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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 140 KB, 768x1024, Imagepipe_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15105737 No.15105737 [Reply] [Original]

Just stocked up on the /deenz/ for the week.

>> No.15105752

>shopping on the Lord's Day
Big yikes from me.

>> No.15105759

Deenz nuts

>> No.15105813

Imagine the smell of your fishy breath, and your oily skin.

>> No.15105822

>in water

>> No.15105837

I see photos like this on hear all the time
How are you guys able to afford so many at once?

>> No.15105846

Likely by not being poor

>> No.15105863

shut the fuck up with that deen meme

>> No.15105955


>> No.15105968

>How are you guys able to afford so many at once?
Not everybody on 4chan is a destitute wagie.

>> No.15105979

wtf OP?

>> No.15105983

Nice thumb nail.

>> No.15105994

Um uh.....I can explain deenzbros...

>> No.15106261

I got water because my brother was only willing to try them in that, trying to deenpill him...I agree oil is better.
>Eats junk food with more oil
>Drinks soda which gives them oily acne
>Doesn't get omega 3,6 in their diet

I don't take anything deenzlets say with any merit.

>> No.15106278

That's modern life for you, bro.

>> No.15106280

these are like the ultimate redditposting blogger threads.

nobody fucking cares, people come to imageboards to shitpost and share funny pictures.

>> No.15106283

Imagine the scent of your foul, sugar-addled breath and the red-raw discomfort of your dried-out skin

>> No.15106286
File: 11 KB, 429x410, 1338234829825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but for MEEEEEEEeee it's all about them deenz

>> No.15106799

The Lord rested on the SEVENTH day not the first you hell bound Papist scum.

>> No.15107056

Every Sunday is a celebration of the Resurrection of the Lord. This was on the day after the Sabbath, or the eighth day.

>> No.15107143

Friendly reminder that deenz is high in purine which causes gout.

>> No.15107145

Did you explain that water packed taste bad?

>> No.15107336

The week has seven days not eight you dense quasi pagan Julian calendar following Rome worshiping non sabbath keeping Sunday law forcing hell bound apostate who hasn't even read the Great Controversy and whom knows not the blessed name of Ellen White

>> No.15107382

Calm down dude. Is been at least 300 years that Catholics and Protestants stopped killing each others

>> No.15107395

>12 pack
I really should show my stock.

>> No.15107415

Oh i'm not even Christian however i was raised by Seventh Day Adventists, Sabbath autism is best autism.

>> No.15107494
File: 145 KB, 1024x1024, 20549363_lrg_1_@1x[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's these deenz

>> No.15107522

French canadian?

>> No.15107529


>> No.15107536

How much are you getting paid to make these threads.

>> No.15107538
File: 10 KB, 312x128, 1605177254192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are the best threads on /ck/

>> No.15107648

what is ireland and the IRA vs orange men

>> No.15107655

Yeah cuz He was resting on the sabbath like He instructed everyone to do

>> No.15107713

Is this one of these threads where we comment on your gross thumb?

>> No.15107721

It looks like a nasty toe with a nail that hasn't been cut in a while.

>> No.15108360

When the fuck else am I supposed to get groceries? Sorry Abraham, we're no longer dicking around in the desert on fucking camelback. We have cars and the internet and I've got a motherfucking job I have to be at 90% of the time so fuck off if I want to get my shit on Sunday, know what else imma do? Slam about 14 beers and get head from your mom. It's our fucking day of rest right? Bitch.

>> No.15109226


>> No.15110673

For me Tomato sauce is the best

>> No.15110698

I eat scrambly eggs and a can of deenz every day (seperately)

whats a way to combine these two items? do I just mix the deenz into the eggs or is there a better way

>> No.15110714

That's the best kind for next level deenz enthusiasts. You get deenz flavored water and deenz flavored deenz.

>> No.15110730

It's been 300 years too long if you ask me. Those filthy r*formers will pay dearly for betraying the Cross. Repent and convert heretic or face the sword once again!

>> No.15111139

thinkin' bout them deenz

>> No.15111150

That’s enough deenz for two days

>> No.15111155

First time /deenz/ here, I bought a pack of king Oscar in oil, how am I supposed to enjoy these bad boys?

>> No.15111164

based and christpilled

>> No.15111614

Just open the can and eat them on crackers.

>> No.15112533

I buy them by the case. Cheaper than getting jewed per can. I keep a rotation of two or more cases but have to find a case of those jalapenos version that anon posted.

>> No.15112535

yes, precisely. sunday is the eighth, not the seventh. so you're allowed to work.
i work on the sabbath anyway though lol

>> No.15113149

Where do you guys buy your King Oscar? Cheapest I've found is a bit over $2/tin on Amazon.

>> No.15113330

True story. I just made Gordon Ramsey's sardine pasta recipe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZKLBD_LHYw

It turned out alright. However, my wife (who hates sardines) says it stunk up the house while cooking and caused an "absolutely revolting" smell.

I can sort of see her point. The step where you fry up sardine oil is especially nasty.

The end product is pretty good, though, DESU.

>> No.15113354
File: 2.64 MB, 4000x3000, SARDINE PASTA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /ck/ think? Would Chef Ramsey be proud?

It actually tastes pretty good. About halfway through.

My wife is sitting in the other room.

>> No.15113417

>hecking wiferino

something something do with this information what you will

>> No.15113441

I'm the guy that just made the recipe.


It's super heavy. It's a lot of oil, since you fry up the bread crumbs and stir-fry the sardines and chilis an entire can's worth of sardine oil.

The enormous amount of garlic, chilis, and oregano also completely mask any sardine taste. And the fried bread crumbs give a very nice, crunchy texture, so it doesn't taste "mushy" at all. My plate (in the photo) had an entire can of sardines in it, but you'd have no idea.

So it's a pretty damn good recipe, but everything about it is intended to hide the fact that you're eating sardines. There's a bunch of strong, intense flavors. I was getting overwhelmed with chili, garlic, and oregano.

I don't think I'll make it again. I don't mind cracking open a can of sardines and just eating it on crackers. I don't need to go through such elaborate steps to hide the flavor. Plus, it really does create an overwhelming odor of sardines when you cook it.

>> No.15113463


By "a lot of oil," I mean you pan fry the bread crumbs. And separately, you stir fry the sardines, chilis, and garlic in oil. It's a very very heavy dish, for sure.

I can see why Gordon is considered so good at cooking. I'd have no idea I just ate 20 sardine filets, because I was getting smacked over the head with a bunch of other strong flavors. You can't even see the sardines because you cut them into chunks and toss the pasta with a ton of arugula.

However, it really just feels so... evasive or something. Like you're just doing everything you can to hide the main protein. Gordon said that sardines are a "very versatile ingredient" in his video, but this dish is designed to completely remove the flavor and texture.

I could see a restaurant serving this to yuppies who want to say they ate sardines, but actually hate everything about them. It is an objectively extremely tasty dish, but that has nothing to do with the sardines.

>> No.15113510

>show my stock
Do it faggot
You won't

>> No.15113524

I like hot sauce or mustard, but I respect your opinion

>> No.15113994


>> No.15114352

I'll take my chances with purine over methyl mercury any day.

>> No.15114356

Yep amazon

>> No.15114373
