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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15129160 No.15129160 [Reply] [Original]

This guy here got a CEASE AND DESIST letter by the "Grana Padano Consortium" for posting a video recipe of his take on Grana Padano STYLE cheese, accusing him of describing how to make "counterfeit copies of Grana Padano". Why are Italians such petty, vindictive little fucks when it comes to their cuisine, bros?


>> No.15129165

>some boomer redneck cries like a bitch
who the fuck cares

>> No.15129169

If your entire life revolves around a fucking type of cheese, do you expect to not be petty?

>> No.15129174

Recipes are essentially not protected as intellectual property.

What a stupid thread, video, and waste of time.

>> No.15129176

Hes part of the EU , a communist shithole and they agreed to these rules

>> No.15129178

You don't think it sets a pretty shitty precedent when some random consortium can just demand a video taken down for trying to approximate their recipe?

>> No.15129184

He's pretty fucking obviously Australian

>> No.15129188

europeans have a total retarded sense of intellectual property
They get mad if americans make cheddar cheese holy fuck

>> No.15129195

You think he shouldn't have caved?

>> No.15129197

ok giuseppe

>> No.15129218

>using youtube

>> No.15129223

looks like the curd nerd got served

>> No.15129229

Absolutely! At least in the USA, food recipes have pretty much no legal protection. If you make a cookbook or something and add exposition then you have copyright protection, but simply listing ingredients does not afford you anything.

>> No.15129234

oh look more mad rednecks

>> No.15129240 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 670x480, 361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shitalian mad that Australian has perfected his cheese

>> No.15129249

>Didn't say "Mama mia!"
6/10, needs improvement.

>> No.15129251

the eu regularly tries to enforce their bullshit economic geographic indications bullshit outside of their jurisdiction. death to the eu. i hate yurofags so much

>> No.15129256

Had a bad thanksgiving anon?

>> No.15129263

Seconding this, as a yuropoor myself.

>> No.15129264

Sounds English to me

>> No.15129269

It's okay, ESL-kun, soon you'll be able to distinguish between accents.

>> No.15129325

Leave me out of your wanna be Japanese language weeb

>> No.15129349

The saddest and most infuriating part of all this is that the video in question is titled how to make grana padano STYLE cheese and he makes it very clearly in the video itself that it is not REAL grana padano.

>> No.15129400

I just learned about the product from this post, i won't be supporting cuck cheese.

>> No.15129490

he lives in melbourne

>> No.15129687

Lmao based Grana Padano consortium BTFOing white cucks.

>> No.15129698

lmao these are the same retards who sued that gayass american boomer drama series for calling grana padano "poor mans parmesan"

>> No.15129822

Stop playing Super Mario Bros.

>> No.15129834

He should just keep doing it. What are they gonna do? Companies always do bullshit like this just hoping to scare people, they won't actually litigate, it's 100% intimidation.

>> No.15130131

no because anyone can send a cease and desist to anyone else for anything, doesn't mean it's necessarily enforcible

>> No.15130160


He says in the video he’s Australian, the CD specifically mentions theyre trying to protect their recipe under Aussie law.

>> No.15130301

I'm pretty sure the guy geotags his youtube videos to whatever bumfuck australian suburb he's from so

>> No.15130372

italians seethe whenever people talk about their food because italy literally isn't real. it's a fake country that was invented like barely over 100 years ago so to throw people off the fact that its literally just a bunch of random unrelated peasants they created a myth of a traditional food heritage (hilariously composed almost entirely of foreign ingredients)

>> No.15130384

>Nooo you cant imitate our export overseas that will fuck up our already broke fucking country and make us even more of a slave to the EU!!!!!


>> No.15130781

Italy can blow it out their ass, seeing as their main ingredient they use in literally everything, the tomato, had to be brought from the other side of the planet. South America should file a counter-lawsuit because tomatl originated there

>> No.15130813
File: 1.04 MB, 2000x4160, IMG-20200923-WA0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Italian cheese makers dabbing on Australoids for their shitty attempts at making cheese.

Everybody ITT is absolutely mad. It makes me quite happy that Anglos are seething at the mere thought that you can eat good food and not to be a hamplanet due to your disgusting diet.

Pic related, real food.
>Inb4 angry Anglo wanting to IMPROOOOOOOOOV the recipe by adding fresh streaks of diarrhea and two kilograms of random shit

>> No.15130846

Australia signed away their own sovereign rights in desperate free trade agreements with everybody in the world.

>> No.15130863

It can be protected by patent, if the process used to obtain the final product is (very long story short) unique. For example let's say you use yeast in a very specific and uncommon way, or you process it through a machine of your invention.
However, just running ingredients through well known processes (cleaning cutting frying etc.) to produce a recipe is not under protection. What you can do is write it in a book and then that specific recipe (the TEXT of it) is under copyright.
The Grana Panado Consortium are known to be picky assholes though. I don't know how far their rights go, the name and origin is probably protected. But not the process.
t. Swiss IP lawyer. Most of it should be applicable in euro law

>> No.15130880

It's just a boomer c*ck who caved in for something he'd never get properly sued for. Based Grana.

>> No.15130894

It's too easy to sue in Common law countries to be honest. It's too easy to make poor people cave in by throwing the threat of a trial in their face.
At least in Switzerland you get heavily fined for throwing baseless trial threats at people AND you need to pay the winning side's Lawyer's/attorney's fees.
And trust me we are more than happy to dump fat bill to people/societies who are trial pushers.

>> No.15130914

>actual seething
you turkic rape babies sure are fiesty

>> No.15130927

I watch this guy all the time. He's pretty cool cheese dude

>> No.15130933

if hes an American they can buzz off
in America food is not copyrightable

>> No.15130940

More countries need this.

>> No.15130943

Ah, the great Turkish Italy. Amerilards and their sub-80 IQ education, and its fruits. White than you, sweaty.

>> No.15130949

I'm pretty sure that this actually related to the EU law "protected designation of origins". I don't know how applicable it is outside of EU, but at least inside the Union there are certain food and agricultural products that have their names protected under this law. What this means that you can't sell certain products under those names unless they are produced under the specifications set by the law.
For example you can't call your cheese "feta", unless it's made in Greece and it's produced the traditional way. It looks like Grana Padano is protected by the same law.
Even then, I have no idea why those "consortium" fuckers decided to go after some random aussie Youtuber.

