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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15063661 No.15063661[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>he eats chinese food with chopsticks because it makes him feel more connected with the culture
Cringe. just use a knife and fork you weirdo

>> No.15063668

t. sticklet

you'll master them one day anon, just keep trying.

>> No.15063875
File: 1.80 MB, 311x228, 4efc6d32d1810fe9c55b2e34bf035eced76c6cd4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah uh-huh words words words.

>> No.15063883


>> No.15063897

I went on holiday to Beijing about 10 years ago. Went to a restaurant and struggled with chopsticks two of the Chefs came out to laugh at me and a waitress said “we have knife and fork, can get if you want.” I carried on struggling so as not to be even more of a laughingstock.

>> No.15063915

why wouldn't you just learn before going. it's like going on a skiing trip with a twisted ankle

>> No.15063918


>> No.15063939

I use chopsticks only when I'm with other people because I feel like they're judging me. Otherwise a fork really is just easier.

>> No.15063954
File: 94 KB, 640x640, 20180425152464982534910138013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of Chinese food is literally easier to eat with chopsticks. Many dishes are shredded pieces of meat/egg and vegetables that you can objectively eat faster with chopsticks.

>> No.15063967

practice makes perfect ya gook

>> No.15063987

Google the kalergi plan and the lavon affair

>> No.15064049

Neat, neonazi conspiracies

>> No.15064328

Most people eat Chinese food with chopsticks, you brainless prole.

>> No.15064425

japanese chopsticks > chinese chopsticks

>> No.15064435

All in good fun, I bet the waitress would have slept w you

>> No.15064436
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>> No.15064580

Some dishes are easier to eat with chopsticks

>> No.15064599

name 5.

>> No.15064621

5 different kinds of sushi

>> No.15064649

Not chinese

>> No.15064684

Ur moms chinese
and ur dads white

>> No.15064735

Chasing around hard bits with a fork is not as easy.

>> No.15064746

What's Ryback's opinion on chopsticks?

>> No.15064895

all food is easier to eat with chopsticks if you are used to eating with both. chopsticks are like a much more precise form of eating directly with your fingers. there is no dish a fork is useful for except when cutting a steak. spoon and chopsticks are all you need.

>> No.15064930

So why does everyone who has used chopsticks all their life have such gross table manners?

>> No.15064993

you're thinking of chinese people most likely and the reason is because they are filthy animals

>> No.15065000

What I remember as chinese food growing up as a young kid in Hong Kong

>turtle/shark fin soup
>fried chicken feet
>pig uterus noodles
>fried rice with pork knuckle gristle
>unidentifed fish balls on a stick
>boiled dog meat
>one time, monkey brains

Americans have no idea how bad it really is. No one in china knows what the fuck beef and broccoli is or sweet and sour pork. Chinese food is disgusting. Literally the worst parts to eat of any animal. Makes sense because chinks are the race of humans closest to animals. They make disgusting noises when they eat, slurp everything, men in the streets lift their fucking wife beaters over their sweaty stomachs while laughing and chewing with their mouths full of food. Like what kind of idiot decided 2 sticks is the most practical way to eat grains of fucking rice. Starving Nigerians who eat grass have a better diet than the average chinese.

>> No.15065006

Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc. We're exposed to all of them in cities, you can't pretend we haven't observed for ourselves.

>> No.15065007

I live in japan

>> No.15065008

I only eat Chinese food to role play as a street urchin fighting monk in a poor dusty village

>> No.15065586

How does it take people more than three minutes to learn to use chopsticks. Are you all retarded?

>> No.15065610

Nice trips and nice pasta

>> No.15065646

They're not holding them right.

I held them wrong for years but could use em fine for some foods. Once I got started to get more serious about Asian foods I taught myself the proper way to hold them, including the middle finger as an anchor on the lower chopstick.

>> No.15065650

Just use your hands. most efficient way to eat.

