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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.28 MB, 2463x1824, IMG_20201201_192855__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15154776 No.15154776 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else?

>> No.15154782


>> No.15154783

I'm having a flaxseed and chia smoothie with Tuscan kale.

Have fun with your ignorant carnist shit tho.

>> No.15154786

Wow you are so cool for eating garbage

>> No.15154892


>> No.15154909

Ladies and gentlemen, I present severe autism.

>> No.15154914

The McRib is back?
Yoo I'm heading out to Mickey D's right now. Any of y'all want something?

>> No.15154915

OP here reporting back. It sucked. Don't waste your money

>> No.15154918 [DELETED] 

McRibs are fucking gross, and this is coming from someone who doesn't mind eating trash fast food. Like they are actually taste awful. I would legit choose a MRE rib over a McRib.

>> No.15154921


>> No.15154937
File: 29 KB, 525x477, mre[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

McRibs are fucking gross, and this is coming from someone who doesn't mind eating garbage fast food. Like they actually taste awful. If given a choice between a MRE rib and a McRib, I would choose the MRE rib every single time.

>> No.15154938

I had no idea. I went to get a McChicken and the lady said "Would you like to try a McRib early? It comes out tomorrow." So I blindly said yes because I never had one.

>> No.15154951

I am pretty sure the reason that they aren't available year round in the US is because americans actually think they taste bad. The beancounters at McDonalds figured out that the "The McRib is back!" hype drives enough sells for them to temporary bring it back when the price of pork drops low enough. Everyone tries them because of that one faggot who swears it is the best thing ever (probably someone who ate it after they got back from a deployment or something) and then finds out how disgusting it is. The McRib goes back into hiding after everyone buys this horrible thing at least once, ready to come back when the majority of the population forgets about the horrible taste of this vile thing.

>> No.15154965

So simple yet so effective. Jews arean't half bad

>> No.15154973

Unless you're a Ukrainian Christian child 100 years ago trying to not starve.

>> No.15154981

>january 12th 2020?

>> No.15155001

>MRE rib
The military got rid of them about 2 years ago.

>> No.15155036

I actually like the mcrib, the problem is that the mcrib uses a specific type of pork trimmings that is usually too expensive for what is the not-that-large mcrib consumer audience.

>> No.15155090

Based vegbro

>> No.15155114

Ahhh the Yoohoo strategy.

>> No.15155120

Can it, Britburka. Your dating system is trash.

>> No.15155122

Go back to your fetid pit

>> No.15155146
File: 37 KB, 508x425, carnies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, pretty gay bro

>> No.15155147
File: 51 KB, 550x413, make-that-a-thick-ham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm about to go RIB on this McHam

>> No.15155160

>month, day, year
>day, month, year
ahh thats better

>> No.15155185

McD manager here.

Yes, it is 100% true that the McRib's reappearances coincide with pork prices coming down. It's not exactly the "premium" cuts anyway though as I'm sure you've guessed - it's pork trim ground into a paste and then fed through an extruder, packaged into boxes, and frozen down.

It's a mediocre sandwich at best and the time that it can spend in the cabinets is up to an hour as it sits in shitty over-sugared "BBQ" sauce as the grease from the previous 8 hours of service pools at the top.

Enjoy though if that's your thing I guess.

>> No.15155195

so that means canadian pork prices are the reason why its never here?

>> No.15155202

US American here. Shouldn't your pork prices be super low because all the Sicks and Mudslimes don't eat it?

>> No.15155218

no we still have a majority of pork eaters

>> No.15155222

Enjoy pissing those smoothies through your asshole I guess.

>> No.15155226

kek I bet you paid out the ass for fucking kale meanwhile it's still growing in my backyard even though it's been below freezing for the past few days.

Hope your oxalate smoothie doesn't taste like shit, otherwise it will make your future kidney stones extra awful because you didn't even eat anything delicious to get them

>> No.15155238

No joke, ate one 30 minutes ago. Currently shitting my brains out. Tasted preeeeetty good doe

>> No.15155243

Does this guy not drink smoothies because he eats meat?

>> No.15155275


I'm not an economist and I don't follow commodities on the stock market, so....I guess so? I'd be surprised if Canadian prices don't track with the U.S. at least to a reasonable degree considering how much pork the U.S. exports. In the Midwest we normally don't know wtf to do with it all. Before Covid anyway....

