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15075911 No.15075911 [Reply] [Original]

Alcoholic drinks that you exclusively see white women drinking. I go to college and strongbow ciders (Angry Orchard as well) are two staples of the White girl.

>> No.15075954


>> No.15075995
File: 14 KB, 500x500, 47224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moscato wines? Here in my college, white girls simply cannot get enough of the sweet ass Barefoot Moscato.

>> No.15076016

whores love menage a trois

>> No.15076095

Is this a sex joke

>> No.15076147

whores think it is
but its just a shitty blended wine

>> No.15076155

>blended wine
Is this literally just different barrels of wine getting blended together

>> No.15076162

Lmao! This is me and my girlfriends! Always Moscato


>> No.15076166


>> No.15076201
File: 95 KB, 363x1200, barefoot-sweet-red-blend-1.5L.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My girlfriend never ever tells me to buy something on the fly when we go out to Walmart or Safeway since we usually come with a prepared list for groceries. But one time we were in Walmart and there was randomly a giant set of these fucking Barefoot Sweet Red bottles (which apparently were never in that Walmart before) and my girlfriend literally started jumping up and down like a giddy child to ask if we could get a bottle of the Barefoot Sweet Red.

When we got home and tasted it, it was unbearably sweet.

>> No.15077105
File: 124 KB, 745x489, white-claw-lauren-cusimano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15077111

Shut the fuck up. this is not a white girl drink. Men who care about their weight drink this.

>> No.15077115

As an alcoholic. Those a great if you are trying to fool yourself you are not an alcoholic by not buying liquor.

>> No.15077127

I used this to make mulled wine and it was pretty good, but I feel like it would taste like shit to drink by itself.

>> No.15077132

> Mulled wine, also known as spiced wine, is a beverage usually made with red wine along with various mulling spices and sometimes raisins. It is served hot or warm and is alcoholic, although there are non-alcoholic versions of it. It
Neat. Didn't know this was a thing. What did you put in your mulled wine?

>> No.15077136

It only has 1 less carb and 4 more calories than Miller Lite. How is it better?

>> No.15077141

Orange, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, stare anise, and honey all in a crock pot until hot.

>> No.15077149

Miller Lite is 4.3% ABV while White Claws are 5%.....I think the tradeoff to drink more for the same buzz that you get with White Claws is the reason Miller Lite would be considered a bit more fattening.

>> No.15077158

That sounds kino. How long do you cook it for in the crock pot. Im curious because I'm thinking of making my gf this recipe some day.

>> No.15077164

Fair enough, I didn't think about that. I can't really drink with the goal of getting hammered anymore unless I want to end up in front of the toilet for 2 hours the next morning.

>> No.15077169

How many Claws ™ do you have when you drink bro?

>> No.15077170

I think I let it simmer for around 2-3 hours. Don't make the mistake I did and breathe in the fumes before you go to pick up your girlfriend.

>> No.15077172

>the goal of getting hammered
What do you even mean by "hammered"? A buzz should take you like 3 white claws and youre set.

>> No.15077178

I mean like what I used to do in my freshman year of college when I would drink around 10 drinks a night. I usually stop after 3 to 4 now.

>> No.15077184

9 of em within a 4 hour period

>> No.15077189

The whole 12 pack in a day

>> No.15077191

You have 3 or 4 drinks only now right? White claws are not meant to be drank in quantities above 3 or 4 in one sitting unless youre in college.

>> No.15077199

That is disgusting anon. 9 drinks is way too much for my baby bitch stomach.

>> No.15077203

Yeah, If I drink more than that I'll throw up the next day.

>> No.15077213

Bumble foot wine

>> No.15077214

How often do you drink like that?

>> No.15077222

Thanks...I'll look up mulled wine recipes. How did your recipe turn out? People like it?
>Don't make the mistake I did and breathe in the fumes
Did you get fucked up off the fumes?

>> No.15077240

I just made it for my girlfriend and me, but we liked it.
>Did you get fucked up off the fumes?
Yeah, luckily it didn't hit me until after I was parked, but my gf had to drive us back home.

