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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 94 KB, 900x900, ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15122633 No.15122633 [Reply] [Original]

Is this guy respected here?

>> No.15122639

I like to watch his videos :)

>> No.15122641

Me too :)

>> No.15122653

Inside is yellow :)

>> No.15122665

He's pretty good and often goes into detail about the molecular gastronomy of different food, so his average viewer is probably more intelligent than most.

>> No.15122674

So I'm certified smarter than most people?

>> No.15122680
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>Scared of hot oil

>> No.15122687

He has a family.

>> No.15122699
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He's an absolute retard and shilling him on this board every other day won't change that.

>> No.15122701

I'm about fry some oysters up for my 93 year old maw maw and my 5 year old son but okay

>> No.15122702

You mean his ugly wife with the fucked up teeth?

>> No.15122707

Who the fuck are doing these faggot threads?
Why jannies don't delete these threads and yet they remove others really insightful threads.

>> No.15122712

he’s not based. i bet his wife’s children don’t respect him. but he probably can prep a bull pretty well

>> No.15123055

huge loser. below beta male status.

>> No.15123088

isnt this guy the faggot that says he doesnt want to make fries for some stupid reason?

>> No.15123448

Sweet Macon crank.

>> No.15123496

it's the faggot himself

>> No.15123504

Adam is a janny here

>> No.15123778

He should have thought about that before he became a mid-sized home cook YouTube channel

Motherfucker knew the risks when he signed up for this shit.

>> No.15124017

His wife is too ugly. Not sure how she scored that

>> No.15124024

he has some issues, so probably that is how.

>> No.15124672

Say something nice about him you jerks

>> No.15124696
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his wife is an "author"

>> No.15124715

Yeah he's probably /ck/'s favorite chef

>> No.15124819
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>> No.15124846
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>> No.15124880

Soyboy meathead and demonstrably a cuck

>> No.15124882


>> No.15124887


>> No.15124902

He has no taste and his behaviour is embarrassing.

>> No.15124904

1.) Fuck you

>> No.15124916

This place is just like real life. Chef John from foodwishes.com is the only personality that commands respect.

>> No.15124922

>Long Hair
>Soy construction

Nah fuck this guy

>> No.15124923

>orange man BAAAAAAAAAD
He commands it because he's a fascist retard

>> No.15124928

wait did chef john actually like support trump? or how did you draw the orange man tie in

>> No.15125177


>> No.15125186

go prep your wife adam

>> No.15125201

>this is why I prep the bull, not my wife

>> No.15125223

he looks like hes into cuckolding

>> No.15125249

I dont respect him but I also dont watch his videos, except for the “why I season the board” one and have seen that picture of him reeeeeing about his induction stove. From that alone I think hes a pretentious fag.

>> No.15125429

only utter soiboys and grainbrains hate adam

>> No.15125436

lmao his eyes are so close together goofy ass

>> No.15125473

I think he had a meltdown after the 2016 election

>> No.15125528
File: 44 KB, 400x543, fourofclubs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would have never figured him to get too political but really I just like good food.

>> No.15125539

Hes so fucking ugly. I cant tell where his parents are from. He looks like a mixed breed dog that came out unspectacular and immediately put up for adoption.

>> No.15125541

Hes aggressively liberal, as in he purposely tries to trigger any chuds watching his vids. But hes so full of hate that Im just amused and kind of feel sorry for him.

Hes really full of a lot of anger. Im not sure how he functions.

>> No.15125584


He's Italian. His wife is amerimutt generic southern "white". She is unattractive unless caked in makeup, but they've produced 2 offspring which is at least 2 more than the vast majority of 4chan.

>> No.15125591

Adam Ragusea? More like Adam FAGusea

>> No.15125600


It seems less like anger than indoctrination and internalized self-hate, and maybe putting on a show so he can get more liberal viewers. Realistically who is mostly watching his family-friendly cooking videos, alt-right McDonalds eating cucks, or coastal liberals with work-from-home tech jobs? Play to your audience.