>> No.15155305
File: 150 KB, 439x500, ronald-mcdonald.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had dozens and dozens of McRibs in my life. I don't get hyped for it though. I just order it when it happens to be available

I left my self respect at the door, however, when McDonald's began offering the buy a McRib meal and get a second McRib for $1 deal. Making a habit of slamming 2 McRibs back-to-back in my car with a large fries (extra salt) and a large Dr. Pepper (no ice) has taken years off of my life I'm sure

>> No.15155320

Sorry, meant to reply to OP not your post. Though that MRE doesn't look half bad

>> No.15155361

It's all based on pork futures. Several articles have been written about it.

>> No.15156283

OP here. It's past midnight and I'm legitimately shitting my brains out. I rarely eat fast food, but when I do I've never had this happen. Fuckin McRib....

>> No.15156301

Is that hard ass to mouth? Sounds about right zoomie

>> No.15156346


HAM is a millennial term. It is actually pretty multi-layered colloquialism that doesn't make any sense if you aren't a millennial (maybe zoomer? I dunno, maybe zoomers think it is old people speak) born in the US. In this context it basically just means devouring a sandwich.

>> No.15156415

I was a chef at McDonald's and it was my greatest pride to serve these delectables to the fawning masses. Seeing the gleem in the eye of a satisfied customer after they enjoyed a mcrib or two is the reason to be a chef at mcdonalds

>> No.15156428


>> No.15156435


Jokes on you faggot I’m outside on all 4s grazing on grass and the neighbors shrubs and shitting in the yard

>> No.15156445

Nigga, McDonald's chefs work in a corporate office and only gives food to focus groups.

>> No.15156509

I can see the tired old man behind the facepaint. I do not like this photo.

>> No.15156512

>takes bite
>nothing but vinegar
fuck mcribs

>> No.15156513
File: 32 KB, 600x400, 1540142552527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based pretend McDicks manager poster.

>> No.15156655
File: 8 KB, 251x201, download (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>americans don't have the mcrib year round

>> No.15157005
File: 32 KB, 614x515, umaruu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live in Eastern Europe
>McDonald's is considered rich people food
>barely ever eat at McDonald
>anons on /ck/ post delicious McDonalds food that I don't get often to eat

>> No.15157011


is anyone else going to eat the sandwich you're eating, no you fucking retard

>> No.15157015

mcdonalds is garbage tier food why would you want to eat that stuff

>> No.15157028

none of those things is good for you

>> No.15157070

Begone Mcshill
This is a food board, plastic, sugar and meat paste need not apply.
Fatfags are not valid

>> No.15157078

Can I come visit you and buy you mcdonalds?

>> No.15157252

at least you have hot ice princesses

>> No.15157671

OP here again. Literally didn't get to sleep until 2:30AM because I was on the toilet all night. Fuck the McRib.

>> No.15157808

I kek'd

>> No.15157824

Query: Is the McRib actually "food"?

>> No.15157842
File: 325 KB, 1024x768, 1587588009106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15157849

Fuck it, I'm going to get a McRib right now.

>> No.15157874

fucking classic

>> No.15157968
File: 650 KB, 1800x1350, 20201202_110934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This better be good.

>> No.15157973

I had a McRib yesterday, it was nothing like it used to be. I was bummed.

>> No.15158048

McDonalds in many parts of the world is a "premium" brand. Premium as in even it's shitty quality food is better and more nutritious than the normal food which people eat. For example parts of Eastern Europe, South America, Asia, and Northern Africa

>> No.15158123

those fries look perfect

>> No.15158126

Those fries fried up to a crispy bite of delight and salted up something proper. Family. That's how you know you're about to experience something real.

>> No.15158142

the same people who hate on fast food for being "unhealthy" are the same people who still consume alcohol which is far worse than a cheeseburger

>> No.15158154

based & redpilled my McFren

>> No.15159518


>> No.15159537

the mcrib is the single least appealing thing on their menu for me

>> No.15159597

looks like your mcdicks is run by some people who take pride in their fries. must be mexican or white.

>> No.15159603

BK its better

>> No.15159610

Canada is based

>> No.15159636

We're not the 12th of January though ?

>> No.15159735

No it's not don't talk shit you fucking faggot. Most people there do not have much money so they treat it premium because they go there once a year. While you crawl out of momma's basement, steal 5 bucks out of her purse and inhale 2 McChickens.
Most of these countries have good an way more healthy cusine than you could ever imagine you fat slob.