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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 96 KB, 1080x675, kosherfoods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15170101 No.15170101 [Reply] [Original]

I just started dating a women I met on Tinder. I just found out she's Jewish. I'm okay with that. But she warned me she only eats Kosher foods and recipes. She's coming over for dinner tonight and I don't know what to make. I can usually cook fairly well but I'm lost here. Help anons I have 4 hours until she gets here.

>> No.15170111
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oy vey! sounds like more trouble than she's worth goy!

>> No.15170120

Jew here, most of us don't give a shit about kosher.
If she's the hyper-religious type, she's not worth the trouble.

>> No.15170132

The big reveal will be that it was a test and that she doesn't give a fuck about keeping kosher. Go with beef and potatoes and matzoh ball soup.

>> No.15170135
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why the fuck can't people just make a proportional sandwich that will remain a sandwich after the first bite

>> No.15170138

Jesus look at all that red meat, not even cooked. White people are sick in the head

>> No.15170141

anon if you actually have 4 hours to learn how kosher prep methods work you're probably fucked here
and as >>15170120 say, most jews don't care about genuine kosher prep because of how involved it can be. if your lass really does care about that, well, she's a tad silly for dating non-jewish men

>> No.15170144
File: 248 KB, 1400x1400, Katzs_20Deli_20-_20pastrami_20autopsy_20shot.0.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That'll be $30, goy.

>> No.15170145

Serve her a plate of kosher salt. When she gets thirsty, explain that your cum is the only thing to drink in the house. Works every time.

>> No.15170151

Make some Kogel Mogel for you and her

>> No.15170158

I don’t believe a Jew would trust a gentile they don’t know to keep kosher rules.

>> No.15170184
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this has to be b8 right?

>> No.15170190

yeah this post is extremely suspect
any jew who legitimately keeps kosher and is also willing to date goys would totally not expect them to know kosher conventions whatsoever, an at-home dinner date without this being brought up seems unrealistic
i hope OP isn't inventing quirky jewish girl in his head

>> No.15170203
File: 584 KB, 1227x1918, 614683FD-CE15-4C00-99A4-9B539A92E4B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I may have lied pic related

>> No.15170214

Ok fair enough. Good luck with your date, don’t serve bacon.

>> No.15170223

literally was about to make a smoked meat thread

>> No.15170233

Just sandwich your dick in-between a bagel and say its kosher

>> No.15170248
File: 124 KB, 1202x632, dunns reuben.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me it's Dunn's

>> No.15170253

Also...dating a jew never gonna make it

>> No.15170256

>Just sandwich your dick in-between a bagel and say its kosher
ugh I just thought about this, this probably means I'm not getting any sucky sucky?

>> No.15170260

Just don't combine meat with dairy. No pork. Probably good enough.

>> No.15170266

shrimp is a no go to right? just look at what's in my fridge I'll go make a list of stuff I have and tell me whats a no go please

>> No.15170267

If you're dating ANY kind of seriously religious person, you need to prepare yourself to assimilate into the lifestyle. This goes for all religions.

If you want dat jewish ass, you gotta make sure it's blessed by the rabi first before you start eating it.

>> No.15170274

>no meat with dairy
what the fuck is wrong with abrahamic cucks. Why did they make all these retarded arbitrary food rules and why do they stick to them to this day?

>> No.15170328

>Thick Cut Bonein Pork Chops
>Pork Shoulder
>Baby Back Ribs
>Pork Loin
>Bone in Chicken Thighs and Breats
>Boneless Chicken Thighs
>Chicken Wings
>NY Strip Steaks
>Ribeye Bone In
>Beef Tenderloin
>Shrimp a few different sizes uncooked with shell
>Wild Sockeye Salmon
>Wild Steelhead Trourt
>Chilean Seabass
>Various Pastas
>Easy Mac(yes don't hate its my drunk goto)
>Few types of Potatoes
>Various types of rice
>Various types of veggies anything I have to worry about here?
>Unsalted Organic Butter
>Whole Milk Organic
>Various Fruits anything I have to worry about here?
>Organic Vanilla Ice cream(yes it has the black specks)
>Various Coffee
>Various Tea
thats the quick run down any items I need to not serve other than the easy one Pork?

>> No.15170353

drop that Christ killer asap

>> No.15170364

You also cannot cook with pots and pans or serve on dishes that have been previously used with combinations of forbidden ingredients unless you purify them with fire or bury them in the ground for a couple weeks or something. Since you're pressed for time and probably don't have a forge or furnace handy, you should cook everything in disposable aluminum trays and serve on paper plates.

>> No.15170371

Here you go, OP:


>> No.15170386

jewish guy I know “keeps” kosher but operates on dont ask dont tell policy. unless its obviously pork or shellfish or whatever of course

>> No.15170395

I think this is the majority of observant, non-orthodox jews. The only times I think the rules are strictly followed are for holiday meals, or cooking done in synagogue kitchens.

>> No.15170406

No. Bloody as fuck. Nasty

>> No.15170409

Season the food with some Zyklon B

>> No.15170511

Don’t date religious nuts.

