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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15151811 No.15151811[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is a place for anons to reminiscence on any cooking tales (more like fails) that now make them chuckle upon recollection. For me, it was that time one of my not-so-bright roommates fucking threw dry spaghetti directly into an empty pot on the stove, making it catch fire almost immediately, leading to people having to evacuate the dorms for a whole day. The worst part is that I was about to get some pussy that day too, but now I'm associated with a mouth-breather who's seared spaghetti. Feel free to post, I'm sure some anon will "haha" to it!

>> No.15151881


>> No.15151894


>> No.15151981

haha... i see even /ck/ kneels to rean

>> No.15151991

haha... rean sama i kneel...

>> No.15152023


>> No.15152176

Haha, our Rean can whisk so fast...

>> No.15152217
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>> No.15152266

Fie... I kneel.

>> No.15152405

Post the rest of the girls

>> No.15152484


>> No.15152611

S-she's fast!!

>> No.15152734


>> No.15152997


>> No.15153010
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>> No.15153014

sorry to hear about your cat

>> No.15153031

Once I wanted to make strawberry jam, but instead of trying to make a 2 pound batch I decided to start with an 8 pound batch, and ended up filling my kitchen with burnt sugar for weeks

>> No.15153044

I once had a roommate who made grilled cheese by putting a huge hunk of cheese inbetween two slices of white bread and microwaving it.

>> No.15153050

This one time i stuck my dick in a jar of tomato sauce on television

>> No.15153089

Why is there a Rean thread on /ck/

>> No.15153096
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The question is, why isn't there?

>> No.15153111

Haha good point Rean-sama

>> No.15153254


>> No.15153691


>> No.15153785
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Maybe he wanted "to-mate-to"!

>> No.15153805

>be me
>drinking on Saturday afternoon
>Don't get around to cooking dinner until 9:30
>Cooking pork shoulder chops in the oven
>Go to flip them but have a pot on the stove
>Decide to to pull the oven tray half way out and turn chops
>Chops are too big
>Pull oven tray out a little further
>It slides all the way out and lands on my feet
>Burns me, I swear, put it back in the oven
>Wake up next morning with burned feet
Had a good kek about that in the morning.

>> No.15153811

That's called a cheese meltdown

>> No.15154666


>> No.15154671


>> No.15154682

My dad once asked me if I wanted two or once slices of bread, and I thought that means how many times my sandwich was cut, so I said one and when he gave me only one slice I had a fucking meltdown.

>> No.15155430

Or a cheese melty, if you will

>> No.15156405

What a funny sounding name haha

>> No.15157315


>> No.15157326

were you that intern on the Eric Andre show with Steve schirripa

>> No.15157466
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>> No.15157469

based retard

>> No.15157502

I drunkenly set fire to my kitchen. After drinking a full 750ml bottle of cuervo gold and a few gulps into a second, I decided I wanted ramen. I put the brick of noodles and the sauce packet into the microwave, set for 5 minutes, and went back to drinking in the living room. Passed out and woke up to the sound of my smoke detector. I had forgotten to add water to the bowl. The whole thing caught fire, as did the cabinet above and the wall behind the microwave. Thankfully my drunk ass was able to use the fire extinguisher. I woke up the next morning in the floor of my kitchen thinking that the fire had been a dream.

>> No.15157591


>> No.15157795

My sister has on more than one occasion tried to make omelettes by microwaving eggs

>> No.15157993

Haha great gif Anon

>> No.15158070


>> No.15158112

Haha... I guess your roommates decided to stop holding back

>> No.15158218

Nobody on 4chan is old enough to get this anymore

>> No.15158354

Oh shit, satan get

>> No.15158687


>> No.15158733

>After drinking a full 750ml bottle of cuervo gold and a few gulps into a second
I laughed my ass off but dude get help

>> No.15158968

Did she get salmonella?

>> No.15159010
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>> No.15159134

Tita, hold back a bit haha...

>> No.15159315

Haha, funny story OP...

>> No.15159441


>> No.15159651


>> No.15159678


>> No.15160017

Haha... I kneel to your cooking prowess and haha at your friend's failures

>> No.15160737

My roommate thought that vegetable oil was like a sauce, so he doused a pizza slice in it and consequently threw up all over the floor

>> No.15160826

Haha. How old was he? Had he never seen someone cook before?

>> No.15161332
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He was over twenty but he had a theory that since oils and grease were already naturally on the surface of something like a pizza and the pizza's surface was piping hot, adding a drizzle of something like vegetable oil would serve to enhance the grease factor or something like that. I tried to suggest to at least use something like olive oil and to brush the pizza, but something tells me that the type of person to consider eating raw vegetable oil in the first place would also be the type of person to go hard in using it to drench everything.

