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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 121 KB, 640x457, 9ADC6E32-45E6-4C37-927E-661A866B9C9F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15111219 No.15111219[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>*A portly fellow in a flame shirt waddles to the counter of a Starbucks*
>"What would you like sir?"
>*The atheist squints around the coffee bar, his hands at the sides of his khaki shorts like he had two holsters. With one hand he expertly pulls out his wallet and with the other, he brings the tip of his hat down before placing his order*
>"Coffee. Black."
>*A hush falls over the patrons and staff. Women gush in their panties as whispers from men can't believe what's transpiring. The barista looks like he's about to faint, his grip on the cup furiously shaking as he slides it over the counter to our hero. If this order is taking place in the ghetto, several black people go DAAAAAAAAAAAMN*
>*The cheetoh avenger slaps down a sticky five and a quarter with his hamhock fist before mumbling to no one that they should "keep the change", knowing he's a far more euphoric human being than people that put sugar or milk in their coffee*

Don't worry dauntless fans of this sodium-hearted man of action, he'll be back in next weeks tantalizing issue, "I'll Have EVERYTHING With Bacon..."

>> No.15111222

hows the job hunt going man?

>> No.15111228

I enjoy black coffee because you can taste the actual coffee better.

I usually drink coffee with milk though because it is easier on the stomach and it gets the temperature to where I like it much faster than waiting for it to cool.

>> No.15111232

Why do I even come to this board anymore.

>> No.15111240

Enjoy your watery bean juice

>> No.15111246


>> No.15111257

My wife tells me when we first met up she thought I looked like a dweeb and was immediately making plans to leave early. It wasn't until I ordered a black coffee that she viewed me in a slightly more masculine light and decided to give me a better chance.

>> No.15111273

Black coffee isn't an edgy thing, it's a no calories thing. If I could drink those awful monstrosities Starbucks makes that have a day's worth of sustenance in them, believe me, I would.

>> No.15111291

If I'm making my own coffee, I typically drink black. If I order it from some shitty chain or gas station, I'll use cream

>> No.15111302

thank you, I will

>> No.15111312

no man looks cool ordering coffee, just fucking drink the free coffee at work, going to feminine coffee shops is embarrassing

>> No.15111426


>> No.15111491

The only acceptable thing to put in coffee is a big scoop of vanilla iced cream. Other than that coffee should be black

>> No.15111516

So you're saying if anons like ordering at feminine coffee shops then they should just transition?

>> No.15111521 [DELETED] 

Ok chud

>> No.15111524

well thats kind of goofy too

>> No.15111919

Yeah fuck that noise, I drink shitty timmies double doubles so it don't taste like dirt. That and cigs are all I need to make it through a shift.

>> No.15111966

I drink black coffee because my grandma does

>> No.15111974

Why would someone be this arsedemolished at someone drinking black coffee?

>> No.15111996

This is some funny shit. I agree that lots of black coffee drinkers can be cringe when they talk about it, but if you're putting anything in a good pourover, you fucked up. Take it back and ask for a latte. If it's drip coffee from a chain, then do what you want.

I started drinking home roasted/ground coffee this year, and now I can't drink cheap stuff without something in it. It's just not good.

>> No.15112009

I don't understand the connection between being obese and black coffee. Logically wouldn't the people consuming sugar and dairy be fatter?

>> No.15112052

"Foodies". People who watch YouTube videos then go eat 56000 calories a day in a variety of "authentic" meals from exotic places (usually prepared by other white people who have never eaten the dish and don't have access to the proper ingredients). Then they run around shilling black coffee as if adding milk is worse than adding heroin to baby formula.

>> No.15112063

Anyone whos really into black coffee is not going to fucking Starbucks. That means anybody whos ordering black coffee in such an awful place is just a poser

>> No.15112078

>People who watch YouTube videos then go eat 56000 calories a day in a variety of "authentic" meals
wtf are you talking about? This isn't a thing. Fat foodies eating absurd amounts of food while drinking black coffee?

>> No.15112081

Adding milk to good coffee is cringe

>> No.15112099

low quality copypasta spam threads are cancer and against >>>/global/rules/6 and >>>/global/rules/10
OP is a faggot.
Do your part to help purge this board of subhumans like him by reporting this thread.
Here's a link so you don't have to scroll up to the top of the page.

