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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15069465 No.15069465 [Reply] [Original]

Saw these stupid promo pic all the time, do European really gets to eat all these luxurious food daily ? What's your diet like

>> No.15069472

I eat dirt and writhe around in filth

>> No.15069476

>luxury food
Looks like mid-shelf supermarket stuff to me. The truffles and caviar are a meme, nobody but rich fucks who want to show off eat those. The real good stuff is what you get from a farmer's market, and even there most of the shit is just that - rebranded shit.

>> No.15069482
File: 113 KB, 1200x784, 51ed90b23770e2deb0707ccf0e4d09c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these luxurious food

If you think THAT'S luxurious,... well, god bless you man. lol

>> No.15069486

Overpriced middle class idiot fare packaged up for tourists when you could get the same stuff from most supermarkets, even in the US, is not luxury.

>> No.15069522

That's the kind of stuff you find in French supermarkets tho.
Maybe an American can think the packaging is fancy but it's not, it's just adapted to European tastes.
And yes it's certainly not 'luxurious'

>> No.15069524

Mon Dieu

>> No.15069548


>> No.15069549

Most of the European food you consider luxurious is not so expensive. You a lot of import fees in the US

>> No.15069551

*You pay

>> No.15069611
File: 64 KB, 1591x1642, 1548872180413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sliced bread
>small pancakes
>emulsion with fish eggs with some truffle oil
>same but with fish eggs only
>salmon with a lack of colour
>butter in foil
Most supermarkets (think smaller walmarts) sell packages like this or they could be cheese plates that are slightly overpriced or the individual parts.

It doesnt cost much, but more than the average american fare. If you are american you should be able to afford to order these things (sans the bread) online and still be able to afford it due to higher wages and lower taxes in the US. It might be available in stores if you live in a larger city in the US.

Americans for some reason prefer to eat cheap food and rather spend their extra money on new cars and larger homes than their european counterpart.

>> No.15069615

probably an american who gets all his food from a spray bottle or a drive in

>> No.15069759

That actually looks pretty tacky anon, but, uh, yeah, I guess. We wouldn't consider that luxurious though, it's literally just bread and toppings and shit.

>> No.15069770

And vice versa. I'm so fucking angry at the anons who talk about how cheap their shitty bourbon is. It's NOT FUCKING CHEAP OUTSIDE OF YOUR GODDAMN CONTINENT FUCK STOP TELLING ME HOW GOOD VALUE FOR MONEY IT IS AND THEN IT TURNS OUT IT'S TWICE AS EXPENSIVE HERE

>> No.15069808

oh americans........ they really do............

>> No.15069840

It's because Americans don't want moldy cheese ,canned cheese, shitty bread and prechewed meat. Maybe if you yuros had teeth they would demand steak

>> No.15069856

>What's your diet like
deenz sandwich, it's all a meme bro

just like how american are supposed to eat corn syrup infused food everyday

>> No.15069860

Americans are such dishonest babies.

>> No.15069874

At least we can afford teeth to eat with

>> No.15069883

luxury in europoor is mcdonalds food.

>> No.15069895

Dumbass mcdonald aren't cheap in Europe. There's no Euro menu ffs

>> No.15069896

Why do yuros drink coca cola all the time? Is it because their tap water is polluted?

>> No.15069902

Ok bitches so what is luxurious food in Europe then

>> No.15069934

>Dumbass mcdonald aren't cheap in Europe.
I just said it was luxury retard.

>> No.15069962
File: 62 KB, 1180x800, seared-foie-gras-recipe-fp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15069990

ok morbidly obese trans spic

>> No.15069991

but that also luxury in the U.S.
especially with the current bannings.

>> No.15069997

>land of the free

>> No.15070003

the people control the states, what are gonna do sit and argue with a Californian?

>> No.15070005

You can smoke weed but not eat foie gras? Shit country

>> No.15070006

i checked the price of the 3 jars on the left and they are (top to bottom) 6.50€ 11.50€ and 7.50€

>> No.15070012

In some states you can do both.

>> No.15070019

Ok mutt , then why don't you have teeth? Even canadians can afford teeth

>> No.15070026

We do have teeth, we also live longer than you and we're way healthier. Also, calling me mutt...

>> No.15070037

that looks like a tourist lunch box

>> No.15070043

I'd only pay for the terrine, diluted meme tarama is cringe, porc noir is based.

>> No.15070046

Why do yuros eat overproccessed shit from jars?

>> No.15071103

weird opinion. both truffles and caviar can be very comfy on occasion.

>> No.15071839

Because like everyone else they're lazy sometimes. Duh.

>> No.15072014

Sausages and milkybars

>> No.15072562

>the people control the states
I am not saying EU is better but atleast we dont pretend to be the land of the free

>> No.15072611

Ahh yes the 53rd Amendment.
"In order to feed the fancy fucks the right to force feeding ducks shall not be infringed."

>> No.15073932

Most europoors just eat frozen stuff all week

>> No.15074244

Maybe I was a tourist and the locals were jacking up their prices, but damn, food is tons expensive in southern Europe. It was cheap but shit quality in Britain though. And I had to pay double or even triple for fresh food that had the same quality as the mid tier stuff at home. Almost felt like vomitting when I ate British beef and chicken. Australian beef/chicken seem like 5 tiers above compared to the stuff over there. Made me appreciate our good quality cheap food, even if we dont have much of a culture here that our pretentious twats keep moving to Europe

>> No.15074348

I live alone so I freeze my own cooking. So you're not wrong on that, except that I don't buy disgusting premade frozen food at the store, and I still eat fresh foods several days a week.