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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15190150 No.15190150 [Reply] [Original]

>med student
>love cooking
Convince me to keep cooking a hobby and not try to enter it professionally, please. Having some retarded ideas in my head.

>> No.15190165

I hate doctors. I have never met a group of people who are more smug and arrogant. It attracts the worst kind of people who want power over others as well as social prestige.

>> No.15190184

i went to a restaurant with open kitchen and see how fast they worked and realized i would never make it
ignore guy above btw

>> No.15190185

>people who want power over others
>as well as social prestige
I'm mostly doing it because my parents told me that's what I would do from a young age, so I went along with it. Being able to help people instead of wageslaving is definitely appealing, as is the pay, but I'm 0% in it for prestige, more in it to help people while also making my parents proud and getting my pick of which American whore I want to breed with.
Are you right about most of my peers, though? Absolutely. Egotistical Brads and Beckys thinking they're Chads and Stacies everywhere.

>> No.15190193

>i'm one of the good ones


I hope you have a very, very painful unpleasant life.

>> No.15190203

I like it when they offer diet or exercise advice. I've never met dumber people when it comes to both subjects

>> No.15190205

unless you absolutely love cooking and dont have any qualms with pay and very very slim room for growth, stick to med
if you're autistically into cooking like me then hop in

>> No.15190206

>I hope you have a very, very painful unpleasant life.
I probably will no matter what you say or do, why do you care?

>> No.15190210

Because you deserve endless suffering for thinking you are better than others and trying to control other people. The medical profession attracts nothing but arrogant control freaks and I hope you have a life filled with excruciating, unending pain. You are just as egotistical as the others and you deserve even more pain for refusing to acknowledge that.

>> No.15190211

>pay and very very slim room for growth
This and the extraordinarily fast-paced work environment full of stupid cunts who don't care about the work is what's putting me off and what I hear about the most, is it true? When I imagine a typical restaurant kitchen, I picture a Kitchen Nightmares sloppa factory

>> No.15190217

Take your meds you faggot

>> No.15190220

>thinking you are better than others
I'm a turbo autist with no friends who happens to be halfway decent at science n shiet.
>trying to control other people
Lol no, but if I get a patient who's fucking his body up and being a fat retard, I will bluntly and honestly inform them of the dangers of continuing to be a fat retard, etc. I don't have a power fantasy.

>> No.15190221

there is no need for homophobic slurs here

>> No.15190228

Ok, I'm a PA who got into cooking over the last 2 years, more heavily with the shutdown. Anything you are passionate, if you do it as a job, you will just grow to resent it. And while I've never cooked professionally, don't ask me, ask around, they all mostly hate themselves and their jobs. Being a resident, and even a attending fucking sucks dick too, but you will at least make like 5-10x you would having been a cook, so do that if you can you fucking dingus.

>> No.15190229

>I don't have a power fantasy.


I hope you suffer tremendously and the suffering only gets worse as your life continues.

>> No.15190232
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i work at outback, not really high end but im starting and heres what i can tell you that you're in for on the low end of the industry
>clock in
>if you're morning you're likely spending most of the shift prepping rather than cooking
>if you're evening you're almost entirely playing catch up with what the morning guys didnt do before disappearing
>morning is almost always ez and chill, older dudes who like their job mostly
>evening dudes will take every excuse they can to go outside and smoke, sell each other bud or just fuck off to avoid work
>almost no one likes working
>almost no one cares if they do their job well
>servers constantly bitching because of minute things customers scream about
>bartenders throwing a fit while you close and they make twice what you made
i love working on a line, i like working in a restaurant, but im also willing to do other peoples jobs to get things done. if you arent ready and patient enough togo though this every shift every day for less than 15 an hour do not go into the industry

>> No.15190233

>>bartenders throwing a fit while you close and they make twice what you made
Why the fuck would you work anywhere that doesn't at least partially pool tips? Bartenders do good work but fuck them doing probably less work than the kitchen and making 5x what you make in tips.

>> No.15190238
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>> No.15190242

>servers have their own pool
>bar has their own pool
>bar actually gets a percent of what the servers get too
>bar has a few more tables per person, plus bartop
>each person takes home at least 100 a night for a 5 hour shift
>weekends 200 min per tender
this passed weekend i was closing and i had a ticket for a soup and was in the middle of doing something so i forgot it was there, thought my coworker might take care of it
>he was smoking outside
bartender comes up throws a fit about soup not being out, so we grab it
customer mad that the bowl isnt hot
have to set up another microwave to fix that
takes another minute
shes throwing a fit about it
>tfw 12 an hour for a 7 hour shit to deal with this

>> No.15190247

cut your penis off and then rethink your dumb cooking career idea.