>> No.15130954

yeah but this is all ignoring the fact that he clearly states multiple times that his cheese is "grand padano STYLE" as in he really isn't trying to copy whatever those italo fucks are doing
or is this not how this legal shit works, someone enlighten me

>> No.15130956

>he thinks i'm an amerilard
>half his people are as dark as indians
pure copium there

>> No.15130975

>t. never been to Italy
You'll never be white, Johny McAustraloid.

>> No.15130981

why would i want to go to a shit hole like italy it's no better than albania

>> No.15130985

There's a little foam around your mouth.

>> No.15130987

but it is the poor mans parmesan

>> No.15130994

a little 'cream' around yours

>> No.15130995

Not really, they taste the same.
t. Italy-fag
Grana is a bit cheaper though. As for grated cheese only Pecorino really tastes different, but that is not surprising considering it's sheep's milk vs cow's milk.

>> No.15131001

I don't use cream in my cooking.
If you're implying some gay shit, miss me with that shit, homo.

>> No.15131003

i'm calling you a faggot

>> No.15131007

Never thought I'd see someone with black dildo up their asshole call me a faggot. Good one bud.

>> No.15131041
File: 83 KB, 541x517, costy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

italians are fucking retarded, they can't even cook steak.


Literally every italian has toxoplasmosis cus they have 10 feral cats for every person.

>> No.15131060

That's a specific dish from Florence. Most Italians just cook it medium-rare or even rarer. It entirely depends on the cut of steak.
>it's a random amerilard finding a video of a dish he doesn't like in the first place to larp he actually knows anything about ITalian food

>> No.15131062

What I wanted to add: most steak cuts come without the fat. Again, it is a specific dish. You don't eat tripe soup and pretend Italian cuisine is horrific because you don't like one dish out of hundreds.

>> No.15131166

>I don't know how applicable it is outside of EU,
Not applicable, like every law.

>> No.15131186

>taking a c&d from italian meme cheese seriously

Lmao they cant do shit

>> No.15131189

>you will never be able to cook anything as good as true Itaaaaaaalian food
>hand seizures intensify
>go to Italy
>food is often overpriced like usual
>it's shit
>well, you're not in the right part of Italy
>go to the right part of Italy
>food is overpriced and shitty
>well, you're not in the right part of Italy
Italian food is something you cook at home for cheap with the family while not allowing some Euronigger cry until you make you're food more expensive and shittier.

>> No.15131216

>absurd and pointless request
>will take the video down

Why are boomers like that?

>> No.15131221

Italians are fucking pathetic

>> No.15131230

Compared to what, your 3rd world shithole?

>> No.15131246 [DELETED] 

No, I'm just not retarded enough to not know the value of ingredients. No amount your nigger "culture" and hand waving will provide any genuine increase in cost of the food. For several bucks, an Italian pizza is a pretty great pizza. For $20, it's a steaming pile of shit. Italian food is hands down the most fucking overrated food on Earth, and how those shitskins can't seem to get that through their ape skulls is beyond me.

>> No.15131256

>pizza costs 20 us dollars in Italy
wanna know how I know you've never been here? It costs 4 euros, a Margherita. Different stuff is 6-11 euro price range. Nice larp.
Inb4 went to a tourist restaurant and got ripped off

>> No.15131276

>some zoomer bootlicker complains like a bitch

>> No.15131278 [DELETED] 

Learn to read, nigger. I just said when it's cheap, it's fine. It's when you niggers think you have something worth more than it is.
>well, you didn't eat at the right Italian places
Every fucking time. You nogs don't let up, do you?

>> No.15131286

>Every fucking time. You nogs don't let up, do you?
Except you didn't go to right places if you paid 20 dollars. You're larping and trying to claim obvious bull. And I'm from the North, not far from Milano and I've also lived in Milano, and your prices don't exist. Most I've paid is 13 euros, but that was at a very expensive and good restaurant. Like I've said you've even been here if you are going to pretend you 20 dollars for a fucking pizza lmao. Pathetic Anglo larp.
>Inb4 I definitely paid 300 DOLLAS FOR A PIZZA I SWEAR ON ME MUM

>> No.15131310

That's a very winded way of saying no, nog. Could have given me the abridged version. It's also funny that you say north because you niggers always talk about how you have to go south for better food, I guess until that doesn't suit the dick suckery you gives love. Just admit your food is overrated and move on.

>> No.15131315

Just admit you've never even been here. I can give you several menu's off of the TripAdvisor for actual Italian prices if you insist on larping. And no, there's plenty of good food here in the North, in fact it's easy to get southern food due to all the imigrants coming up north for work, lots of them working in food industry specifically. Show me the place where you ate pizza for 20 dollars lmao. I'll be waiting. How bitter you must be to make up lies on Internet because you're a butthurt 200kg hamplanet from USA?

>> No.15131316

Italian here, I believe that the actions take by are a bit extreme, but we have had issues with counterfeit Parmigiano in the past (heck, look at the fucking "parmesan" cheese the americans invented).
tldr: the action is a bit extreme but if you knew the whole story you would probably understand.

>> No.15131318 [DELETED] 
File: 109 KB, 828x814, arec3gcxqs651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having tasted "american parmesan" and "american chablis" and other atrocities, I can tell you that if more am*ricans received cease and desist letters their cuisine might be actually less of a joke

>> No.15131321

Non-Italians literally seethe and hate us. Just read the thread.

>> No.15131322

>trust me, guys
>no one could honestly feel this way about our shit
Oh, what it must be like to have the mentality of a Shitalian.

>> No.15131349

>Not calling it a 'Cheese and Desist' instead.

>> No.15131367

>not wrongthink for politics so it’ll stay up

>> No.15131385

I live in Switzerland and frequently travel (well, used to) to Italia to get some of their cold cuts, Mortadella, ham, salami.
They get it right.

>> No.15131415

Yes, I should totally buy absolute larp about prices that don't exist anywhere. Last time I went out I paid about 13 euros from a very good pizzeria, and that is including seating charge and half a liger of beer. Like I said, show me what restaurant you ate at and we can surely get the menu off of Google or TripAdvisor as literally almost every place has one online nowadays. But you won't because you're making shit up to try and pretend to know what you're talking about. Nobody pays 20 dollars for pizza, this is peak bullshit.
This is a very expensive restaurant in Central Milan. Milan is overpriced and in general you'll pay more than in the rest of Italy. Notice how your bullshit price doesn't even come close. And this is with inflated covid prices. Are you still going to larp after being BTFO? These prices are nowhere NEAR the average cost of pizza.