>> No.15065681

>>he eats chinese food with chopsticks because it makes him feel more connected with the culture
I use chopsticks because they are so ridiculously easy to use and it always seems to astound the mouth breathers that a westerner can somehow figure out how to eat food with two sticks, like it's something difficult and not at all a monke-tier skill. I eat the rice individually just to blow their tiny minds.

>> No.15065692

>Not eating chinese food with chop sticks because it is fun

>> No.15065703

anything with slippery noodles

>> No.15065707

The only thing I eat with chopsticks is sushi because it falls apart with a fork.

>> No.15065713

Hey chef, this pasta's stale!

>> No.15065723

>cringe weeb fag

>> No.15065737

Sorry to burst your bubble zhang, but eating with sticks isn't some ultra-high iq chinese way of eating nobody else can figure out, it's just eating with two sticks like a literal monkey.

>> No.15065745

Just use a spoon, retard.

>> No.15065746

Big population they gotta get the most out of every animal. It's like the Indians in old America with buffalo

>> No.15065819

I don’t have one.

>> No.15065861

I do find it strange that asians have come up with so many great technological advances in modern times but still eat grains of rice with 2 sticks. It's like they want the experience to be more difficult so they feel like they earned it or something.

>> No.15065885

Spoons are good and it isn't a bad idea to eat rice with spoons.

That having been said, in chopstick-using countries, the rice that is eaten is sticky, so you don't have to grab individual grains but instead can grab a "ball" of rice. You can also clean out the end of the bowl of rice by scooping it up with other food, like slices of meat or whatnot.

>> No.15065893

You can use your hands to eat sushi

>> No.15065913

chinese food tastes better with chopsticks. eating it with cutlery is like eat a 5 star meal in an ally.

>> No.15065921

You know that's Vincent Kennedy McMahon right? The entrepreneur and businessman,
professional wrestling promoter and executive,
American football executive,
media proprietor, pioneer of the professional wrestling revolution in the U.S.
co-creator of the XFL, and other WWE-related ventures right? He is not just some "Wrestler Disgusted Disappointed." Fucking pleb

>> No.15065945
File: 70 KB, 799x533, l69w4MY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not that simple

many dishes especially asian noodles are made to be eaten with chopsticks. The noodles are fat/slippery and its not an issue with chopsticks as you can just alter your grip strength. But it'd be a total nightmare trying to eat it with a fork.


>> No.15065960

I’m not a child. Not do I want raw fish juice all over my fingers. Easier to use chopsticks than have to clean off my hands after every one.

>> No.15065975

>use a knife and fork for food that's been prepared so that you have no use for a knife and fork

I don't know if you noticed but Chinese and Asian food isn't like "here's a whole 32 ounce steak with a few whole potatos"

A lot of western food as well, any sort of spaghetti or noodle dish, any type of salad, etc. I use chopsticks at home and damn near all of my meals I use chopsticks. The only exceptions are like pizza and then my morning breakfast which is yogurt w cereal or oatmeal.

>> No.15065976

>I do find it strange that asians have come up with so many great technological advances in modern times
name 3 that aren't just reverse engineered from the west

>> No.15065980

i use them because they're fun

>> No.15065982

gain height, lose weight, and seethe more

>> No.15065985

Man without a pork bun is never a whole man.

>> No.15066168
File: 7 KB, 205x246, cringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't use a spork

>> No.15066356

You hold it by the rice, anon.

>> No.15066442

It’s not high or low IQ, it’s just gay when you could use a fork or spoon which is much more efficient. what kind of dummy decided the two sticks is easier to use than something that scoops up the food. kys fag

>> No.15066458


>> No.15066496

Most Americans were eating with their hands until after the Civil War while even the poorest Asian peasants had been using chopsticks for thousands of years. No wonder most Asian cultures' term for westerners is, "barbarian."

>> No.15066511

Not the guy you were replying to but sure like oatmeal and ice cream I'm not gonna use chopsticks to eat those, but anything that you can stab a fork at you can pick up with chopsticks instead.

>> No.15066546

It's the novelty of it you retard. Why would you play a video game like a complete mental deficient when there are movies on netflix where all of the decisions have been made for you?

