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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15059921 No.15059921 [Reply] [Original]

I work for Uber. More specifically I manage and evaluate datasets to explain trends that my team finds, to the talking heads. Most of my work is in relation to food delivery. No, I won't tell you which city I work in or how long I've been working there.

How many of you purchase food through our platform more than 5x a week? I know there's some of you. High ratio customers actually form a significant percentage of our food delivery sales. Recently we've been experimenting on some high ratio users to see how they respond if we remove their value deals. Free delivery if you spend more than $20? Gone. Free bagel if you buy four other bagels? Gone. We've found that the behavior of these users is BARELY if at all changed by better or worse value. Our initial assumption about these users was that they were wealthy. For some this is definitely the case. However, for >30% and <60% of the high ratio users, they are attempting to use our service and having their payment DECLINED at least every two weeks. Not only this, but when we take the data of these declined transactions, the vast majority of them fall in one part of a bi-weekly or weekly period.

The reason I raise all of this is because I know /ck/ loves food, but this obviously isn't healthy consumption of our service or food. What should be done about this? Psychology and marketing people here are suggesting we should try to passively hand extra costs on to these users since on the face of it their spending is not influenced by price. Eg, very slight increases in prices across the board for purchases, less free delivery offers, perhaps even artificially adding a sold out feature on cheaper food alternatives so that the customer purchases a $2 cookie instead of a $1 cookie. Artificially removing cheaper restaurants regardless of geographic location. In my eyes this is unethical and immoral. One psychologist raised the issue of food dependency being a form of addiction. He no longer works at the company.

>> No.15059963 [DELETED] 

Thank you for your service. Keep overcharging these fat lazy greaseballs until they die of aids. Its funny that your colored drivers spit in white peoples food. Good job not paying your drivers too thats funny

>> No.15059970

Which city do you work in? How long have you been working at Uber?

I have door dash pass and I use it once a week on average.

>> No.15059972

Which city do you work in? How long have you been working there?

>> No.15059978

Do you know about the the duty of loyalty to your employer?
Shut your fucking mouth or stop being a wagies if you have a case of conscience.
You're not important, you're not a social justice warrior, you're not morally superior.

>> No.15059994

>the vast majority of them fall in one part of a bi-weekly or weekly period.
You don't have access to that specific detail. Credit score, credit limit, credit history, yes. Bank account direct deposit frequency, no.
Sharing proprietary information about your company's research practices on the internet? Including your job responsibilities? No.
/fake troll thread

>> No.15060017

I’m not reading all that but I usually tip at least 20% if that’s what you’re asking

>> No.15060020

What do you think of doordash as a long-term competitor?

>> No.15060032

You've misunderstood. I didn't make it very clear, we can see when a users payment is declining. We can see when the declined payments are happening. If we examine a users declined payments over a period of time, we can see patterns relating to the time of week or month that their declined purchases are happening. These users are literally spending their last cents in their paycheck on food delivery. Maybe they have savings in a different bank account and are spending the last of their throwaway money. However, due to widely accepted trends in how people in my country spend and save money, it is extremely unlikely that all of these users are doing this.

>> No.15060051

If they can continue to offer free delivery campaigns and can continue to market their service, it's going to be very interesting. I don't know much about financing, but I do know that if you spend money on those two areas, you gain casual customers.

>> No.15060059

isn't this just a problem that is occurring during the transition to no-one-cooks times? the delivery systems are sort of strapped onto this old restaurant system and it adds a lot of bloat (and cost) so the only food options are expensive. As things get developed more (autonomous delivery, "restaurants" being in a warehouse together) the costs will go down and start being comparable to eating at home and the terrible money management people won't be struggling any more than they would have if they made their own food. At the end of the day it's their own fault for buying stuff they can't afford like always.

>> No.15060113

Yes to all, although the mass manufacture of food in warehouses may not outright replace authentic restaurants. I suspect outlets that do make a large percentage of their sales via delivery will start to shift their business model towards the warehouse solution or something like that, while outlets that aren't succeeding in the delivery space will try to soldier on in the traditional market.

>> No.15060125

>In my eyes this is unethical and immoral
If you are upset about unethical and immoral behavior, you should not be in marketing or market research, you fucking retard. Find a different job.

>> No.15060126

What an awful thread

>> No.15060130

im scamming uber eats thats why my cards either approve or decline

>> No.15060144


Would you invest in them after the IPO?

