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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15073695 No.15073695 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here always constantly hungry? How do you sate your hunger?

>> No.15073697

by reminding myself that I am poor

>> No.15073704

Rice and water. Also stop depression / boredom eat.

>> No.15073706

Sucking cock works nicely for me

>> No.15073719

>depression/boredom eating
I forget people actually do this

>> No.15073728


>> No.15073731

Go away retard

>> No.15073735

I drink a liter of water in one guzzle and immediately run as fast as I can around the yard until I start panting, then spin around on the spot until I fall over. Makes me nauseous and kills my appetite every time.

>> No.15073743

My stomach hurts and makes me think I'm hungry, and the only time I know for sure is when I start to feel weak. How do I fix this?

>> No.15073758

I live being hungry.

>> No.15073770


>> No.15073834

By actually going to a doctor to get your parasites clean.... you disgust me

>> No.15073876


>> No.15073885

brush your teeth several times a day.

>> No.15073889

>brush your teeth several times a day.
I want to hear the logic behind this assuming it relates to hunger. Dental Hygiene should always be upheld of course.

>> No.15073894

I have an unstoppable sexual drive, nonstop lust even in my dreams. Fortunately I work at a preschool so I get plenty of action, so to speak.

>> No.15073898

You're not always hunger. You just think hunger means the sensation you get when you're done digesting your food.
This isn't hunger. Hunger happens when you're actually weak and haven't eaten in 24 hours or so. As to your solution? Ignore it. You'll stop feeling like you need food if you ignore the feeling for an hour or so.

>> No.15073930

Lowkey this and nuts. Rotate different kind of nuts to not get tired of them. Another upside of this is after shitting your butt is always clean.

>> No.15073939

You do not know op. Maybe they are skipping warm meals out of poverty and are lowkey malnourished.

>> No.15074077
File: 84 KB, 300x325, 1526008248882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I have this problem sometimes.
>When you can't tell if you're nauseous or hungry.
>Don't want to make food just to waste it if you take one bite and vomit.
>Also don't want to pass out from not eating.
I'm a normal weight, wish I knew why this happens.

>> No.15074084

I'm not always hungry really, but I do really really like eating food and always seem to have room for more

>> No.15074092


>> No.15074095

>can't stay still
>always need to move around
>burn thru energy and always munching on something
Why am I like this?

>> No.15074166

ADHD most likely

>> No.15074483

>mfw i know what the full version of this image is and could expose OP as a fag but by admitting that i know the full version of the image i'd expose myself as a fag too
What a dilemma

>> No.15074532

Interesting fact: hunger is a portemanteau sensation for
- food need
- water need
- salt need

Also, don't mistake your stomach emptying itself into further parts of your guts with it (~2h post meal for me).

>> No.15074542

I started taking vitamins and a probiotic. Then I started meal planning to balance what I ate and drank a lot of water.

>> No.15075608

Drink tea or chew gum

>> No.15075614

stop eating long enough and it goes away. eat well and you'll stay satiated. if you're constantly hungry you need to fix your diet

>> No.15075621

count your calories :(
it's not fun

>> No.15077541

Bump :3

>> No.15077548

At least its energy being used though having to keep moving sounds like hell.
You're posting on /ck/, you're already a fag

>> No.15077602

>How do you sate your hunger?
stop eating processed foods
stop eating fat
The majority of you calories should come from starches like potatoes, oatmeal, beans, bread.
Fat is addictive. Fat is what is giving you those hunger pains. Processed food, like snack food, is scientifically designed to make you feel hunger pains and also over eat.
I eat two big meals of mostly starch, I never snack, and I skip dinner. I never feel hungry. I also exercise for an hour after my last meal, which is usually before noon, and I still don't feel hungry all evening and into the morning, even. Starch heavy diets will keep you sated for many hours, you just have to eat a lot of starch, more than you are usually comfortable with eating, but keep fat to a bare minimum. Only a tiny amount of fat should be eaten with a daily vitamin to help with absorption.

>> No.15077715

I'm not really hungry, but stress and boredom both make me crave food, and I'm often either stressed or bored.

>> No.15077742

fat is extremely satiating. You don't even need much to become and stay satisfied. A quarter of an avocado on your salad with a cup of soup and a dinner roll will keep you going for five hours. Fat is not bad for you, overeating is and since fat has twice as many calories per gram as the other two macronutrients a little goes a long and effective way.

>> No.15077782

Isn't that cropped diaper art?

>> No.15077870

Its Futaba so possibly

>> No.15077894

You'd better believe it.

>> No.15077897

>fat is extremely satiating.
this is simply not true at all. please think about it. fat has 9 calories per gram, starch has 4. So you can eat more than twice as much starch, killing your belly, than fat. fat is absorbed and stored as body fat, starch is burned immediately and excess is stored as glycogen in the liver and muscles. Only as a last resort is starch converted into fat.

>> No.15078111

This is so wrong it hurts. Satiation is not the sensation of a stretched stomach, it is hormonal, notably ghrelin, which is released in larger quantities after consuming fats and proteins than carbohydrates. If you only feel full when your stomach reaches physical capacity, you have a medical disorder, and need to see a doctor yesterday.

