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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15181156 No.15181156 [Reply] [Original]

Singletons, how do you avoid wasting food when you shop? I am constantly buying things like produce and meat, and maybe using half of it before it goes bad and I need to refresh stock. I shop for groceries about one a week.

Ideally I would be able to identify several dishes that can be made from roughly the same pool of ingredients, so I don't feel the need to buy something and eat the same dish several times a week to get my money's worth. How do you do it?

pic not related

>> No.15181159

..buy half as much?
are you fucking retarded? just buy less if this is consistently an issue for you

>> No.15181168

We shop at least twice a week, often more, waste very little

>> No.15181204

Shop small and often

>> No.15181207

dont go out to eat.

>> No.15181209

use your freezer

>> No.15181221

frozen meat and veggies
if you find you didn't buy enough fresh ingredients for the week you still have food to eat

>> No.15181224

invest in a freezer.
it's unbelievable how many foods freeze well. get some nice resealable glass containers. mason jars are good and airtight for liquids.
there are few things that are unacceptable after freezing. most complaints can be ameliorated by using good containers. freezer burn and bad flavors are caused by air from leaky containers, like when people use shitty ziplocks and stuff.

>> No.15181225

This. I literally live across the street from a supermarket and just get what I need every day

>> No.15181236

I only go buy what I need for that day and tomorrow, sometimes I go everyday to just get one or two things. There's one safeway by my gym so that's convenient for me and another one close to my house which I'll ride my bike to for extra exercise.

>> No.15181255

thanks for the tip anon! next time i am at the supermarket i will empty out half the package of raw diced pork before checking out because thats all i need!

i've definitely been turned off from my freezer after frosting shit that i store in baggies. i'll look into tighter containers. Are you sure a mason jar full of soup wouldnt explode?

i try to do this too, as i live around the corner from a grocery; it's maybe a 10 minute walk and i usually drive. half the reason i try to buy big only once a week is that the misanthrope in me hates seeing the same cashiers often and having them recognize me.

>> No.15181278

>Are you sure a mason jar full of soup wouldnt explode?
yeah i do it all the time. you just put it in the fridge first, and make sure to leave enough room for it to expand. a couple inches of headroom. stuff like beer bottles explode because it's basically full to the brim, and when it freezes there's nowhere for the liquid to go.

>> No.15181324

Most of what I buy goes into the pantry or freezer.

>> No.15181345



>> No.15181375

My girlfriend keeps bugs and spiders in mason jars in our freezer. Never had any issue.

>> No.15181378
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>> No.15181380

>g-guys I totally have a girlfriend'
>guys my girlfriend says its okay
>my girlfriend
>guys im on 4chan and I have a girlfriend
You should definitely kill yourself.

>> No.15181387

Sorry I invaded your safe space with my relevant anecdote.

>> No.15181392


>> No.15181395

goon spotted

>> No.15181398

kek look at this sour grapes post. truly pathetic

>> No.15181401

You're getting your ''gf'' to samefag you on the phone now? Yikes. Oof. Maybe you should start posting on plebbit. Who am I kidding, I'm sure you've got a lot of karma points allready you nigger loving faggot.

>> No.15181404

Plan your meals and incorporate left overs ... it's not that hard.

I still don't understand why people feel there's a need to buy lunch, breakfast, dinner dedicated foods, lunches should be left overs from the night before, breakfasts should be simple meals to get you through the day, and weekend meals should be a one shot deal with no left overs.

>> No.15181410

go post on reddit fucking nigger

>> No.15181412

>Yikes. Oof. Maybe you should start posting on plebbit.
sad (2)

>> No.15181421

I really think plebbit is the place for you.

>> No.15181436


>> No.15181442

Such a zoomer response. Such a plebbit response. You truly belong there. :)

>> No.15181445

what made you so upset

>> No.15181449

why tf would you double down on this shit you massive sperg

>> No.15181451

You fuckhead. Why are you buying diced pork? Just buy a smaller amount of pork that hasn't been cut into tiny pieces yet.

>> No.15181465

Holy crap. Who shit in your cereal this morning little guy?

>> No.15181469

Yikes. Its time to go back kiddo.

>> No.15181476

Nah dude you're mad. Count to 10 and see if you're still as angry.

>> No.15181486 [DELETED] 

>Nah dude
I refuse to believe this is actually how you communicate. If you do, please leave. Don't make me call the 4chan police you filthy nigger.

>> No.15181487

This retard froze chicken stock without leaving room for expansion and it exploded. That's why they call you three finger pete.

>> No.15181496

i used to do that for an insect biology class i took in college. Does she pin them?