>> No.15112101

Or lactose intolerant but not enough of a dickhead to pay extra for nut juice or estrogen water instead

>> No.15112123

>pay extra for nut juice
Is this actually a thing? I have never considered ordering vegan milk substitute but just assumed it was the same price

>> No.15112125

Its usually anywhere from a quarter to three quarters extra

>> No.15112130


This. Starbucks likes to let their shit burn so the black coffee they offer is among some of the worst in the market, hands down

>> No.15112134
File: 41 KB, 329x376, 1606131444783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. Wants to be a jannie but his app was denied
Be a faggot elsewhere.

>> No.15112139

You male an excellent point. I needed to kill time before a Bridge of Spies screening and thought I'd try this coffeeshop a block down. Memes don't create themselves.

>> No.15112148

What does her boyfriend think of you?

>> No.15112196

I honestly wish fedoras were still a thing. Just like I miss playing xbox 360.
Those were the good old days.

>> No.15112235


All of this. I just need to pound back a cup quickly in the morning so i dont get caffeine withdrawal headaches throughout the day. If milk lets me do that faster, then fuck it

But sugar is for faggots.

>> No.15112253
File: 34 KB, 960x640, bottomless-portafilter-in-action.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold on
If I go on dates an order a plain double shot do those girls immediately think negatively of me?

>> No.15112254

>implying I go to starcucks
Either way I enjoy black coffee because I loathe almost every kind of sweets there are. Either way I always liked the raw coffee taste that ruining it with a mountain of cream and sugar or other mouth rotting nonsense cannot provide. Also makes it better as a liquid dip for biscuits.
Or just make a pot at home and put some in a thermos lmao

>> No.15112265

Not if you're somewhere with good coffee

>> No.15112273

It's as much a bean as ketchup is a vegetable.

>> No.15112282

I know it's probably purely psychological, but I swear it seems like the caffeine hits harder and faster when it's just black coffee. That being said I fucking love mocha frappes.

>> No.15112288

Maybe it does because there's less liquid to process to absorb all the caffeine so you get a more of a spike in the hit? Only speculating, no idea what I'm talking about.

>> No.15112305

No fat, proteins, or other calories to bind to really and slow absorption

>> No.15112312

I stopped drinking coffee after my bff died.

>> No.15112315

>My coffee?

>My whiskey?

>My 1911?

Grow some fucking hair on you're chest.

>> No.15112316

We never see eye to eye but her son and I get along great

>> No.15112331

What's the relation?

>> No.15112337
File: 68 KB, 611x478, cuddledemonc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The day he died I didn't drink coffee so I'm not drinking any more coffee.

>> No.15112534

Not based. Men drink vodka and carry a 1076.

>> No.15112567

good coffee has flavor
basic coffee is basic enough to enjoy with cream flavoring and sweetener
but good coffee, by itself, has flavor

>> No.15112582

Milk is for infants

>> No.15112587

maybe if you had drank coffee that day he would have survived

>> No.15112623
File: 26 KB, 500x500, e0b4d943ebd0f3e8320f8855535eaf758e7fd9456053946400cef7b15560fe58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it has never even occurred to me to put anything in my coffee and i am just now finding out that doing this is seen as some kind of weird flex? i don't understand it at all, i just like the way coffee tastes by itself, why would i put anything in it? i don't like the way coffee with milk tastes, and the thought of it being sweet sounds revolting. do the people who do this actually like coffee? i have to wonder if this is the result of some kind of inferiority complex arising from thinking they have to like coffee, but not actually liking it, and so being insecure about having to put sugars and syrups and milk and god knows what else before it becomes palatable to them. wouldn't they be better off drinking something else?
i just don't get it

>> No.15112650

Your employer buys coffee for the workers?

>> No.15112669

many, many offices have free coffee

>> No.15113837

I've never worked in a place that doesn't

>> No.15113857

Does her son's penis taste good?

>> No.15113900

cute tanned animal thing loli

>> No.15113953


Starbucks is a malt shop that sells coffee. I drink it black at home, but in the 3 times ever I've ended up in a shartbucks i've had to add shit to their coffee to make it drinkable.

>> No.15113973

dubtrips checked

>> No.15113997
File: 9 KB, 275x183, kenji lopez altt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this reads like a copypasta written in 2015 making fun of people from 2012

ps fuck wiggers

>> No.15114005

>Milk is for infants
also known as europoids

>> No.15114007

They'd give the employees free Dexedrine if they could get away with it

>> No.15114032

I just end up getting a small one and then I remember that it tastes like shit. Happens to me every time.

>> No.15114042
