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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 507 KB, 2048x1704, 6527E273-7A8D-45F5-8852-92E92F5BE9E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15087032 No.15087032 [Reply] [Original]

Wouldn’t you like to wake up to this?

>> No.15087036

Faggoty Christmas lights used for everyday decoration? Fuck no. I'm not white trash.

>> No.15087037

>forced air heat
no thanks

>> No.15087038

>that string of burned out lights

>> No.15087040

Very cluttered 4/10

>> No.15087073

Yes, but only because it means I'm with someone that loves me. :(

I wish I had a wife to decorate my house.

>> No.15087093

Do I look like an escapist faggot to you?

>> No.15087096

>cakes for breakfast
>fairy lights
>candle at breakfast time
not really, no

>> No.15087098

Wrong bacon, no black pudding, beans dont look right and Coffee is for fags.

>> No.15087128

i bet it smells really good in there

>> No.15087171

>2 teflon pans

>> No.15087181

>christmas lights as regular lighting
>bunch a sugar for breakfast
>burnt coffee
>cancer inducing scented candle in the morning
>shitty stove
Yeah nah.

>> No.15087190

The only real appealing part to me is the hardwood floors. Even the bikes look like shitty hipster garage sale bikes. No thanks senpai

>> No.15087194

that better not be fucking cinnamon

>> No.15087195

Bro... you are aware of what time of year it is right... right?

>> No.15087201

Remove that gay ass Christmas lights first, then we can talk

>> No.15087377

Cinnamon buns smell amazing, why in God's name would you ruin it with a scented candle???

>> No.15087419

a clean kitchen? yes

>> No.15087426

Looks lonely

>> No.15087451

>fairy lights all over a studio apartment
Yeah but only because it means ive got a fuckpig who will pet my head and tell me im not a bad person

>> No.15087458

Looks comfy, ignore all the kissless virgin haters

>> No.15087464

a what?

>> No.15087466

yes that kitchen is amazing. I love that cake holder.

>> No.15087581
File: 400 KB, 2048x1370, EU3UrkiUEAABoIq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd kill to have this scene with the added bonus of my hopeful future wife standing there wearing nothing but an apron and a smile

>> No.15087604

Christmas isn't in November no matter how much retail stores want you to think it is

>> No.15087615

Shit American food I want savory in the morning not sweet bread

>> No.15087621

What is it with women and putting christmas lights everywhere

Theres probably a >live, love, laugh sign in there too

>> No.15087644

Pastries are more common for breakfast in European countries - hence the so-called "Continental Breakfast."

>> No.15087654


>> No.15087665

>french press
Put a pour-over instead, take out the fairy lights and it'd be great. Would love a place like this with some friends

>> No.15087668

What is it with men and associated all string-lighting with Christmas?

>> No.15087675

French press is cute but aeropress is better

>> No.15087805

Looks small as fuck, obviously some hipster city apartment. Not cool

>> No.15087814

I don't like to wake up at 4am

>> No.15087817

Humans shouldn't wake up before dawn.

>> No.15088881

A woman that cares about his well being. The fact that he uses the term "fuckpig" means its probably something he has yet to experience.

>> No.15088887

I'd rather wake up to booba

>> No.15088953


Bullshit hipster excuse for a kitchen and a home. No thanks

>> No.15088982

looks like one of those shitty expensive crowded apartments my montreal friends are strangely fond of

>> No.15089033

I live in a shitty overpriced apartment and have a similar stove, but three times the amount of counter space, better cookware, better lighting and décor, the same french press but a nice electric kettle, and shoveling down three unfrosted cinnamon rolls first thing in the morning makes me want to vomit.