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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15123191 No.15123191 [Reply] [Original]

stop pretending to like the taste of coffee, tea, and beer/whiskey to seem like an adult. no one is fooled.

>> No.15123808


>> No.15123815

Stop eating and drinking so much sugar and maybe you'll be able to enjoy more complex tastes.

>> No.15123826

both of these. Develop an appreciation for many things, but don't pretend.

>> No.15123852
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I don't like tea, coffee wakes me up in the morning, and i drink whiskey to get drunk. It's not enjoyable, it's legal drugs faggot.

>> No.15123869
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Okay, you're not pretending, so he wasn't talking about you.

>> No.15123883

I pretend to like the taste of liver and kidney to feel like a real man.

>> No.15123913
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>> No.15123922
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>imagine responding to bait this bad lmao

>> No.15123926

im not a picky eater but lord kidney is weird

>> No.15123932

It has to be soaked and prepared properly to reduce the taste of concentrated urine.

>> No.15123933

I agree completely

They all taste varying degrees of bad - tolerable. People think they enjoy the "complexiry" but actually they're just distracting themselves picking out flavkur notes.

I'll still drink them all, and am in fact addicted to alcohol and caffeine, but I'm not gonna pretend my legal drug use is anything more than me getting high.

Loterally nobody would drink these things if they didn't have some sort of effect. Nobody would drink whiskey if it taste the same but had zero effect. Nor beer, nor decaf coffee (only fags drink that crap, and you're not gay, are you?).

>> No.15123969

I like coffee and tea but just can't enjoy alcohol, only tried beer and wine though, what else should I try?

>> No.15124006
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A shot of Jeremiah Weed

>> No.15124213 [DELETED] 

Why so you toddler-palated subhumans project your taste onto normal people? I'm guessing it's because deep down you know having the taste buds of a kid is embarrassing so you want to bring others down to your level.

>> No.15124218

Why do you toddler-palated subhumans project your tastes onto normal people? I'm guessing it's because deep down you know having the taste buds of a kid as an adult is embarrassing so you want to bring others down to your level.

>> No.15124221

>t. jealous of supertasters

>> No.15124236

Most people who claim to be supertasters are picky-eating fatties who are just coping. If they were actually supertasters, they'd gag at all the sugary crap they shove down their faces. But they don't, it's just mildly bitter things like coffee that they hate.

>> No.15124239

seethe jelly belly

>> No.15124241

;3 I like mead

>> No.15124277

>everyone else is just pretending to like it
Stop making threads looking for validation for not enjoying food on a board for people who enjoy food. Picky eaters are almost more cancerous than e-celeb posters.

>> No.15125861

tequila >:3

>> No.15125870

OP people who say they like all the things you mention are both addicted and/or have no sense of taste and smell.

>> No.15126099
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>> No.15126119

Bitter flavors are nice anon, stop drinking so much corn syrup

>> No.15126134

most people force themselves to like those products in some kind of weaning process, so at some level it's just cope

>> No.15126145

I don't buy tea or coffee and drink it by myself at home to impress people that aren't there. That said I'm not really a fan of alcohol either.

>> No.15126454

Ha! Shrek is silly!

>> No.15126507

I like sugar and I like tea/whisker/wine.

>> No.15126523

I drink my whiskey with 2 cubes of sugar in it.

>> No.15126574

People drink decaffeinated coffee retard

>> No.15126678

What makes you think you can speak on behalf of other people's tastes, you toddler-palated bitch?

>> No.15126687

I'm in my 30s and I still prefer water and soda. I've rarely had alcohol but never been drunk.

>> No.15126753

I drank coffee while in prison because everyone's obsessed with it in there simply because it's a stimulant. However while I love the smell the flavor never did anything for me and when it became a regular thing I sweetened the fuck out of it with hot chocolate powder, french vanilla cappuccino, creamer, a dash or cinnamon and on occasion a fireball candy.

Tea is fermented leaf water, of course it's gross.

Beer is fermented piss and those who drink it do so to get drunk cheaply. I've never actually had whiskey come to think of it. On the rare occasion I drink I like mead, and most commonly have midori and vodka mixed with a citrus drink like mountain dew.

>> No.15126784

lol, you sound like you were the guy they put the creamer in

>> No.15126785

you're right
i only enjoy the taste of liquefied jolly ranchers

>> No.15126809
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>> No.15126829

I'd drink beer if it perfectly matched the flavor without getting you drunk

Not everyone who posts is in their 20s, your palate evolves

>> No.15126835

Fuck you
Fuck you
Fuck you

>> No.15126838
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In prison did you see anyone making prison alcohol ?

>> No.15126866
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>imagine drinking something to "fool" people

>> No.15126880

That only happens if you're young, small, weak looking and in there for doing something with a little kid. That stuff hasn't been as common as they portray in film in years, due to a combination of the gays being out in the open and "PREA".

And for the record I'm 6'1, 240 and covered in hair and my crime did not involve kiddie diddling so I was not remotely in the category that would be targeted.

>> No.15126901

Yep, I've heard different names for it but at mine people just called it hooch. I never tried it, they made it out of stuff like ketchup. Anything with sugar basically. I was mostly just annoyed because they kept replacing commissary items with sugar free items while I was there as a result. Replaced the fireballs, gummy bears, and jolly ranchers with sugar free versions, and the food in there is bad enough as it is.

>> No.15126967

Ah yeah I first saw it on that old show Lockup . Usually I think it was called hooch.

>> No.15126982

How am i fooling anyone by drinking whiskey alone in front of my computer?

>> No.15127012

There are inmates who just hand themselves out.

>> No.15128252

well maybe you should stop drinking shit tea

>> No.15129658

Drinking black coffee is the only reason I get up in the mornings. I drink black coffee and eat breakfast and the rest of my day is just restless waiting until I can get up and drink coffee and eat breakfast again.

>> No.15129732

I enjoy these things enough to drink them alone without taking photos for social media. When you die, will your ancestors say the same?

>> No.15131106

Tea objectively tastes good.

>> No.15131112

alcohol is for manbabies

>> No.15131148

They all make you feel good so the taste becomes pleasent because it you know it will be followed by good feels.

>> No.15131175

What kind of fuckin retard can't get into tea?

>> No.15131215

People have diffrent taste buds anon. You just like sugary shit.

>> No.15132955
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