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File: 156 KB, 640x480, 457ECFEE-DAC6-4C22-93B1-6C2E9B2E53B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15174769 No.15174769 [Reply] [Original]

And why is it always Americans who do this?

>> No.15174776

idk I only like mead.

>> No.15174781

Idk. I had a pineapple coconut vanilla coffee and nutmeg sour yesterday that literally tasted like bile. Even thinking about it makes me want to puke. I bought it because I figured it'd be really bad or shockingly good. It was horrific

>> No.15174784

I'm pretty sure that has been debunked.

>> No.15174800

One or two aromatic components at max.
Otherwise it becomes puke-worthy.

>> No.15174833

most sours taste like bile. that's the issue.

>> No.15174843

tiny rebel is a UK brewer.

>> No.15174847

society is collapsing

>> No.15174853

Gross. The beer fags are getting out of control. I went to a neighbors house and he offered me 2 kinds of beer. 1 was banana bread flavored and the other was blueberry

>> No.15174867

the ham taste would come from rye malts.
I had a rye beer in Chicago that tasted like ham and beans juice. lol.

>> No.15174871
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>turn beer into vinegary-tasting cherry or apple juice with alcohol

Why do Belgians do this?

>> No.15174888

There should be nothing wrong with those beers if done right and the adjuncts were used properly. I've had great tasting blueberry/banana flavor beers.

The worst is when the brewers add to many flavors or add heaps of one flavor that taste more like juice.

>> No.15174911

Not really. I'm not a huge fan of them but I'll have one from time to time and enjoy it. Had a blackberry raspberry and mulberry? sour the other day that was amazing

>> No.15174923

novelty sells

>> No.15174959
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>tiny rebel stay puft imperial honey glazed ham marshmallow porter

>> No.15174989

lots of british teeth in that pic.

>> No.15175007

wtf am I looking at here? This can't possibly be something to drink.

>> No.15175459
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I mean worchestire sauce started out as an *nglo
basterdization of fish sauce until it was fermented at little bit.
Maybe add some salt and let the mother set in for the next couple decades and it'll be delicious.

>> No.15175468

They get their sales from the pretty art.

Of course it tastes like shit. And of course, retards have shit taste.

>> No.15175480

>why is it always Americans who do this?
Because America has the largest, most competitive, most innovative brewing industry in the world. It makes almost all of the world's best beer but it also has 8000 breweries mostly making 20-50 different beers in a year so you can find literally anything that exists

>> No.15175512
File: 278 KB, 814x984, 20201009_205347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tiny Rebel is Welsh. I agree these flavoured stouts are getting ridiculous, although I'm a sucker for pic related so I can't really judge.

>> No.15175515

how do you put ham in a beer? what kind of burger magic is this?

>> No.15175565

use the correct kind of malts that are usually smoked.

>> No.15176056

These days it's more likely the brewer actually put a fucking ham in the mash tun.

>> No.15176212

Death Sauce by Modist? Took one drink and poured it down the drain.

>> No.15176239

Blueberry beer is actually really good.

Ask the Bongistanis, this is their fault. Surprised it's allowed though since ham is haram.

>> No.15176269
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>why is it always Americans who do this?
Evil Twin says you're stupid.

>> No.15176357

That's just too much.

>> No.15176362

Yep. Did the same exact thing. It's incredible how close it is to tasting like bile

>> No.15176375

Fuck off burger.

>> No.15176391

I'd rather deal with gimmick beer over ipa purists, personally.

>> No.15176411

They've run out if ways to make shitty IPAs plus their taste buds have been nuked from those same IPAs so this the only shit that has any taste to them.

>> No.15176441
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>> No.15176599

>why do Americans do this
because science fiction is the doctrine of the American religion and consumer goods are its sacrament

>> No.15176767 [DELETED] 

I had a similar experience buying something that had like citrus and marshmallow.

I think pastry stouts are okay from time to time, but the pastry sour thing is a BS trend. It'll die off.

>> No.15176774

That "art" makes me want to vomit

>> No.15176808

Stop looking in the mirror then Art.

>> No.15176809


Confirmed tastelet.

>> No.15176868

its a british beer thats the joke

>> No.15176927 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15176992
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That's a British Beer. You had me going though.

>> No.15177950


>> No.15177959

as if japan doesn't have a billion weird ass beverages

>> No.15178967
File: 1.60 MB, 800x1067, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had one the other week (pic from Wikipedia) that tasted strongly like vinegar. Surprisingly good, though.

They can be really nice. I liked a bottle of VanderGhinste a lot.

>> No.15179001

Yeah it's horrific. The beer is tasty as fuck though.

>> No.15179011

Tiny Rebel is Welsh you mongoloid.
Also they actually make some decent beers. The one in OP sounds dumb but they do a regular marshmallow porter which I had on tap once. Was pretty nice.

