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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15093922 No.15093922 [Reply] [Original]

Vinny, Vinny check this out

>> No.15094037

>the magic is gone
>Brad doesn't even have Vinny

>> No.15094044

And some failed Indian business owner ruined it for them. The pajeets are winning, Anon.

>> No.15094054

Did they start making episodes again? Did they fire the poo?

>> No.15094055

Vinnie left because Babish poached him.

>> No.15094065

>TIL Anna Wintour is Indian

>> No.15094085
File: 41 KB, 500x410, 1568063885269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can somebody give a TL;DR of what exactly happened? Who did what and why did BA die after it was over? Thanks in advance.

>> No.15094096
File: 755 KB, 750x600, hey cheif we do things differently in ohio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fixed it for you chief.

>> No.15094119

The pets turned on their (((masters))), said they were paid too little and treated like Gamestop employees treat their customers.

>> No.15094129

Was there any truth to that or were they just grabbing for internet fame money?

>> No.15094141

Non-white staffers were getting paid like shit (not just on-camera folks, either) including a black woman who was being paid $200 per video. The racial tensions became too much when a photo of the white editor in chief doing brownface for a Christmas/Halloween party came out from years ago. People started directly comparing salaries in a google doc and the salary shit became more apparent. Most of the on-air editors/contributors went on strike in solidarity with their underpaid colleagues and demanded Conde pay the black and brown folks more. Conde is a huge organization and didn't want to cause a ripple effect in their other properties, so they told everyone to get fucked, and half the staff either quit or opted out of their video contracts.

>> No.15094157

the one gangly indian bitch got mad brad and claire were the stars and not her and accused the company, the fans, and basically everything else of being racist and everyone got the fuck away from the ensuing shitstorm

>> No.15094163
File: 33 KB, 780x439, ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never liked her and her He-Man haircut....

>> No.15094164

Based retard

>> No.15094166

A tiny shred of truth, but basically they got too big for their britches. They wanted PEOPLE OF COLOR to get MORE TIME (caps to showcase how annoying they are). No good deed goes unpunished.
I mean, of fucking course you're going to get less screen time and money than the boss.

>> No.15094197

>The new videos showing up on my recommendations with their over the top diversity hires
>The views are nothing like they used to be
tumbling down
tumbling down
tumbling down

>> No.15094214

>BA videos after a week floating around 150-350k
>Sohla's nearing a million
Babish is gonna be able to afford another house thanks to BA shitting the bed.

>> No.15094223

Can't wait for her to 9/11 his channel in a years time.
Meanwhile I'll still be watching Chef John from foooood wishes dot com.

>> No.15094236

>Can't wait for her to 9/11 his channel
Well, at least your geography is improving.

>> No.15094252 [DELETED] 

Who cares what she is?
She's some dumb, less talented, less charismatic, shitskin nigger that ruined every video she appeared in.

>> No.15094263

Cry more, faggot.

>> No.15094285

not even mad, fren.
Just calling it like I see it.

>> No.15094314

>shitskin nigger that ruined every video she appeared in.
>not even mad

>> No.15094386

Fucks Vinny?

>> No.15094539

the boss of BA didnt even make any videos

>> No.15095298

shame the same can't be said of his intelligence.

>> No.15097031

I don't like her and her politics either, but less talented? From the videos I've seen, she easily outclassed most of the cast when it came to skills

>> No.15097044

Claire spent two years not learning how to temper chocolate despite how useful that would be for her. It didn't occur to her to learn in her own time. Then, finally Sohla taught her. Claire complained that nobody else had thought to teach her. This is Claire, the one who really garnered the channel's popularity.

>> No.15097049

Yeah I don't know wasn't she supposedly like an artistan um um fucking like confectioneryer or something.

>> No.15097052

>Who cares what she is?
>>15094157 , apparently.

>> No.15097193

I dont like her but she is Pakistani and youre an incel and need to COPE

>> No.15097195


>> No.15097244

this, everyone NEEDED her, especially Claire.
It became quite apparent that she was a lvl above everyone else minus some exceptions.

>> No.15097567

I thought it was funny how the two indian looking women were complaining that they were always asked to do ethnic dishes yet when they had cameos they would, unprompted bring up unrelated food that they grew up with. Like the one that always brought up her dads yogurt.