He regularly mentions 4chan which makes me suspect he spends a lot of time here. Additionally he's mentioned having a vasectomy in his videos and engaging in a "variety" of sexual positions with his wife, take that as you will. Claims to have a medium-high test count.

>> No.15125784

He unironically is soy af and therefore annoying BUT he has great tips and tricks kind of videos.
Like his no torch Cambridge Burnt Cream (fuck the french)

>> No.15125936

Reddit incarnate

>> No.15125949
File: 85 KB, 1000x822, 0C432C50-57AC-4A24-8494-2E29760EE6AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that /ck/ fears the SOVTHERN ITALIC RAGUSEAN BVLL

>> No.15125975

He's not from the south he just moved here and likes to wave his dick around like he owns the place

>> No.15127528

He's an incredibly angry sad little man. His channel isn't even aboutncooking, its about flexing his "intelligence" and being right. Its really fucking pathetic. I hope he dies. I hope his children dies, and I hope his ugly fucking wife dies.

>> No.15127568

He is reddit: the food youtuber. Inferiority complex, desperate for validation. "I'm not a chef...? So? SO???" Every little dumb opinion has to be elevated to scientific fact, even if it means cherrypicking studies and using biased sources, because you can't just think something's better, you have to make -everyone- believe it's better too.

>> No.15127606

is he the anti-alex?

>> No.15127818

she's an "author" too. If he has not already this beady eyed retard will "write" a cookbook with her. They should use the proceeds to fix her mouth up or lessons for her to keep her mouth shut. Why hasn't he used his jewtube bucks to do this already?

>> No.15127819

hard to respect a man whos afraid of oil

>> No.15128820
File: 15 KB, 164x206, Chadam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chadam is our guy

>> No.15128828

nice digits faggot.
yes. because he can't multitask and cook 2 shits at the same time, and also his wife doesn't like the oily smell in the house.

>> No.15128832
File: 149 KB, 1280x720, 1575218299731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people only hate based ragu because he's not a virgin

>> No.15128838

Confirmed cuckold

>> No.15128839
File: 120 KB, 720x754, 1606180471935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All i knows is hes an Italian that tries to be smart
Thats already half a calamity, dont need to know more

>> No.15128846

and actually he stolen that thing from chef jamie oliver.

>> No.15129550


>> No.15129574

Have you seen most people?

>> No.15129785

he's only respected in the posts he makes about himself. btw, fuck off, adam.

>> No.15130467


>> No.15130489

I eat with my asshole not with my mouth let me show you why

>> No.15130540

we only like based internet shaquille around here. He bullies cuckadam

>> No.15131063
File: 186 KB, 486x387, 1606159956062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go away, adam.

>> No.15131108

jamie oliver idea acktchiually

>> No.15131116

he has all the traits of a virgin, despite not being one. Even worse maybe.

>> No.15131149

I did his pot-roast recipe a few week ago, and yes I respect his methods.

>> No.15131160


>> No.15131576

Yes we call him the soychad

>> No.15131621

Are you that insecure a person you need to ask a fucking 4chan board if he's respected. Some people like him some don't make your own views retard.

This isn't even an Adam Ragusea thread just you timidly hoping people agree with your views.

>> No.15131626

His wifey doesn't look that bad. What's with negativity?

>> No.15131631

adam, you do realize that 4chan shows the amount of unique posters vs posts in a thread right? precutting steaks is also a stupid idea, scientifically and gastronomically. fuck off

>> No.15131686

Incels seething that they can't even get an average gf.

>> No.15131734

they're also mad he has had children and they never will

>> No.15131866
File: 1.83 MB, 427x240, chingang.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhhh gross dude

>> No.15131896 [DELETED] 

>Not watching the based Tasting History only

>> No.15131898


>> No.15131906

>comfy suburban home in a comfy city
>cute novelist tradwife
>loving supportive parents
>job is to cook whatever he wants

/ourguy/ adam is living all of our dreams

>> No.15131915


>> No.15131916

chad shit

>> No.15131922
File: 176 KB, 510x602, 1598826987710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15131964

I honestly respect Ja/ck/ more than this uppity faggot

>> No.15132193

>m-muh family! Frying things is bad!
Best part of Sunday growing up, was always mama's fried chicken after church, and my wife carries that tradition for our kids. Grew up with seven other brothers and sisters, that's a lot of chicken to fry. Lo and behold, mama never burned down the house.

