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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 617 KB, 1850x1040, 1606074707098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15106617 No.15106617 [Reply] [Original]

Hello fellow /cks,
I do live in middle Italy. Today I went to a restaurant after a lot of home cooking due the COVID fuckery and whatnot.
>inb4 you're pozzed now
plot twist: had corona end of last month, so I'm ok.
This is the appetizer

>> No.15106620
File: 552 KB, 1850x1040, 1606074707086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then some more of the appetizer

>> No.15106630

That looks like shit. Fuck you for making me even load that image.

>> No.15106632
File: 453 KB, 1040x1850, 1606074707080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First course, small portion as they do 3 firsts

>> No.15106644
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>> No.15106650
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third, some Ravioli in tomato sauce

>> No.15106655
File: 620 KB, 1850x1040, 1606074707061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After all those pasta dishes, a welcome second course: the meat that they cooked with the sauce. That's how usually do in home made Sunday meals

>> No.15106661
File: 576 KB, 1040x1850, 1606074707043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then some dessert n fruit

>> No.15106672
File: 607 KB, 1040x1850, 1606074707058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And some liquor with those sweets, we got Limoncello and Grappa.
They would leave the bottles at the tables too, so you can enjoy a second or more shot of that.

>> No.15106684

After that, coffee for two and the meal was finished.
all of this stuff for 20€ per person, one wine and water included, more you pay an extra.

Today was a good day.

>> No.15106763
File: 247 KB, 2000x1500, italian pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Italian food is a scam. I was in Rome a few months ago, and I definitely wanted to try out some real Italian pizza. I had met a few people around at some pubs, and one afternoon I got them to take me to a pizzeria for dinner. They order for us, just some basic pizzas (I know enough Italian, but my accent is shite). A bit later, I see pic related come out, one for each of us.
I'm utterly shocked, and I pause a bit as I watch everyone eat theirs like nothing is wrong. I think maybe these guys are just trolling me, right? But no - I looked around, and saw some other people with this garbage too, unless they hired out an entire troupe just to fuck with me. Fuck Italy. Pic related - the fucking "pizza.

>> No.15106792

Looks really nice, thanks for posting. Where is this?

>> No.15108671

This is at an Agriturismo, a combined word by agricultural tourism. Usually a restaurant and sometimes also have rooms for staying. A true one has animals and crops for their own cooking, or at least have very local stuff for cooking.

>> No.15108682

so far all I'm seeing here is brown chunks of ? floating on an oil slick

>> No.15108693

I think this is more a pasta than a pizza

>> No.15108795

looks really good
20€ for that is crazy good
i hope there was some good bread to dredge through that sauce though

>> No.15108799

it's clearly a sausage and a couple meatballs
are you retarded? whether it's good or not is impossible to tell.

getting it served that unpretentiously is nice

>> No.15108803

I miss Italy. You could eat a ton of food and not gain any weight due to the cleaner ingredients

>> No.15108810

Yes! I had the worst pizza in my life in Naples, I’m pretty sure they were fucking trolling because they gave me a microwaved pizza with canned Vienna type sausages on there. Fucking awful

>> No.15108960
File: 518 KB, 1652x1239, IMG_20170626_201248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20€ for that is crazy good
I admit that is not the norm. Agritourism style restaurant can achieve that because there is no menu to choose, there is a "fixed" course from appetizer to closing coffee so they can cook the same stuff to everyone, saved those that specifically can't eat something.
Usually they call back people that have booked they day before so they can gauge the quantities. Usually for a good quality meal in a normal restaurant you'd have to spend about 30€ per person with the house wine. Pic related an appetizer in another Agritourism.

>i hope there was some good bread to dredge through that sauce though
They always give you a lot of good bread because they know that people do the Scarpetta (word meaning: little shoe), using bread to scoop the sauce and eat it; tho having a lot of pasta usually clashes to the use of bread, at least here. I know that in north Italy it is not uncommon that people use bread with the pasta if it is saucy.

>> No.15108966
File: 541 KB, 1534x950, 20160301_051131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an Italian I want to apologize for the tourist places that usually don't serve foreigners good.
The real food is out of those places, because if a restaurant scams other Italians, it has a very, very short life ahead.
Pic related this is a 10 € pizza in a small town pizzeria

>> No.15108991

What's the beef looking thing in the bowl?

>> No.15109006

not beef, it's coratella, a mix of organs of meat cattle. That was mostly liver, I don't like that but my wife does.

>> No.15109027

Oh like tripe? I think I'd like it. I'd like the whole meal desu

>> No.15110050

>You could eat a ton of food and not gain any weight due to the cleaner ingredients
I think it's mainly the small portion sizes, those plates are tiny. Also, in the photos you can see that OP didn't finish everything.

>> No.15110071

finally, some good fucking food

>> No.15110076

These pics make me feel a lot better about going to olive garden. Looks like they're on par with local Italian food.

>> No.15110084

that's a pretty good price I'm jelly

>> No.15110208

Totally not on par, totally different things.

Most americans will actually prefer olive garden, so go there and enjoy, you'd probably not like what's posted here.

>> No.15110258

I always laugh at italian arrogance when it comes to food. Straight niggers.

>> No.15110283

Enjoy olive garden.

>> No.15110379

that looks fucking disgusting OP

>> No.15110394
File: 426 KB, 750x689, 67703BCE-FCF6-4E8D-860D-6F7649A481AF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhhhh guys. This fucking cheese plate is 44$cad at a slightly above average restaurant in my town. Wine not included. Tax not includes. I’m beginning to see why people take photos in grocery stores up here.
>I didn’t take this photo. I would never pay for a charcuterie board or cheese plate at a restaurant. Did it once. Never again.