>> No.15066560

Dunno if you're joking but same

>> No.15066575

>Why would you play a video game like a complete mental deficient when there are movies on netflix where all of the decisions have been made for you?

>> No.15066585

you dummies are mentally ill. get some help. or kys, i dont really care

>> No.15066598

you keep saying kys, that's some serious projection. please don't kill yourself even though you're a huge queer and probable tranny

>> No.15066786

im not the cuck who thinks that eating food with objectively inferior utensils makes me more worldly

>> No.15066825

The utensils aren't inferior, your motor skills are inferior. Go back to holding a fork in your first and stabbing at spinach leaves.

>> No.15066850

this is so poorly worded, lmao

>> No.15066855

Why would I spend my life wasting time “mastering” the art of fiddling around with some fucking sticks just to get my food to my mouth? Asians are just dumb for the chopsticks thing. It’s so much faster, easier and more efficient to use silverware. Not to mention most Asians reuse wooden chopsticks for a long time, which is unsanitary as fuck even if you wash them every time you use them. Fuck loads of bacteria growing inside the porous wood of the stick. Only dumb weebs use chop sticks

>> No.15066864

I wish whoever wrote that came back and explained themselves, I'll be losing sleep tonight thinking about what they meant by that. It's like a totally unrelated post, from a completely different board.

>> No.15066903

Nigger are you retarded? Buffalo is fucking delicious. It’s like a less-good version of Bison. I would rate bison above beef, beef #2, buffalo 3.

Chinese people(the 99.9999999% at least) would never get a chance to taste something like buffalo.

>> No.15066914

This to yourself you absolute cuckold

>> No.15066924

>Makes sense because chinks are the race of humans closest to animals.

If that's so, then why do they have +1 std deviation IQ to white folk?

>> No.15066929

How would it be a nightmare eating with a fork? I can get twice and many noodles as you by stabbing at said noodles with my fork with blatant disregard, and giving the fork one quick twist. Meanwhile you’re fiddling around with some pieces of wood like a literal monkey and getting half the amount of noodles I am per bite.

I guarantee I could finish an equal sized bowl of noodles using a fork before any of you faggots could with your w-w-wooden sticks

>> No.15066934

The fish in on the inside you absolute degenerate

>> No.15066948

Yes because no chinamen could ever afford a 32oz steak w/ whole potato’s. But anyways, how does it feel to know I could eat literally all of the things you listed, and more efficiently, with a fork. Not only that, I could eat those things with a fork significantly faster, and more cleanly than you could with chop sticks

>> No.15066975

Chinese have been around thousands of years and they’re still using goddamn wooden sticks to eat their “food.” We colonized NA just a few hundred years ago. So it took us white’s less than 200 years to surpass the Chinese’s inferior eating techniques, not to mention beating them at literally everything else too.

>> No.15066987

I could eat spinach leaves with a fork waaaaaaay faster than you ever could with chop sticks you shitheel

>> No.15066991

should have just eaten it with your hands like an animal and taught those chinks a lesson

>> No.15066995

dunno, why do they have -1 std deviation IQ to ashkenazi jews?

>> No.15067009

>Chinese have been around thousands of years
I hate to tell you this bruh but the 5000 years of history is a total con.

>> No.15067014

It's objectively harder to sufficiently eat the noodles, veggies, and meats together with chopsticks, as opposed to a fork.

>> No.15067023

Because they both gimmick the tests, as in fill specific schools with kids and only teach them material that guarantees a high score, then they only iq test those schools.
You grossly underestimate the effects of inbreeding and the pathologies and insecurities it can cause.

>> No.15067030

It's easier, because you use the sticks as a scoop. Like I said before and the retards were incapable of understanding, it's a monkey-tier novelty to use sticks to eat.

>> No.15067044

You can scoop shredded dishes easier with a fork.

>> No.15067056

Never mind the corn.
How could you possibly eat soup with chop sticks?