>> No.15077245

women shouldn't be drinking any alcohol

>> No.15077269

That sounds absurd, i wonder how alcohol vapor affects you differently than drinking it. I live about 2 minutes from my gf in a college town so it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world but also....youre making me wanna vaporize booze and see how it feels.

>> No.15077310

Yeah, it was weird and I only had to drive like 2 miles from our house to campus, but I still wouldn't recommend it.

>> No.15077317

Apparently ingesting alcohol vapor is dangerous, I remember a couple years ago there was some "concern" cooked up by the news near me about teens vaping alcohol, and they had someone on who said it could potentially kill you.

>> No.15077327

Also college towns have a shit load of police presence (literally for reasons we're describing in this thread) so getting ninja-drunk on vaporized booze sounds like a bit of a mess. How long did you inhale the fumes for?

>> No.15077338

Is strongbow fancier in the states?
Its a pretty trashy drink here, only one step up from the cheap shit that pissheads drink in derelict playgrounds.

>> No.15077343

>Is strongbow fancier in the states?
Strongbow is absolutely considered a bottom-tier cider meant for college students here as well.

>> No.15077383

Angry orchid green apple is good shit.

>> No.15077439

Pretty sure its called barefoot wine dude.

>> No.15077465

I just opened the lid a few times to smell it, not realizing that I could get drunk off of the fumes.

>> No.15077466

Strongbow is my preferred macro-brew cider, because it's considerably less sweet than most others I've tried, far from what I'd call fancy.

>> No.15077539

How much do you weigh/how tall are you? Because no one should be throwing up after more than fucking 3-4 White Claws.

>> No.15077581

5'11" 175 lbs, I know I shouldn't but I think it's from throwing up from drinking so often in the past or something. Maybe I should see a doctor about it. I don't throw up from 3-4, but around 8 or so is when I have a bad time the next morning. Although two days ago I drank a good bit with some friends without throwing up or even having a hangover, so maybe I've gotten over it.

>> No.15077595

Relax dude that literally happens to everyone. 3-4 on a normal sized stomach is everyone's idea point, but then when you get to the 8 drinks range its expected you throw up unless you eat lots of food with it.

>> No.15077611

Thats pretty funny. You didn't know that alcoholic fumes could intoxicate you?

>> No.15077613

Thanks for letting me know, I was kind of worried because some of my friends can still drink 15+ in a night without throwing up.

>> No.15077616

I mean, it makes sense, but I wasn't thinking about it, and I figured if it did, it wouldn't be very much since it seems like so little compared to actually drinking it.

>> No.15077636

I am just like you, literally anything above 3-4 drinks is when I risk getting barfy the next morning unless I start eating a good amount while drinking. Most normal sized men who eat non-Amerifat amounts of food usually are like us. As you get past college, most normal people can only take 3-4 before they gotta stop or eat or risk getting smashed.
The guys who can drink 15+ a night are usually dipshit college students or people who just eat a lot. I was also that guy in college, I'd start barfing after 5-6 drinks the next morning or even the night of if i really didn't eat enough. I'm 6'0 170 lbs and usually I find that 4 beers is where my stomach goes like "this isn't fun anymore retard stop".

>> No.15077642

The guys who drink 15+ a day either have alcoholic genetics or they eat a shit load, or are taking stimulants.

>> No.15077747

This stuff tastes so gay. Angry Orchard has this unique taste about it that I can't put my finger on but its so fucking weird and gay.

>> No.15077752
File: 19 KB, 458x1000, zymurgorium-realm-of-the-unicorn-liqueur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit and any other 'gins' like it. There's a pandemic of white slags and gays in the UK pretend they like gin to seem cultured but they just like fruit flavoured sugar and getting smashed.

>> No.15077785

Cider is pretty refreshing on a hot summer day

>> No.15077793

Just drink vodka/sodas.

>> No.15077800

Sodas have a ton of sugar/calories. In general, sodas are too sweet (diet ones too). What should I use instead? Club soda with vodka?

