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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 135 KB, 1125x1172, wzJi5zg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15126917 No.15126917 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously though, what happened to them?

>> No.15126923

>new thing bad

>> No.15126926

A Korean designer told them how to keep things looking fresh and modern

>> No.15126932

But seriously, the food hasn't changed in 100 years. So all they can do is make their dumb building looking like it's "current". Pizza Hut got on that ball too late and now they're bankrupt. Yes, it's evil, underhanded, and deceptive. But it works. (For you, if you happen to be a McDonald's employee)

>> No.15126937

As much as I vehemently detest modern architecture, I prefer the newer style of the McDonalds. It reminds that the people running it are a bunch of commies (ironically) and that I shouldn't eat there.

>> No.15126976

I'll have four Tax Burgers, one IRSwich - withhold the lettuce - three dependent size sodas, and a FICA-ccino.

>> No.15126984

Servants of the clown are fitted in brutalist architecture only

>> No.15126988


>> No.15127002

things either evolve or devolve. They don’t change dipshit. You people are beyond stupid. Yes I get it’s thankdgivikg and we would all be thankful if you killed yourself today

>> No.15127006
File: 105 KB, 479x500, 1606366682131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooh! Another dog whistle to the far right! What a surprise!

You going to start trying to recruit for your white supremacist groups now?

Be a shaaaame if some one, I dunno...


Boom. Exposed. Thread is now closed.

>> No.15127041

I havent been actually into mcdonalds in years. I can tell you the drive thru menu by heart though.

>> No.15127051

I like the new style of restaurant. It seems nicer and more premium.

>> No.15127058

>seems premium

>> No.15127066

>Its brilliant, if I just call all complaints ALT RIGHT I can shut down any discourse without having to back up my talking points at all! Its like the new Racist! But I can try and stealth the fact I'm actually an upper class white kid from the coast virtue signaling!

Hey look i can do it too

>> No.15127068

This has nothing to do with the far right

>> No.15127070

You eat with the eyes first, anon. Presentation and atmosphere is everything.

>> No.15127077

If you ate with your eyes, alone you would starve to death.

>> No.15127085

Unironically the movie Super Size Me, which got popular enough that it scared all of these fast food places into getting rid of anything explicitly targeting children. Super Size Me was an unscientific scam but still had an impact.

>> No.15127110

There is no way on earth a corporation this powerful is not compromised by Jews.

>> No.15127328


>> No.15127364

Look around. All companies are moving toward the same bland modern design of dark grey with contrasting white letters.

>> No.15127753

>You people are beyond stupid
>Yes I get it’s thankdgivikg

Oh ok kiddo

>> No.15127788

that's not brutalist at all

>> No.15127815

When you were a kid getting McDonald's for dinner was seen as a victory. Getting McDonald's now as an adult is seen as a defeat.

>> No.15127930
File: 737 KB, 1000x1000, brutalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not brutalist
I wish McDonalds was brutalist, but that style has too little mainstream appeal

>> No.15127953

I really hate the atmosphere of rushed consoomption in mcdonalds and other big fast food chains
there's usually some kids shouting and there are bits of food everywhere and incredibly bland muzaak playing that's engineered to be as broadly appealing as possible
makes me feel like an animal or a slave in some dystopian society, no dignity at all

>> No.15127967

Modern style looks better imo.

>> No.15127971

I love this architecture style

>> No.15127973
File: 264 KB, 1000x1333, Regenstein+Library_Michael+Berera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You gotta admit, it's pretty fucking ugly.

>> No.15128057
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>> No.15128138

My McDonald's doesn't even have a playpen
there's nothing more fucking soulless than seeing a kid get a happy meal and sit down to eat like McDonald's is some normal fucking restaurant

>> No.15128145

there's a sequel, I haven't watched it yet
you got some more? this looks cool

>> No.15128172

They're menu items are a lot more adult

>> No.15128226

It's easier to repurpose the modern-looking buildings than the unique "brand name" ones/

>> No.15128242
File: 205 KB, 1200x900, 110_506604213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's still one McDonald's in my country which looks the same as every other McDonald's did in the 90s.

funny what being located at a resort town that only gets people three months per year can do to you

>> No.15128248

theuy're broadened their appeal to include childless millenials, and make it less embarassing to get a quick mcdonalds as meal for work.

>> No.15128291


>> No.15128298

god forbid a business adapts to the times

>> No.15128308

"Adapting to the times" when the times are bad just feeds into the downward spiral. Just because the world is getting worse doesn't mean everyone should make themselves worse to match.

>> No.15128546


you might like it as an exotic aesthetic to admire from a distance but i highly doubt you would actually want to work and live in such an enviroment. It's designed to create subservience and hopelessness. The man who invented the style wanted to demolish all beautiful buildings and replace it with bleak concrete blocks to create a slavelike working class, it's one of the most evil things ever conjured in architecture.

>> No.15128652

Actually, I think the modern designs are much better. They fit better to their environment, acclimate to the current culture, and fuck you Joey yes I know you're reading this thread you send me these every fucking day asshole.

>> No.15128660

It makes it easier for the next business to take over if it shuts down

>> No.15128753

Reasonably confident that the roof design brought the ire of Pizza Hat and a compromise had to be negotiated.