>> No.15131419

In Geneva the starting price for a pizza is usually 18-20 CHF

>> No.15131437

That's so overpriced. Is it good at least? At least Italy is so close it isn't a problem to visit for food alone once in awhile. I know plenty of people living close to border go abroad to buy their groceries due to how expensive everything is for you there. I'd say the absolute minimum for Napoli style pizza in Italy is 4 euros. Maybe even cheaper in the south, but I am from the North and can't vouch for an accurate price range there.

>> No.15131449

I found the forum where you may be getting your info. Funny that someone else is the LARP. Cry more, Shitalian. Not to mention a lot of the cheaper pizzas are made to feed manlets. Look at how ass blasted you get when someone isn't sucking you off. Your food is overrated, but you're acting like someone offed your dog. What a fag.

>> No.15131459

>Is it good at least?
Depends on the place of course.
I'd say if you want a safe bet like Molino or Marino (two well known Italian restaurant) it's starting at 21-23 ? At these places it's good pizza. But you can just drive to neighbouring France and buy equally good if not better pizza starting at 10€ (roughly equivalent to CHF)
I'd say in this region pizzas are pretty good compared to world average because of the proximity to Italy and many Italian immigrants.
Yeah prices are so steep here that some people even travel once a week to northern Italy in the closest Bennett to get food.

>> No.15131487

>I found the forum where you may be getting your info
What are you talking, schizo?
>cheaper pizzas are made to feed manlets
I'm 188, but sure lmao. What you say absolutely no sense.
>gets absolutely BTFO for making up lies on internet
>proceeds to cope and get anally devastated
Did an Italian fuck your ex or something? You seem mad. Again, no proof where you ate your supposed "overpriced pizza". Please kill yourself you fat sack of shit.
I know many people who go up north to make pizzas or to work at restaurants to save up nice money over summer before starting uni or just to live abroad a little.
Yeah Bennett is pretty good, for some reason they also always have their yoghurts in discount section and they don't actually seem to go off for 2 weeks after. Imho Esselunga is also nice, but very expensive. I shop most of my food at shitters like Euro spin and I still get good quality. Only things really cheap discount stores don't do well are the cheeses and cold cuts.

>> No.15131513

>What are you talking, schizo?
Gets buttmad, can't handle conversation, someone literally has to be crazy to not like my shit food. Also, thread had your talking points, nigger.
>I'm 188, but sure lmao. What you say absolutely no sense.
Sure, thing, manlet. You're mommies big boy.
>gets absolutely BTFO for making up lies on internet
>proceeds to cope and get anally devastated
This is literally you.
>Did an Italian fuck your ex or something?
>m-muh dick
All the boxes get checked. Italians are 1 dimensional niggers, just like their food.

>> No.15131534

I never saw an Esselunga but that's seems to be around Milano. Closest would be Torino.
What I really want to do once more is go to a place that does really xboxhueg pizzas that are also good. I remember we went to such a place when I was a teen but can't remember where. Maybe Firenze I dunno

>> No.15131627


Show some respect to your elders retard.

>> No.15131629

Take your meds.
I live close to Lago Maggiore. Esselunga and Bennet are pretty popular around here. It probably isn't worth going to far just for Esselunga. Idk if you have it anywhere near you, but there's something called giro pizza, basically pay a fixed fee and they bring around trays with pizza slices and you take as much as you want and try every kind. That would probably fit your needs.

>> No.15131637

>boomer redneck
>has a british accent
zoomers, everyone

>> No.15131643

>Take your meds.
That's all you have, nigger. No real points to stand on. Got shit on, so try to discredit to spare your own feelings.

>> No.15131667

>makes claim food is overpriced in Italy
>has never been to Italy
>claims pizza costs 20 dollars on average
>literally nobody charges that much for pizza, not even a high end expensive restaurant, as I've show with a real menu from central Milan
>average prices are pretty much 4-11€ range
>copes and schizposts about "forums", "talking points" and other nonsense when I literally live in Italy and know how much something should cost
You should kill yourself. You've never been to Italy and just hate Italy because somebody told your shitty ""Italian"" dish is garbage and you're a fat pig. I'm willing to see which restaurant or in which city somebody charged you 20 for pizza on average lmao.

>> No.15131672

>same post, for the umpteenth time
kek, what a loser

>> No.15131684

You cant call something STYLE and get away with it.
You cant sell Big Mac STYLE burgers or Champagne STYLE wine.
But a DOP consortium going after a youtube recipe for choice of words seems really really stupid.

>> No.15131696

Where did you eat 20 dollar pizza, schizo? I'm waiting for you to back up your larp. Anything else is a cope.

>> No.15131697

>nigger can't read thread
Truly, this is an Italian.

>> No.15131704

>starts off with hurr durr 20 dollar pizzS
>literally doesn't exist in Italy
If I was a nigger you'd be licking my boots and letting me fuck your wife, both very popular with Americans right now.

>> No.15131709

>maintains negrocity while denying it
Why are you still posting? lmao

>> No.15131756

What a greasy pizza. Just like shitalians.

>> No.15132263

The problem is that with certain products (not only in Italy) there are a shit load of people who try their hardest to find every possible loophole to sell their stuff as something it is not and cash on the big name. It happens with everything from olive oil, to wine, to cheese.

Nobody will sue anyone if they decide to to put ham instead of guanciale and still call a dish carbonara, because that's just a recipe, nobody has copyrighted the name Carbonara as a brand.
Grana Padano is a brand (like Parmigiano Reggiano, which is a similar cheese), if it wasn't it would be called just generic parmesan cheese, and it's a very specific cheese with a very defined recipe and it's also somewhat protected by the Italian government because heritage and tradition and all that shit.

You can't go around calling your thing as a brand. You can't say you do a Coca Cola style beverage, but you can say you do a cola, just like you can't call your wine Prosecco-style unless it's an actual Prosecco done according to spec.

I agree that going after a YouTuber that I'm assuming isn't even trying to sell anything is a bit excessive, but if you start being lenient on people using your brand for anything that is not in the brand's interests, then you open yourself to a swarm of leeches who will try to capitalise on your name.

They obviously aren't worried that this random guy is going to harm their business, the message is "let it be clear that we don't want anyone fucking with our name", and this guy is basically advertising this message to everyone watching.
Punish one to educate a hundred etc etc

>> No.15132282

Finally somebody gets it. Not that mutts would understand what tradition or culture is.

>> No.15132320

Did you retards watch the fucking video? He makes it very clear in the original video that he is not making the actual product and that claiming to do so might be illegal.

>> No.15132325

It's not even about tradition or culture. I don't get all the extremism about recipes that is especially strong in Italy (and I'm Italian), but Grana is a brand and its protected as a brand because of what
>>15130863 and >>15130949 say, plus a good healthy does of consortiums and Italian bureaucracy on top of it.

