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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.04 MB, 1000x1333, tuscan white bean sausage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15066121 No.15066121 [Reply] [Original]

made some tuscan white bean with italian sausage soup today.
what is your favorite soup to make /ck/?

>> No.15066199

Whenever I make soup, it tends to be more of an informal "shit I need to get rid of all these veggies before they go bad" type of vegetable stew, made of whatever's in the fridge at the time.

>> No.15066229
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I make soup all the time. This is from today
I usually put a jar of tomatoes in my soup

>> No.15066239

that looks really good

>> No.15066256

For me it is budaejigae, the most comforting soup

>> No.15066264
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Shit, forgot pic

>> No.15066277

holy fuck. i am definitely going to try that, any particular recipe you follow?

>> No.15066287
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we just had a soup general on /pol/ that hit 170 replies in 45 minutes before janny pruned it
I like goulash, but going to attempt a Pozole at the recommendation of some other anons

>> No.15066322


We are discussing the political benefits of Soup, here.

>> No.15066325
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posting a couple based soups from the censored soup thread

>> No.15066327

reminds me of martha stewart's one pot spaget fiasco

>> No.15066330
File: 73 KB, 700x1050, Hungarian-Goulash-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that janny will just delete it again

>> No.15066339

I will not be kept down by some Soup hating janny. You get your ass over there and bump that thread.

>> No.15066345

dude pozole is amazing, I love that shit. used to date a mexican girl and her family would give me tons around this time of year.

>> No.15066352

Goulash is a stew. The American version of goulash is absolutely nothing like real goulash.

>> No.15066363

very nice start to the thread anons, gonna take note of these for when it gets a bit colder

>> No.15066390


nobody cares

>> No.15066419
File: 172 KB, 1200x630, french onion soup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I care anon, look forward to trying it

>> No.15066420

I got some inspiration from Maangchi though I also have a Korean-American cookbook that I referenced as well when starting to make this food. If you'd like I can upload a photo of that recipe. Otherwise Maangchi's recipe is really solid. I think the biggest difference is how many anchovies the cookbook adds to the stock, which is made ahead of time. Maangchi doesn't use a prepared stock for this recipe but rather makes up a quick stock before making the soup.

Anyway, it's pretty much an "everything and the kitchen sink" soup. I found that I don't really care for hot dogs or sausage in it, but the spam is completely non-negotiable, and I cut it into nice large cubes, as its flavor contrasts really nicely with the fishy/spicy/funky broth. So I like to get almost a mouthful of spam when I eat a piece of that. So I cut it to almost fill a soup spoon. Pork belly is definitely a good other protein to add. Onion should definitely be used here, probably green and white onions for this dish is what I would do most of the time. Shiitake mushrooms of course. And something I consider really important too, enoki mushroom. If you haven't tried these, they're super tiny thin and long mushrooms that are slightly crisp like a vegetable when raw. When you cook em they get soft and "noodle-like" so it's almost like little noodles made of mushroom. So I love those in there. Definitely add some kimchi as well, and some of the brine from the kimchi can be a good addition for flavor too. I don't go too crazy with that though and give the broth most of its flavor from the stock (which I make ideally with anchovy, kombu, scallion whites, and green peppers, if I have all of those things) and the addition of gochujang and gochugaru. I like a little doenjang in there as well. Otherwise there isn't much else to it. Add the ingredients that take longest to cook first. Add dried instant noodles towards the end of cooking. And always serve with some American cheese on top.

>> No.15066428

Recipe? Sounds good

I make curries, chili, beef burgundy, and beef a la flamande (more recently)

Also pho and ramen but I don't make those myself

>> No.15066436
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Recipes, pls

>> No.15066447

I made carbonade flamande with maybe 3-4 onions, think I'm ready for French onion soup

>> No.15066454
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>> No.15066457

Also definitely give doenjangjigae a try if you're making Korean stews. It's fucking awesome with potatoes and so comforting.

By the way I forgot to mention the tofu. Gotta have tofu in budaejigae.

>> No.15066472

Me too but that’s not a bad thing. Omelettes are great like that too.

>> No.15066482

If I were to use real cheese, would it fuck it up?

>> No.15066489
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looks hearty, delicious and honestly better than any french onion soup, nice work bro

>> No.15066494
File: 244 KB, 1200x1800, beef-and-barley-soup-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another soup I'm a huge fan of is beef and barley mushroom soup.
this should work, but I substitute kale with spinach, and I like to use quite a bit. not a fan of kale.
sounds good anon, thanks for all the info! gonna give it a try soon.

>> No.15066517
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Yes, the point of the cheese is its curious tangy flavor and the way it dissolves.

If you're opposed to using American cheese, I would say skip the cheese altogether. But I would recommend giving it a try. American cheese is of course a rather processed food, but it keeps for an exceptional amount of time in the fridge, and it has pretty unique properties. I keep it around basically only for making this stew and for when I make cheeseburgers, which I probably only do once every 6 months or so. I suppose cheddar cheese work work (you do want that tangy flavor) but I dunno much else that would really cut it. Pic related, made burger last night.

>> No.15066612

This just looks like ravioli pasta on a watery tomato sauce/soup. How is this soup?