>> No.15128821
File: 282 KB, 1024x1024, brutalism2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here u go
>The man who invented the style wanted to demolish all beautiful buildings and replace it with bleak concrete blocks to create a slavelike working class, it's one of the most evil things ever conjured in architecture.
any sources on that? cause it sounds like schizo ramblings to me
I sure would prefer to live in a nicely designed brutalist building than the tasteless flat I live in right now, that being said I think the style generally works better for public buildings, where it has more freedom to use interesting shapes and shit

>> No.15128822

It does look clean and modern, but it now also looks like a god damn corporate building.

>> No.15128831

>He's an urbanite Britbong.

Oh that explains the utter lack of humanity and education.

>> No.15128842

Nice cooking thread.

>> No.15128888


They want you to be uncomfortable and leave as soon as you finish. Like starbucks.

>> No.15128907

a long time ago in my town, our McDonald's was ran by a dude that put all of his old collectibles in there. There were disney figurines, mickey mouse toys, oldschool metal lunchboxes, one of those coin-operated fortune tellers, a test your grip arcade thing, small tabletop jukeboxes on every table, and some life-sized blues brothers statues. Also, a big toy railroad was suspended from the ceiling.

I dont know if the dude finally left the company or he was forced to "update" to this modern bullshit, but the building was destroyed and rebuilt.

I feel a bit sad every time I drive by because me and my dad would stop in for lunch when we were out doing stuff

>> No.15128977


>> No.15128985
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this, but unironically.

>> No.15129004
File: 891 KB, 708x1024, Have a Big Chicken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a Big Chicken and calm your ass down

>> No.15129010

based gooser

>> No.15129017

Take your meds anytime

>> No.15129359

This is unironically the best post in this thread.

>> No.15129416

>withhold the lettuce
This is what got me

>> No.15129491

About to go get a fries and nuggets after wolfing down thanksgiving shit with the senpai why do I still want salty garbage after real food

>> No.15129493

God I wish we had a better understanding of schizophrenia. Tho sometimes it's sure amusing having no idea what the fuck is going on

>> No.15129502

Isn't this post modern california architecture? Koreans prob stole it from big dick America

>> No.15129515

Try checking out the xsg threads on /biz/, some mad things going on in there it's crazy

>> No.15129918

fuck man, who remembers the cartoon characters? grimace, hamburglar and whoever else

fast food has seriously become sad. i'd give anything back to get the 90s back

>> No.15129946

They design them this way so homeless don't loiter under covered areas. Notice the only cover at any modern fast food place is just a couple square feet at each drive thru stop?

>> No.15130285

As a kid
Born mid 70s
McDeez was fun and even cause for excitement, with the burglar and crew
As a teen McDeez went full meh tier most of the food lacked any desired taste enough to say it had a cardboard flavor
Today the shit sold is rightly dispicable aside from not nutrious it's even cause for diseases
Nothing to say about it all being passable at best
Still in a short 4 minutes you can grab something that would take nearly an hour or two to make well
Big breakfast from scratch I guess would take just over an hour going with fresh squeezed orange juice
Fuck McDeez they have ruined the joy of homemade meals

>> No.15130304

This has to be bait.

>> No.15130309
File: 58 KB, 607x405, Image20131106055921305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have brain damage

>> No.15130325

The old version projects “hey come get your bright color loving autists some food and time in the ball pit!” The new version says “yes, we are serious food business so serious older person like you can come in as well and eat our serious food.”

Its just marketing to a larger age group

>> No.15130349

I guess we all grew up.

>> No.15130609

I feel like same way. There was a time when going to McDonald's felt like going to chuck e cheese.

>> No.15130682

It's serious business. So just business. Cut costs from everything ad infinitum. Don't care about things like customer experience. You make customers believe everything is good by aggressive marketing.

>> No.15130725

ok boomer

>> No.15130727

sounds like another libtarded conspiracy theory.

>> No.15130731

only to a consumer faggot/woman.

>> No.15130736

you sound like a childless socially retarded faggot. gtfo out of society, you don't belong. quarantine yourself, forever, so we don't have to interact with you either, anon.

>> No.15130741

"faggot culture"

>> No.15130744

this guys brain fucks

>> No.15130751

I would love to live in a brutalist home, it seems so comfy and cold. maybe have an indoor pool or something

>> No.15130753

not if you're a childless faggot living alone. you're just closer to death than the rest of us normal people with families and children present. :)

>> No.15130755


>> No.15130773

They wanted to target a more professional demographic. A guy in a suit is more likely to meet there than a BK for instance.

>> No.15131023

havent the fries changed? I remember them being the best of the shitty ff rests. but I cant even eat them now. they seem a lot smaller and thinner like potato sticks. their nuggets changed too. they tasted better when they werent 100% white meat

>> No.15131048
File: 96 KB, 1024x768, 8e83812245a6f0256bf9728b3ee37182_-united-states-massachusetts-bristol-county-fairhaven-mcdonalds-508-994-3055htm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got one still in the original 50's style

>> No.15131107

That's not the original 50s style, that's one of the retro throwbacks they build in the early 00s.