>> No.15060157

>you fucking retard
You know what, I re-read my post and I realize I was a bit too harsh. I apologize for sounding like a jerk and insulting you.

>> No.15060168

You're assuming these people are the dependent poor, but what percentage of them are young people who live in big cities and are supported by their parents?

>> No.15060175
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>> No.15060203

I have never and will never get a cab or order food from Uber. Fuck you. Pay your fucking employees who are actually employees, fuckface. Fuck you.

>> No.15060210

No. This job suits me. It's an interesting field. I'm fine with us experimenting on small sample sets for fixed periods to better understand consumer behavior. I'm not fine with the widespread application of different prices to users who are addicted to our service. Ethical concerns are a major part of the decisions that companies make, if only for the fear of public backlash should the truth come out.
Can you expand upon that?
I'd rather not get into details, but we have adjusted for several factors like age and student cities.

>> No.15060239

Oh look, another tech company fucking over their cutomers. Who would have known. Silicone valley is a scourge on humanity.

>> No.15060254

>I manage and evaluate datasets to explain trends that my team finds
>stop being a wagies
choose one
You are probably NEET, so don't know the difference

>> No.15060274

>humble retraction
Not op, but you're all right in my book

>> No.15060277

>I'd rather not get into details, but we have adjusted for several factors like age and student cities.

SF isn't a student city, you wouldn't believe how many people came out there for a shitty tech job but needed mommy and daddy to fund their lifestyle.

But sure you have the data, and you've already realized you're answer. There's a reason why a large majority of "poor" people remain poor and that's because they will always put short-term lazy decisions over long-term goals and ambitions.

>> No.15060280

>>15059. 921
I drive for one of those services and never order, it seems like a waste of money.
But my roommates love that shit, every other night they get blasted on pot and order a bunch of garbage.
I'd imagine raising the price won't affect anything, they don't really order because of the deals so much as they want X food and won't drive.

>> No.15060370

theyll replace you in a couple of days if you die and you wont be remembered there. there is no duty to employers.

>> No.15060376

Yes, it's very depressing.
>they don't really order because of the deals so much as they want X food and won't drive.
Yup. The relationship between cannabis usage, drug-driving, food delivery and a couple of other factors can be presented in a fairly compelling argument that food delivery services have social benefits to certain areas. The line of thought being we should be subsidized or receive tax breaks. I don't believe this argument has been made to the taxman yet, though.

>> No.15060380

>every other night they get blasted on pot and order a bunch of garbage

How do people like this have money and I have nothing?

>> No.15060439

because you don't have a job. also they don't actually have money, they spend everything they earn with behavior like this, so they're perpetually poor

>> No.15060587

This post reeks of Japanese

>> No.15060588

how long have you been working there?

>> No.15060605

Because they're renting out a shitty house with 3 other people in a relatively cheap part of the country.
Our rent is only $450 each, $550 if you include utilities.

>> No.15060614

>550 with 3 other people after utilities
dude that's fucked, I pay 850 after utilities for my place and I get the whole place

>> No.15060618

I guess, depends on location. I'm just outside Orlando so shit's going to be a bit more expensive.
Nothing compared to NY or LA though.

>> No.15060630

why would a well known company "experiment" with their most frequent customers and potentially lose a large amount of revenue

>> No.15060632

ya downtown in ym city you'd be looking at 2-4k / m for a 1 bedroom. now they're really nice units, everything is new, but they are also the only option. there are no cheaper run down places

>> No.15060640
File: 976 KB, 160x160, cc475ed0-7cda-4bea-9c46-fc56b5b69512.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would just like to say that I have never used your platform, I consider it to have an incredibly deleterious effect on society, and I would not terribly mind if you and every other techie with a bright idea on how to profit by extracting the marginal value once reserved for workers through the gratuity system were all executed by firing squad.

>> No.15060648

We don't experiment on a large scale.

>> No.15060654

Nah, there's always a little meeting held and they give a speech and some of your closest colleagues get the option to take time off to attend your funeral.

>> No.15060691

>age and student cities.
And race. Black peoples are the ones who order food they can't afford.

>> No.15060751

i dont use your kike service or any food delivery service

>> No.15060806

not OP but this is pretty normal when it comes to experimenting with coupons and purchase behavior.

>> No.15060828

Uber its shit.

>> No.15060845

>eating out more than once per week
>ordering food delivery at all
How do people like this exist? Is this Trump's America?