>> No.15181534
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one time i caught a polyphemus moth and wanted to preserve it. i was worried because it was a cool looking creature and i didn't want to kill it unduly, but the saturniidae moths don't have mouth parts as adults, so they die within a week. i put it in the freezer, but the freezer broke and destroyed the specimen like a month later. that's the extent of my story.

>> No.15181547

The trick I found is to buy ingredients on a "offset". In other words, don't just do your shopping on the weekends. For example, if you buy a bunch of chicken on a Saturday, cook most of it into a different dish every day until Thursday, storing/freezing leftovers as you go, and then buy a week's worth of, say, ground beef, and cook that over the course of the next week along with the chicken, and then buy some pork the next Tuesday, and continue. Eventually, you will have an rotating mix of different fresh meat in your fridge, and starches in your pantry (assuming you don't do atkins or keto or something), along with a stocked freezer of leftovers if you have a long day or just can't be bothered cooking that day. It also means that you can accommodate if your local stores have a good sale on a particular meat in the middle of the week.

This does mean that you need to do your lists ahead of time, and plan to buy food after work, but I find it is worth it to have the variety without needing to buy small amounts of something every other day.

>> No.15181561

If you're worried about freezerburn/frosting, get a chest freezer, as you don't have the constantly changing temperatures, due to the cold air staying at the bottom. They're almost much cheaper than the normal sideways opening freezers for this reason.

>> No.15181578


>> No.15181587

> I am constantly buying things like produce and meat, and maybe using half of it before it goes bad and I need to refresh stock.
Maybe just get a gf so you can double your food consumption? Sounds like you’re doing great, but you’re alone, so it’s throwing you off. Stop being a loser. Any chump can get a fat GF. Get a butterface qt3.14, fucking faggot.

>> No.15181589

The guilt of killing insects for science or even aesthetics is real. It's a shame you weren't able to display the moth in the end; those are beautiful insects.

>> No.15181597
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don't think I'm not trying, anon. I broke up with my big tiddy skater gf during quarantine like a dumbass and now I'm struggling to meet people. I've been trying to get out of my shell more in general but quarantine has not made that easy.

>> No.15181608

>big tiddy skater gf
This sounds ideal. Unless she has other cocks in her snatch, what was the issue? Good luck engaging in real life post-quarantine, the goal for the globalists is to cease normal life, so unless you meet a conspiracy qt3.14 your odds of success are very low.

>> No.15181626

>sneeding his hard
i feel sorry for your left hand

>> No.15181635


>> No.15181676

Post booba>>15181597

>> No.15181685

Who raised you? I havent thrown out a single piece of food in years, if you have the slightest crumb of a brain you should be able to figure it out.

>> No.15181712

fuck off back to r9k

>> No.15181810

unironically afraid of commitment

>> No.15181844

I dont think anyone knows what this means. I have missed exactly 0 days of work because of this and all the while everyone that is in "quarantine" goes somewhere else literally every single day. So sick of these buzzwords.

>> No.15181857

Just go to a butcher and ask for half a pound of meat. Suprisingly affordable and the quality will have you singing to dead animals.

>> No.15181949

>eat more

>> No.15181958

Cook all of the food before it goes bad and freeze what is left over you absolute total retarded faggot.

>> No.15181965

I'm his girlfriend and if you don't stop being a fucking incel creep to him on here YOU'RE going to be the one in our freezer you little dicklet cuck!

>> No.15181975

why the fuck did i not think to freeze my salads omg total doofus here XD XD

>> No.15181983

This is why you're single.

>> No.15181992

Foodsaver/sous vide combo. Freeze raw ingredients for cooking later or cook in bulk, portion, foodsaver and freeze and use the sous vide to rapidly defrost/reheat.

>> No.15181994

also forced to drink milk with dinner. all of it. don't spill it.

>> No.15182008

my place of work changed to home. no days missed but living alone fucks up my mental parts. soo glad we're worrying about physical health while living on the internet.

>> No.15182030

Were you fighting my boyfriend on guild wars 2 yesterday?

>> No.15182057

>boo hoo im sad cuz i stay at home
kys normie

>> No.15182064

i'm sad cuz I'm purposeless and now it is blindingly apparent.

>> No.15182070
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>Who raised you? I havent thrown out a single piece of food in years, if you have the slightest crumb of a brain you should be able to figure it out.

>> No.15182087

If something is going out of date, cook it in some way and freeze it, even if its just part of a meal (Mashed potatoes etc).

I use the little plastic boxes so things are portioned out correctly.