>> No.15132200
File: 210 KB, 822x455, 1570033921845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15132214

I haven't watched enough of this faggots shit to get your memes, I'm afraid.

>> No.15132220

1.) Fuck you

>> No.15132225

Isn't this guy like a legitimate cuckold?
Like...his kids aren't even his real kids?

That's what I've heard at least.

>> No.15132228

do americans really? for real your disregard of basic health knowledge sickens me

>> No.15132230

Some people like him, some people are mad at him just like every other person people here are aware of

>> No.15132235


in what way is he liberal? can't say i've watched all of his videos but i can't remember him sharing his political views.

>> No.15132239

>Do Americans REALLY get to eat three square meals a day?!
Yet another impoverished, malnourished europoor seething with rage, while he tries to make his rations of lentils and rice last the rest of the month. Pathetic.

>> No.15132296

I made his stuffed shell recipe yesterday. Tasted great. His videos are pretty hit or miss imo.

>> No.15132456

Lmao are all these things real or is anon shitposting?

>> No.15132480

By the looks of him he’s not respected anywhere

>> No.15132481

him being here is already proven he constantly makes threads to shill his channel

>> No.15132499

Oh you want some too?

>> No.15132581

having been to university is intimidating to /pol/-tards

>> No.15132582

his appeal is to pretend-smart bugmen who want to feel smart because they consoomed "smart" "content"
anyway Adam is OK, I actually liked him more after seeing him sperg out on that anon that trolled his glass top

>> No.15132595

he has 1 million subs why would he shill here dumbfucks

>> No.15132609

if you knew there was a whole thread talking about you, you would probably be curious to read it. Anyways-
3.) Fuck you.

>> No.15132639


>> No.15132681

he does make some bomb-ass mushroom risotto and i prefer the recipe over mynameisandong's risotto. he also provides some valuable insight for home cooks where many other cooktubers will focus on flexing on you either with their skills or money. his food science videos are also sometimes interesting to watch. the editing and voice mixing is pleasant and covers the sounds of my food munching. also he is a soyboy with an ugly wife which means i wont feel threatened by their relationship as i do with many other youtubers.

i will try his meat thawing method when i start cooking some christmas ham again.

>> No.15132709

Good to you anon, my mom used to make for me and my siblings bolinhos de chuva(rain scone) when we were kids

>> No.15132729

Nope I think I'll stick around since it makes you so ass mad bitch :)

>> No.15132741

Adam go be afraid of oil somewhere else

>> No.15132785

>I actually liked him more after seeing him sperg out

Birds of a feather

>> No.15132800

Summon forth the upside down bear xDD!!!

>> No.15132967

oh you want some too?

>> No.15132976

vinegar leg on the right!

>> No.15133159

Fuck off Adam.

>> No.15133403

You first Gaylord.

>> No.15133455

3.) Fuck you.

>> No.15133477

birds of a feather

>> No.15133515


...and still unironically would beat 70% of this sub in a fight :)

>> No.15133562

Kek seething.

>> No.15133962
File: 75 KB, 600x607, 1605039389530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who here makin /fried green tomatoes/ tonight?

>> No.15134014

How to be a youtube "food science" star in 3 easy steps.
1) Fuck You.
2) watch reruns of good eats/ATK
3) pass those ideas off as your own on home video equipment.

>> No.15134040

>3 easy steps.
since it's so easy let's see you do it bitch tits

>> No.15134078

But you have to be a dude too. Food watching manchildren are misogynists, there are zero popular female channels. Why do you think that is, incel?

>> No.15134133


>> No.15134226
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For a second i thought he was brutalmoose / brutalfoods.

>> No.15134291
File: 55 KB, 718x716, screenshot018 2020-11-27, 19_16_14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cringe. And wrong. And also mcfucking kill yourself jealous cunt.

>> No.15134306

>less than 250k subs
thanks for proving her point.