They didn't patent cheese in general, they patented that cheese done that way with those ingredients arranged in that specific way and the whole process is patented (for lack of a better word) as well. Not much to argue about it.
Just like you can't claim that your beverage is like Coca Cola when it's not or your olive oil is just like Extra Virgin Olive Oil when it's not or your spread is just like Vegemite when it's not.
Even if Grana was "invented" in 2020 and had not tradition whatsoever they would have had the same right to sue everyone misusing their name if their product fulfills the criteria to be protected under the law.

>> No.15132330

Thirding. EU-supporters are traitors to their countries and treason should be punished with death.

>> No.15132336

Olive oil is the most obvious jewery. Extra virgin means olives picked by nuns. In what fucking world does this effect the product.

>> No.15132338

And you obviously didn't read what I said.
I agree it's an excessive move but as a brand they can do that because it's more about showing everyone that you are not to be fucked with than being actually worried that a literal nobody from the other side of the world is going to make you sell less cheese.

I don't even know if they can enforce their claims or follow through with an actual lawsuit if this guy chooses to ignore the C&D letter, but they are obviously doing this because they are constantly under "attack" from many businesses trying to do as much semantic gymnastics as possible to make the buyers think they are buying Grana instead of just run of the mill parmesan cheese.
It's a symbolic gesture and a bit excessive, nobody is arguing that the guy wants to sell actual Grana Padano.

>> No.15132346

>I don't get all the extremism about recipes that is especially strong in Italy (and I'm Italian)
I agree, but you have to agree that there is a very clear difference between making something with some sort of variation where it still makes sense and can be recognised as the original recipe (if htere is such a thing) and bastardising a dish, putting in ingredients that make absolutely no sense and in the end wind up being an objectively bad dish, unless you've eaten from dumpster bin all your life and know no better. The later happens most of the time when Brits or Americans try to cook Italian dishes. Either it's heavy cream everywhere, random veggies or herbs that don't make any sense. Worst case is when it is nothing alike. To have a good cookign tradition a healthy amount of elitism is necessary because it breeds higher standards and makes for a distinctive cooking, not a mix of everything and not really anything in particular. That's called culture in broader sense, if you really think about it.

>> No.15132354

>Extra virgin means olives picked by nuns.
No it doesn't. It means PURE olive oil. Where the fuck are you picking up these retarded myths man.

>> No.15132357

>Extra virgin means olives picked by nuns

>> No.15132363

Then don't call it Extra Virgin Olive Oil, it's that simple. But people do it all the time because claiming it's EVOO allows you to sell more and charge more.
I don't know what's hard to grasp. It's not like they copyrighted the words "olive oil" and the whole concept of extracting oil from olives, they are just protecting that specific type of oil done that way.

If you want to be a Jew and get all the cash without the effort, then you deserve to be double jewed by who actually puts the effort.

>> No.15132374

Yes, they have a trademark for their name, but it is possible to use a competitors name in describing your own product or service. For example, look at all of the generic products that will say "compare to [big brand]" on the packaging.

>> No.15132390

Yeah man I kind of agree with what you say, but I'm more leaning towards a more semantic argument rather than appealing to the tradition of things.
To me you can't call pasta with ham and egg carbonara, because carbonara has been established as egg, guanciale and pepper even if nonody has ever patented the recipe. I don't care how important it was for my culture and I don't get offended if you call ham+egg carbonara like you just insulted my ancestors, I just think you are wrong for the same reason why a ball can't be called a table and 4 tires on the ground with a chair in the middle can't be called a car

>> No.15132392
File: 1.64 MB, 3264x2448, 20201127_103515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$2. Oooo those mean capitalists are charging me $2 for this super premium product and they get away with it waaaaaah. You millennials who think you are so smart and then you pay $88 for a little baggy of organic obamkush and wash it down with a $10 bottle of soy oh you are so edgy and cool and smarter than everyone but don't even know what sex you are vegan retard

>> No.15132395

Yes but in that case they usually say "we are better than [brand] because we do this different" or "compare us to [brand] to understand how our differences makes us better", they don't just say "we are just like [brand]". It's a lot different

>> No.15132397

I agree with the semantic basis, but I also argue that having a good taste is either something you got or you don't. I'd say some nations definitely have better "insticts" if you will for cooking and what not, Italians are definitely higher up there than let's say Brits or Americans. Maybe it's all bullshit, and I really don't know.

>> No.15132402

I don't know what that buzzword salad is meant to say. Are you mad because you can't call a thing as something it's not?

>> No.15132409
File: 1010 KB, 2365x2365, b2db7472-f5ff-4d30-b951-b869f9cefe24_1.ce9fadfee7998906272b65494cb9d219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really.

>> No.15132417

I'm mad that some punk kid who never had a job is complaining that he has to pay $0 extra per year for something and explaining it like he's aristotle de redditard

>> No.15132428

>You cant sell Big Mac STYLE burgers
Lol no one tell him

>> No.15132429

I don't know that example, but seeing two asterisks and the way it's worded I think they are still trying to say "look at H&S (which is the famous benchmark for this stuff) and see how we differ and how we are better".
At least that's what I would understand from that packaging.
We should really read into the asterisks

>> No.15132434

I'm a bit lost, who are you talking about?

>> No.15132445

All that it's going to say is
>This product is not manufactured by Procter & Gamble®, the manufacturers of Head and Shoulders®.

>> No.15132450
File: 230 KB, 961x809, image.cfm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15132455
File: 250 KB, 1506x552, merchant 211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Gavin.

How pathetic is your recipe if some boomer hobbyist can unravel it? Furthermore, even if someone "can" make your product in their own home it's not the same as going to a store to buy it because YOU have to do all the work and wait for it to age/ferment. For fuck's sake, big craft beer companies give out their literal recipes (grain bills, hop schedules and all) to the homebrew community as a sign of good faith and because they know that whatever you make at home isn't the same as the product they sell because your setup is different from theirs.

Italians are such a joke.

>> No.15132463

This is the same anon who cries when snoy censors cp in their 'games'

>> No.15132473

t. Luigi Antonio Romano-Lombardi

>> No.15132475

Ah ok
I still don't think their message is the same as saying "I'm doing this product that is totally like [brand]", which was what this argument was about

>> No.15132479

Welcome to 2020, have a seat. C&Ds are a corporation's way of saying hello nowadays. You could've stopped this.