>> No.15060934

So? I say fuck them harder, find the most you can charge them the most / least services provided that they will still pay for and laugh at them while you rake in cash

>> No.15060944

all of these
You're abusing autists on autismbux who are too afraid to go to the supermarket
Your deliverers are most definitely spitting in people's food, especially non white deliverers in white customers food. That fact alone keeps me from eating from these sort of fake companies which want me to spend 20 dollars so some Hispanic guy can spit in my salad.

Lucky for you i don't care you abuse and systemically underpay your deliverers, they're probably bad people anyways, else they wouldn't work such a shitty underpaid job.

>> No.15060951


>> No.15060956

it actually happens on /ck/ once in a blue moon

>> No.15060963

So, what? Your goal is to milk money.

>> No.15060969

>list two luxuries people privileged people in the first world work hard to have access to

>> No.15060996

>people who are wrong are right

>> No.15061021

From this thread you should have gathered that these people do not have the means to sustain the "luxuries" you describe.

>> No.15061060

I always thought that it would turn into a case of cheaper foods being delivered from warehouses and more expensive food being made at dine in restaurants. In other words, dining in will turn into a more exclusive option.

Personally, I’m amazed at how restaurants in poorer neighborhoods even stay in business. They must just barely be getting by.

>> No.15061073

This post is such a good example of a very trademark 4chan behavior that hasn't been elucidated on in enough detail. You're virtue signaling, except in reverse. You dont want people to think you're a good person, you want people to think you're a badass for not caring what people think of you, which is why you go out of your way to come off as an abrasive piece of shit. Or maybe you're not going out of your way, and that's just your default personality. Either way, performative edginess is horribly cringe. No one cares about your petty, myopic opinions, anon. Notice how this is your only (you)

>> No.15061083

This anon doesn't know about money laundering

>> No.15061091


>> No.15061111

I work part time, 10 hours x2day/week. Those 2 days I don't cook, I'm way too tired, so I order food or just go to sleep without eating. I also usually skip lunch.

>> No.15061131

So then, does anyone actually eat out at these restaurants in the poor neighborhoods?

>> No.15061139


>> No.15061153

Have you ever had food that was, like, visibly and obviously made from the shittiest ingredients at the shittiest store in town? Like that signature frozen cubed vegetables at any shit store. If the food is bad enough to make you wonder that, it's probably what he's talking about being laundering.

>> No.15061238

There's no easy way. Uber can't simply tell these people to buy groceries and cook themselves.
But you already know which customers belong in this group of unhealthy people, so just keep raising the price for them until sales drop.

>> No.15061245

>tl;dr 2edgy4me

>> No.15061257

The right thing to do would be for normies to befriend non-normies and help them lead better lives that don't involve having their credit card declined on an Uber Eats because they're too afraid to leave the house and go to the grocery store. How could your company help? Well, lots of companies have philanthropic and volunteer programs, because it's cheap and good PR. You end up making more money by making yourselves look charitable.

>> No.15061271

>You end up making more money by making yourselves look charitable.
No, you make money by claiming that all profits* go to such an effort

* and by all profits, we mean after all of the execs and shareholders take their cut, so basically nothing, but all this is in tiny print on a web page on the other side of a webring.

>> No.15061272


>> No.15061285

Not really, and if they do, it's a necessary inconvenience.

>> No.15061374

Deal with it, restaurants are a thing of tge past and more and more they'll be replaced. Even more so once automated cooking replaces having human coons and delivery can be done by drones.

>> No.15061445


Try 12 hours shift 6 days per week.

>> No.15061479

They will milk even more money.

>> No.15061498

I order food and either pick it up or get it delivered. No intermediate app like Uber Eats or Door Dash needed.

>> No.15061521

The fact that these third party delivery apps work at all is due to the concentration of restaurants. A commercial outlet with a half dozen or more restaurants sharing a single lot is already a 'food warehouse' for delivery purposes. I park and receive multiple orders from different restaurants, primarily within the plaza but also within the nearby commercial strip. During busy periods these orders even stack so that two deliveries fall along the same route.

In my experience the more streamlined fast-service or fast-casual type restaurants often result in a middling tip within the nearby area. It's common for customers to offer poor or no tips and those simply get thrown back into the pool until someone happens to be heading over there on another order anyway. More expensive sit-down restaurants typically offer better tips but that comes alongside a significant wait. With fast-service the food is ready when you get there, even if you're very early. With sit-downs the food is always late, even when you show up late.