>> No.15179030
File: 1.66 MB, 4032x2268, 20201205_180814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fully aware that Tiny Rebel is Welsh so midwit bait aside:
Sweet and savory flavours create an interesting and enjoyable experience for many. Germans knew this hundreds of years ago when they started smoking their strong sweet dark beers, like this delicious oak smoked Doppelbock I had last night. It's the reason sweet and smoky Islay malts are having such a moment. You Yanks have yourselves taken this concept to the extreme with your questionable doughnut burgers, chicken and waffles and suchlike.

>> No.15179046
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Haven't tried the doppelbock but their smoked marzen is amazing.

>> No.15179367

Try the Helles too

>> No.15179725

The more overdesigned and flashy the label is, the chances are the product is absolute shit. "Craft" beer tends to suffer from this the most. Word of mouth isnt gonna make sales when the products tastes of stale murky ferment, so they are resort to the same gimmick label tactics.

I legit dont buy anything with over the top flashy labels because I have been disappointed every time.

>> No.15179804

>I'm fully aware that Tiny Rebel is Welsh
Apparently, you weren't aware until now.

>> No.15179898
File: 392 KB, 925x698, NUALEFAGS2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's to entice Americanised urban manchildren into drinking trendy beverages and entice them with wacky sugary flavours and infantile artwork

>> No.15179911

why are you mad that people can afford nice tuings?
Just because you only have like 2 breweries in Mississippi and you can't afford them on welfare doesn't mean you should mock people for having access to nice stuff

>> No.15179921

I'm from England you dumb cunt

>> No.15179935

So a poor northerner? Same thing

>> No.15179941

Lets be honest here for a second.

All these fancy IPAs, how long do they stick around for? They are entirely forgettable and no one gives a shit after drinking a can.

Whereas classic wheat beers, ales and lagers withstand the test of time.

>> No.15179983
File: 220 KB, 560x685, AlebrewersUK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well hark, would you look at that? You're a fucking spastic

>> No.15179997

Because we believe it's their right to make whatever beer they want, no matter how shitty it is. Stuff like the "Reinheitsgebot" is totalitarian bullshit.

>> No.15179999

>All these fancy IPAs, how long do they stick around for
a long time, they are more popular now because people are willing to pay more for good beer than in the past and hops are expensive. Couple this with American and Aus/NZ hop breeding programs that have created objectively tastier hop varietals in the last 20 years. IPAs are good and getting better all the time

>> No.15180007

goddamn anglos did it again
ive had this, its pretty good honestly

>> No.15180011

They'll phase out when people can't afford the special releases. It's getting there already with covid. A lot of breweries are going to start closing soon. I've picked the small handful I want to support and just buy shit from them

>> No.15180043

you take that back almanac and big stump make great sours

>> No.15180078

>It's getting there already with covid. A lot of breweries are going to start closing soon
This is only because most small newer wave of craft breweries are based on business models that have a majority of income coming from taproom sales because supermarket shelves filled up long before the newest guys started up. When you can't go to bars/breweries this is extremely traumatic to their business plan. So yes many will close but this isn't because of the price of beer its because of the legal and moral inability to pack tap rooms with people during Covid

Craft beer drinkers overall are dominated by millennials, so beer prices have quickly increased as this group goes from being immediately post college with entry level jobs 10 years ago to mostly people in their thirties with more disposable income. Most of the people buying these $15-20 four packs of IPA or stout literally couldn't afford to do this 10 years ago

>> No.15180088 [DELETED] 

Nigger it could of been way, way, way worse

>> No.15180208

I work at a craft beer pub in Devon, we get deliveries directly from Newport where the brewery is based. Retard

>> No.15180237

stop liking things I don't like

>> No.15180354
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I like sour things, but I've had sours that taste like bile. Any addition beyond a single fruit flavor is bad news.

>> No.15180364

Just drink soda you manchild and stop forcing actual beer off of the shelves

>> No.15180367

Neither of those sound bad, should have just taken a beer and thanked him.

>> No.15180368

idk bro that sounds pretty good

>> No.15180380
File: 80 KB, 600x1200, 225072_fs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, this is one of the greatest beers made. It's more of a desert beer to be paired with vanilla ice cream or something.

>> No.15180396

the shelves are loaded with excellent beer, its literally never been easier to buy good beer in the history of the world than being a random ass midwesterner today

>> No.15180403

My bet is either apple, cherry, or hickory smoked malt. I've had smoked beer that has a hammy flavor.

>> No.15180439

The dopplebock is a bit much, probably good with smoked cheese or barbeque.

>> No.15180464
File: 33 KB, 293x200, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That "A" reminds me of this

>> No.15180734

That guy died

>> No.15180927

Oh man Duchess is a trip. By far the weirdest beer I've ever had, like drinking balsamic vinegar but weirdly drinkable.

>> No.15180936

Right? That first sip is just startling acid but you can't stop drinking it.