>> No.15132483

>Big yellow emblem on the front of the packaging that says it will work exactly the same as the much more prominent brand.
The distinction between this and our Australian friend is how much he (did not) distinguish between his cheese and Grana padano in the title. Though, I still don't think he fell foul of the trademark.

>> No.15132488

He should just reupload the exact same video and redub the audio to scrub every time he said casu marzu or whatever the fuck cheese it is

>> No.15132494

>when snoy censors cp in their “games”
What in the fresh hell are you talking about?

>> No.15132501

He should talk to an attorney. They probably wouldn't even charge him for this. They'd say "Yeah, totally ignore the notice. There's no validity behind the claim and they're just trying to scare you."

>> No.15132507

>some boomer bitches because he got caught stealing a recipe
oh no!


>> No.15132513

Yeah but he could meme on them for bonus internet points. You are, more than likely, completely correct though.

>> No.15132521

And there you go
>bonus internet points
That's the truth behind all this shit. I cannot stand youtube "influencers" and "personalities."

>> No.15132550

>crying because someone else can make your cheese

>> No.15132584

there is obviously plenty of world class cheese in the US and if you actually liked cheese then you would know this.

>> No.15132591

>They probably wouldn't even charge him for this.
Even if they did the lawsuit has no merit and would be thrown out of any court with a damn. You can't sue someone for leaking trade secrets when they weren't taken from the official source and are, more or less, public domain. That's not even getting into the implications of the validity of using the legal system to regulate cooking hobbyists and sharing of recipes or procedures, trademarked or not.

Furthermore evening Gavin managed to perfectly deduce their recipe and procedure from blind trial and error, whatever he or his viewers make in their kitchens ISN'T Grana Padano cheese.

>> No.15132602

Except the process to make that cheese is well known and documented (it has to be, to be eligible for the name and be protected under law), there are no secrets to it, everyone can try to recreate the process.
The difference lays in the details of the process, from how many times the cows are milked per day to how long the mix has to be heated and stuff like that.

The guy didn't crack any secret at all

>> No.15132607

Looka like we found the goomba wop, boys.

>> No.15132608

The real issue is using somebody's tradmarked name to describe your own good or service. In this case, people are unlikely confuse his cheese with being genuine Grana Padano cheese.

>> No.15132613

Good. Maintaining standards is important.

>> No.15132616

>The real issue is using somebody's tradmarked name to describe your own good or service.
Only an Italian could be stupid and pigheaded enough to think some customers wouldn't be able to differentiate between their product and cheese made in personal kitchens by some Australian boomer or his viewers.

>> No.15132623

so? tell them to blow it out their fucking ass, they're in fucking italy
are they going to extradite him for making cheese?

>> No.15132629

they'd make him eat a whole lotta spaghetti!

>> No.15132644
File: 941 KB, 1273x680, how to make grana padano cheese.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumbshit italian pastaniggers

>> No.15132645

Based. Fuck the EU

>> No.15132704

>genuine Grana Padano cheese
What's the real difference between them besides one being made in Australia and the other in Italy?
Pompous greasy pastafucker jerkoffs mad some dude made a variant of their cheese that they made a variant of from someone else that was copied from another guy etc.

>> No.15132705

They’re literally just buttmad that if you type the name of the cheese into YouTube it pulls up a video of him and not their gay company or whatever the fuck marketing they have. It literally has nothing to do with anyone thinking that this mans cheese is authentic, it is 100% because they are butthurt about how he influenced google search results. Fuck Italians and fuck the EU.

>> No.15132706

There’s actually a ton of differences because of how delicate cheese making is, and I’m sure it tastes nothing like the real thing. Shitalian niggers are assblasted about jewgle results. That’s it.

>> No.15132743

>Bro it's totally different because he didn't have a specific Italian grandma fed only onions and garlic cropdust it twice a day
It's apparently close enough for them to get mad that he's showing it

>> No.15132805

It’s the search results

>> No.15132848

Yeah because 1 (one) video with 10k views about cheese is going to influence worldwide search results for everyone who types Grana Padano in the searchbox.

Are you high?

>> No.15132856

Jesus, you're all seething so much.
You're so ill-informed. The recipe isn't a secret. Nothing about the production is secret. The boomer didn't "crack" anything. It has more to do with a region having claims to making a specific produce and selling it under THEIR name, i.e. Grana Padano. Before you open your mouth try and understand what you are talking about in the first place.
See >>15132602.
It isn't a secret at all. See the post above.
You're all seething hard and also so dumb you think it's about "DA RECIPE B SEKRET DOE" like a bunch of illiterate sub-humans.

>> No.15132857
File: 194 KB, 1280x720, provolone cease and desist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15132886

Gosh, I didn't know making a video was producing and selling a food product under a fraudulent claim of authenticity.
Please tell us more and enlighten us about how much smarter you are.

>> No.15132945

Ah yeah, producers of Grana Padano have no self-preservance interests in their mind, even if it is to set an example not to fuck with their name, even if it is something as innocent as an old boomer admitedly not doing anything. I wish I lived in your ideal world.

>> No.15133023
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Ita-il filo sends his regards.
italianoni di /ck/ vi copriamo le spalle

>> No.15133045
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>> No.15133047

non è vero torna le porcile capra

>> No.15133059
File: 74 KB, 600x583, 2483A1B2-ACA5-4553-90CC-50DA57A93A0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be Anglo scum
>not able to make proper cheese
>resort to copying Grana Padano™
>receive cease and desist letter
>get mad and cry on YouTube
>go to sleep
>there’s a cow head in your bed

>> No.15133066

I'ma sorry, but I don'ta speaka pizza.

>> No.15133070

Cos'é sta roba da froci weeb di merda

>> No.15133080


>> No.15133081

Don’t be sorry, just mass report before it’s too late AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.15133087

venga a merdapostare vossia

>> No.15133091

I reported him to the calabrian mafia in melbourne :)

>> No.15133093

It’s time for a new panettone thread famiglia

>> No.15133100

el australiano.

>> No.15133110

If doubles then this thread and all of /ck/ will belong to /ita/, sorry guys, nothing personal

>> No.15133113

non proprio belle cifre, ma controlla queste

>> No.15133115
File: 70 KB, 555x545, only the dead can know peace from this evil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And once again, you don't seem to be getting it.
The boomer NOT ONCE did he say in his recipe video "This is how you make AuThEnTiC GrAnA PaDanO"
Fuck you and fuck Italians.