>> No.15110452

you got ripped off, I get twice the amount of that and nicer quality for 7 euros per person

>> No.15110691

Nice argument pasta nigger. Try not to have a stroke if someone uses an ingredient that your whore grandmother didn't have access to.

>> No.15110721

Are you arguing for him lol

>> No.15110726

Looks comfy anon, a bit like a french bistro type restaurant but Italian. If you had a good time and enjoyed the food that's all that matters.

>> No.15110732

It's fine that Americans prefer olive garden.

>> No.15110742

>going to olive garden.
OP here, just checked that place.
No. That's not it. And fuck off with all that Alfredo shit. I've checked the NY restaurant, and here in Italy if you have on the menu a fucking 20$ plate of fettuccine panna e prosciutto (because that's what an Alfredo is), that is basically a child dish here, you're probably going to be laughed in the face.
Steak Alfredo, pasta and a steak together is somewhat unheard of here.
You see, I've been once on an Italian (run by Italians) restaurant in Germany, due to work so I had to stay 20 days or so. You couldn't eat a single italian dish that wasn't germanized - too much sauces or heavy variations with their classic ingredients.
With that I am NOT SAYING that Olive Garden doesn't have tasty food, of course all that stuff seems good in their own way, but that's absolutely not how we eat. Too rich, too cheese, too much dressing.

>> No.15110750

what are these two? is this a pasta? is the red sauce the same red sauce from the other courses? is the orange sauce the same as the one used to garnish the green plate?

>> No.15110753

>Family-Style Lasagna Bundle (Serves 4-6)
>Olive Garden’s Family-Style Lasagna Bundle >feeds up to 8 people.
>$ 64,99
Jesus H. Christ that would be like a 15-20€ expense here.

>> No.15110797
File: 551 KB, 1196x2125, Arancino riso e verdura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes that is an home (agritourism) made pasta. They do use their own stuff to make it and sell to customer.
In Italy people with time to cook usually do pasta at home using small machines like this (but there are some with special extruders to make the shape more like commercial pasta)

Red sauce is tomato sauce made with a lot of oil and meat for added flavours. The second course >>15106655 is the meat used for the sauce, meatballs made of beef and sausage is pork. Needless to say that long stewed meat is tasty as fuck and exactly what our mothers served as second.
Orange sauce was bell pepper used to garnish, very little flavour because that was pasta with peas smoothie and crispy guanciale, similar to bacon.

>> No.15110853

nice work, my first encounter with this believe it or not.

>> No.15110948

Seriously fuck OP. It only got worse. Fucking raisin brain faggot taking pictures of his shit food.

>> No.15110956

Go back to your fast food threads.

>> No.15110957

Are you being ironic?

>> No.15110968

No, but I can understand for example and American could think so. They actually dislike high quality and prefer shit.

>> No.15110974

High quality? This is dog shit dawg. Lmao fucking coping europoor faggots. Have you even been in the USA?

>> No.15111013

You just proved my point.

>> No.15111014

Wow carbs in tomato sauce? Different shape carbs in more tomato sauce? A piece of meat that looks like a turd in more of the same tomato sauce? How fucking brilliant five stars these Italians are real geniuses when it comes to food!

>> No.15111019

That you have no real response and are a coping dipshit? Travel the world you will see that your county is full of stupid people.

>> No.15111086

>That you have no real response and are a coping dipshit?
No, you did exactly what I claim Americans do, that was my response.
>Travel the world you will see that your county is full of stupid people.
Seems you are projecting.

>> No.15111113

>Did it once. Never again.
Holy shit you actually did it once? How fucking insanely high or drunk were you at the time to actually do it?

>> No.15111151

Let's be honest, neither pasta nor tomato sauce originated in Italy, and you are judging their cuisine based on what "italian" restaurants serve in your area.

Ever had Gnocchi di ricotta? Cappon magro? Any of a long list of risottos?

>> No.15111239

>>15111113 Not at this place, super drunk, after a date she wanted to grab a bite before we went to my place.
>Oooo I love charcuterie..
It was worth it... but not for the food

>> No.15111282

was that Poli grappa? i tried a bunch of it last november at the distillery, it's fucking ace.

>> No.15111294

That is justifiable, but it really is something you would not normally accept paying for, with the price they charge for these you could easily buy the ingredients and make exactly the same board but in large quantities!

It is a party food you make yourself at home to serve in a party, a family meeting, a date night or some other special ocasion.

Personally, I find the one at >>15110394
picture to be mediocre at best, it is clearly a clever trap to make guys like YOU overpay grossly for taking a drunken girl there before going home with her! It is this kind of trap that saves business you know?

>> No.15111604

No. I'm pointing out the fact you are not very bright and the food you bothered to photograph is dog shit.

>> No.15111676

What food did i photograph? I'm not OP. Seems you're the one that isn't very bright. And you calling high quality food for "dog shit" says even more about you.

>> No.15111700

>plot twist: had corona end of last month, so I'm ok.
There are 4 strains of it, dummy. You're 1) not immune, and 2) maybe only immune for less than 3 mo anyway.

>> No.15111703 [DELETED] 

Ok chud

>> No.15111713

Wow that looks tasty like my boyfriends rump.

I’m a guy btw tee hee