>> No.15170542

Now you have to keep up the lie that you have a jewish ex (for years too) for the entire relationship, good job retard

>> No.15170545

damn i misread and didn't even catch that's what he meant what a fucking creep lmao

>> No.15170549
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t. cat lady

>> No.15170584

Forcing a cow to produce milk its whole life through repeated forced pregnancies is pretty rude. Killing a cow that's just minding its own business and trying to live its own life is extra rude. Kosher recognizes that killing the cow AND serving the cow's meat in the cow's own milk is extra extra rude.

>> No.15170610
File: 784 KB, 673x668, beef bacon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beef bacon

>> No.15170618
File: 3.85 MB, 527x351, 1607040309830.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not already ruined
Okay then

>> No.15170619

Bruh have you seen some of these kosher slaughters? You know about the weird chicken shit they do in nyc, right? They slice the chickens throat and then swing it around while its still alive, usually doing a shit job and then toss them in a plastic bag.
Killing an animal for food isn't rude, but swinging it bleeding around your head for a gay ass religion is kind of fucked up.

Wanna know what else is fucked up. Infant circumcision.

Fuck all religions.

>> No.15170785

There was a Palestinian muslim guy I went to high school with that ate the shit out of square pepperoni pizzas. When he was told it was pork he just shrugged and didn't give a fuck. I hope Jabr is alright a decade later, man.

>> No.15170810

Fuck chickens though. Cows are cool and smart, chickens are lame and stupid. I would rather abuse 1000 chickens than abuse a single cow.

>> No.15170838

Post them khazar milkers anon

>> No.15170845

In Islam it’s not haram if you don’t know you’re eating pork or if you have no other option. It’s only haram if you knowingly eat pork when you can avoidably do so l, IE you’re not starving

>> No.15170847


>> No.15170861

OP. Unless you're planning to pump and dump, youre a full blown retard.

>> No.15171275

Ask her what the Talmud says about nonJews.
Have her read the gospel of St John.
Put her into the oven for being the literal spawn of satan.

>> No.15171287
File: 166 KB, 650x464, cow3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't give me that shit cows are great and all but I'd rather not abuse animals, I'd rather kill them quickly without them knowing after giving them a good life and then eat them from nose to tail.

>> No.15171823
File: 2.50 MB, 2881x2467, 48F845B3-2D0F-44DE-92C4-2F1DA259240E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So far quick update as she’s in the bathroom thank everyone for your help. Printed out some docs from the sites you linked. I had brand new grates for my grille that I had not used yet. I had them there. Along with some aluminum catering pans. Ended up doing wings on the grill and potatoes with onions and garlic. Some Pinot Grigio she was beyond impressed I tried. Thanks everyone I owe you hope I don’t screw this up. Will try and snap a pic of her in a second.

>> No.15172130

Let’s see the nose. And a quick one of her rubbing her jew paws. Ask her about Leo Frank and the ADL.

>> No.15172138

Look into the (((orthodox Union))). Those are the rabbis behind >90% of the koshering in grocery stores. See those little U logos with the circle around them? Go look through your cupboard and fridge. They collect money for their little kosher scam, passing the cost onto the consumer one penny at a time.

>> No.15172152

Based. Jesus is the Messiah. Jews are of their father the devil.
Syn (without) Gogue (seeing or vision).
They refuse to see Jesus as their savior and reject Him. They worship false idols.

>> No.15173762

Well, OP?

>> No.15173828

If you actually did the separate cooking utensils thing I'm impressed, too.

>> No.15173890

Dont make jokes about the oven, like its big enough for her. she will be offended.

>> No.15173902

Get gassed

>> No.15174194

Kosher means meat and dairy can't be eaten together, so classic reubens aren't kosher. They do it for us. Nice, eh?

>> No.15174315

How’s it feel knowing the world is run by (((us))) and you will never be successful without our help

>> No.15174333
File: 177 KB, 500x488, 1605247163406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make her some turkey
jews love turkey, in fact israel is one of the top turkey consumers of the world
also all bef hot dogs

>> No.15174343

6 million. That's how many of my people died in the holocaust. Six million. Say it. Say six million.

The amount of antisemitism on this board is absolutely DISGUSTING. My grandmother was lead into a gas chamber NAKED. Her breasts wobbling about like a half set jelly and you pieces of SHITare making holocaust jokes.

Reported to the JIDF and ADL for antisemitism. It's going to be HILARIOUS when the POLICE turn up to your door. I can't wait. You're going to feel so tough in that court room I bet.

Six million.

>> No.15174371

It's pastrami/corned beef, it's uh cured bro. Cook it through and it's still red. But yeah white people.

>> No.15175043

put her in the oven lmao

>> No.15175198

tell me more about your grandmother's breasts

>> No.15176510
File: 19 KB, 400x400, eQTZAj72ax7TAEE6BbrXDkYy_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very suspicious thread.

I suspect honeypot.

For the record, I know where my local fbi agents sleep, and all jews must die

>> No.15176528
File: 989 KB, 1890x2100, 91-CKRGGG5L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The madlad

>> No.15176586

Tell that whore to go fuck herself. If she doesn't eat like the others she can fuck off back with her jewish faggots and eat dick like they all do.