>> No.15133118

Better luck next time, see you soon /ck/

>> No.15133124

mmh brutte cifre, brutte cifre. Ma guarda queste

>> No.15133126

gli umaruritardati

>> No.15133149

He gets money from his videos and his merch that he sells, in part, thanks to a video where he says he can teach me to make something that is totally not Grana Padano. He isn't even doing fair comparisons or talking shit about the cheese or anything.
He could have said parmesan cheese and chose to use a brand name instead.
I absolutely don't doubt this guy wasn't in good faith but he used the wrong word.

Plus I don't think the law that protects GP in Italy and the EU applies all the way down to straya so he can probably wipe his ass with the letter.

It's absolutely painfully obvious that they are trying to send a message to everyone and that the objective isn't to stop this literal nobody from whatever irrelevant impact he could have on GP sales and nobody is assuming he was trying to rip GP recipe to sell it.

>> No.15133156

the eu forces countries who sign trade agreements with them to adhere to their geographic indications law. the eu tried to get south korea to make it illegal for the usa to sell their dairty products under "protected" names. the eu is a piece of shit

>> No.15133188

Mama mia! Are you a real Italiano? I speak a little Italian myself...

Bunga-bunga mussilini arrivederci!

>> No.15133202 [DELETED] 

negro ti sparo la mia fava nel culo

>> No.15133209

mi sto toccando la fica :3

>> No.15133215

Oh my... I never realized I had such a silver tongue.

>> No.15133257

>He could have said parmesan cheese and chose to use a brand name instead.
Oh fuck, what a crime put him noodle jail before it's too late. It's a style of cheese anyway, not a brand name. If you want to sell it under the name you have to comply with EU regulations.

> It's absolutely painfully obvious that they are trying to send a message to everyone and that the objective isn't to stop this literal nobody from whatever irrelevant impact he could have on GP sales and nobody is assuming he was trying to rip GP recipe to sell it.
Yet they felt compelled to bully him with a C&D letter.

You've got to be Italian. You're Italian aren't you? No one else is this much of a pedant. Day of the Boil for pastaniggers, when?

>> No.15133292

You know what the saddest part of this whole thing is? European brands or methods can't survive on the merits of their quality alone in the marketplace so they had to appeal to their cartel government conglomerate so that it can regulate the market into submission at literal gunpoint.

>> No.15133298

I'm not being pedantic, that guy is screeching about something that nobody is arguing about. He thinks they are sending C&D letters because he ripped the recipe off or something and I'm trying to explain that it's very obviously not what's going on.
And yes, Grana Padano is literally a trademark no matter how hard you cry about it.

I'm not even defending the cheese lobby, I'm just saying that this whole charade is obviously a way to send a message to everyone that the name GP must not be misused or even tangentially used in the context of making something that is not the genuine thing. Nothing hard to understand here, you don't have to be Italian to get it

>> No.15133317

Non sarai mai una vera donna.

>> No.15133344

bro noi siamo filini carini :3

>> No.15133401

It's a trademark for the purposes of international trade. You can't sell Grana Padano style cheese under the trademark unless you join the Grana Padano cartel and pay your tithe.

>I'm not defending Big Grana Padano, I'm merely defending their strong arm tactics to bully a hobbyist cheesemaker into complying with trade laws that don't apply to him in any capacity and transitorily bullying anyone who might dare to make a Grana Padano style cheese who doesn't live in a very exclusive region of Italy and adhere to extreme procedural specifications while doing so despite making the cheese noncommercially for personal consumption or to give as gifts to friends
They are functionally equivalent, Giuseppe. Get boiled.

>> No.15133436

I see you are too mad at Italians to understand the things you read.
I am not defending anyone and certainly not GP, I'm just stating what's obviously going on, which is not that the guy has ripped off their recipe, nor that he is trying to sell fake GP or that a pedophile satanist cabal is trying to socially engineer YouTube search results.

I didn't say they were right in doing so or that the guy deserves the harassment or even that the laws apply at all in this case, just that this whole thing is a way, for them, to send a message to everyone in typical corporate legal fashion.

If you weren't so assblasted by Italians maybe you would have gotten the point the first time

>> No.15133468

Whatever you say, macaroni blood.

>> No.15133476

Stay mad at your imaginary Italian boogeyman

>> No.15133519

It's some schizoid that really hates Italy. He got BTFO once already when trying to larp that he had gone to Italy and apparently pizza was 20 everywhere lmao when it's not even the average price for high restaurant.

>> No.15133529

They never got over being conquered by the Gauls

>> No.15133565

Let's not forget -- let's NOT forget, Dude -- that noodles originated in China and were brought back to Wopland by Marco Polo.

>> No.15133584

>It can be protected by patent, if the process used to obtain the final product is (very long story short) unique.
Umm, I got bad news for ya, scro, the process has been known to the public for decades, which means (1) it cannot be patented, because patens require this thing called "novelty" and the EU in particular requires "absolute novelty" meaning that if you tell your girlfriend you just came up with something cool and new, you can no longer get a patent on it, hell, if your company's janitor sees you whiteboard with the invention on it you're fucked too; and (2) since the process has been in use for more than 20 years it would be unpatentable anyway because of expiration, since the EU fucking demanded that no patent ever last longer than that.

Source: I am an American patent attorney and deal with this shit on a daily basis.

>> No.15133622

It's a trademark tho

>> No.15133647

Patent and trademark are different and distinct.

>> No.15133657

An update:

>> No.15133671

I wasn't saying the weren't

Btw the argument about absolute novelty doesn't make sense to me. People file patents all the time and you can't assume everyone worked in total isolation for the whole design process before filing for the patent just so that they can claim absolute novelty

>> No.15133763

You sound like you belong on Ghouliani's team, lol!

>> No.15133864


You wops are fucking mad as fuck that we Americans actually made your food better and mainstream. Nobody would give a fuck about Italian food if it werent for them coming to America. At least with France, they have history and prestige other than Food. You spaghetti niggers have nothing else.

>> No.15133899


New video up where consortium apologizes to cheese nerd.

>> No.15133968

>sends a c+d to a fucking YouTuber that guessed your recipe
wops are fucking delusional

>> No.15134162

The anon I was replying to was talking about the patentability of recipes.

>> No.15134174

My wife and I sold our wedding and engagement rings to buy guns and gun training courses. We won't let them take our rennet and strainers away some day. We all need to train ourselves to protect our curds and whey before it's too late. It sucks that I wake up crying every day now because this is our world. I wasn't meant to be a soldier, I was a cheesemaker. I made fucking cheese. But now I'm a soldier thrown into some Mussolini remake god it's awful.