>> No.15161550

mighty jej

>> No.15161561

He may have seen someone do it with truffle oil or something

>> No.15161598


>> No.15162389
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I once spend whole day making french onion soup (Bruno Albouze recipe), going as far as have my butcher order veal bones.
Nobody liked the taste, then we threw it out.

>> No.15162721


>> No.15162859

how the fuck is /ck/ more reanpilled than /v/

>> No.15163359
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>> No.15163487

Back in high school, some kid in the home ec room fucked up so hard they had to call in the fire department. Apparently, he somehow created a gas leak that led to a small explosion

>> No.15164145


>> No.15164265

>Bruno Albouze
I'd eat your soup anon

>> No.15164321

haha that's OUR rean fucking up another dish

>> No.15164332

what do you mean haha....
we love rean on /v/.....

>> No.15164355

So this is how /ck/ got ruined, all the losers who get no replies on /v/ migrated here to a slow board so they could actually get replies, and now they’re never leaving because you’re here forever. In fact, it’s probably the no reply losers from all the popular boards (except /b/ because that’s entry level).

>> No.15164371

haha no need to have a melty anon.....
one fast food thread down for better content

>> No.15164575

when my grandma (rip) started developing alzheimers, she wanted to throw a couple frozen pizzas in the oven for lunch one day. She didn't take the cardboard out from underneath the pizzas and cooked them for like 20 minutes, the toppings were burnt and the crust was maybe halfway cooked and tasted like burnt cardboard.

>> No.15165657


>> No.15166175


>> No.15166985


>> No.15167008

Pretty much everybody started 4chan at /b/, not counting the cancer cells who started at /pol/ in the past 5 years.

>> No.15167283

Reminds me of the time when my family somehow forgot to remove the plastic film off of the hotdogs at a cookout and we ended up with an abomination of burnt plastic and meat.

>> No.15168481

plastic dogs... mmmm

>> No.15168497

I was making one of those microwave mac and cheese cups back in high school and forget to add water. I noticed when the microwave was full of smoke. The lunch room had a terrible acrid smell for weeks.

>> No.15169924


>> No.15170765


>> No.15170786

Please ask permission before posting my wife. Thanks.

>> No.15171145

Your wife? Haha...

>> No.15171454

I think you mean Rean's wife haha

>> No.15171545

I don't joke about my wife.

>> No.15172042

Haha sure you don't

>> No.15172065

>Be e
>Binge eating
>Ate everything in my house
>Not enough so I make a coffee
>Forget about kettle, walk into the kitchen with the thing steaming everywhere and the lid about to blow
>Turn heat off
>Put hand on sink
>Dump half of the boiling water in my hand
>Wake up full of blisters
Haha woops

>> No.15172781


>> No.15173052
File: 2.01 MB, 1749x5552, Screenshot_2020-11-28 vrpg - Video Games RPG - Catalog - 4chan(4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha... What are you doing outside of /v/, /vrpg/, /vg/, /a/, /tv/ and /pol/ Rean-sama?

>> No.15173191


>> No.15174106


>> No.15175132
File: 73 KB, 400x400, amys-roasted-vegetable-pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this pizza doused with high quality olive oil is bomb.com

>> No.15175205

I have very little cooking experience I just follow recipes online. I set my oven to grill for my cookies. There was a lot of smoke coming out about 90s later and and they were black like blackness. My little sister was looking forward to them so I was not most pleased.

>> No.15175486

Hahas and head pats will be yours if you reply to this post with 'Rean-sama, I kneel!"

>> No.15175546

Rean-sama, I kneel!

>> No.15175921

Rean-sama, I kneel!

>> No.15175926
File: 2.19 MB, 1920x1080, The Legend of Heroes_ Trails of Cold Steel IV_20201119215624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>95 posts
>40 unique IPs

>> No.15176449

>hurr durr i have a roommate
>he caught spaghetti on fire
>how random of me
>i also live in a dorm
>haha I'm getting educated
>haha I'm almost did sex too
>but yeah, my dumb friend
>now you!

The only joke is you faggot. You just come here to get roasted?

That was trash. You are trash. Kys.

Just in case. Dilate, seethe, cope bitchboy retard

>> No.15176748

Melty detected

>> No.15176993

this must be a copypasta because nothing here makes sense

>> No.15177034


>> No.15177071

Was your Grandma Rip Torn?

>> No.15178559


>> No.15178869

Rean-sama, I kneel!

>> No.15179053
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I was craving some homemade pizza, but I didn't have any tomatoes: the only "sauce" I had was some Vegemite that I received as a gift. So I tried making Vegemite pizza, but I didn't want to taste it first without testing it on someone, so I invited my next-door neighbor to come try some pizza. The next hour spent cleaning the vomit off of the floor and having to give him some burger leftovers in the fridge to make amends convinced me to trash the pizza.

>> No.15179056