>> No.15077812

Then use diet soda. That way the only calories are the booze

Granted if you're an alkie like me you'll be drinking 2000 calories worth of vodka anyway so it's not really that much of a plus

>> No.15077818

DIET SODA IS FUCKING TOO SWEET. Also I'm not an alckie, I have three drinks every other/every third day or so. Which is still a lot of fucking alcohol desu. But still.

>> No.15077820

Yes, if you ordered a vodka/soda, you'd be given vodka with club soda. I get a squirt of lime too. Tonic has calories, club soda doesn't.

>> No.15077850

>be from Algeria
>Muslim nation
>didn't touch a drop of alcohol until I was 24 and moved to USA for post grad
>talk with American white guys
>they tell me to drink bitter, non-sweetened drinks like Whiskey or IPA's
>all these drinks make me violently gag and they are terrible
>meanwhile I love tasty expensive ciders with hints of other fruits like strawberry cider, peach cider, rhubharb cider,
>love sweet wines
>Pina Coladas, Daquiris, Cosmopolitans, I all love them
>Find out male alcohol culture in the USA is literally just getting the worst tasting drinks while women get to drink all the tasty sweet stuff

I will stick with my "White Girl" drinks while you have your shitty IPA that tastes like rotten bread with bitters in it.

>> No.15077872

Gin is the best tasting liquor out there in the sense that it is the easiest liquor to mask the taste of.

>> No.15077909

Then just pour more vodka in until you can't taste the soda, or drink it straight

Drinking it straight leads to far worse hangovers though

>> No.15077913

posting in a deleted thread

>> No.15077917

I used to prefer sugary, girly drinks. But after getting splitting headaches after 2 drinks for a while I now prefer less sugary options. Sugar+alcohol is just a combo that's guaranteed to dehydrate me. Whiskey is good.

>> No.15077934

Taking straight shots of vodka is better for you than sipping on shitty soda-diluted water anyways. Just avoid fucking sugary drinks.

>> No.15077966

>Drinking liquor straight does not give you any worse of a hangover than chasing it or mixing it. Alcohol is alcohol, the only difference is the amount consumed and the method of ingestion.

>> No.15077988

Dehydration is a major factor in hangovers, so if you aren't drinking anything else to make up for the water loss caused by alcohol, you're going to get a bad hangover

Meanwhile I split 1l of Vodka between about 3L of soda water and I don't get any hangover. Maybe a little queasy but a shot or two cures that

>> No.15078048

I'm sure vodka exists to make drinks alcoholic

>> No.15078142

>I'm sure vodka exists to make drinks alcoholic
What in the flying FUCK did he mean by this?

>> No.15078167

what the fuck is it with moscato? I thought white claw was gonna be the basic bitch drink for a while but suddenly this shits everywhere. quarantine got me out of the loop i guess

>> No.15078177

My swole former roommate drank these for the low calories, but yeah generally a white girl drink

I’ve tried them but I feel like I have to slam them twice as fast and have twice as much to get buzzed

>> No.15078181

Fuck you nigger , strongbow tastes great

>> No.15078212

Dude im pretty srue that Barefoot moscato's have been the popular "white girl" drink for a long time before white claws ever hit the market.

>> No.15078756

Thanks for the advice, Mulled Wine bro, I’ll definitely make sure NOT to breathe in the fumes.

>> No.15078794

What I have learned from this thread is to NOT mix Barefoot sweet red, oranges, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, stare anise, and honey all in a crock pot until hot and definitely NOT inhale the fumes.

>> No.15078833

Companies started to market wine towards housewives in the 70s/80s, before that it was either the rich or poor hobos that would drink wine, women drank cocktails before that in the 50s/60s. Most people drank wine/beer/mead early on going back to the romans and greeks so it's stupid to call wine a female drink.

>> No.15078839

you sound like a homosexual wineo

>> No.15078846

You serve it hot or warm right?

>> No.15078858

no, just poor and $2 bottles are cheap.

>> No.15078861


Based. Me and a black friend use to get absolutely hammered drinking bottles of dirt cheap (Christian brothers) brandy wine

>> No.15078864

Tfw all 4

>> No.15079111

Strongbow is dope as shit in stews this time of year. Don't hate on it.

>> No.15079142

I listed three things.