>> No.15134186

Add another one for me

>> No.15134208

>Btw the argument about absolute novelty doesn't make sense to me.
Nevertheless that's the law, particularly in almost the entire world except for the U.S. and a couple of other countries.

You don't have to work in total isolation by yourself alone. But you do have to have an enforceable obligation of confidentiality from every single person who is made aware of your work. That is why companies have employees and contractors sign nondisclosure agreements.

My point about the janitor was probably overreach as long as the company had the good sense to force even their fucking cleaning schlubs to sign NDAs. But if the company didn't, and the floor mopper sees the information, then BOOM your company has lost its rights.

The U.S. gives you a one-year window after public disclosure. I think Argentina and Japan give six months. The EU is absolutist and says you either have an application on file before absolutely anyone else in the world is made aware of what you're doing, or else you're fucked.

It doesn't have to make sense, it's just the law.

>> No.15134292

But how is that enforceable? I mean let's say I'm aware of a soon-to-be patent and I'm not bound by NDAs and the patent owners do file for the patent before I say anything.
Is it enough for me to just go there and say I saw the patent before it was filed for or do I have to notify the authorities before the patent is filed? Like how does that work I don't understand.

>> No.15134315

Ok chud

>> No.15134471

Based and cheesepilled.

>> No.15134494

Because genetically they're black.
Figure it out.

>> No.15134590

Unfortunately appealing strikes with youtube is a bitch.

>> No.15134598

You spilled your breakfast on the pizza crust retard

>> No.15134603

As an american it still amazes me that you guys can pingpong between countries in an afternoon to buy groceries. It takes me 6 hours just to leave my state

>> No.15134820

Nah it's just YouTube's dumb rules.
You can claim anything as copyright on YouTube even if it isn't.
Yogscast got episodes of a Minecraft lets Play pulled because someone else crashed their spaceship first and copyrighted the idea of crashing it.
Now anyone else who crashes their Galacticraft rocket onto the moon and posts out gets a strike as well.

You don't even need to be the copyright holder.

>> No.15135067

>We sent the letter to you "by mistake", but remember that you aren't allowed to use our name, bitch *smiley face*
That is such a non-apology and is almost more insulting than the original C&D. Gavin is truly a nice person for remaining so pleasant and cordial in the face of it. Fuck Italians, dude.

>> No.15135090

Yeah dude, there's only one person in the entirety of /ck/ who hates incessant Italian pedantry about your food culture. Italians are just misunderstood spaghetti merchants passionate about the true meaning of carbonara and spaghetti.

>> No.15135803

Nobody thinks of American food when they think of Italian food.
>thinks that America is the entire world
Come to Europe and you'll see nobody gives a fuck about American memes.

>> No.15135812

The only reason I'd go to europe is to look at the ruins from when your civilization was great

>> No.15135831

I couldn't give a shit if some ham planet visits or not. Literally clueless + seething

>> No.15135974

>too dumb to even understand the insult

yuropean education lmao

>> No.15136110

>It has more to do with a region having claims to making a specific produce and selling it under THEIR name
>It's not real unless I make it reeeeeeeeeee
Your justification makes it sound even more pathetic lmao

>> No.15136136

>british accent
Indeed zoomer. Indeed

>> No.15136199

>Lolis are not pedos

>> No.15136233
File: 59 KB, 478x238, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when your cheese is so shit you have to crybully with laws so people don't make superior versions

>> No.15136284

>sub-80 IQ education
D-do you think IQ is a skill learned in schools?

>> No.15136371

He wasn't making a "superior" version. Why do retards insist it is about "le boomerman discovering le recipe" instead of them giving a message out there NOT to use their name? The recipe, nor the process are a secret. The trademark is. The law specifically govenrs what CAN be called and what CAN'T be called Grana Padano. Before you cry about MUH KOMUNIZSM USA USA USA realize that if not for these labels, you'd have grifters making shitty cheese and labelling it as Grana.
Their message, and even their apology, is to say "Don't use our trademark in vain or even in remote relationship to what isn't the real product", not "OMG U STEAL OUR RECIPE XDDDDDDD".
Why, it's an education system clearly meant for retards. Consider that half of their country is some sort of an el goblino and negro mixing pot, I'm not surprised they eat absolute garbage like 3rd worlders (except some 3rd worlders do make excellent food) and have subpar education standards made for people who are obviously lazy, low IQ and obese (obesity probably causes low IQ to a degree).
>>It's not real unless I make it
This, but entirely yes. It is not Grana unless it is made according to the law. Otherwise you'd have anybody selling their shitty knock-off as the REAL GRANA PADAINO I know it's difficult for mutts to comprehrend, but some people have standards when it comes to food production and as a result, Italy has some of the highest quality food available. Even shitty discount stores sell food that was much higher quality than stuff what they sell in UK in stores like Waitrose, whcih are high-end.
You're too stupid to even be in this conversation. HURRR EVERYTHING IN EUROPE IS MUH RUINS NOTHING WAS EVER MADE AFTER 5TH CENTURY AD HURRRR USA USA USA. Go and rob a store if you're a negro-mutt or if you're "white", go lick some black people's boots like your countrymen do, and also make sure to upload your wife getting gangbanged by a crowd of BLM supporters.

>> No.15136377

Kill yourself.

>> No.15136386

No, we get mad when you wankers start selling some shitty semi edible plastic as 'authentic cheddar'. Proper Cheddar Cheese matured in the Cheddar Gorge Caves is god's gift to the taste buds.

>> No.15136404

You don't really make proper cheese lad, most of the USA cheese seems like plastic shit mixed with soy or whatever veggie oil. There's absolutely no reason you couldn't trademark your own cheese and sell it as an uniquely American product. Why ape a British cheese they'll make better 999 out fo 1000 times when you can try and make something different? I support geographical indications 100%. If I eat parma or grana cheese I want the stuff I've always known to be of excellent quality and I don't want to suddenly wind up in a situation where the prices for the real thing go up because the market becomes flooded with garbage that claims to be "grana".

>> No.15136419
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>imagining the smell of gavins cheese box.

>> No.15136548

Dio cane taci, non hanno lo stesso sapore

>> No.15136573

so I take that he got the recipee pretty much right?

>> No.15136586

Yes that happens quite a lot when the recipe you are trying to make has been documented for a few centuries and it's basically public knowledge.

>> No.15136595

>implying you'd be able to tell the difference if someone was to serve you a dish with parma on top and then told you it's grana
Nah, they're very similar, it's like arguing what's the difference in shades of blue.

