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15187069 No.15187069 [Reply] [Original]

How do I make my rice taste as good as yellow rice from restaurants?

>> No.15187074


>> No.15187075

They soak and fry it in egg yolk. That how it gets that way.

>> No.15187079

That looks fucking **nasty**

>> No.15187082

pee in it.

>> No.15187106

you're trolling right?

>> No.15187155

I had sesame chicken on Saturday. Thought it tasted funky. The next day I vomited my stomach out. First time I vomited for non alcohol reasons in 10 years

>> No.15187158

Turmeric and saffron

>> No.15187163

you idiot, that's not all there is to it

>> No.15187190

Saffron can give the rice a deep yellow color, but it is expensive af and no inexpensive to midsized restaurant will use it.

You are best off looking in the supermarket for a premixed yellow rice. It will be colored with turmeric, and include chicken bouillon (aka salt, msg and chicken flavor).

>> No.15187199

Or you can just, you know, add your own turmeric instead of looking for "yellow rice" that's marked up anyway. Dipshit.

>> No.15187226

>noooo u c-cant dumb down my heckin' cultures only achievement!

>> No.15187239


>> No.15187263


Gutter oil and Yellow No. 5.

>> No.15187810

This might do it:
Have rice ready that has been steam cooked and chilled beforehand.
Use a good amount of oil on a pan. Fry finely diced or pureed onion/shallot and garlic. When that has cooked a while, put in about a half teaspoon turmeric and stir it up until it's browned a little. Add salt and black pepper and taste.
Now throw in the cooked rice. Mix it all up/cook it/heat it. Season if it's not tasty enough.
This comes close but it's more Indian style or something. You can add other things to the oil too like cumin seeds.
I don't remember where I learned this but it tastes close enough.

>> No.15188803


>> No.15188849

Cheapo food coloring

>> No.15188938

Turmeric .. Jesus people in this thread. Add a little turmeric to the rice

>> No.15189004

how is that magically supposed to make your rice as tasty as restaurant rice?

>> No.15190074

Geez pic obviously shows pork fried rice...

You gotta get some charsiu (red bbq pork).

What defines the dish is not the fucking yellow color but the ROAST aromas which comes from high heat of the wok (which your pleb stovetop won't achieve) and by browing onion and the bbq pork.

That's all there is to it. The very high heat of the wok, and tossing it on the edge of the wok by touching the flame.

>> No.15190086

Turmeric is almost tasteless

>> No.15190108

no chink restaurant is putting saffron in rice

>> No.15190137

also, OP asked how he can make his rice taste as good AS the yellow rice. Not how he can make it yellow. 1st grade reading comprehension.

>> No.15190146

Rinse your rice. Fry some turmeric and a little bit of cumin in butter for like a minute then toast the rice in it for a little bit. Use stock instead of water to cook the rice. Make sure to use enough salt, I can't tell the difference between adding mag or leaving it out so that might be a meme.
That's wrong, even if it's kinda subtle it absolutely has a flavor. Also I use a full tablespoon for a cup and a half of rice.

>> No.15190163 [DELETED] 

>add one tbsp turmeric
>add one liter of motor oil, piss, shit, and cum heated to a gentle rolling boil
>serve with "beef"*
>*cat meat

>> No.15190192
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I can't tell if this is deep sarcasm or actual stupidity.
It honestly is all there is too it. You'll be hard pressed to find any other non-obvious ingredient. Very rarely you might find a posh place that uses stock instead of water but that's it.

>> No.15190226

Indian restaurants often use it or have it as a more expensive rice option under different names (don't know about the states but Aus/UK definitely).
They use often use the shitty ground saffron though to give it the color which you can get from indian stores for a lot cheaper.
If you see the actual saffron hairs in your rice you know it's the good shit.
As a spice it's pretty fucking wild, the stuff basically costs more than coke and is the most expensive crop on Earth.
I'm not povo but fuck that, only ever use tumeric.

>> No.15190237

Try putting it in your coffee, then come back

>> No.15190240

Those places cook their rice in the virginal juices of the teenage Mongolian girls that work behind the counter.

>> No.15190243

>Rinse 1 cup of Basmati rice
>Pre heat pan and fry diced onion in olive oil
>When onion starts to brown add rice
>Stir rice to coat in oil
>If you can't coat in oil add another drizzle
>When rice starts to brown season with salt and pepper and add diced garlic
>Fry for a minute or 2
>Add half a teaspoon of tumeric, half a teaspoon of smoked paprika and fry for a few minutes while stirring often
>Pour over 1 cup of chicken stock and 1 cup of water
>Stir, sprinkle over saffron threads, cover and simmer for 15 - 20 minutes