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File: 62 KB, 192x193, bread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15077390 No.15077390 [Reply] [Original]

I know two people who avoid bread like the plague. One is a body builder who tells me that flour is poison. The other is a well built former soldier who always says that bread will make him fat.

Is bread really that bad or just in extreme cases like theirs?

>> No.15077410

>listening to meatheads and paid killers

>> No.15077435

For centuries, working class people subsisted on diets of mainly bread and beer, and they did fine, turns out there's more to it than what you eat and other factors matter too

>> No.15077468

white bread is what you want to avoid mostly

>> No.15077561

Bread these days is poison because of Bayer-Monsanto Roundup Pre-Harvest Staging where they spray a killing dose onto the mature grain to ease processing and increase yields by 10-15%. That shit WILL cause gastric disturbances in the short term, cancer in the long term.

I know several people with "gluten allergy" who have no problem with organic wheat.

>> No.15077600

dark bread / sourdough is pretty healthy (contains a lot of good shit), it's also high calorie though so you may want to eat less of it if you're trying to lose weight
american-style industrial-grade ""bread"" food (now toasts!) on the other hand is no better than cake

>> No.15077706

It's 100% carbs and isn't very filling. It isn't evil but I don't understand why you'd have it as a meal by itself

>> No.15077720
File: 776 KB, 450x450, 1605514064931.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carb phobia frequently reaches autism levels in my country (American). Wasn't that invented here though? Weren't carb-free diets originally promoted in the US by the meat industry?

>Cooking a 1 gallon pot of tomato sauce at my mom's house
>have stewed in spices, onions, garlic, mushrooms
>add just a tiny pinch of lemon zest and one teaspoon of sugar at the end, to balance flavors
>Mom sees teaspoon of sugar going into the pot full of tomato sauce

>> No.15077741

Bread is just a carbohydrate, not as great for long term energy as steel cut oats or rolled oats but better than candy and soda. I eat bread pretty much every day (usually for breakfast) and I maintain an under 12% bodyfat. Everyone’s body does react differently though and some may find it hard to maintain low bodyfat or even lose weight while eating refined carbs. My wife basically has to eat low carb to lose weight, I’ve put her on numerous diets and semi raw vegan works the best (only vegan because she is one). It’s basically to keep her away from heavy carbs like rice, beans, pasta, and bread which make her gain weight like crazy. Genetics are a hell of a drug.

>> No.15078260
File: 24 KB, 287x154, h7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, that is what I eat every morning.

Thanks for the helpful info.

>> No.15080111

no problem, Guts

>> No.15080943

Lmao, you can't break the laws of thermodynamics. If you eat below your TDEE, you can't gain weight.

>> No.15081008

Make healthy rye bread OP. What goes stale turn it into kvass. If you shit on bread you essentially shit on pasta and rice as well.

>> No.15081013
File: 80 KB, 965x733, biggest-loser-clip-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just pull yourself up by your bootstraps

>> No.15081025

Say it makes you life 3 months longer, is it worth a lifetime of being an insufferable faggot?

>> No.15081033

Yet somehow magically the stomach reduction works ...

>> No.15081064

bread is not a meal, it is part of a meal.

>> No.15081072

yeah, I'm sure this has nothing to do with fatties being dishonest about how much they eat.

>> No.15081085

It doesn't if you don't fix your eating habbits.

>> No.15081087

Surgically induced fasting works, yes.

>> No.15081088

you can always tell when some idiots think they know all about weight gain.

once a person loses weight they will ALWAYS gain it back Egbert WILL gain the weight back it is inevitable. once your body thinks it is starving it will fight you tooth and nail to become fat and stay fat.

if you are thin or even close to normal weight NEVER EVER go on a diet. Never diet before puberty.

>> No.15081092
File: 150 KB, 800x632, Grains_choose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just don't eat refined bread. First ingredient on the back should be whole wheat.

>> No.15081131

Post your physique

>> No.15081138

>once a person loses weight they will ALWAYS gain it back
Post your physique and show the thread why you cope so hard.

>> No.15081147

Lol. I was just looking in the mirror very pleased how much fat has melted away after I substituted rice for bread 3 weeks ago. Fuck bread. Fuck it.

>> No.15081215
File: 467 KB, 1000x1507, 1410640434302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh no it's hard to stay on diet and most people bounce back when they stop dieting
>oh no the older you get the stricter your diet and exercise should be to mantain your shape
>oh no retarded fad diets that starve you of nutrients are retarded and tend to backfire
Wow, who could've thought.

>> No.15081232

>fatties STILL think CICO is not legit
Posting your body should be a requirement at this point.

>> No.15081258

No bread is not a healthy meal, you shouldn't be eating bread as a meal dipshit, it's filler food.

There's nothing wrong with eating bread (any more than any other food) but you need other things for nutrients. Some breads are more or less healthy than others, but on its own bread doesn't have a lot of nutritional value.

Tl;dr: don't eat a loaf of bread in one sitting you fat fuck.

>> No.15081685

No. It's high in simple carbs, and gluten is bad for your digestive system, even if you're not outright allergic. Proofing alters the gluten structure and makes it more digestible, so artisan breads like real sourdough are better than cheap white bread. Eating it with some meals is fine, but eat it in Food Pyramid quantities.

>> No.15083015

health is relative
if you're not genetically predisposed to be intolerant of gluten and have a lifestyle with a high caloric demand it's very healthy