>> No.15136645
File: 37 KB, 560x473, bourdain cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he law specifically govenrs what CAN be called and what CAN'T be called Grana Padano. Before you cry

Before YOU cry you need to realize that he calls it Grana Padano STYLE cheese and does so multiple times. Only a seething IDIOT, aka Italian, would come to the conclusion that he's somehow trying to pass it off as the genuine article (which it is, he could just move to your dirtstrip and make it there).

>> No.15136654

>Before YOU cry you need to realize that he calls it Grana Padano STYLE cheese and does so multiple times. Only a seething IDIOT, aka Italian, would come to the conclusion that he's somehow trying to pass it off as the genuine article (which it is, he could just move to your dirtstrip and make it there).
... and even bigger idiot would miss what the entire point of that pointless C&D letter was (apology too, you're naive if you don't think they didn't already have one ready before they sent anything). I'm sorry, but you're dumber than my dust pan.
Yeah, Grana Consortium is Italian government, people and nation combined. Stop seething so much. Jealousy?

>> No.15136664

Seethe more Segafredo, you have literally no point as proven multiple times in this thread.

>> No.15136674

I didn't even know what grana padano was until this

get over yourselves pasta fags

>> No.15136691

>if I keep using words like "seethe" and "cope" I will fit in with le epic hacker named 4chan
Ok newfag, that's one way of admitting you've completely missed the plot and have no idea what is being taked about.
>I've lived under a stone all me life
That's not much to brag about, son.

>> No.15136700

he's got eyes from different colors!

>> No.15136716


>> No.15136878

Seethe even more, even though it won't make you right.

>> No.15136921

remind me again how your $4000/month rent for a 800 sq ft apartment in the middle of the ghetto is so great faggot

>> No.15137218

Italians threaten violence over making carbonara with garlic in it, or for making pizza that sh kosher utilize mozzarella that hasn't been certified by a literal cartel. Your straw man doesn't hold muster.

>> No.15137322

>over making carbonara with garlic in it
Not really, that's genuinely up to preference. I don't think it goes in there. Now cream... ohshitwhatareyoudoing.png-tier.

>> No.15137343
File: 272 KB, 600x583, 238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody cares until it's time to litigate the patent. If the patentee sues someone over it, then the alleged infringer will go around looking for anyone and everyone who might have been around to try to find some way of invalidating it.

Often it is possible to damage the claims through a process called reexamination, which is an adversarial proceeding before the patent office. If the alleged infringer can't do that, they'll go all out trying to contact people to invalidate it through things like "they didn't have me sign an NDA".

There is a famous case in U.S. patent law related to that -- the inventor had someone wear a corset out and about to ensure that it was comfortable enough. When an infringer got sued, they found the model who tested it and got the whole thing invalidated because of public use before filing, because other people could have seen the product in use and somehow magically divined the secret sauce.

The case didn't and still doesn't make a lot of sense to me since the patentable invention was hidden under other clothing, but that's how the court ruled.


> Circuit Judge Blatchford tried the case and held the patent invalid because of public use. He ruled:
> It was not a use for experiment, or a use in private or a private use. It was a practical use in public of the completed article [despite its concealment and invisibility within the corset]. No secrecy was maintained or enjoined as to the article or its structure.[6]

>> No.15137357

Well thanks for the explanation, frogposter attorney

>> No.15137389
File: 152 KB, 988x1024, 1575465831573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do understand that IQ is only partly inherent, right? A substantial part of "IQ" is being trained in schools to use it.

There was a famous (at the time) study in Thailand about six to eight years ago, which found that Thai children's IQs dropped after going to Thai government grade schools. The schools teach conformity and obedience to the government and worship of the King as some sort of living divine god. They're not taught critical reasoning, and they're barely taught math or anything else useful. It's really not surprising that kids emerge from Thai schools stupider than when they went in.

You're seeing the same things happening in the U.S. now, with schools deciding that "grades are racist" and that it's more important for kids to be dragged out to protest Evil Orange Drumpf and his policies than to learn how to read or how to argue using facts and logic. Not that there's much schooling happening right now anyway, because teachers find it a lot more fun to sit at home and chat over Zoom than to sit in a classroom and actually manage all the little monsters. The classes for the first half of 2020 (second half of the 2019-2020 school year) were a joke, with kids getting automatic good grades just because of Szechuan Bat Flew.

That's not even getting into their "university" """"educations"""""" which are more oriented toward "how do you feel about RACISM AND LITERAL NAZIS!!!!" than about, I dunno, calculus and organic chemistry and even great Western literature. Hey, let's all read about the life experiences of transwomyn who cut off their dick and balls, and skip Hemingway and Shakespeare and all that dead white guy shit writing! Extra credit if you go burn down a black business zone in the name of protesting racism!

>> No.15137415

you do understand that you're a retarded niggermonkey sucking jewish cock right?

>> No.15137431
File: 95 KB, 553x500, 4jp4g0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey no prob. Litigation discovery is mindboggling. You really have no idea just how far companies go when, in some cases, hundreds of millions of dollars are on the line. Patent litigation is "bet the company" stakes most of the time.

One of my profs made partner because he found an invoice showing that the punchhole size in some laboratory notebooks had changed, and because of that, was able to prove that the opposing party had faked a notebook that they had used to "prove" their date of invention, because the notebook they'd filed with the court had the newer smaller holes in it, which weren't being manufactured until after the date the notebook had been "signed".

Just think about the level of memory and attention to detail that it required for him to have noticed that after going through literally thousands of documents per day looking for anything to save the law firm's client from being financially ruined.

Me I just write 'em, I don't litigate 'em.

I was hoping to find a photo of a hawt chick in a corset, but gave up when I couldn't find a good one that didn't have her tits sticking out. Not because I didn't want to post tits, but because I didn't want to have to reset my phone to evade the inevitable ban. :-/

>> No.15137460
File: 474 KB, 952x842, 1568398196401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retarded niggermonkey
Projecting much? Your inability to reason logically and to write convincing arguments leads to you fling textual poo at others like a, quote, "retarded niggermonkey".

Sad, really. The educational system has failed you miserably. I predict that you will go through life as a poorfag, always blaming others for your failures.

>> No.15137481

if niggers are so smart then why are they cosistantly low IQ retards like you?

>> No.15137485


>> No.15138230

FAKE NEWS, already debunked


>> No.15138248

It's literally a legally protected cheese recipe, I don't know what you are expecting. DOP is a good thing for preserving culture, so that some random cleetus like in the OP can besmirch the good name of grana padano by making shitty clones and selling them like they're the real thing.

>> No.15138309

shiggy diggy