>> No.15182108

I don't know how good of a cook you are, but there are certain things you find yourself buying that have multiple uses. So try and get those?

e.g. strawberry yoghurt (always dessert based) has less uses than greek yoghurt (desert, make sauces, etc)

>> No.15182116

>me want gf me need gf to be happy im a monkey brain who took a coloured pill and now i think i cant be happy without squirting my cum in a hole
muh genetics muh family name :'(((

>> No.15182118

you're a bitch and deserve what happens to you from here on out. Commit to changing yourself or suffer the fate of all normies, loathsome and never truly alone nor truly alive.

>> No.15182133

wholes are everywhere.

>> No.15182144

put one in your head

>> No.15182161

Normies like to be normies. They seek it, like in this post. How can I be more of a normie? Many are simply born this way and enjoy it until they are shown otherwise, but even then it is a temporary stunt to learn how to be a better normie.

>> No.15182165

thinkin about it recently. but I am defiant and shit so "NO"-Prof Gampo

>> No.15182188
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>> No.15182731

The mold adds flavor, your everyday sandwich has become french cuisine. But if you let it get moldy unintentionally you have the planning skills of a child

>> No.15183163

hey bro I have a gf too. Can you seethe again it was really funny

>> No.15183956

Trucker here.
I am shopping for one, I have limited pantry space and a dorm fridge.
I can only count on grocery shopping once every other week.
I waste quite little.

For produce, get "durable" stuff - carrots, cabbage, potatoes, onions all last more than a week. Minor quality degradation, but still entirely usable.
Celery, green onions last a little less long.
Fruits, salad greens last the least time - so buy them in the smallest quantities.
Use the most perishable stuff first.
Eat the peach today, the pear tomorrow, the apple in a few days.

Meats - rather than buying meat they thawed for you, see if you can buy it still frozen. Thaw it the day before you need it; just move some to the fridge today so you can cook it tomorrow.

Yes, cooking more than one dish out of the same base ingredients can help.
Chicken breast can be pan fried whole, then eaten as is, or sliced for a sandwich, or sliced and tossed with pasta, or used to top a salad.
Ground beef could be burger, SOS, taco, or cute little muffin cup meatloaflets. Or sloppy joe/jose, or a loose meat sandwich. Explore the old hamburg steak recipe - pretty good.

You don't need to get a completely new dish every day. That's a marketing gimmick. Find a dozen recipes you like, rotate through (get better at cooking through repetition) and explore something new maybe once a week.

Or waste food, idgaf

>> No.15184063

>he doesn't go to a butcher

>> No.15184089

I honestly don't think it's possible as a single person unless you're very committed to eating in every single day and freezing shit like some others suggest.

But if you're single and living alone, I doubt you have room for a freezer like so many people here suggest. I don't know why, but /ck/ seems to think everyone lives in flyover land with room for an extra freezer in a basement or something, and can't possibly live in an apartment/condo/small home where you have one fridge, and that's all of the space you have to work with.

>> No.15184098

Most stuff survives in the fridge for three weeks minimum. Just eat it before it rots.

>> No.15184579

I really can't get my mind around people like you. What are you even cooking?
90% of common dishes are just any vegetable, any protein and any starch mixed together. Want chinese and the recipe calls for broccoli, chicken and sesame seeds? you can make a dish that accomplishes the same basic flavor with WHATEVER vegetable and meat you have left in your fridge. Just learn to cook, there's your problem gone.

>> No.15184931

Is not having a freezer an American thing or some shit? I'm pretty poor and have literally never heard of someone not having a freezer unless they are homeless-tier.

>> No.15184963

Millennials are like hurrdurr I'm going to eat McDonald's 6 times everyday and also buy a bunch of shit at the grocery store and let it rot. Reeeeee omg why is my food rotting

>> No.15185000

How old are you

>> No.15185002

59, how about you dialator?

>> No.15185548

good post

>> No.15185567

>59, how about you dialator?
did /pol/ bring you to 4chan?

>> No.15185576

>Millennials are like hurrdurr I'm going to eat McDonald's 6 times everyday and also buy a bunch of shit at the grocery store and let it rot.
my boomer parents do this

>> No.15186066

I have a gf but she sucks at cooking

Can you sperg out again

>> No.15186124

get your meat from a butcher and use a vacuum sealer that way you wont get any freezer burn and all your shit will be allot fresher

>> No.15186133

Oh shit my gf bought me one for my birthday 10/10 mealprep.

>> No.15186151

Boomers be like im going to buy 10ibs of almost expired beef cause its on sale and only gonna eat like two cuts before it all goes bad
boomers also be like im gonna what is an experation date this sauce thats growing mold on it is perfectly fine keep it in the fridge

>> No.15186157


Soup. Just make things into soup, especially vegetables that are starting to turn or you have so much you don't know what to do with in time.