>> No.15079163

Goon (wine bag) or vodka premix in a can

Gin & tonic or Cassis Orange


>New Zealand
Longwhite premix vodkas

>> No.15079214

the wine bag was a popular thing in the US when I was underage about 10 years ago, people would pass around the bag until it was empty then I would steal all their wallets and loose change/weed while they were passed out and leave.

>> No.15079235
File: 22 KB, 920x512, png-transparent-pepe-the-frog-internet-troll-4chan-others-miscellaneous-vertebrate-video-game.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checking those trips but if you care about fitness you shouldn't be consuming alcohol at all you tard.

>> No.15079412

The only person I've met who likes these is my stereotypical white girl cousin. Checks out.
Hard cider is delicious.

>> No.15079420

Presumably that Vodka only exists as a mixer.

>> No.15079569

Where the fuck did you live? Sounds like you're an inner city dweller.

>> No.15079574

Do canadian women have penises?

>> No.15080243

Is cider really for white girls in the USA? Here in the UK it's for cheap alkies and the homeless, since you can get 10 units of booze for only £2

There are nicer versions though. Stuff like kopparberg doesn't even taste like booze

>> No.15080657

vodka + orange soda

>> No.15081084

Juniper is very difficult to hide. What are you smoking?

>> No.15081089

You sound like a jelly poorfag

>> No.15081166

What the fuck is "hard" cider? Is this some American thing involving patriotism?

>> No.15081174

i will sometimes do that like twice a month

>> No.15081180

(im not that anon though, I just usually will have a six pack of something one night of the weekend)

>> No.15081213


>> No.15081285

The volume on the packaging is in fluid ounces. No developed country uses imperial measurments, only the USA.

>> No.15081289

what do black women drink?

>> No.15081291

That just means that the cider is being sold in America, but its definitely not just an American thing.

>> No.15081302

big white cock cum

>> No.15081343

Vaping Alchohol is pretty dangerous because it's harder to dose and you can't vomit it up before it enters your blood

>> No.15081431

I think hard cider is more european

>> No.15081466

The UK is the world's biggest consumer of cider and I've never heard of it here, nor in Spain and France which are also big cider producers. I'm just wondering what has been done to the cider to make it "hard".

>> No.15081512

Red blends that tend to be sweeter. Bitches in my college area love 19 Crimes red blend.

>> No.15081724

Hard cider just refers to it being alcoholic. Apple cider usually means unfiltered apple juice.

>> No.15081752
File: 845 KB, 711x773, 183A737FEAE94E66B6CEF9B678C1A95C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white girl on dating app
>mentions margaritas in her bio

>> No.15081757

You just have autism. Cider = non alcoholic beverage here. Hard cider = alcoholic carbonated apple drink

>> No.15081771

'hard cider' is just what Americans call cider. Nobody in Europe uses that phrase.. apple juice is called apple juice here lmao.

>> No.15081784

>From Middle English sider, cidre, sidre, from Old French cisdre, sidre (“beverage made from fermented apples”), from Medieval Latin sīcera, from Ancient Greek σίκερα (síkera, “fermented liquor, strong drink”), from Hebrew שֵׁכָר (šēḵār, “liquor”).
that yanks call unfermented apple juice 'cider' is bizarre

>> No.15081811

Its because Puritans in America made non-alcoholic cider and it became the norm during the American enlightenment in the 18th and 19th centuries of America. White Americans are retarded yes we all know this.

>> No.15081826

>non-acholic cider
so they made cider then boiled off the alcohol?

>> No.15081833

Yes, exactly.

>> No.15081837

No, unpasteurized apple juice is just called cider.

>> No.15081849

Americans used to ferment apple juice and then boil off the alcohol.

>> No.15082807

I don't think I've seen women drinking cider here in SE AL. It's mainly Whiteclaws, White/Pink Wine, and maybe scrounged Natties.

>> No.15083119


Hey, man. Not all of us are trying to lose weight AND lose out on the fun of getting drunk on the weekend.

>> No.15083133

Yeah, you do

>> No.15083461

Baileys Irish Cream.

>> No.15083639

Really? That's fucking weird.