>> No.15067058

>i like this thing solely because other people don’t do it, and im so unique and cool even though it’s less efficient
youre an insufferable bitch. chopsticks don’t make you cool or unique.
chinks, weebs and stickfags utterly BTFO. and there is no recovery

>> No.15067070

Trips of truth.
Thanks for your very informative and insightful post anon

>> No.15067136

Yes and no. Hold the chopsticks in a similar way to how you were taught to snow plow when you first learned to ski. It creates a perfect stable base, and you scoop under and can stack a surprising mount of food on it.

>> No.15067285

How do I eat dumplings with a knife and fork?
This is a retarded burger thread

Gooks don't eat pies with chopsticks, it's part and parcel

>> No.15067317

You know you can pick up the bowl and drink from it directly right?

>> No.15067336

Miso soup is drunk from the bowl and the ingredients are eaten using chopsticks. A spoon is actually never used for miso soup in Japanese tradition.

>> No.15067355

>eating Chinese food with a fork and knife
>calling others cringe
Pick one OP

>> No.15067359

What would you even do with the knife? The food has already been cut into bite-sized pieces by the cook.

>> No.15067386

you stick the fork into the dumpling. this is the dumbest fucking post ive ever seen. you literally don’t know how you would eat it with a fork?

>> No.15067481

>Stick fork into dumpling
>The wrapper broke and all the stuffing fall out
Now what, smartass?

>> No.15067549

if you stick it in like a dipshit, yes. or you could stick it in and hold it together, which is even more convenient. youre so dense

>> No.15067600

If either of you guys were able to fully open your eyes you'd be able to see a solution outside the box, that's why there will never be real innovation

>> No.15067606
File: 306 KB, 1200x1200, 1200px-Sushi_platter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are far more types of sushi where the fish is on top than on the inside. I'm hoping you're trying to shitpost and you're not genuinely this retarded.

>> No.15067741

If it takes you any more than a few meals to get it down then you should unironically check yourself into an institution for the mentally retarded

>> No.15067744

They're trolling you, anon.

Imagine biting a dumpling off of a fork lol how does that even work? What I love about chopsticks is you can hold food up to your mouth and have a lot of control over it, biting part of it, putting it back down, etc. I am a white American, I like Asian food, and I only really use forks anymore for very Western foods like spaghetti and BBQ. Generally speaking a spoon can do everything that chopsticks don't do well. Can't remember the last time I used a knife as an eating utensil.

>> No.15067758

>lol how does that even work?
By putting it in your mouth. Are the autists sperging about sticks suddenly appalled at people eating food?

>> No.15067765
File: 271 KB, 1579x1079, 182747194710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

State-run IQ test cram schools and refusing to test the IQ of their rural populations.
Are you familiar with the Chinese concept of 'face?' You would be retarded to expect honesty from that nation of roaches.

>> No.15067767

>I am a white American
As usual its the cringiest fucking weebs that try so hard to be all cultural when any actual Chinese person would laugh in your ugly fucking face

>> No.15067788

Yes, you can put the whole thing in your mouth (awkwardly), but if you try to take a bite of it, then there's metal fucking progs in the way.

I'm a chef and I cook a lot of Asian food. How the fuck is using chopsticks "cringey," they work better for eating these types of foods lmao the dishes are designed with this type of utensil in mind. If I struggle to eat something with chopsticks, I'll grab a spoon. Never a fork though, it's a horrible utensil choice for anything that doesn't need to be cut with a knife.

>> No.15067794

things that never happened: the post

>> No.15067802

You are autistic. No one above the age of five has trouble using a fork for anything non liquid.

>> No.15067829

I didn't I have a hard time using a fork, I just find it inefficient and clumsy. Spoons are much better.

Forks are even a pain to clean, relatively-speaking. And some foods taste better when they don't have a bunch of holes stabbed in them.

>> No.15067848

Hot noodle soups - you can get a bigger curtain of noodles without twirling and wadding it up
Rice bowl - forks scrape when you get close to bottom and spoons can't pick up side dishes
Dumplings - you don't stab dumplings and let out all the juice
Sushi - same as dumplings
Whole fish - easier to pick around bones

>> No.15067867

I'll add cheetos to this list. You can't eat cheetos with fork.

