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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15135953 No.15135953 [Reply] [Original]

>kosher salt

>> No.15135957

Fuck you

>> No.15135959

What's up with that? Why do these New York type cunts love it so much?

>> No.15135963

umm ahah its no big deal man! it just tastes great.

>> No.15135967

This guy is SUCH a faggot. I can't understand why /ck/ has such a rage boner for chad adam ragusea (who gives good advice suitable for a home cook audience) but never complains about this psychopathic turbo redditor. This guy just bought fancy cookingware and thinks that because he bough expensive shit that means he can cook. His technique sucks and his recipes are unnecessarily complicated and everything is presented with a reddit tier >DAE POP CULTURE theme.

>> No.15135969

Kosher salt is easier to see, and easier to not over season with.

t. flyover fag

>> No.15135977

dont like that guy
only guy for me is john from food wishes

>> No.15135979
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Okay whisky business fag

>> No.15135981

This guy at least knows how to cook, Babish clearly doesn't.

>> No.15135985

foodwishes, Kenji lopez, chinese cooking demystified and ragusea are the only cooking channels worth watching

>> No.15135992

>gatekeeping cooking channels

cringe, pokemon elitism is more respectable

>> No.15135998

The kosher food certification industry is a protection racket where they blackmail companies into paying for certification to protect their brands from slander. Similar to halal food certification. A soft form of economic terrorism used to undermine the sovereignty of the host nation.

Inb4 reported. My family work in the kosher certification industry. I despise it for being underhanded and bringing disrepute to people of my origin and religion. It's fuel for existing stereotypes.

>> No.15136006

Based. I'm in the process of creating a prion free cert for places that serve animal brains.

>> No.15136010

>Why I season my cutting board and not my steak
Little boy: go home, kys, and never come back.

>> No.15136044
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Freshly ground black pepper doesn't spread as evenly as the powdered stuff and doesn't taste all that much better

>> No.15136050

yeah, but i got a little grounder thingy, and it just comes off better to doing it like that.

>> No.15136053

based dubs

>> No.15136062 [DELETED] 
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Who knows?

>> No.15136077

is it even possible to get kosher salt outside of the jewnited states? I live in australia and can't find it anywhere.

>> No.15136083

yes its common all over the planet. excluding shit hole countries like aus of course

>> No.15136090

It's called coarse salt anywhere outside usa.

>> No.15136104

Retard here, what makes normal salt "not Kosher?"

>> No.15136112

stop shilling yourself faggot, youre just as retarded

>> No.15136113

read the thread retard

>> No.15136114

Try asking for 'oi vey' salt

>> No.15136221

This. Tried cooking fried chicken at my folk's house, they use iodized salt and oversalted my chicken since the moment it touches the food that shit disappears.

>> No.15136229

>tfw goys need iodine salt to be able to die for me and my country.
Thank you, goys. Truly

>> No.15136236

What is Sea Salt, tho?

>> No.15136240

I think this big brain question belongs in /sci/. It is truly a wonder

>> No.15136249

Kosher salt has a much larger surface area while having slightly less salt per volume compared to regular table salt. I actually have a hard time now over salting my food because of it. Kosher salt itself isn't speacial, lest you're using for dry aging/brining, it's really all in the shape of the salt crystals shapes.

>> No.15136423

Salt from the moon.

>> No.15136485

Why can't Americans apply table salt in small amounts? Is it because of their fat fingers?

>> No.15136514

Trauma of having mutilated dicks

>> No.15136516

i tough i didnt like him
then i saw his tiktoks

>> No.15136521

fuck off kike

>> No.15136571

>chinese cooking demystified
Fuck him and his pet gook, souped up recipes is WAY better but a word of warning, she is VERY chinese.

>> No.15136657

My name is Andon is a cool one too.
His inside on how to remove the chickpeas husk is a game changer for the humus.
Another good one is Alex

>> No.15136907

hey lads should I have onion soup for dinner, or should I order a takeaway?

>> No.15136928


>> No.15136961

>Media outlets are owned by jews
>kosher food production and certification is owned by jews
>keep shilling your own product on trendy recipe sites
>NPCs absorb the message that kosher salt is good like a sponge and keep hyping it up in their circles because they have nothing else to talk about but how crazy they are for having used kosher salt instead of normal salt in their avocado toast recipe
Also inb4 someone claims that kosher salt has nothing to do with kosher; find me non-kosher kosher salt. Coarse sea salt is superior in all ways.

>> No.15136996

>find me non-kosher kosher salt.
all salt is kosher unless it's covered in pig's blood
>Coarse sea salt is superior in all ways.
it's the same thing

>> No.15137021

>all salt is kosher
Wrong. Look up the kosher certification process, you have to pay a rabbi to declare it kosher.

>> No.15137044

lol seriously? god i hate americans

>> No.15137054
File: 56 KB, 1068x601, gigachad (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, it's maldon

>> No.15137060

So pathetic. Its amazing the pengths the mutts will go to pretend theyre not jewish slaves

>> No.15138341

Is kosher salt a burger thing? I'm ethnically jewish and I never heard of kosher salt before watching cooking videos from burgerland.

>> No.15138351


>> No.15138367

>a word of warning, she is VERY chinese
no idea what you mean by that, but she has a really hot body which is a plus

>> No.15138374

maybe. Its just a term for flaky salt rather than finer crystals.

>> No.15138388


Because it has a mild salty flavor not like harsh mines table salt. Melts instantly in liquids so no crunchy salt in your food.

>> No.15138476

kosher salt is just shorthand for coarser salt without additives you fucking niggers

>> No.15138914

>implying having a rabbi declare it kosher changes the composition
Thanks jewish