Anyway... it's very common to receive orders with no tip, or insufficient compensation for the time/distance involved in delivering. That $9 payout would be fine, if it wasn't across 8 miles of grueling city driving that takes a half hour each way. Likewise I'd be happy to take your taco bell or ihop a couple miles down the road to you... but not for $5.25, and not when I know I'll be waiting at these shitty understaffed restaurants for the food.

There seem to be three types of customers. The first is broke with no car, buying junk food with no tip either. The second is a student or working class guy in an apartment buying panera or chipotle and tipping a few bucks. The third is middle aged or elderly living in a detached home and often tipping enough to make a little effort. Sometimes, the latter even turn out unicorns with 100% tip match.

>> No.15061526

Why don't you just get a real job lol

>> No.15061536

if your app offered you a real wage, banned tips, and increased the delivery charge I would use it, but as it stands I refuse to use a service where I'm expected to pay some arbitrary amount past the bill. I don't really care how much it costs, I just won't play that game

>> No.15061541

The fact you are manipulating the available menu options is really messed up
I probably use skipthedishes 2 or 3 times a week, but most of it is cheap breakfast on the weekend.

>> No.15061543

Of course if tips go to the driver the service profits primarily from fees. Which means that frequency is the key metric. A poorfag with no car is much more likely to order delivery, as a necessity, compared to other customers. The cost of delivery may be less accessible but without personal transportation it's also more necessary. Thus the poor tips. It's a charity case where the service is profiting from exploiting their drivers. And their merchants too, if my experience inside these restaurants is anything to go by. A lot of places are very badly overloaded with online orders and struggling to adjust, at all levels. It's kinda fucked from a labor perspective, although I guess the customer and service are enjoying things a lot.

I have a regular job, it's just nice to earn some pocket money when I'm out of the house with free time anyway.

That said even as a moonlight gig nobody should be earning under minimum wage, which is what these services are driving to get (pun intended) from their workers.

>> No.15061546

All are the same. Lazy fucks.

>> No.15061550

What kind of stupid question is this? Just track what they order and when they order and have the search results change in a dynamic way
Like for example you know Saturday night is when drunk retards will go broke ordering too much food but Saturday night is also when families order take out so have the regular results until 2 am then flip it so only expensive stores show up and hide McDonald's and other shit in the third page of results

>> No.15061589

To a large extent these services are relying on everyone but the service to foot the bill. Majority of any given payout comes from the tip, full stop. There's no minimum wage and base pay alone doesn't even cover fuel or mileage. That's not your entitled waiter whining either, drivers are independent contractors and therefore self-employed. There is no boss to pay minimum wage, you're working for yourself.

I wouldn't say that what you're paying is entirely arbitrary. It's more of a free-market thing. You're proposing to employ another person for a contracted job. How much you're willing to pay is up to negotiations. How far is it? How much of a pain in the ass? Is it busy? Poor weather? Keep in mind that as contractors drivers can also decline any offers they don't consider worth their time.

>> No.15061590

It is not unethical or immoral.

>> No.15061654


I'll continue on this:

What you are attempting to do, in separating the concerns of business from profit, is legislate without democratic consensus, how these people should be living based on your personal feelings of what is good or bad. A more fundamentalist capitalist could argue that the democratic nature of this is expressed in consumers choosing alternative companies, but both of us working in tech, we know that the current legal situation and reality of shortage and cost of talent don't make this feasible yet for higher tech businesses.

ESG has been a misguided, under-criticized, and authoritarian attempt at turning what once pure business, focused on profit making, into a less competitive profit maker with a shift more towards unelected public administration replacements.

While it is true companies following ESG principles are seeing higher than average returns compared to the broad market, it is important to note that these companies are new tech companies, and when looking at ESG usage in other industries, ESG actually has a negative impact on growth.

>> No.15061660

nope, i just don't want anyone to use your shitty food service and i will lie scream and bullshit to get that to happen. Just like OP is an advertising shill bot indian who will stop at nothing to promote this product because he's paid a handsome half a cent for his posts.
Deliverers spit in your food. Literally so normal that the restaurant owners even know it.

>> No.15061670

also those fake four one word replies to yourself are just pathetic.

>> No.15061678

then they can add their fee onto your order before it goes through and I will decide if I am willing to pay it

>> No.15061703

They add their fee automatically. It's usually like $1.99, plus tax. If that's all you want to pay that's all you -have to- pay. $1.50 goes to the driver. Plus tip.

It's up to them how to handle it from there.

>> No.15061747

>tipping the glorified Mcemployee
why are Americans so fucked in the head?