>> No.15067900

I just use it cause its hard and a interesting way to eat noodles.

>> No.15067953

Also salad. way easier to pick up leaves than stabbing.

>> No.15068023

I know this is probably just pasta, but chinese people really do eat weird things. The biggest for me is how they like to leave bones in their food. I was looking at Wang Gang's chicken nugget recipe, and he left the fucking bones in with the caution to remove them if you're feeding children or the elderly. I even asked my old chinese roommate about it and he said that it was just a normal thing to do.

>> No.15068036

So you use a horse and buggy when you need to go to the store right? Oh, no...you drive a fucking car obviously. Sometimes technological superiority makes more sense.

>> No.15068077

Probably related to food being sold whole, whole birds, whole fish. Honestly the cold chain logistics wasn't there until recently so how're sellers gonna keep a bunch processed, deboned chicken fresh enough? Not every person that buys a chicken is gonna want to debone it themselves so the problem just got pushed to the end consumer.

>> No.15068085

Bones add flavor.

>> No.15068109


>> No.15068128

when the post is exquisitely awful

>> No.15068155

You’re an absolute retard. Listen to you desperately attempt to convince yourself topkek. I could, with 0 effort, put double the amount of food on my fork, in half the time that it takes you. I’m an American, you weeb faggot, you think you can tell me how to eat? Fuck you nigger

>> No.15068159

That’s the most degenerate shit I’ve ever heard in my life. That’s right up there with spoiled food and piss bottles

>> No.15068162

That’s vile weeb shit. Not real American sushi

>> No.15068165

whats the knife for?

>> No.15068173

nice strawman, america started using forks when europe did, which was maybe 300 years ago
and europe has been around as long as asia

>> No.15068203

It's a stale pasta for sure, but yes, the bones are good for flavor. Like if you're ever going to braise chicken for instance, you should consider using bone-in.

>> No.15068243

take your meds schizo

>> No.15068253

I use chopsticks to eat chips because I hate getting my fingers dirty

>> No.15068303

Chopsticks have the best portion size per use, though.

>> No.15068336

Chopsticks are best for eating meals where you have a bowl of rice in your hand and a plate on the table, also for soups.
Otherwise I just use a fork if I'm eating leftovers or something.
t. Chink

>> No.15068345

It's actually faster and easier to shovel noodles into your mouth with chopsticks instead of uselessly twirling them around and have half of them slide off a fork

>> No.15068350
File: 328 KB, 472x423, 1598476982200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>omg you can't just drink liquid straight from a container!

>> No.15068355

Chopsticks are fun.

>> No.15068367

>eating food faster better
Fatty detected.

>> No.15068380

Cope harder, retard.

>> No.15068396

You guys can avoid this issue entirely by not eating chinese or japanese food at all. It's shit tier food anyway

>> No.15068444

I literally can't comprehend how people have trouble with chopsticks.
I got sushi for the first time last month and it was my first time using chopsticks and it took all but 20 seconds to figure it out.

>> No.15068553

not sure why there are so many LARPers and coping in this thread. I grew up in a Chinese household and used spoons, forks, knives, and chopsticks depending on whatever was the least fiddly to eat with.

Anyone doing otherwise is indefensibly retarded.

>> No.15068575

Based >Rybitch’s Opinion poster

>> No.15068629

I use it for sushi because it's better than a fork. everything else just a fork

>> No.15068640

Some of them eat the fucking cartilage too

>> No.15068653

He's right, though. Did you know there's a real world where your real actions have real consequences? It's not all games out here.

>> No.15068655

>using utensils

>> No.15068807

>knife and fork
lmao this nigga out here acting like it's some fancy ass dish or something. bro it's fucking chinese take out just use a spoon or fork the fuck you need a knife for

>> No.15068828

Checked pasta

>> No.15068851

why are japs so retarded

>> No.15069079

>eats solid food with a utensil
>drinks liquid out of a cup
Which of these do you find difficult, anon?