>> No.15190257

>bar has their own pool
>bar actually gets a percent of what the servers get too
Lol, you work at some place that the owner is fucking everyone, and literally the bartendress.
Every place I've seen that's not a shitshow pools tips, and servers and bar gets the largest share, kitchen gets the medium, and bussing and washers gets the lowest, if any.

>> No.15190260

>he medium, and bussing and washers gets
wait so kitchen is supposed to get tip share?
is the base pay still over 10 dollars or?
is it just cause i work at a franchise???

>> No.15190268
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>Anything you are passionate, if you do it as a job, you will just grow to resent it.
My greatest fear, all the worse because I know it will come true.

>> No.15190270

I dunno, only worked at either places with like
under 10 locations, or locally owned (but doesn't mean much when it's one investment company that owns like 1-2 dozen restaurants in the city). Never worked at some shit like Cheesecake Factory. I've known a couple dive bars to not pool tips, but they don't really keep any kitchen staff worth a damn, so it's mostly just retards with 9 felonies who will deep fry mozz sticks at 1 am for min wage.

>> No.15190277

so are franchises mostly felonholes? ive been wanting to move to a place that isnt a hellscape of druggies and convicts "just working a job"

>> No.15190284

I don't really know, I just have secondhand shit to work with. It's my understanding that it's worse pay (as in less merit based shit like tips or bonuses), more managerial bullshit, but they only really take people with a clean record and drug test. So it's mostly people who are in/did culinary school or something and need to pad their resume, so they are a internship/revolving door for those people.

>> No.15190298

>mostly just retards with 9 felonies who will deep fry mozz sticks at 1 am for min wage
This sounds like a comfy gig until you get beaten and robbed by Tyrone the dishwasher because you looked at him wrong

>> No.15190300

funny thing is everyone ive worked with thats been a felon or a dealer etc has been really chill

>> No.15190307

Honestly, while I'm probably a bit racist, the guy I had in my mind typing this was some meth-y white dude with more than one neck tattoo.

>> No.15190342

why would it be relevant that your a med student? bait thread

>> No.15190385

Because OP would be throwing away hundreds of thousands of dollars of tuition money and a stable, high-paying career to be a line cook, you fucking dickhead

>> No.15190405

God I hate this shit
>oh poor me I have $1000 a month in student loans for 10 years. But then they neglect to state that they are making 150k a year starting out like you can't spare that 12k a year you fucking faggot.

>> No.15190410


It's easy enough to combine both interests. Who do you think cooks the meals in hospitals? Physicians, of course. But most medical schools require only one cooking course to graduate (MDCK101, Cooking without Sodium or Flavor)--and most students prefer to spend their elective credits studying more profitable subjects (e.g. genital mutilation, COVID diagnosis). But every hospital has at least one Gastronomy fellow. If you're really interested in pursuing this, then consider doing your residency in France, where an IV drop of red wine is still the most common treatment (for patients and doctors alike).

>> No.15190441
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>Who do you think cooks the meals in hospitals? Physicians, of course
>Cooking without Sodium or Flavor
more profitable subjects (e.g. genital mutilation, COVID diagnosis)
>every hospital has at least one Gastronomy fellow
You have to be a doctor to have written this. I feel like a medieval historian autist watching Monty Python and the Holy Grail. If you didn't go a tad too far with the red wine, the average /ck/ tard would think this was legit. You've earned this (You), master baiter.

>> No.15190452

>we love religion when we can use it to persecute gays

>wait, it also means our penises get chopped

>oh well small price to be able to persecute the gays!

its a mindfuck, truly, how either circumcision or sanctimonious persecution of gays are still tolerated, but hey, here we are

>> No.15190456

>reddit spacing
>schizo /pol/ shit
Hello r/the_donald migrant, who let you out of the incel pit? *kicks you back in*

>> No.15190460

What? I'm literally arguing against the persecution of gays, ho win the fuck is that pro-/pol/?

Who is the schizo here? It is just easier to read spaced out. Deal with it.

>> No.15190479
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>It is just easier to read spaced out. Deal with it!!!!
Whatever you have to say isn't important enough to deserve a space between each line. It isn't easier to read, either. You are a dumb ape that can barely walk upright if you can't even use this loser website like everyone else.

