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15104719 No.15104719 [Reply] [Original]

It's just seeds. Is there anything more blackpilled than whole grain mustard?

>> No.15105781
File: 230 KB, 1920x1280, Korv Stroganoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sausage stroganoff. This shit right here original recipe, but with 3 different types of mustard added plus some dill is next fcking level.
1 Tablespoon of a sweet mustard for the sweetness, 1 tablespoon of French mustard for the heat, and 1 tablespoon of grain mustard FOR THE TEXTURE U UNCULTIVATED CONTEMPORARY VERISON OF A PEASENT, ITS FOR THE TEXTURE CUNT + some flavor

>> No.15105786

Sounds good, but that pic reminds me of just sliced up hotdogs. What kind of sausage is that? It seems like it would be better to use a crumbly kind.

>> No.15105862

traditional Swedish kind. but u can use any tender sausage or even cubed steak, served with white rice

>> No.15105874

never add mustard or dill to sausage stroganoff.

>> No.15105880

I made that twice this week with elk sausage. Beef stock vs chicken.

>> No.15105887

It has flavour AND texture. Grow up tastelet.

>> No.15105889

ask me how i know u never tried it that way

jävla bög skaffa smaklökar

>> No.15105901

post full recipe i'm intrigued

>> No.15105928

Why would you never add mustard to sausage stroganoff? Mustard goes well with sausage. Mustard goes in stroganoff. You are not making sense.

I made a bastard stroganoff last night but it was grand. I braised some short ribs and put them aside, then prepared the stroganoff the same as usual except with the used braising liquid (skimmed the fat off) instead of stock, and the rib slices added back at the end. You do what you can with the cuts of meat you have I suppose.

>> No.15105977

700-800 g sausage or cube steak
butter for the frying
1 yellow onion
3 tsb tomato paste
2 tsb white flour
400 grams milk
200 grams cream
1 tsb dijon mustard or any french
1 tsb grain mustard
1 tsb sweet mustard
salt and pepper
lots of dill

Mix the milk and cream and warm it up on the stove.
fry the meat + onions add the tomato paste into the pan and fry it off a bit that will remove some of its acidity.
Add the flour, mix and then slowly add the warm just warm not simmering milk/cream mixture while stirring.
salt and pepper to taste then add the 3 tsb of mustard garnish with dill served with white rice

>> No.15105984

how the fuck is mustard blackpilled you faggot

anyway it tastes good

>> No.15106126

Yeah, shitty canned mustard

>> No.15106152

Sometimes there's beauty in simplicity... but there should be some cracked or powdered mustard in there, if only to hold the seeds together.

>> No.15106153

Thanks swe bro gonna try this. T. Finn

>> No.15106180

dem som äter fisk maste oksa onanera

>> No.15107177

It's my favorite. Love a piece of bread slathered with old style mustard, lard and onions.

>> No.15107189
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>> No.15107280
File: 1.43 MB, 1920x1024, stock dab JUST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there anything more blackpilled than whole grain mustard
Yes, not using spices.

t. doesn't use spices

>> No.15107284

Fuck that looks amazing

>> No.15108171

Always brother

>> No.15108254

Where the fuck do you find a loaf of brea... how did you get a massive slice of white meat rolled underneath a leek?

>> No.15108257

>white people

>> No.15108480

It's not meat.
That's a strip of cured pork fat.

>> No.15109567

wtf rice? taters or yer moms a faget

>> No.15109589

>wholegrain mustard
>with whiskey
>also its just regular mustard
>but theres a honey stick there
>no mustard on it though

>> No.15109606

I use these to coat brussel sprouts. Shit's cash.

>> No.15109865

Fruktansvärt jävla baserat

>> No.15109947
File: 2.54 MB, 356x300, 4L_9tyAEIsV.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>irish whiskey

>> No.15110180

No one cares about whatever numale bourbon you drink.

>> No.15110181

its not a leek or is that white bread
idk how its typed in english but its called salo

>> No.15111455

it's basically swedish baloney. using the crumbly kind would make it more like a bolognese. the falukorv is there to substitute strips of beef tenderloin.

>> No.15111928
File: 76 KB, 569x799, 61vZkomXRGL._AC_SX569_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, based department?

>> No.15112324

Love this stuff