>> No.15078131

Just realized I fucked up. Ghrelin is suppressed more by fat than carbs, and it is the hormone that makes you hungry, not that makes you full. I got two things wrong and somehow still ended up with the right conclusion.

>> No.15078133

Bruh you're so fucking dumb. Please stop talking

>> No.15078381

>Satiation is not the sensation of a stretched stomach
It is. admit you are wrong and I got you on this, you are so clueless that you failed realize the obvious problem with fat is that it is so calorie dense which means it isn't filling. If you ate enough fat to feel full, you'd consume more calories than you should in an entire day.

Fat also doesn't raise blood sugar, so it isn't satiating in this regard, either. starch does raise blood sugar. You want that blood sugar spike to make you feel satisfied, and you want it to happen quickly, so you stop eating quickly enough to not over eat. Blood sugar spikes release lots of satiating signals. the insulin is released and the sugar starts to feel the cells and make you feel better.

look you people are low information people. You are pop science people. You eat propaganda and do not think logically, and just believe what the food industry says. if you actually did some research you'd know I'm right. The food industry can't have people eating oatmeal and potatoes every day, they'd go broke.

>> No.15079185

Stop eating candy and other sugary snacks. They make you constantly crave more.

>> No.15079191
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>stop eating candy
You and your Dentist Menagerie can't stop me from eating Candy

>> No.15079193

chew on cinnamon sticks

>> No.15079370

But I could use that to make Horchata anon

>> No.15079386

But that is just sugar water. Cinnamon will satisfy hunger, give you something to chew on, and kills bacteria in your teeth.

>> No.15079389

oh and it has 0 calories.

>> No.15079448
File: 1.68 MB, 1080x1080, 1605217860364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh! Know why you are hungry? Because you eat shit tier food 24/7 that does not actually have any nutritional value.

Steak, whisky, done. Simple as. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Vegan.

>> No.15079459

But I eat a lot of meat anon be it thru sandwiches, grilled, stews and what have you. I only eat out if I won't be home for a while.
Sorry anon but I dont drink. Generally stick to water or lemonade.

>> No.15079564

>cheap meat, knife and cigar
>overpriced whiskey and gun
I can't tell if you're trying too hard or not hard enough.

>> No.15079916

>talking about nutrition
Nice meme

>> No.15080071


>> No.15080983

I meant what I said. You need to see a doctor.

>> No.15081304

I had the same problem. Really it steams from constant eating, you body isn't used to you NOT eating and it starts to freak out. The best thing to do is really just not give in and eat at the appropriate times and eventually you will get it over it. Though sometimes you do just eat to small of a meal or whatever, it's best to just eat a small snack that isn't too filling or that high in sugar just to hold yourself over to get back in your schedual.

>> No.15081494

eating food

>> No.15081525

Not him but the taste of toothpaste lingering in your mouth makes you less likely to eat.
It's psychological rather than physical.

>> No.15081534

keto diet worked for me.
avoid carbs

>> No.15082258

I'm a dog btw

>> No.15082388

shut up dog i am sick of your incessant borking.

>> No.15082891

Dude you’re a fucking retard from Big Grain. Westerners eat way too many fucking carbs, and you’re wrong about starches filling you up. They fill you up for the first few hours but after that leaves you with massive hunger pangs. Every time I eat meats and fats, I stay full longer, it’s literally the opposite. I also fast, so I know what hunger feels like fatty, I bet you eat 3 meals a day.

>> No.15082902

> You want that blood sugar spike to make you feel satisfied

Please post body.

>> No.15084281

>letting it stop you from eating
It'll take more than Toothpaste to stop me

>> No.15085356
File: 131 KB, 800x642, tarrare-drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone here always constantly hungry? How do you sate your hunger?


>> No.15085375

Stop eating sugar and carbs anon.

>> No.15085400


>> No.15085431

whomst /fast metabolism/ ?
been skinny as fuck ever since i could walk and talk

>> No.15085454

Eat 1lb of raw broccoli. Your hunger will dissipate.

>> No.15085467

>all items cheap or low-quality
Real people are talking, boomer.

>> No.15086408

>eat vegetables
Ill stick to my meat thank you very much

>> No.15086423

>After being suspected of eating a toddler he was ejected from the hospital.

>> No.15086434

>If you ate enough fat to feel full, you'd consume more calories than you should in an entire day
I'd feel satiated then sick long before consuming my daily calories in fat. Don't you?

>> No.15086454

Source :

>> No.15086495

Allow me to make several guesses about your lifestyle:
Your meal routine is extremely scheduled.
It has been for years, maybe decades.
Only severe illness may make you skip one of your two daily meals.
You think fasting for longer than you do daily is dangerous.
You would lack the willpower to do so anyway.

You're a particular case and I wouldn't draw as much conclusions as you do from it.

>> No.15087683

>Anyone here always constantly hungry?
Yes I've got stomach problems that flair up every now and again causing insane pain, the past two weeks I've struggled to even manage 1000kcal per day
>How do you sate your hunger?
small sips of cold water throughout the day

>> No.15087709

Fasting will help with that. It's only hard in the beginning, like exercise.

>> No.15087714

Im hungry until I eat then it goes away its weird

>> No.15087850

Try distracting yourself by going for a walk, drinking water, or working out. You're probably just bored.
If that doesn't work go see a doc about the friends you're harbouring in your gut.