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15057496 No.15057496[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

not sure what's up but recently started adding MCT oil to coffee. apparently the fat content can make your poop sticky

it sucks. give me your best remedies bros

>> No.15057536

Drink copious amounts of water every day. Warm water in the morning with lemon juice and a tablespoon of olive oil

>> No.15057575

Drink a gallon of water. Take a shit. Repeat. You're dehydrated.

>> No.15057614

Explain to me how in the fuck oil makes poop sticky you fucking retard

>> No.15057616
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Just have some cheese.

>> No.15057619

>Drink a gallon of water

>> No.15057637

Metamucil, drink lot of water. Exercise.

>> No.15057646

Psyllium husk and coffee on empty stomache in the morning

Never fails me, no matter how hard my bricks and nuggets are

>> No.15057714

psyllium husk
chewing some gum helps too, provided you drink plenty water

>> No.15058905

because some people don't digest saturated fats well in their tummy and when they aren't broken down correctly it can lead your stool to take on a tar-like consistency. Similar to meconium in newborns

>> No.15060468

Common myth. Coffee isn't a laxative.

>> No.15060489

take it to fit, you dumb queef. nobody cares about your shitty diet and worse genes

>> No.15060520

Warm fluids. It doesn't need to be coffee, though the caffeine helps. Tea, even herbal tee, is good. If you don't have that around, just drink water you've microwaved.

Drink ENOUGH water.

Eat a lot of fiber. Get All-Bran cereal or Metamucil.

Take OTC stool softeners. You can get them on Amazon for cheap. Drink plenty of water when you take them.

I 100% guarantee you will have the world's most regular bowel movements if you follow these steps.

>> No.15060530

green tea and a joint of weed, hash and tobacco

>> No.15060535

>used to abuse opioids a decade ago
>was constipated for months on end, with dry, painful bowel movements on rare occasion
>finally quit and got my life around
>for a period of 6 months I had 24/7 diarrhea and was literally shitting between 6-8 times a day. I'd go to the bathroom and just blasted out diarrhea and water out of my ass every time
>to this day, I feel guilty and bad about my life every time I'm constipated or have diarrhea

That's something they don't tell you about in DARE class.

>> No.15060536

starting mct oil usually gives people diarrhoea for the first few days

>> No.15060539

Explain? I'd rather demonstrate.
>*throws sticky poopoo at your face*

>> No.15060546

It is for me. Deal with it bitch.

>> No.15060552

Really makes you wonder if you were shitting like that not just from withdrawals, but from months of caked up shit on your intestinal walls being purged. Do you ever heard those ads on the radio? They say something to the effect of: the average person has over 21 pounds of stool in their colon, our supplement can help you pass it!

>> No.15060562

Always vacates my bowels within 15 minutes.

>> No.15060577

It's a very common withdrawal thing. Opioids make you extremely constipated. Then when you quit, you go through many months of constant diarrhea. It's discussed on a bunch of obscure recovery forums.

The actual volume of fecal matter wasn't a lot, due to physical realities. But literally 6-8 times a day I'd go into the bathroom and would be like "OH NOOOOOO WOOOOOOOW OOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUCCCCCCHHHHH" and blasted water out of my ass.

Yeah, that lasted a good 6 months.

>> No.15060590

Oh yeah I know, I've done plenty of opiates. I was just wondering where all the shit goes if you barely shit for months on end. If you're not eating that's one thing, but if you keep eating the same amount.

>> No.15060609

you have prostate cancer

>> No.15060644

It's not a myth. It just doesn't affect everyone and nobody is still exactly sure why it happens, but it does make some people poop.

>> No.15060772

Eat fiber rich things, like cabbage (raw or blanched) or oats, if your diet allows foe it. Also prunes. Worsr case, take a laxative, but if you include fiber you won't have this problem anymore. It's important to notice that being constantly constipated can lead to hemorrhoids and even bowel cancer, due to constant trauma that's caused to your intestines. Take care of yourself and remember that I love you.

>> No.15060902

gastroenterologist appointment

>> No.15061092

Oatmeal, Creamy Peanut Butter, Twizzlers or Medium Rare Chicken always help to clean me out when I get backed up.

>> No.15061109

If you go the Oatmeal route, eat a whole bunch, like 2 or 3 cups of Oats, works like a rope and will empty out your whole digestive system, I eat a full cup of Oats at breakfast everyday.