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15143941 No.15143941[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Tips for going through alcohol withdrawls?

>> No.15143954

Ye shall suffer as I have suffered. I know ur pain just make it 3 days and you are golden.

>> No.15143960

taper off so you dont die

>> No.15143961


>> No.15143966


>> No.15143967

Idk if I can handle it. My body is refusing to function.

Might have to bust into the bottle of whiskey I have stashed in my car.

>> No.15143968

Not OP, but details?

>> No.15143978

How do I taper off when I'm an alcoholic?

Can you really die from withdrawal?

>> No.15143981
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Taper next time. Or start tapering now. It never worked for me but it might for you (heh)

>> No.15143985

troll post, will increase susceptibility to hallucinations and general delirium. dont do this, makes mustard gas

>> No.15143992

no don't take a lot of it it's just good when you're restless and can't sleep

>> No.15144017

fun fact alcohol is the only drug that can kill you from withdrawal

>> No.15144023

How do I know if I'm going to die. It kinda feels like I might.

>> No.15144037

Drink water. B-Vitamins. Electrolytes. Sleep.

>> No.15144038

you probably won't
how heavy of a drinker were you?

>> No.15144047

Alcohol and Heroin*

>> No.15144053

You forgot about benzos.

>> No.15144060

why not go to the e.r. Most will detox you. They say it will take 5 days or even try to send you to a detox facility for a week or two...the truth is, you just need a good 1.5-2 days of ativan or valium every 6-8 hours and then leave against doctor advice....
Source: I drink 1 liter of vodka/whiskey a day for 10 years and went to detox 7 times this year before I finally was able to completely quit. Last time I walked into detox under my own power, I had drank 5 liters of franzia and a pint of vodka in 18 hours and blew a 0.42

>> No.15144072

also barbiturates.

>> No.15144081

>also barbiturates.
you mean benzos

>> No.15144096

obviously people have died while withdrawing from heroin and benzos but it's from secondary causes not because their body physically needs the substance to survive the way an alcoholic's does

>> No.15144112

You never get withdraw/hungover if you never stop drinking. Pour one up

>> No.15144121

>obviously people have died while withdrawing from heroin and benzos but it's from secondary causes not because their body physically needs the substance to survive the way an alcoholic's does
benzos withdrawls are a primary and kill you in the exact way alcohol does

>> No.15144124
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Do heroin. You wont feel the alcohol withdrawals

>> No.15144164

I drink a 750ml bottle of vodka every day. Sometimes 2.

>> No.15144181
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Grab some effervescent saline tablets like hydrolyte (australian)so you still keep essential salts in your body as you drink water (withdrawls can lead to fatal imbalance causing seizures, coma and shit). Suck it up, know its gonna be a shit ride but make sure to breathe even if your breathing has gotten rapid again (and yer heart is racing). 3 days is the worst of it. Think of it as a personal marathon and imagine the finish line. Im 5 days dry and it was a nightmare the first 2; trust me bro just get through it and you'll feel like shitting rainbows instead of your own brain.

Take a prayer and a blessing, you can do this and YES it is worth it. GO FOR IT!

>> No.15144184

buy a beer for when you're ready to sleep.
drink plenty of water.
your pee will return to normal after 2 days.
you won't want to eat anything except meat, and even then you don't want to do anything. cold cuts are best

>> No.15144191

>Take a prayer and a blessing, you can do this and YES it is worth it. GO FOR IT!
holy fuck, I didn't know I was on a women's facebook group. Mcfucking killyourself

>> No.15144192

how tf are you so loud and so wrong at the same time? this is legitimately harmful disinformation to spread.

>> No.15144213

xanax is the only thing that stops my shakes other than beer. I don't normally drink beer, but I'm not gonna be able to make it to the liquor store

>> No.15144223

This. Cut your intake by 1/2 each day. I know it’s tough to tell an al/ck to drink a little and stop. Buy right before the stores close if possible.

>> No.15144237

>xanax is the only thing that stops my shakes other than beer. I don't normally drink beer, but I'm not gonna be able to make it to the liquor store
nigger, why won't you go to the e.r.
You can be completely fine in 36 hours. If you are withdrawling, they are legally obligated to fucking detox you. And guess what, you can give a fake name and address and not worry about paying

>> No.15144356

If in the US with substandard insurance that could get real expensive real quick. Also if they are in a Covid red zone they might not have ER capacity.

>> No.15144548

debt or death. Pick your poison, 'cause that's what it will come down to.

>> No.15144554


>> No.15144558

>If in the US with substandard insurance that could get real expensive real quick
who cares, medical debt has a very tiny impact on your credit report. I literally have nearly a million dollars in medical bills I haven't paid a fucking penny for over past 15 years and never been sued

>> No.15144604

Benzos kill people every year from withdrawal, and heroin kills ZERO. Benzos kill more than alcohol from withdrawal alone. Lrn2gabareceptor fucking idiots

>> No.15144632

>heroin kills ZERO
heroin won't kill you, but it will kill your ability to feel joy.

>> No.15144760

wtf are you faggots talking about? people OD on heroin all the time.

>> No.15144878

As a medfag, yes you can. As a former alcoholic, I wonder how much you really have to drink. I was doing a minimum of a 750mL bottle of liquor a day for months and stopped cold turkey with no issues.

>> No.15144887

talking about withdrawal, ESL. work on your reading comprehension.

>> No.15144942

Disability lawyer here. The effects of alcoholism seem to vary enormously from person to person in ways that are difficult to quantify.

I've seen cases of people who drink less than you do but end up hospitalized with convulsions and audiovisual hallucinations after a day or two without liquor. And I've seen people who drink 50% more than you and have no complaints aside from a back injury or whatever.

>> No.15144943

it only happens every several months, maybe four times in the 11 years I've been drinking

>> No.15144955

It's also hard to quantify because you are taking people at their word and people are both ashamed and under-report. And even if they are trying to be genuine, people are just horrible at self-measuring things like that, which has been studied quite a bit.

>> No.15144981

Yeah, I've often wondered about the issue of under-reporting when it comes to research on substance abuse.

I suppose ethical considerations would prevent an actual controlled study where unhealthy quantities of alcohol or drugs were administered to people over a prolonged period, but it seems like it would do a lot of good to actually establish the dangerousness of these substances based on something other than self-reported use.