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15053464 No.15053464[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anybody have experience with this?
I didn't get food poisoning or anything, I just feel that my friends and I were unfairly discriminated against.
I know it's possible to sue for food poisoning, burns, falls, etc., but not sure about discrimination. Do you think I have a chance?
Pic related, I'm trying to press charges against my local Chipotle. I'm currently talking to a lawyer, but she seems hesitant to take on my case.

>> No.15053468
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>> No.15053504

Are you a lawyer? Your fug face isn't helping me at all.

>> No.15053512

You need evidence of them doing that to you.
I work on uninsured loss recovery in motorclaims and contract law, but making a claim is all the same shit.

A claim is only as good as the evidence it is based on.
If you have evidence they discriminated against you and it was intentional, not just you being a snowflake then yes, you have a chance.

But to manage your expectations; you're not getting rich off this, you'll likely only get an apology at best and maybe some free stuff.

>> No.15053520

Your case is weak shit. How can you prove you received food poisoning from Chipotle? How do you know you weren't poisoned by something else you ate? How do you even know it was food poisoning at all? What sort of damages would you be able to claim? A lost day of work?

You're wasting your time.

>> No.15053522

Just call the manager and record the conversation. They’ll either give you free food or give you shit, you can then go to your local news station and submit your story for further exposure

>> No.15053555

I'll keep that in mind. The only evidence I have at the moment are you my own experiences with the manager who tried kicked me and my friends out. In addition, when I tried to hand the manager money to buy some chips and guac, he aggressively slapped it out of my hand. My friends all witnessed this, but I'm not sure if that's solid evidence.
Did you even read my original post?
I've considered doing this. The manager in question would likely get aggressive in a phone call and might say something unsavory about a few of my friends (one is black and a few have high-functioning autism).

>> No.15053582

What do you think you were discriminated based on? Unless you can definitively prove that it was a protected class, your claim is shit. It might help if there was a pattern at this location, but you know there isn't. Feel free to waste your money filing a lawsuit against a large corporation, though.

>> No.15053588

Are you that fucking moron that tried to play board games in Chipotle(for hours on end) and got kicked out?

>> No.15053606

My friends and I were holding a get-together that management didn't approve of. Given Chipotle's PC branding, I think my claims may have a chance of reaching corporate.
Yes, my friends and I were trying to play chess at Chipotle. And yes, the jerk manager on duty powertripped and kicked us out while being very disrespectful toward us.

>> No.15053614

he totally is. especially the high functioning autism part.

>> No.15053615

Board games are not a protected class. Please file your lawsuit though. I hope you are forced to pay their attorney fees when it gets dismissed.

>> No.15053617

cool blog, you fucking crybaby snowflake. now fuck off.

>> No.15053625

went to a chink restaurant and they gave us knives and forks instead of chop-sticks like they gave every other customer.
Dumped my plate on the floor, didn't pay, took out a suit and got 20k out of it.
I love my kangaroo courts

>> No.15053636

autism is not a crime
With enough determination, I know I'll receive some kind of justice. This incident has greatly disturbed my peace of mind.
no, YOU fuck off
you sound like a shit person

>> No.15053655

>you sound like a shit person
Hello, pot.

>> No.15053662

how am I a shit person? My friends and I were simply trying to enjoy our afternoon when some shithead manager decided to bully us. I know people shit on me in that thread, but i still don't understand how I was in the wrong.

>> No.15053667

let me guess.
You tried going in without a mask on, didn't you?

>> No.15053672

You were taking up tables in a casual dining restaurant and had spent practically nothing at the establishment. What is likely unmentioned is that you were also causing a disturbance. Please, continue with your legal proceedings. I'm sure Chipotle will be glad to take even more of your money.

>> No.15053679

>autism is not a crime
if fucking should be if you're trying to sue a chain because they wouldn't let you play chess in their lobby. you're already a legendary autist. it's time to just give it up.

>> No.15053695
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Sorry rabbi, you'll have to suck it up and stop buying from that location, just like the goyim do.

>> No.15053696

read the thread, asshole
we bought food, moron. and I highly doubt we were causing enough of a disturbance to justify that manager's rude behavior. if anything, the manager was causing a disturbance. I've just recently sent my lawyer an email describing all of this and how heated I still get over the incident, and she says she might be able to create a case for me. Not a large case, but a case nonetheless. All I'll need to do is get diagnosed with PTSD.

>> No.15053711

>PTSD from getting kicked out of chipotle
Dude you are a gigantic pussy

>> No.15053712

dude you are Ignatius Reily

>> No.15053718

I remember this chess-in-chipotle story from a thread fucking months ago. There's a good chance it's in a screencap somewhere. OP is a faggot

>> No.15053720

you know what they say about lawyers: they're just like sperm. one in 300,000,000 has a chance of becoming a human being.

if even they wont take your case, you're in big trouble.

>> No.15053726

I'm glad I wasn't the only one thinking it. He's not nearly as eloquent, though.

>> No.15053728

>I'm trying to press charges against my local Chipotle. I'm currently talking to a lawyer, but she seems hesitant to take on my case.
If a lawyer doesn't think it'll go anywhere, then you don't have a case.
What happened that made you want to sue them?

>> No.15053729

> I didn't get food poisoning or anything...