>> No.15134469

He’s got punch appeal, I’ll give him that. Also, when are you fruits gonna stop spamming this bullshit thread?

>> No.15134756

the only one spamming is the faggot himself. did the bull kick him out?

>> No.15135057

>cope and seethe

>> No.15135392

Why would she get that hairstyle she has more face than head

>> No.15135540

Adam, we know it's you, soyboy.

You literally suggested using soy milk in your last video (fried green tomatoes, 2:46) lmao what a cuck

>> No.15135634

Reminder that his wife didn't take his last name.

>> No.15136058

No one is respected here, other than the Surly King of Egg Fortress

>> No.15136409

go watch jerk off to your wife taking bbc in all her 8 holes cuck faggot.

>> No.15136489

nah fuck that uppity flamboyant spic

>> No.15136508
File: 378 KB, 797x597, 1583142619892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw jannies actually ban you for impersonating ragusea
This site is done

>> No.15136527

Tell your brat kids to stay out of the kitchen for an hour. Or are you such a beta cuck male that your kids control you?

>> No.15136551

His rant about electric stoves is pure unironic cope. I dealt with electic stoves for 4 years when I was in college and I did my fair share of coping but the moment I moved into a house with gas it felt like I'd seen the light. It's just better. Faster to heat, more controllable, more versatile and the cost is negligible especially now with cheap gas. Yeah I guess if you don't already have a gas line run to your house it might not be worth the price to have them lay one but trying to argue that electric is better is utter lunacy.

>> No.15136980

there is quite literally proof of him shilling himself here. nobody had ever posted the phrase "soychad" or "anti-babish" until he himself posted it and then immediately posted about it on twitter

>> No.15137023

>pure unironic cope
I don't think so. He just seem to prefer electric for some reason, maybe because it's what he's used to. I agree gas is better, and if you said that before he got a new kitchen you might have a point, but he definitely could have gotten gas if he wanted by now that he has been so successful, he just actually wants electric.

>> No.15137258

he's a pussy faggot who can't handle the heat. he might as well just stick to the microwave

>> No.15137893

I've seen Adam's roastie participating more in the recent videos. How long for her to ruin or takeover his channel?

>> No.15137973


>> No.15138043

Fuck off, Adam

>> No.15138126

Please, for the love of god Adam. Please stop shilling your shitty youtube channel here.

>> No.15138647

are you a farm animal?

>> No.15138910

He’s so fucking easy to troll, just post a comment telling him he’s not a real professional and he’ll sperg out for hours
Also sage we all know it’s you Adam

>> No.15140131

Are you?

>> No.15140154

>in what way is he liberal?
step your physiognomy game up

>> No.15140163

i would hurt this pussy white boy so bad

>> No.15140217

I want to bend his skinny ass over the side of the counter and rail his tight Italian rosebud until he squirts white wine out of the tip of his baby cock. Then I want to slather my cock in vinegar and make him lick it all off.

His Bolognese isn't bad

>> No.15141037

Why do you keep watching my latest videos then? Do you hate yourself? I'm making ad money from you. Who's the cuck now?

>> No.15141041

Vasectomy after having kids or without them? makes a big difference.

>> No.15141178

>trump tards seething cause a cooking eceleb is somewhat preaching against him, never directly though
kinda sad you guys are this petty, and i dont even like this fuck

>> No.15141805

I couldn't stand him at first.
But now I catch myself bingewatching his videos.

>> No.15141813

>fear equals respect
Nobody would respect him anymore as soon as he left his fort.

>> No.15141970

He obviously voted for king nigger but what other type of person would ever make a cooking channel on youtube?

>> No.15142124
File: 70 KB, 216x169, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is among the most sell-out shit I've ever seen

>> No.15142159

(it's still you)

>> No.15142185

I saw a quote where he said some shit along the lines of "HENRY ROLLINS gave me a *different* idea of what masculinity can look like without being toxic" and I've never seen any of his videos cause that sounded so gay.

>> No.15142335

His Dad's mac and cheese recipe is the shit.

>> No.15143823

1.) Fuck you