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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 539 KB, 1080x1423, happy_thanksgiving.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15122725 No.15122725[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are my fellow vegbros eating for Thanksgiving?

>> No.15122729

We don't have thanksgiving here

>> No.15122736

Veganism is an eating and personality disorder.

>> No.15122758
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Veganism is the future:
>IKEA to make 50% of all restaurant dishes plant-based by 2025

Nice opinion though, people who aren't vegan tend to die quickly so feel free to go get heart disease in your /mcdonalds general/. Fatty.

>> No.15122829

I'm eating the roasted carcasses of multiple different mammals and avians.
You will never be a woman

>> No.15122908

Does the flavor of the month /pol/ insult make you feel like youre part of a group, incel?

>> No.15122918


vegans have no future at all, because they are, without a solitary fucking exception, weak, sick, and mentally slow.

>> No.15122933

>IKEA to make 50% of all restaurant dishes plant-based by 2025
Most food is already "plant-based", anyway.

Take a beef burger. Aside from the meat, cheese and whatever else, everything is plant-based: bun, salad, condiments, pickles, etc.

>> No.15122935

>IKEA to make 50% of all restaurant dishes plant-based
So 50% horse meatballs, 40% mashed potatoes, and 10% snownigger jam.

>> No.15122937
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Imagine tryharding this hard
Good to know you're both vegan and trans tho. Seethe and dilate further you waste of air~

>> No.15122943


>> No.15122953

Back then personality was about interacting with people. Guess now it's about consumption chocies.

>> No.15123017

Wasting air? So you do acknowledge you and your coterie's consumption makes world run out of resources?

>> No.15123037

I love both fried tofu and Thanksgiving turkey so suck me

>> No.15123054

hopefully a bullet

>> No.15123067

Esl is the hottest new insult

>> No.15123073

>ignoring that massive grain and soy production is also just as harmful
I buy from small, local farms honey. I'm not making the rest of the world suffer for my resources unlike your massive consumption of soy.

>> No.15123079


>> No.15123113
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I mean, most of us would probably want to put you in one of those hog cages.

>> No.15123126
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>> No.15123139
File: 2.87 MB, 640x360, beansontoast.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A typical vegan thanksgiving

>> No.15123146

don't forget about the princess cake

>> No.15123229

why do vegans act like factory farming is the only way to produce meat

>> No.15123262

this is probably bait but right here bro. making some seitan tomorrow and stuffing

>> No.15123267
File: 622 KB, 1400x921, pork2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah dude there's only 2 ways to raise animals for food. You either boil them alive after you steal and beat the shit out of someone's pet dog, or you raise them in crammed boxes until they drown in their own feces. Nobody raises livestock outside or gives them space to run around or fresh air. All meat eaters only eat bottom tier mcdonalds!

>> No.15123293

Veganism is a fad for people who would develop other superiority complexes if veganism wasn't popular.

>> No.15123294

I cant do the vegan thing anymore im eating turkey, burgers and bacon

>> No.15123298

>thinks that most people actually dont eat factory farmed mean, when in actuality 99% of population eats factory farmed meat
stop coping you retard. Your one picture doesnt convince anyone

>> No.15123315

we should all grow our own vegetables and eat much less meat. grain could be grown for large regions or something i dont know.

>> No.15123316

I wish she would think of MY asshole for once.

>> No.15123380

All the land required to grow food alone for the animals is retarded and inefficient. So yes, meat if anything should be a luxury item at most.

>> No.15123480

This is unironically deep

>> No.15123532

>A tiny fraction of people raises livestock outside or gives them space to run around or fresh air. All meat eaters only eat bottom tier mcdonalds!

The fact is, our current level of meat consumption is impossible without factory farming. I am vegetarian, but I would be fine with a world where everyone eats only a fraction of what they currently do. In the meantime however, I am going to do my part to mitigate an morally unacceptable system.

>> No.15123551

I'm gonna copy unnatural vegan and just buy some store crap and make gravy and stuffing

>> No.15123655

My wife’s boyfriend’s cum

>> No.15123848

Plant based means made of plants. Are you retarded or is English your third language?

>> No.15124052
File: 216 KB, 990x1500, Fish Flakes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone's food is weird
Try thinking about miso soup sometime. Yeah that bland shit that's cheap at Japanese restaurants and sometimes free at their bars.

It's made with fish flakes, seaweed, curdled bean, and if you get good stuff some mushrooms that have slime like Ridley Scott's "Alien."

>> No.15124113

>tfw she will never rip your asshole out and fist it

>> No.15124124

Good thing i dont eat at IKEA like you lowly vegans

>> No.15124125

Try not to kill yourself OP.

>> No.15124139
File: 210 KB, 873x655, gardenc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No shit most people eat cheap shitty commodified consolidated meat.
Most people are shitty, cheap, commodified and consolidated.
Another thing you don't understand is with our hyper consolidation of meat we actually WASTE a shitton. Like, it seems like every other week millions of animals are culled and dumped in a landfill because they are so consolidated that if one animal gets sick then the whole damn barn gets sick. How many of these livestock animals that are slaughtered every year actually are consumed by humans?

People can eat plenty of meat from a high quality source if they just learned how to wholesale purchase. A single fucking cow can be the only source of beef for an entire family for a year. Poultry should be a specialty meat, it really never was meant to be eaten the way it has.

You claim you're doing your part, but you ignore such serious issues like how the government only offers financial aid to the biggest, most concentrated farms and lets the smaller farms that can afford to actually prioritize welfare to livestock go to shit.

You don't actually know anything about our current fucked up industrial agricultural system other than plant good animal bad. It is SO much deeper than that.

Its not even about the quantity of food that people eats that bugs me, it's the quality. People stuff such horrid shit into their gullets and don't give it another thought. The surrogate animal products is just going to send people deeper down the rabbit hole. More plastic, more petroleum, more processing and transport. Meanwhile I got 1/4 beef with NO plastic packaging, from the state, raised by an acquaintance. I've had it 3 months going on 4 and I still have over half of it left.

Just... just fucking think about it. Are you REALLY doing your part? Do you REALLY think there is an easy way out of this horribly complicated problem?

Leave the fucking city, produce your own food. Otherwise shut the fuck up about "doing your part".

>> No.15124163

eage sex location?

>> No.15124451
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>> No.15124656

I'm not even a vegan, but I sometimes enjoy a nice brekkie of beans on toast.

>> No.15124660

"morally unacceptable system"
Morality is subjective. If you're non-sentient and taste reasonably good, you deserve what happens to you.

>> No.15124692

i will be mourning the genocide of indigenous people by fasting but i will eat an unnecessarily large vegan meal on friday

>> No.15124714

do you lack basic reading comprehension?

>> No.15124726

must have cheese though.

>> No.15124881

You do realize the modern version of Thanksgiving is 100 years old and that thanksgivings have traditionally been fasting days, right? Also you are a subhuman.

>> No.15125316

>>IKEA to make 50% of all restaurant dishes plant-based by 2025
I don't give a fuck about ikea,i grow my own animals anyway.

>> No.15125481
File: 85 KB, 600x600, dead bird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