>> No.15083678

You're woefully misguided friend. Anyone that tells you there are 'girl' and 'boy' drinks isn't mentally old enough to be drinking in the first place. With regards to beer and such it is sweet it's just subtle about it. Theres malty flavours and fruity notes from the hops. The hops does also make it bitter but trust me sweet, unformented wort is much more disgusting than any ipa you've drank.

>> No.15083753

Cider is one of the few alcoholic drinks that actually taste good

>> No.15083871

it always make me feel sick afterwards if i have a few

>> No.15084187
File: 77 KB, 512x408, 1597618579671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's more a comment on the prevalence of alcoholism up here. Women (and chinkcels) drink beer or those 2L bottles of shit cider. Men drink harder stuff until their livers die, at which point old faggots drink wine instead.

I think the best comparison for an American is to imagine if one of your backwater states was an entire country. Widespread fields of nothing and raw resources, rural sprawl, all controlled by a couple of faggot-infested capital cities. Most of us would die without our booze.

>> No.15084280

I think it's more about genetic background.
I'm half Lebanese and started drinking at 14. Started pretty hard too but never liked the taste of vodka and such. Vodka and whisky alongside gin taste like Javel smells. I'm way more than happy to stick to beers, lambic, wine, ciders etc.
I like sweet, high quality rums though.

>> No.15084301

drink raisin and muscat wines and call it a cultural thing, you'll get sweet drinks and look like a worldly motherfucker.

>> No.15084316

I'm not going to tell you how stupid it even is but if you're planning on evaporating vodka and smelling the fumes then PLEASE RECONSIDER.

>> No.15084403

During prohibition "cider" ended up referring to particular apple juice drinks, so when prohibition was lifted actual cider became "hard" cider.

>> No.15084439


Explain to me what a cider is. I had someone recommend cider to me last weekend after I told them that I really don't like beer or wine.

>> No.15084467

It's an alcoholic drink made of apples. It's ok. Like beer in that it's light brown/yellow, carbonated, and around 5% ABV, but of course does not taste like beer.

>> No.15085809
File: 2.91 MB, 900x506, duality of man.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Whiskey and dark beer is a white man's game. It is understandable that you are unable to process it, mentally or physically.

>> No.15086541

This and Moscato and your basic gf will be pleased. Anytime I got to a get together now I get some of this adult juice for my friends wives wishing someone was into actual wine so I can taste something different

>> No.15086590

nah as an Aussie I'll say it's because alcohol prices are even more fucked up in Canada than Australia.
if you want anything stronger than a 6-pack of beer you'll be paying almost a day's wage for it.
Even wine, which is $3 a bottle, $9 for a gallon bag in most countries starts at like $20 a bottle $40 for a bag in Canada.
not to mention hard liquor you basically need to mortgage your house to pay for.
somehow they ended up with prices higher than Australia but their wages/pay is like half of ours.

>> No.15086595

Americans feel the need to point out that the cider is alcoholic for some reason when there's no such thing as non-alcoholic cider.

>> No.15086598

fruit alcohol.
literally that's it.
here in NZ you can get cider made from almost any fruit.
when i lived in Canada I used to buy the Pomegranate cider because the French language side of the bottle says "Grenade" which I always thought was funny

>> No.15086600

C while I would prefer to stay away from both of these individuals, the one on the left I would stay away from out of aversion whereas the 1 on the right I would stay away from out of respect.

>> No.15086605

>and around 5% ABV
the fuck sissy panzy shit are you drinking?
most cider starts at 9% absolute minimum. i've seen it as high as 14%

>> No.15086611


Does your Strongbow have glucose syrup too? (Trash...)

>> No.15087535

I don’t know where that guy lives but in the UK average ABV for cider is around 5%, similar to beer. Where do you live anon?

>> No.15087597

Unstable turbowhore my roommates were friends with in college loved this shitty malt drink called "Kinky." I think making stuff sound sexy just locks in the whore market pretty easily, it tasted awful.

>> No.15087607


>> No.15087611

white girls are metal as hell drinking sugary alcohol and enduring the hangovers

>> No.15087617

whisky, straight up

>> No.15087620

Is the Strongbow tourney where the men's pub league team blows out some Olympian women or something totally memory-holed?