>> No.15186159
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2 options.

First, if you live in the city or near a market, shop once a day or every two days. Buy a little each day. That way you never overeat and food can't spoil

Second, make a thanksgiving dinner every weekend. Then, eat leftovers all week.

>> No.15186930

beautifully-maintained gun, friend

>> No.15187000

Learn the magic of soup making, and when you start to get to stuff that's starting to go off, make them into soups. With veggies, you can just trim off the parts that start to mold or go soft, but always at least give your meat the sniff test. After that, boiling the shit out of anything will kill the germs. If you have the time and money and patience to learn how to can things without creating botulism jars, start doing that as well. I'll also turn leftover cabbage into sauerkraut or kimchi. Pickling stuff is another thing to do, and super easy.

>> No.15187115

>Post expecting thread to be about food preservation
>Go back and actually read thread
>90% of thread is an autist raging about not having a gf and pretending like 4channel is still muh secret club for losers, and not every bit as normie as facebook
Anyways, op you should stop buying pre chopped meats, as much as you can. Buy a whole chicken, learn how to carve it, roast and boil the spine, neck bones, and other shit you won't use, now you have stock. Boil it in water for soups or add it to water, heat and thicken with flour or a corn starch slurry for gravy. Buy a whole pork tenderloin, cut it up yourself, freeze what you won't use for that night, and again, make stock from any scraps. Buy a whole pig if you got the space for everything, but I know that's not always practical for everyone. Invest in a chest freezer if you have the space for it.

>> No.15187714

some great info here, thanks frens

>> No.15187806

i just had a meatball sub with carrots and corn cuase both were in the fridge and needed to be eaten, it was good.
also had onion, bell pepper, and rotella dip that was in the fridge and needed to be eaten. twas a good sammy. and it was on sandwich bread cuase thats what i have.

>> No.15187808

>doubt you have room for a freezer
You almost certainly can find a place to stick a 25"x25" footprint appliance. That's marginally over 4 square feet of floor space.
You can probably find the $200 to buy it.

You are choosing not to.
You choose what is important to you and make life decisions accordingly.

>> No.15188313

Prepare foods that are most perishable first. You can get a pack of steaks and eat for a few days, saving in plastic storage container designed for that purpose. If meat has a date that you cannot use by, throw in freezer. Not optimum, but better than throwing away. Use later for chili or some other item where lower quality can be masked. Get harder veg like cauliflower and brussels sprouts.. will last longer than head of exotic lettuce.

>> No.15188495
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I only go once a week, less covid exposure risks to go less often. Day 6&7 of my week is pantry menus, or like grilled cheese+soup, long life meats like kielbasa or ham, or using a cheese based or veggie meatless night menu. The best is eating your own frozen leftovers. So, freeze leftovers, seriously. Make dinner for 4, freeze 3 sections of it for a later date. You'll then shop for less, because 1-2 of your meals each week can be cycling through the frozen leftovers with glee, like squares of enchiladas or lasagna, baby meatloaves to slice onto a sandwich roll with sauce, or soups to enjoy with a hot garlic bread slice.
Toaster oven makes short work of nicely toasting sandwiches or broiling garlic bread or cheese on top of things.
For some of the foods that go rotten too fast, you could have a shitty market with bad storage and transit. If you buy where they are simply cheaper, like aldo, you won't stress too much when your $1 pineapple went bad before you cut it. Or your 1.19 blueberries molded over in the back of the fridge. OH WELL. It's still half the price of your other market.
Thinking of markets, farmer's markets on weekends let you literally buy 1 apple, 2 limes, 4 hot peppers, 2 oranges, a half bunch of cilantro, a bag of 15 green beans, and pay by the pound with all your little tiny portions.
Do double culture duty on your herbs, as your focus each week.
Cilantro=asian main, mexican main, ground into some other recipe going into the freezer.
Parsley = soup, garlic toast, lemon piccata chicken, taboulleh salad, pasta salad, wrapped around a cheese ball.
You can get good at this the more you plan...
Green onions= garnish soup, garnish baked potato, scallion pancakes for asian meat, chicken/pasta salad, garnish rice.
Buy whole cuts of meat, and portion it into 3 recipes. Pork loin roast = 2 nights. Cut 4 pork loin chops. Pulse the rest in processor and make pot stickers.

>> No.15188510

Never knew what they are called. I had one stunningly beautiful moth like that, who lived on my front door about 5 days, right at eye level, and I enjoyed looking at him as I took my dog out a few times a day. He never flew away when I got close to him. I felt like he adopted me. I wonder why he didn't move from that one spot? Any clue?