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15153829 No.15153829 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody else go through can openers at a alarming rate? Those hand crank ones only last me a month or two before they start to spin in place.

>> No.15153846

It's the Sam Vine's "Boots" theory. Stop wasting money on shit from Target and Walmart, go to a restaurant supply and get one that'll last decades.

>> No.15153853

bro spend like $20 on a half decent one for fucks sake and you won't do this how financially inept are you
i bought a piece of shit $18.99 CDN kitchenaid hand crank can opener 6 years ago and it has only been hand-tightened once in that time with no other issues

>> No.15153857

Only buy cans with incorporated ring pulls.

>> No.15153865

I've never broken one before, the worst is I've had ones that have worn out blades, but that's it. if you clean it off and don't let the disgusting can gunk build up on the blade it won't rust and wear out so quickly. you do at least rinse the can opener off after you use it, right? most people I see just set the thing on the counter right away and forget it even though they just opened a salty can of corn or something

>> No.15153867
File: 453 KB, 1103x944, external-content.duckduckgo.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the white one was like $25 and lasted no longer then cheapass ones i bought from the dollar store.

>> No.15153868

I've been using the same can opener for over 20 years, just stop cheaping out and get one with actual metal bits for the mechanisms instead of plastic shit

>> No.15153876

yea i wash mine, i don't want my green beans smelling like tuna fish.

>> No.15153879

i'm having truble finding one without plastic/nylon bushings which eventually smash down and screw up the tolerance making it useless.

>> No.15153885


I've had this design for at least 15 years. I actually found another one when savaging an abandoned house so now I have 2 incase I lose this one.
It doesn't break and works every time on any can.

>> No.15153889

jesus christ anon please try to critically think for two seconds and consider brand+build quality for your purchases instead of just going "hurr this is more expensive it's BETTER"

first result on amazon is a 100% stainless steel one for $7, every single consumer kitchen brand I looked at was 100% metal components, please stop shopping at walmart

>> No.15154058
File: 10 KB, 448x205, 1606672593265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>100% metal components
the propulsion gear stops grabbing the can because there a nylon washer that smashes down, every can opener i've seen has them and i shopped at many different stores. Just randomly buying one off online doesn't seem like it will yield different results because it looks like the same shit they sell at walmart

>> No.15154075

dumb motherfucker find the ones that are *100% metal* as advertised don't fucking RANDOMLY buy shit like you've clearly been doing
the suggestion for you to start critically thinking was not ironic. this is shit you need to be able to do as a functioning adult

>> No.15154091

How many cans do you open a day?

>> No.15154096
File: 192 KB, 754x1478, Screenshot_2020-12-01 Amazon com Chef Craft Butterfly Can Opener Kitchen Dining(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the first 5 reviews.
The old ones made back in the day works great but finding a new that's shit is near impossible.

>> No.15154104
File: 1.66 MB, 3264x2448, 20201201_152849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomer here are you kids capable of learning from boomers (no) anywho this is what real men and women use its probably too complicated for yall though. Toodles
t. A Boomer

Am I doing this right senpai yall desu?

>> No.15154116
File: 653 KB, 432x386, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine the smell

>> No.15154121


>> No.15154123
File: 168 KB, 1192x672, P-38_Can_Opener.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15154134

My parents have had the same can opener since I was a kid 20+ years ago. What the fuck are you doing to these poor can openers to run through them so fast? Honestly look up an instructional video on YouTube or something my dude, I did it wrong for a long time too

>> No.15154137

is this how you make up for having everyone in your military career make fun of you for being a cook
sorry you couldn't get that ditch-digger job fryboy

>> No.15154144

Hai Yall desu.

>> No.15154147

You're doing something wrong.

>> No.15154150

Well to be honest its hard to use at first but once you figure it out its a lot easier. I was definitely frustrated with the design when i first started using it. but Idk if 15 years old is like that far back in the day but maybe it is. It could also be that particular brand, mine doesnt have silicone.

>> No.15154169

This. I haven't used a can opener since the early 00s

>> No.15154173

Get the Oxo one it has a built in bottle opener and the one we have is at least 20 years old

>> No.15154238
File: 256 KB, 429x571, Screenshot_2020-12-01 Amazon com OXO Good Grips Soft-Handled Can Opener,Black, 1 Count (Pack of 1) Home Kitchen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same, but the rubber handle keeps falling off.
Many such complaints on amazon about it too.

>> No.15154265

This is a criminal design failure

>> No.15154281

leaning towards this being intentional manufactured obsolescence
real manufactured obsolescence isn't just including a plastic gear in a metal machine: stuff like this actually increases re-engagement rates significantly because it's insignificant enough for most people to fix, but annoying enough for wealthy-enough idiots to repurchase
i'm really happy i don't work in finance anymore

>> No.15154304

I can imagine the design team meeting.
>Extensive testing found that the handle has a tendency to slip off. It's a simple fix, so....