>> No.15190488

stop enforcing toxic masculinity

>nooo this must be a hivemind

yeah ok sure

>> No.15190533

Based seething schizophrenic who got Baker acted

>> No.15190583

I worked in catering for different events and I work in a hotel at the moment. I've met two kinds of chefs: ones with a massive ego and others who look miserable and when you get to know them their lives are just miserable and they come to work at 7 in the morning or earlier already drinking those energy drinks and keep drinking them if they're working double shift. I've even seen some chefs come to work drunk.
Plus, unless you work as head chef or whatever in a really fancy place you'll get paid next to nothing. You're better off staying in med.

>> No.15190603

> Take body parts from the medical waste bin at the hospital
> Cook at home with it

>> No.15190617
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Slippery slope.

>> No.15190618

I guess we know why you're a dish bitch :)

>> No.15190689

I'm the PA retard, just started my shift so go ahead and and cope and seethe.

>> No.15190726

if you like working every holiday and weekend in an unstable job without routine in a high stress low pay environment with a bunch of mentally unstable alcoholics and drug addicts and giving up on any kind of social life except one that involves your mentally unstable alcoholic drug addicted co-workers go right ahead
i know a few nurses and they complain about their hours and missing out on time with friends and family and dealing with shitty patients but they make almost triple the money i do
the only """good""" thing about my job is i can stay up all night drinking and taking drugs and go to work without getting fired, you might be able to bang a teenage waitress if you are sleazy enough but working with them is total misery and they are all such airheads you'll probably end up hating them too much to follow through
the only feedback you'll get on your cooking will be your head chef grilling you for cutting corners and ludicrous, out of-this-world complaints from customers
even if you're putting really nice food together at some point it will be automatic and you'll stop giving a shit, you might learn a thing or two about cooking but you'll never apply it outside of work, after which you will go home at 1AM and eat total fucking garbage, just look at that guy who posts what he bought at taco bell after every shift on this uzbekistanian emu farming forum
i am going to kill myself this christmas

>> No.15191110

This desu
“Hey /ck/ I’m a doctor btw did I mention that I’m a doctor?”

>> No.15191119

I left high finance for cooking & art
If you don't like the direction you're going anon, find a way to get out. You can be a doctor and a hobby cook in spare time: You can NOT be a cook and a hobby doctor.

>> No.15191124

It'll be 90% the stress for 10% the pay.

>> No.15191138

Based truth teller.

>> No.15191526


>> No.15191545

If you ever want to ruin something for yourself do it for a living. You'll quickly learn to hate it. This seems counter-intuitive, you'd think that doing something you love and getting paid for it would be a dream. That paycheck represents responsibility and obligation. It sucks all the joy out of whatever you're doing. Get a job in a kitchen and you'll never cook for yourself again, trust me. Working food service got me on a diet so strict I lost 50lbs just because I learned to hate food. I'd kick ass at cooking but I never want to do it any more.

Play to your strengths professionally, do what you're good at even if you hate it. Keep your passion private and enjoy it at home on your own time without some greedy cocksucker breathing down your neck every second trying to squeeze every ounce of productivity out of you cuz if you got time to lean you got time to clean chief.

>> No.15191565

>med student
that's vague
what do you intend on being?

>> No.15191568

>Convince me to keep cooking a hobby and not try to enter it professionally
Do you like injecting heroin after working a 14 hour shift? If so, cooking is for you.

>> No.15191572

Scott adams said today on his podcast that almost all restaurants will close in the near future and that's a good thing

>> No.15191587

Why does /ck/ hate doctors?
Oh thats right
>please stop eating garbage anon
>*continues to eat garbage
>you have serious health issues that cannot be fixed now
>"why didn't you tell me to stop eating garbage doc? Fuck you and everyone with your profession"

>> No.15191595

can't even imagine the kind of brain damage one would need to want to listen to the scott adams podcast

>> No.15191601

Most restaurant workers wouldn't understand it since you are low iq but even retards don't brag that they are retarded

>> No.15191625

look man you're the one nodding sagely along to the podcast by the hypnosis orgasm dilbert guy

>> No.15191646

I thought restaurant workers might want some insight from a genius who used to be a restaurateur but you are a millenial who brags about being a loser so good luck in your goal to be a dishpig

>> No.15192565

unironically though

>average ck user
>drinks hard liquor on a daily basis
>get sick from most tame of foods, instead of wondering if its a health issue instead goes to /ck/ to start a thread saying "dont eat this food you get sick from it!!!!!"
>ungodly amount of calories and junk food consumed on a daily basis as all americans do
>probably smoke frequently as well
>inevitably start experiencing serious health issues
>finally go to doctor
>"anon you really need to fix your dietary habits or you will die"
>too much of a lardass to give up lardass lifestyle
>yell at doctor and waddle out of doctor's office in a huff
>go home, sit down at desk and go on ck
>"guys all doctors are stupid smug jerks!!!!"

