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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15084768 No.15084768[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ok Im thinking this is BASED.

>> No.15084775

Eat the bugs goy.

>> No.15084784

Trust us

>> No.15084787
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They know.

>> No.15084800

Are they becoming self-aware?

>> No.15084806
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>> No.15084818

No shit

>> No.15084836

Who do you think handles the social media pages of newer companies? Young, internet-savvy people, that's who.

>> No.15084840

I like that poltards simultaneously think they're cultural king makers with their memeing a president into reality while also still being this secret cool kid club nobody is aware of.

>> No.15084861

Are they just leaning into the soy meme at this point?

>> No.15084873

memes aside has anyone tried them before?
kinda curious

>> No.15084923

I had a couple while I was working a catering gig where we supplied them. They're basically just flavored soy milk.

>> No.15084928

If they are, that means soylent is self aware that they are poisoning numales and therefore they are incredibly based

>> No.15084960


heckin based... healthy hairline, good facial hair growth, patrician dress sense and NO NASIOLABAL FOLDS. the opposite of chuds - it's the future!

>> No.15084967

what a brilliant observation anon

>> No.15084983

I assume you're being sarcastic, but honestly, I don't know what else there is to say about them.

>> No.15085020

seriously though, why do people drink this? interested in honest non-meme answers

>> No.15085031
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>> No.15085038
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>> No.15085048

What if I pour it in my ass? Will I grow a vagina?

>> No.15085068
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Convenience, a healthier substitute if you eat unhealthy. I was on an 8 month waiting list to try it when it first came out. I liked it then, the original formula was vegetarian and now they've changed it to become vegan and it never tasted as good/ upset my stomach slightly. But I lost interest in it, I just don't feel comfortable drinking soy, even though I'm going through a dilemma where I don't look forward to eating anymore so a drink to satisfy hunger without cooking is exactly what I want now.

>> No.15085082

I swear, /ck/ has a hate boner for Soylent.

Honest to God, I'm a partner at a law firm. I often work 11 hour days and just am too tired to bring or order a proper lunch. I asked our admins to order some Soylent and keep them in the fridge. I'd rather eat that than spending 20 minutes to drive to Taco Bell (the only close fast food restaurant), as I frequently don't have the time and am tired of the Taco Bell menu. Some of the other attorneys now eat it for lunch on very busy days.

I'm also big into running, and it's a nice snack before I go on a long run. It's calorie dense and doesn't sit in my stomach like many other kinds of food.

What is everyone's problem with Soylent?

>> No.15085088

stale pasta, faggot

>> No.15085091

if you're a partner at a law firm why can't you afford to have a delicious lunch delivered/catered every day?

>> No.15085094

What's this? It seems like it's a Bates-stamped document produced in discovery / FOIA request from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency ("CFIA") saying that there's not enough phosphorus to be labeled as a "meal replacement" under Canadian law, and as such an import shipment was presumably rejected.

Uh, okay.

>> No.15085098

You should probably try to address the problems in your life that make you feel that way instead of pining for something would enable and perpetuate your food issue. Probably didn't need me to say it, but hey.

>> No.15085102

No, I just wrote that. This is me too: >>15085094

I'm not working 11 hour days to spend all the money I make. I often say that if you make $5M a year and spend $5M a year, you're broke (I don't make nearly that much, BTW). I live below my means so I have savings.

Money is about options and priorities. I don't like to spend a fortune on delivery lunches every day because I have other priorities in life.

>> No.15085103

Because if he mentioned any food catering service he would be advertising another product besides his own.

>> No.15085104

>drink product named for recycled human corpses and unironically wonder why people think you're a soulless bugman
definitely a lawyer

>> No.15085141

if you worked every day of the year and ate a $10 lunch every day that'd be less than 4 grand what the hell are you talking about? if you're not trolling you'd positively also be more productive and energetic eating actual food during the day and earn that back at the same time. I'm all for being frugal but not eating is on the same level as sleeping on the floor to save pennies if you're earning more than 500 dollars a month

>> No.15085273

They named their product after a dystopian sci fi product made out of people. Of course they're willing to go self deprecating and "own the meme" about this.

>> No.15085444


>> No.15085455

Self-aware as in publicly expressing self-awareness on a corporate level, retard. Everything's /pol/ with you people.

>> No.15085480

Lmao y’all white people fucked up

>> No.15085545

I love how soylent marketed old people food like ensure to trendy hip young people and sell it at a huge premium

>> No.15085548

He's a cocksucking faggot retard, anon. His word-diarrhea didn't have any inherent meaning.

>> No.15085551

The guy who developed it was a weird autist who hates food and wanted a nutritionally complete slurry that he could guzzle between college classes.

>> No.15085556

He's saying that /pol/ is mainstream.

>> No.15085571

literally rent free

>> No.15085590

Yea tell me about this original creation that hasn't existed for decades. The only difference is its marketed towards young people too busy to eat a meal instead of towards nursing homes and old people too senile to eat solid food.

It's not that it matters I'm just saying this shit isn't new and it's just marketing and they have been successful

>> No.15085596
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Forgot the pic

>> No.15085607

Sloppy bait thread.

>> No.15085608

Nah he literally bought raw vitamin powders in college to make his own gruel mix after concluding that every meal replacement on the market was a glorified milkshake and not suited for replacing real food completely.

>> No.15085628

Yes, foods and drinks are consumed. Hilarious.

>> No.15085638
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yea bro they're so different, cant even compare the two honestly.

>> No.15085722
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>reee don't talk about /pol/ in a soy bait thread
I'm right, you're wrong and Biden is president.
Kill yourself.

>> No.15085731

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.15085744

No he isn't, you fucking idiot. Biden is only the President elect. Trump remains the incumbent until his successor is sworn in.

>> No.15085745

>first ingredient: corn syrup
Anon the image you posted undermines your argument

>> No.15085748
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>> No.15085765


>> No.15085776

>reee don't talk about /pol/ in a soy bait thread
I'm this anon >>15085556
How tf did you get that quote out of what I said?

>> No.15085787

Or, you could, you know, drink a pint of whole milk instead and save yourself the canola oil ingestion. Moron,

>> No.15085797

Just another example of midwit wannabe technocrats
How many compounds, types of undiscovered and discovered vitamins and any other molecule, Actual real food contains ???
You know what’s better than soylent? A glass of milk
Just absolute retards

>> No.15085801

>corn oil and canola oil
Anyone who drinks this is literally poisoning themselves
I ask again, why don’t these faggots just drink a glass of milk?

>> No.15085814

That's such an innocent response. I feel bad now

>> No.15085850

Reading is hard for some people

>> No.15085857


Dial 8, never-a-real-woman.

>> No.15085903

>19g vs 26g of sugar
>crying sugar is the first ingredient while ignoring its the second for soylent (which also uses sucralose later in the ingredients)
>one is LITERALLY poison while the other is suitable replacement for food completely

I see soylents marketing really works, keep buying those $4 drinks

>> No.15085922
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>> No.15086109

I drink it hwen i'm too lazy or busy to cook or i get hungry at like 3 am playing games and don't want to wake my gf.

it's pretty good, the original flavored powder tastes like raw aunt jemima's pancake batter, kind of the same consistency too but not gritty.

>> No.15086129

I just don't get how it's so popular. Or any meal replacement drink.