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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15135629 No.15135629 [Reply] [Original]

Rate my pizza.

>> No.15135638

Biden / 10.

>> No.15135641

If you're making it at home, don't be a jew and buy decent pepperoni

>> No.15135643

solid 7/10 would lap it up drunkenly

i'd probably chuck on some more vegetables though since you've put such a mix of things already, some fresh tomato and olives at the least

>> No.15135645

congrtulotn you did its

>> No.15135649

You realise antisemitism like that is logged by the servers right? You do want to keep your job?

>> No.15135651

The mushrooms aren't caramelized. Are those frozen green peppers? Weak.

>> No.15135654

Wow anon, you even dehydrated the mushrooms. Very good work, a lot of people forget to do that. The only complaint I'd have is that the pepper and onions looks a little raw and could have used some light cooking on their own, otherwise easy 9/10

>> No.15135656
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>> No.15135684

Damn, I have no words.
Eat your pizza and end your life in a moderate manner, i'd say don't make it past 50 out of respect for this world.

>> No.15135722

>complaining of a pizza being greasy

>> No.15135727

Damn that looks good. Well done anon

>> No.15135731

Good ass pizza.

>> No.15135758

Not properly degreased/5.

>> No.15136176

lloks great, but fuck it do the broiler and get some caramelization on theat shit

>> No.15136189

>no dont say bad words my mom can become invisible and she could be watching ringht now

>> No.15136197

7.5/10, good toppings (saute mushorooms first though) and dough looks fine enough.

>> No.15136200

We all know you got that from the frozen section of the supermarket.

>> No.15136202
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>> No.15136203

post your pizza

>> No.15136278

das rite

>> No.15136343

I would personally dice the pickles and radish u have on there instead of having them in long strips

>> No.15136916


>> No.15136950

9/10. and did u add pepperoni too? u should add more of it :/

>> No.15137075
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replace the green peppers with jalapeno and its perfect

>> No.15137093

only thing to rate here is dough which looks 9/10 imo. topping is personal preference.
italians care more about the dough not what you shit on top.

>> No.15137154
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mine is much better

>> No.15137167

8.7/10. id eat the f out of that pizza anon, especially if was drunk. and im still drunk this morning

>> No.15137212

8/10 it needs chovies.

>> No.15137547

perfect in every way except looks maybe a little too thin

>> No.15137559

do you also like to make wacky pizzas like alfredo or buffalo chicken pizza?

>> No.15137561

Looks really good anon

>> No.15137681

Sometimes, I tried to make a mushroom ricotta pizza once, but it just tasted like lasagna. Pineapple ham and cheddar is what started the whole pizza thing for me.
But that’s the fun of pizza and making it yourself, you can add anything you want and see if it works.

>> No.15137692

>amerilard offended by a vegetable

>> No.15137715

There is both, the little thin straight green pieces are jalapeño.
You sir, know your shit. The dough and sauce are everything. The biggest game changer for me was to bake the pizza at 550° on the bottom rack for only 10 minutes.

>> No.15137773

Looks good, put some hot sauce on it and bon appetit!

>> No.15137779

this is without a doubt one of the most disgusting pictures of a piece of food I've ever seen holy shit what the fuck

>> No.15137784

I would prefer the vegetables to be diced smaller and more evenly spread - at that thickness they're barely cooked which means gross mushrooms

>> No.15137785

Thin pizzas are better than pizzas with a fat base

>> No.15137863

That crust looks awesome.


>> No.15137881

Looks pretty good. Good job.

>> No.15137896

>no olives

>> No.15137902

Benis Pziza

>> No.15137903

gib crust recipe pls

>> No.15138138

Not a big fan of gaycado but solid 10/10

>> No.15138238

looks like pepper to me

>> No.15138268

Very nice. How many grams of dough you use?

>> No.15138283



>> No.15138488
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I add more olive oil and add water as needed to keep the dough soft while kneading.
The other two changes that I’ve made is that I divide the dough into three balls which makes more of a solid 14” thin crust pizza like pictured above.
I also cook the pizza on the bottom rack at 550° for 10 minutes.

>> No.15138495

No avocados... just green peppers.

>> No.15138498

Looking good but the crust's a little dark and the veg a little raw looking. Would recommend reducing the cook temp a little.

>> No.15138503

Lol, I can see how people might not like the lesser cooked vegetables, but I like mushrooms raw so slightly cooked is pretty tasty. I used to dice the veggies but they just kinda blended in with the sauce and I missed their pronounced flavors.

>> No.15138510

Not a bad suggestion. Maybe 525°?

>> No.15138598
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Za, nice and hot.

>> No.15138673
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>> No.15138686

imagine being legitimately autistic

>> No.15138688

Looks really delicious honestly

>> No.15138964

Looks super tasty, I admire how your cheese got the little brown spots of flavor.

>> No.15139131

>asshurt yuro talking about vegetables when the topic wasn’t about veggies, and seething

>> No.15139196

>he rates pizza

>> No.15139610

Looks professionally done. The real question is, how did it taste?

>> No.15139617

fucking based

>> No.15140685

Amazing... it’s gotten to the point where I don’t even miss restaurant pizza.
With that said, I really love New Haven style pizza, with the chewy and crisp crust. I would love to know how to take the crust in that direction.

>> No.15140705

too small/10

>> No.15140708

Its 14 inches in diameter... I would need a bigger pan. But it could be done...

>> No.15140797

Looks tasty. I'd eat that and buy you beer for the labor.

>> No.15140812

A bit greasy but 7/10 otherwise looks nice.

>> No.15141253

>bell pepper
>crust isn't burnt
Could use some black olives and more cheese, but still a solid 10.

>> No.15141909


What kind of sauce you using boyo?

>> No.15141914


Mmm, cheese looking good. Mix?

>> No.15143397

tranny benis beetza