>> No.15192857

>med student wants to become a chef
>wants us to convince him not to
Sounds like you already decided, anon, but are too scared to follow up on your dreams.

If you do not follow your dreams, it won't matter what you do for the rest of your life, because inside you will already be dead.

>> No.15192864

Don’t mind OP but yes when computers take over this shit we will all be better off.

>> No.15192885

Ok have fun dying at 50 retard

>> No.15192890

Not true. Following dreams is just another form of consumerism. Don't listen to what the media tells you.

>> No.15193006

What if my dream is to live inawoods away from society, the media and consumerism?

>> No.15193246

Go for it. With how soulless the medical industry has become, you'd be doing the world a much bigger service by becoming a professional chef than being another cog in the machine.

>> No.15193300
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>> No.15193380

>Give up your career and go cook burgers for niggers at a restaurant

>> No.15193408

it is better to be a cook with Dr. and MD bracketing your name than a cook without it

>> No.15193424

MD here: the only way I survived med school and thrive in the near-hell of modern medicine is through my love of cooking; medicine has very little room for creativity, so cooking is my outlet; I tend to Iron Chef my meals, meaning I grab a few random ingredients and make something new every day; Alton Brown (and to a lesser degree, Kenji and ATC) taught me the “why” and “how” of cooking, the science behind it, and once you know those foundations you can cook anything
more to your point, it would be batshit insane to drop out to cook for your livelihood; you will work the same shitty hours as doctors, but get treated like crap, and have 1/20th the earning potential; spend your money on gear to cook at home on your fucking vulcan range, entertaining guest if you like
will be back on later if you want any more thoughts

>> No.15194859

>be healthcare analytics consultant who works with doctors every day, builds disease risk models, and works with hospital executives to evaluate physician performance
the majority of doctors are milquetoast intellects given an unearned level of respect by society at large. i make more than they do so its whatevs desu

>> No.15194980

>instead of wageslaving
be prepared for a cruel reality
t. orthopod

>> No.15196220

>if you like working every holiday and weekend in an unstable job without routine in a high stress low pay environment with a bunch of mentally unstable alcoholics and drug addicts and giving up on any kind of social life except one that involves your mentally unstable alcoholic drug addicted co-workers go right ahead
But anon, you just described a medical career, I don't get it

>> No.15196268

>what's your specialty, where do you live, what's your full name and address?
Try harder faggot. D-, apply yourself.
Good point.
>spend your money on gear to cook at home on your fucking vulcan range, entertaining guest if you like
This is what I'm planning, but I've been having retarded daydreams of gtfoing medicine to be a chef and I'm 99% certain I would regret it for the reasons you mentioned. How has cooking helped you to stay sane? Every doc I shadowed in undergrad was /r9k/ tier malfunctioning btw so I expect to be in the same boat

>> No.15197437

Cooking professionally isn't usually that fun, even if you like cooking. Kitchens are hot, the pay isn't good, and stress levels can be high. Cooking for fun as a hobby is way more enjoyable.

>Egotistical Brads and Beckys thinking they're Chads and Stacies everywhere.
I work as a tax accountant now. Doctors are some of the most shockingly financially inept people on the planet. I can't count how many doctors I've seen who are getting close to retirement age with almost no savings. The best is the doctors who own small practices and think they'll be able to retire from the proceeds of selling their practice. Small medical practices don't sell for that much!

>> No.15197480

don't do it, just tough out school even if it sucks ass. cooking jobs can be done by anyone and they pay shit, just keep it as a hobby to impress women or something.

>> No.15197504

the doctors that actually care about people are good. They are prone to spouting dumb shit they're taught in school though. Nutrition and exercise are probably the most outdated topics in medicine and they will regurgitate shit like the food pyramid and jogging for weight loss.

>> No.15197511

You'd be essentially entering into a job thats about as stressful as a doctor's that doesn't pay well and doesn't require the expertise of a doctor.

>> No.15197524

Besides that ,Scott Adams points out 95% of the jobs are going away in the next 5 years