Then dollar signs pop up in the boss's eyes as he rubs his hands together

>> No.15154305

do you hold the can in the air or have it on the counter?

>> No.15154310

usually takes a few meetings but yeah unfortunately it is like this a lot at consumer manufacturing companies, soul crushing shit

>> No.15154312

>usually takes a few meetings
job security much?

>> No.15154455

>but Idk if 15 years old is like that far back in the day
yep things have gotten a lot worse since then, back on 05 Karen's still had power and it meant something when she summoned the manager.

>> No.15154566

How many fucking cans are you opening in a month?

>> No.15154618

The market is flooded with garbage can openers; I'm convinced nobody manufactures good ones any more. Often you can find one or two boutiquey brands that make really expensive but high quality tools, but not in this case as far as I have found.

Find a Swing-A-Way from the 80s at a local thrift store. You'll be handing it down to your imaginary offspring.

>> No.15154643

I pretty much go through thrift stores and garage sales for kitchen stuff and tools and find old american made stuff from back when things were built to last.

>> No.15154647

What are you buying that is canned?

>> No.15154676

they usually have a screw that you can thighten up

>> No.15154686

escargot. the only good way to get it is canned from a small factory in burgundy.

>> No.15154696

about 30 or so

>> No.15154708

>You'll be handing it down to your imaginary offspring.
this got me right in the feels

>> No.15154720

tomato paste, tuna fish, water chestnuts and other oddities that aren't worth buying fresh

>> No.15154766

The air

>> No.15154873

Yea I did this but it also shit the bed too
I think we are just being sold garbage
His law doesn't apply if at all levels the quality is poor

>> No.15154930
File: 71 KB, 480x320, field-kits-p51-can-opener-side_large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought dozens of these years ago for $0.10 awhile back. I have them scattered all over the place so it's impossible really be without one. My one in the kitchen drawer gets plenty of use but I have never actually broken one. The P51 is the only can opener you ever need need.

>> No.15154969

They probably pick the ones who's genetics just wont let them be a soldier. Like forever obese people. Which is really who you want in the kitchen

>> No.15154997

Get the best, OXO is god tier. Been using one of these for a couple years.

>> No.15155013

Wait, can openers break?
Bought one when I moved out a decade ago and it still works like new

>> No.15155048

hi steve

>> No.15155116

>find old american made stuff from back when things were built to last.
I mean, you can take "american" out and this still holds true, japan used to produce some quality kitchenware; just gotta find stuff thats pre disposable-economy.

>> No.15155157

fair enough. i have a potato peeler thats from and its older then me and works just fine

>> No.15155208
File: 25 KB, 800x800, L3496148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess that must be a different model, I have pic related and it has had zero issues so far

>> No.15155215

i smash all of my cans open with a rock

>> No.15155233

Update: apparently mine is called "Oxo Softworks"

>> No.15155246

this is straight up bullshit man. i've tried to buy good quality stuff but it's ALL just cheap ass garbage, even if it's "made in the usa", it was "made" using imported chinese garbage. until bitch niggas are hammering thier own leather shoes from cows on their farm im not paying fucking more than $49.99 for a pair of boots you FUCKING IDIOT

>> No.15155292

Just smear some epoxy or gorilla glue I side the rubber and slide on. Easy fix

>> No.15155432

These things suck dog ass

>> No.15155476

quit acting/typing like a woman

>> No.15155526

Get an electric can opener from a thrift store nerds, 7O'S/80'S electronics BTFO today's made to expire shit.

>> No.15155642

I've had a steel Oxo one for at least 7 or 8 years now. The spinning parts are all mounted on a rectangular shaft so they can't really ever spin unless I try way to hard to open something to the point of stripping the metal away. You do rotate and handle and spin as you increase clamping pressure gradually right? If you just squeeze until it pops, then start tuning you would wear out any crappy rivets or plastic bits in no time.

>> No.15155915

If you can slide it up quickly enough use super glue, even

>> No.15156030

They still made good can openers a decade ago

>> No.15156804

I just looked up a how to use a can opener video on youtube. 1.5 million views, posted 4 years ago 0.0

Apparently there's a "wrong way" which I think is the most common way and the way I learned it, where the top is cut from inside the lip, leaving a jagged edge. The "right way" goes around the outside of lip leaving a smooth edge, albeit still sharp enough to potentially cut yourself. I kinda still like the "wrong way," but maybe that's why you're ruining can openers OP

>> No.15156837

Stop eating only canned food. Are you military?

>> No.15157693

It doesnt even need to be fully made of steel. We have our can opener for as long as I can remember and its mostly made out of plastic. It just has to have good quality

>> No.15157702

This is the second time I've seen a thread about can openers breaking constantly. Is this a real problem? I've had the same can open for like 20 years and I've never had a problem with it.

>> No.15157751

>How many cans do you open a day?

Usual amount, no more than forty or fifty.

>> No.15157755




>> No.15157758