>> No.15066616

I don't like to disparage, especially because she seems like a lovely woman, but the recipe from gatherforbread is to me a little bit lacking and seems kinda basic. Wouldn't it be nicer to get some more color on the mushrooms before adding the broth? Another thing I've heard is that chicken stock is superior to beef stock, if using store-bought, even for beef stews. I do like the idea though and will give it a try at some point. Seems very hearty and healthy.

>> No.15066617
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>this looks like soup
>how is it soup

>> No.15066621

Im interessed in making a beer-cheese soup, can anyone give me a recipe? Should I even use potatoes?

>> No.15066640

I don't have pics, but I love making soup with kielbasa.
>dice onions, throw in pot
>once translucent, throw in 4-6 minced cloves of garlic and sliced kielbasa
>throw in salt, black pepper, paprika
>cook until kielbasa gets browned
>throw in carrots, celery, potatoes, cabbage
>mix and stir for a few minutes
>add beef stock, or water and beef stock cubes
>cook until everything's done
>take pot of flame, throw in some dill
>take like 15 minutes to make garlic bread or whatever
>throw extra salt and a fuck load of dill and paprika into bowl to my taste
>have painful diarrhea the next day
Sometimes I'll put kidney beans or beets in. One pot would last me a week, only other meal for the day would be a bowl of muesli at breakfast.

>> No.15066649
File: 2.91 MB, 4032x3024, 20201108_203328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spain reporting here. I made marmitako last sunday, which is a tuna/bonito stew from the Basque region.

It turned out pretty amazing.

>> No.15066662

Fuck, bro, that sounds hella good.

Spanish food is really underappreciated in the US and is mostly unknown here. Post more please! Do you have a recipe btw?

>> No.15066675

yes please post recipe! I want to try to replicate this.

>> No.15066686

Fucking /pol/ack jannies deleted based political soup threads. Very gay!

>> No.15066689

Never made the dish, but if I were going to I would do something like this:

In my opinion, in this kind of dish, simplicity is best. Skip the potatoes, hell, skip all veggies. Do start with a good flavorful stock (hopefully homemade), but after that, you really want the beer and cheese to be able to shine through without competing with potatoes/mirepoix etc. I wouldn't even add meat other than some EXTREMELY crispy bacon crumbled on top at serving. And eat this with a nice rusted loaf of bread. I would even consider cutting the bread like pic related

>> No.15066697
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forgot pic again

>> No.15066762
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Just google translate if you dont know any spanish. We didnt follow the steps 100% but access to fresh fish is important.
Thanks for the (you)s

>> No.15066784



>> No.15066809

thank you brother

>> No.15066919

Thanks anon

By chance, have you ever made salmorejo

>> No.15067026
File: 624 KB, 1080x1179, Screenshot_20201116-012520_Photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All time favourite - smoked ribs and beetroot soup with sour cream. God its so good.

>> No.15067092


>> No.15067160

This is great. Never used smoked meat for it, but I've made similar with just regular beef.

Would you call this borscht or does it go by another name that you use?

>> No.15067186

go back

>> No.15067201

Clam Chowder with sourdough garlic bread for dipping.

>> No.15069110
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>> No.15069189

Yummy I'm so horny

>> No.15069201

Chicago pizza.

>> No.15069277


>> No.15069310
File: 2.82 MB, 4032x3024, 20200927_224839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No i have never made salmorejo. I have made gazpacho but its not a specific recipee i remember. Its such a simple concept of oil,vinegar tomato and other veggies thrown in a blender and theres a miriad of proportions and variations you can follow. Just look for any recipee in spanish and go trial ans error until you find the qay you enjoy the most. Same for salmorejo. Just have in mind that basicallyts a thicker version of gazpacho.

Before the marmitako i made pic related, which is a very humble vegetable stew from my hometown in the south east coast of spain. We call it "arroz de los tres puñaos" which means "rice of the three handfuls". Because it has rice, lentils and beans.

Its hearty, traditional recipee that is completely vegan friendly if you have such friends. Its also reddish in color because paprika is a no brainer ingredient in spanish cuisine and specifically spoon-like meals, but the broth is purely vegetable. It has turnip and chards.

>> No.15069316

Any solid minestrone recipe? I never had it and would like to make some.

>> No.15070341

mirepoix seasoning stock tomatoes precooked beans pasta spinach
in that order

>> No.15070374

How much spinach? For, say, 4 people

>> No.15070382

as much as the pot will hold
it will lose most of it's volume after a few minutes

>> No.15070395

Thanks, will try. First attempt featured mirepoix, tomato paste, fennel, turnips and milanese cabbage. Not bad but quite over complicated.

>> No.15070412

yeah that's way too much
nothing against vegetable soup but imo minestrone is pretty specific and simple
sometimes i will add/replace spinach with zucchini depending on what's going on in my fridge

>> No.15070522

Poorly phrased I guess. But it's just pasta in water that might slightly taste of tomato and herbs or whatever.

>> No.15070619

>minestrone is pretty specific and simple
That's what I suspected and why I asked for a recipe here. Internet seems to say it's the kind of soup there's as many recipes for as there are households.