>> No.15087678

I love these. I slam two in the shower and two more on my way to the pizza joint every Friday night after work and I reach nirvana

>> No.15087681
File: 114 KB, 2019x1519, trollthred.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and racist

>> No.15087710

smirnoff ice
that's it

>> No.15087713

>Angry Orchard
my roommate is the only nigga i know that drinks that shit

>> No.15087772

This might be the most retarded post I've ever seen

>> No.15087921

I like this stuff I'm actually drinking some right now I have once every you know 6 months it's not bad tasting it's not offensive it's just sweet like pop

>> No.15087927

I've never seen that one I wonder if we get it up here in leafland

>> No.15088528

New Zealand

>brags about drinking piss water
>damage control mode
>"call him a moron"
>yeah that did the trick

>> No.15088540

Fuck ciders. I tried Angry Orchard Rose Cider and it tasted like sugar mixed in piss. No idea how people can drink this shit

>> No.15088583

Why is it that wine is associated with women in the usa?

>> No.15088615

That pic is so obviously shopped I'm seething.

>> No.15088622

Because most women drink almost only wine and there's a whole cancerous subculture of 'wine moms' who get wasted on it at book club meetings or an Olive Garden. Very pretentious group

>> No.15088630

Post tits

>> No.15089636

There's nothing racist about my thread chud, white girls just have funny ass drinking choices because everything they drink is hangover-fuel.

>> No.15089644

Angry Orchard has this herbal aftertaste I love

>> No.15089656

Are the mythical wine moms a real personality?

>> No.15089663

>most cider starts at 9% absolute minimum. i've seen it as high as 14%
No it doesn't you obnoxious retard.

>> No.15089676

Is the dude on the right-hand side of this webm pouring an In N Out vanilla shake on his burger?

>> No.15089727

Pretty much most mainstream american ciders have fructose corn syrups to flavor it

>> No.15089741

>drinking terrible fattening alcohols is a white mans game
sounds about right.

>> No.15089746

>I don't think I've seen women drinking cider here in SE AL
Why do you say SE AL as if any of use are supposed to know what your shithole is

>> No.15090465
File: 449 KB, 972x1200, 2015-12-20-12-31-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some damn good cider sold out everywhere

>> No.15092124

africans love dark beer, guinness is very popular there

>> No.15092619

Processing alcohol adds ~100 calories.

>> No.15092953

Africans drink beer? Always thought they were into moonishine.

>> No.15092977

This. My mom drinks it and she has that "Live Laugh Love" shit in her house.

>> No.15092980

you're not drinking cider as it is made in England (i.e where cider is from) you're drinking apple wine or some shit. Also you're some insecure closet-case that calls people gay for drinking lower ABV beverages.

Fucking state of kiwis, no wonder you're the least popular anglos.

>> No.15092987

>insecure closet-case that calls people gay for drinking lower ABV beverages.
Entire drinking cultures revolve around this attitude.

>> No.15093070

Cider is basically watered down Riesling

>> No.15093119

Based drunk

>> No.15093189

Hennessy or anything that makes them feel like they're consuming something expensive.

>> No.15093243

Fuck you

>> No.15093265

>t. seething faggot wine drinker

>> No.15094235

Someone explain why everyone I know who drinks this is incredibly annoying.

>> No.15094244


Because birds of a feather flock together.

>> No.15094259

Why don't you just bring some nicer wines for a change?

>> No.15094262


Hard liquor is 45 calories per serving. You can get shitfaced on less than 250 calories if you time it right

>> No.15094271

>Hard liquor is 45 calories per serving.
What is the lowest calorie hard liquor?

>> No.15094315

cheap sweet wine
they think it makes them seem "fancy" and not trashy for some unknown reason

>> No.15094322

ingesting alcohol anally supposedly gives a stronger effect than drinking it
I'm not even joking

>> No.15094328

men who care about their weight drink vodka shots
or, more likely, they don't drink at all

>> No.15094334

Are flavored vodkas high in calories?

