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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15176518 No.15176518 [Reply] [Original]

What does /ck/ think of my dinner?

>> No.15176521
File: 2.42 MB, 3072x4096, IMG_20201205_180343156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit wrong Image.

>> No.15176526

It sucks my ass

>> No.15176530

I knew that would be the first post. Why though?

>> No.15176541

Its so basic bitch

>> No.15176548

I can't even tell half of whats on that plate and your 15 year old Dell is well overdue for the dumpster

>> No.15176566

Potato, steak, lobster roll, 2 brussel sprouts, and a hotdog.
>Ooh look at me I'm so patrician.
Shut up, you sound like a faggot. Do you eat flower salads and stuffed porpoise? Are you king henry the 8th?

>> No.15176579

>gunt sagging against the plate

>> No.15176593

it's so shitty that I have to assume OP is either a troll or a FAS autist

>> No.15176619

Attention bitch found

Aww you're lonely and you took a pic of your shitty food, on your shitty plate, in your shitty apartment.

>what do you think of my dinner

I told you retard

>flower salads and stuffed porpoise

Reddit is more your style

>start thread
>fuck it up
>stores anime girls
>needs attention from randos
>eats dinner crossleg on the bed with his plate on his laptop in his legs holding a camera

This must be so embarrassing for you. You aren't special or interesting.

And your food looks like shit

>> No.15176833

You stupid uncultured brainless nigger, I said you're the one to eat flower salads and stuffed porpoise.
>Durrr anime bad.
4chan was and will always be an anime sight you new fag commie nigger.

>> No.15176839

>being this mad and embarased you got called out for posting disgusting basic bitch food on /ck/
just fucking learn how to cook/take criticism before posting on a cooking board? lmao?
go back to /lgbt/ faggot

>> No.15176846

no you're the faggot

>> No.15178387

I see a burnt hotdog, but what is that other stuff on your plate?

>> No.15178419

That's a steak? Looks more like a piece of shitty chicken breast.

>> No.15178423 [DELETED] 

>shitty lighting
>eating in front of a computer
>burnt hotdog
>dreadful plating
Idk man it might taste good, but with this presentation it doesn't even seem right to try to judge it.

>> No.15178427 [DELETED] 

Yea lol it's not seared at all it is kinda sad.

>> No.15178428


If you are going to post your food at least make an attempt to make it look appetizing. Come on, man.

>> No.15178432

>cooking board
Found the newfag board tourist.

>> No.15178437 [DELETED] 

/ck/ is a cooking board. It was tourists in 2017 who turned it into their fast food forum.

>> No.15178443

Fuck anime

>> No.15178448

I thought that was a chicken breast and a wing.

>> No.15178454

try to incorporate more veggies to maximize health in the long run

also add some condiments

>> No.15178474

>try to incorporate more veggies to maximize health in the long run
idiot fag alert

>> No.15178482
File: 152 KB, 740x454, 1363666058656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ck/ was, is, and has always been the "eating and stupid food questions" board. It's retards like you who think "hurr, 'ck' standing fur coooking!!!" that ruined this place with your /tv/-tier youtube chef trash.

>> No.15178539 [DELETED] 

I'm a professional chef, and I have been posting here since 2008. This used to be one of the best places on the entire internet to discuss cooking in an international context.

>> No.15178545

2011 is when most boards went to shit, yes.
it was better before that.

>> No.15178560
File: 1.44 MB, 292x292, 1602001921177.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn bro you didn't have to blow him out THAT hard

>> No.15178698 [DELETED] 

What's that from? He's cute.

>> No.15178872

how the fuck you burn a hot dog that bad retard

>> No.15178874

You newfags can larp all you want if it makes you feel better.

>> No.15178883

Compare it to the rest of the garbage on this board and tell me this thread is worse.

>> No.15178886

Nice samefag, redditor. That post was an incomprehensible pile of garbage.

>> No.15179594

thats charls from mde. are you new?

>> No.15179622

Fuck anime AND elves

>> No.15179658
File: 55 KB, 576x575, 1603045179881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I try to :3

>> No.15179691

why are you me?

>> No.15179798

It's still wrong.

>> No.15179803

I don't see a lobster roll