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15189375 No.15189375 [Reply] [Original]

Do any of you anons cook with the Whiz? I find that it brings out the flavor in a lot of dishes, and compliments almost any food.

>> No.15189379

Get waco’d, please. 4/10.

>> No.15189391
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My little sister likes whiz. Specifically taking a whiz on my chest through her knickers while I'm lying down in an empty bathtub with the plug in. Warm. Salty. An absolute pleasure.

>> No.15189396

they're grrrreat

>> No.15189398
File: 69 KB, 790x530, pridepickup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The issue with understanding Waco is that yes, the government did intentionally set fire to the compound to kill them, but no, that's not a bad thing because ALL Christians deserve to die for oppressing gay people. Think of the millions of gay people over the last few thousand years who have likely been murdered or killed themselves due to the harmful lies of Christians, and suddenly, their position is no longer tenable.

Imagine what life in the Waco compound would have been like for a gay person. Awful. Try to harm others and don't be surprised when what comes around goes around.

>> No.15189427

How do you feel about Islam bro?
Be honest, but be careful not to commit any thought crimes
We'll wait

>> No.15189433
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>> No.15189437


>> No.15189442

but wasn't Koresh molesting all the adolescent girls? doesn't that make him one of you?

>> No.15189447

All religion is socially harmful (especially to gays) and should be prohibited.

>> No.15189449

Rekt lmao

>> No.15189461

It's time we all admit it: gays are disgusting and abhorrent. It is insane that we as a society have to pretend that these degenerates are not only normal but something to be celebrated, to be proud of. Hell, how has the overton window shifted that much? I mean we're at the point where the average liberal's definition of societal advancement is how readily everyone accepts men fucking each other in the ass, right up there with women voting and pretending to be men. It's sickening.

>> No.15189467

Let's get a clear statement about Islam
I'll start you off
Islam is ___

>> No.15189476
File: 12 KB, 220x167, Fred_Phelps_10-29-2002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's telling that the most consistent aspect of God across all religions is that He hates fags

>> No.15189478

Based Christians

>> No.15189486
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I love the whiz. I like to squirt it into my belly button and dig it out with baby dill pickles. Sometimes I even spray it into my coffee in the morning. Whiz truly goes with anything. A fine delicacy, highly underrated and given a bad wrap for the seemingly endless list of ingredients. If you haven't had your whiz today, what are you doing with your life?

>> No.15189510

Based God

>> No.15189513

Howell and his eunuchs weren’t Christian.

>> No.15189518

I loved this shit as a kid but we rarely got it because Mom said it was spensive. Then as an adult I bought some and was like soo stoked for it but I think it tastes like shit now.

>> No.15189565
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Maybe you're just not using it right.