>> No.15094569

if they contain sugar, yes (and they usually do)
although gin is technically a flavored vodka and the most common london dry variety generally doesn't contain sugar I guess

>> No.15094579

SW AL here. No one drinks cider here. No one really drinks Natties either because Dollar General has Icehouse on sale pretty much year round.

>> No.15094585

I guess maybe elsewhere but I never see women drinking cider here, only guys. For me it's Stella Artois Cidre.

>> No.15094600

American ciders are heavilly watered down with juice and have a lot of added sugars

>> No.15094628

It’s called a vaportini. Skinny girls vape alcohol from it to avoid calories. It does work, but it’s a pain in the ass, so after one novelty vaportini sesh, everyone goes back to shots of vodka or vodka sodas.

>> No.15094634

Except riesling is made from grapes, the only similarity is tartness.

>> No.15094916

High chance of them not drinking it. Maybe I'll bring the sweet shit and another decent one next time but I've been around them enough to know if they don't like it they're just gonna have it sitting in the house for a year.

>> No.15094995

I think we've reached peak retardation gentlemen

>> No.15094997

Why do people think Gin has a strong scent?

>> No.15095093

Tastes like cologne.

>> No.15095612


>> No.15095684

But that's wrong. 'Cider' in America refers to unfiltered, non-alcoholic apple juice. Hard marks the distinction.

>> No.15096830

I'm gonna say it.
I like drinking Cruisers.

>> No.15096872
File: 59 KB, 600x600, F658465A-715E-4DCF-B972-01B0EF168497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my ex gf’s favorite beer... she’s an atypical kind of lass though.

>> No.15096892

It also was my grandma s favourite beer

>> No.15096931

leffe is pretty based, but I prefer the blond one, this oneis two sweet for me

>> No.15096932

Was your grandma a Greek communist with a fat ass?

>> No.15096986

The rule here in Australia is if you're a guy with a cruiser you need to neck it.
Me and my friends will normally buy a carton (24 bottles) and play all the drinking games with that over 2 hours then move onto jacks or whatever you drink.

>> No.15097010

Any kind of sweet white wine.

>> No.15097204
File: 78 KB, 400x600, ci-sobieski-vodka-c668b490c80edff7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drink alone, don't see other people drink unless they're on the street. Used to do lower-shelf vodka or everclear-like variants, but the burn stops feeling so great after the ulcers stick around.
The idea of trying to get drunk off of wines or ciders makes my stomach curl.

>> No.15097231

Czechs and Germans consider dark lager to be a women's beer

>> No.15098311

are you a polish alcoholic woman?

>> No.15098323

Nah, murrigan
Just an alcoholic who loves the slinger and sloppa and the moona and the joona and the springa

>> No.15098340

Oh okay, what were the drinks you were first introduced to as an Amurrigan?

>> No.15098358

Actually vodka, rum and whiskey.
I just went to a liquor store at 21 and purchased a few to sample out, after recs from /r9k/ nearly a decade ago. I only half regret it, since I wasn't exactly mentally healthy under the influence of just reality.
Most beer is sickly sweet to me except some stouts and IPAs, yet alone wine and cider.

>> No.15098361

So you weren't an alcoholic really before you were 21?

>> No.15098363
File: 82 KB, 800x800, pirinsko-2l-pet-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im from europe so never tried something like this. i think? does it taste like seltzer? also does it really have 5% al by volume? why are americans so lightweight here in my country we sell beer in a 2L bottle and i've drank 2 and a half in a sitting. lmao

>> No.15098369

Genetically predisposed to it, but yeah, I never drank a drop until then

>> No.15098370

That is really interesting.
Oh so you were extremely mentally ill before you started drinking.

>> No.15098390

This was back in the greentext era of like, 2010-2012, so it is much different to /r9k/ today. My main boards are /out/ and /diy/ today.
More than anything it was probably just undiagnosed autism, and alcohol enabled me to discover a world where bright lights, unexpected touches, and strong smells didn't make me want to crawl up in the fetal position to mitigate sensory overload.
Actually, yeah, extreme mental illness is probably fitting compared to the norm.

>> No.15098966

God, anything but seltzer and vodka is suicide