196057

it makes me unpleasant to be around.

>> No.15196070

Alergic to alchohol

>> No.15196153
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It's ok, OP. I had to give up on stout beers for a similar reason. Started off with sneezing, and eventually it became runny nose and sinus headache the next day. It might be the malt or hops. No other types do it to me. Try hard cider, it's good stuff.

>> No.15196156

Literally hayfever bro. Try again in the depth of winter.

>> No.15196181

don't do this it creates mustard gas

>> No.15197449
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Based and Brulepilled