>> No.15061776

>mfw always pick up my pizza

get fucked drivers

>> No.15061799

Post some pics

>> No.15061813

Never tip.

>> No.15061819


Lel what job is that? If you can't cook after your shift, you're not trying hard enough.

>> No.15061851

Why is europoor reading comprehension so laughable?

>> No.15061856

USA wicked way of tough

>> No.15062015

coping & seething

>> No.15062156

>gruelling city driving

Don't tip these people. Never done a hard day's work in their life

>> No.15062168

Yes the world is only the US and Europe, good job

>> No.15062173

I only order Uber eats when I’m drunk.

>> No.15062674


>> No.15062769

Based and psychoanalyzed
Cringe and still seething

>> No.15062773

Seriously why do poor people order from Uber eats and get expensive food delivery so much. I had a housemate couple who were both unemployed and they'd constantly get McDonald's and fast food delivered that was literally walking distance

>> No.15063103

Imagine being such a spineless fuck, that you value a faceless entity that only cares about revenue and profits over your own life, that of others and ethics in general.

>> No.15063127


>> No.15063220
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12hx6d is a pretty common trucker schedule. No, I am not anon from above.
The kitchen in the back of the rig is not glamorous or luxurious, often barely functional. An ice chest, a hotplate and a microwave is fancy kitchen by our standards.
Arranging delivery of something that isn't a PB&J or the fucking Subway chicken bologna sandwich within walking distance is a thing.

Flip side is we're used to getting raped on pricing (pic related), so delivery charges are accepted.

>> No.15063329

I don't use 3rd party delivery services because somehow you niggers take an hour and a half to make 10 minute trip.

>> No.15063386

Make the world a better place and kill yourself, shitface.

>> No.15063406

So, what city do you workin in? How long have you been with uber?

>> No.15063676

hey can you bring Uber Eats to Huntsville, Ontario

>> No.15063779

>shilling /ck/ to keep uber relevant
lmao pathetic

>> No.15063855

The fact that there are heavy users/consumers for any product is kind of a well-known phenomenon in marketing. I'm curious though, if Uber is spending a lot of resources trying to understand these heavy users and perhaps, try to convert light/med users into heavy users? Because from a growth perspective, Uber will be much better off attracting more light users.

>> No.15065301

Oh look a Google employee. Are you also a janny?

>> No.15065333

If you missed it, there was a thread here where the average person said they get groceries 3 times a week. People are absolutely retarded and incapable of planning ahead. Please continue jewing these people into killing themselves.

>> No.15065347

>enabling drug use is a social benefit and we should get tax breaks
Seriously you are Jewish right?

>> No.15065363

Marketing sees customer base is smaller than the non-customer base and changes product until no one likes it.
Marketing is actually about selling your bullshit to your employer as much as to customers.

>> No.15065367

>ordered through Uber a couple times
>food items missing from bag or squished inside bag
Never again.

>> No.15066003

>Look up these new home delivery services
>Every single day a new 1/10
>Reasons are 1. Food is missing 2. Wrong order 3. Failure to make up for for 1 and 2 4. Long delivery time or no delivery
>All the people plowing up on sidewalks with their scooters and logos are young bottom of the barrel types
The fact that there is very little profit margin and the people delivering are paid absolutely minimum and the food is dependent on 3rd party restaurants making it is a horrible mix of "who gives a fuck" and stress. This is a small city as well so I can imagine what kind of tards pay for home delivery when the places they order from are less than 10min away on bike.

>> No.15066151

Fellow uberchad here. Give me a hint so I can look you up on Whober. I work out of the Amsterdam office.

>> No.15066395

You should go full Ted K on your coworkers in Minecraft.

>> No.15066830

>duty of loyalty
>you're not morally superior
Ask me how I know you were circumcised as an infant.

>> No.15067164


>> No.15067251


based. this is what 4chan is for

>> No.15068702

for one thing, the goal of marketing is expansion of the customer base, potentially exponentially, so a few scrubs at this stage getting pissed off really doesn't matter in theory

>> No.15068705

You'd be surprised. I have a nice fluffy foreskin.

>> No.15068733

An employer will never pay more than they have to. You commit the same hypocrisy when you buy cheap products at the store, made through sickening child labor. You want to act mighty and moral now? Enjoy your iphone.

See above.
This is the force of the market. You either understand the game or you complain about it. If you don't like it, tell your legislators.

>> No.15070105

What if I enjoy it and am okay with it all? Why are you expecting us to be mad