You're a fucking retard, he claimed it was discrimination

What was the supposed discrimination?

>> No.15053731

O, Fortuna!

>> No.15053737

I do admire the terror which Negroes are able to inspire in the hearts of some members of the white proletariat and only wish (This is a rather personal confession.) that I possess the ability to similarly terrorize. The Negro terrorizes simply by being himself; I, however, must browbeat a bit in order to achieve the same end. Perhaps I should have been a Negro. I suspect that I would have been a rather large and terrifying one, continually pressing my ample thigh against the withered thighs of old white ladies in public conveyances a great deal and eliciting more than one shriek of panic. Then, too, if I were a Negro, I would not be pressured by my mother to find a good job, for no good jobs would be available. my mother herself, a worn old Negress, would be too broken by years of underpaid labor as a domestic to go out bowling at night. She and I could live most pleasantly in some moldy shack in the slums in a state of amibitionless peace, realizing contentedly that we were unwanted, that striving was meaningless.

>> No.15053740

>my friends and I were trying to play chess at Chipotle
You were kicked out for loitering and not buying anything. That's not fucking discrimination you good.

>> No.15053750
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>All I'll need to do is get diagnosed with PTSD
Your case isn't going anywhere. Just leave 'em a 1 star review on Google

>> No.15053755

better yet, leave them a lot of one-stars.

that'll take Chipotle down.

>> No.15053756

Not this shit again...

>> No.15053767

I actually have a job, asshole. And my intelligence is REAL intelligence because I have a job at a tech startup in my city.
you're a pig
I think it was. And once I can prove I contracted PTSD from this incident, I'll finally have my justice. I've managed to find out the manager's full name, his social media accounts, and his license plate number. Even if this court case falls through, I have enough information to make his life a living hell.

>> No.15053770

Also he could send an email to the corporate complaint department with Chipotle, which won't get him anything besides a gift card and the manager will have to send an email back to the complaint department justifying why OP was kicked out (which is almost certainly loitering).

>> No.15053774

OP I believe in you, but you need the public on your side. I recommend organizing a protest/boycott of Chipotle and you definitely have to contact as many local news agencies as you can. You have to make as much noise as you can to get this corporate types to sit up and take notice because they're petrified of bad press. Call some autism advocacy groups and share your story with them, call the ACLU if the local lawyer won't take your case. Don't let anyone tell you you're less important than anyone else. If anything you're more important.

>> No.15053782

>Even if this court case falls through, I have enough information to make his life a living hell.
No, you'll just get yourself in trouble.

>> No.15053783

>I think it was. And once I can prove I contracted PTSD from this incident, I'll finally have my justice. I've managed to find out the manager's full name, his social media accounts, and his license plate number. Even if this court case falls through, I have enough information to make his life a living hell.
Enjoy jail for being a stalking faggot you stupid goddamn autist. But go ahead and sue too, you'll end up having to pay their legal fees for your bullshit. While you're at it kill yourself.

>> No.15053788


>> No.15053790
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>be manager at shipotle
>shit job, shit pay, shit kids coming in all day
>but day is going well, sold queso sauce to a hot biddy, threw some loads of my own cheesedick in there
>autistic crew in pokemon shirts and furry tails comes in
>oh shit.png
>start screeching about some chess tournament
>one of them is giving a handy to an obese walrus / Turkey hybrid
>get the fuck outta here.webm
>same dude giving the handy tries to hand me a dollar for guacamole
>he snidely comments hes a paying customer
>he drops they money from his weak dainty hands
>stares at me like I slapped it out of his palm
>they leave
>customers all clap for me getting out

>> No.15053800

I agree. Let this man be a shining beacon that helps to dismantle the bourgeoisie dictators running fast casual dining!

>> No.15053813

this sounds like a good idea. I'll try to contact customer support and my local news station. I'll also get my autistic friends involved since I myself am not autistic.
How could they trace it back to me? Most managers probably don't remember "bad" customers since they're so busy making food and doing drugs.
I'm not a stalker. I just know how to conduct research.

>> No.15053815

State of you lad. Dont expect to be able to do nerd shit in a business. Buy first, fuck about after you low iq autist.

>> No.15053820

>Most managers probably don't remember "bad" customers
I guarantee you that that's incorrect.
t. hotel manager

>> No.15053824

If you think your plan to exact revenge on a Chipotle manager is a sane idea in any way then you are lacking the only intelligence that matters. You're dumb.

>> No.15053825

>since I myself am not autistic
Wow, you're sure good at pretending then.

>> No.15053833

>Most managers probably don't remember "bad" customers
Maybe if you waited 6-12 months before revenging them, but I think you're probably way too autistic to wait.

>> No.15053834

You have as much chance at winning your case as trump does at overturning the election results

>> No.15053842

>someone slapping a 5 dollar bill out of my hand greatly disturbed my peace of mind
>not being able to play chess at a fucking restaurant greatly disturbed my peace of mind
Fucking nerd
Can't wait until you run into some real problems in life

>> No.15053844

Disagree. Trump has a non-zero chance of doing that. This clown has a negative chance, as in not only won't he win but he might end up in jail if he stalks and harasses some manager to "make his life a living hell" with whatever autistic plan he has.

>> No.15053855

It's been a few months. I'm sure he's forgotten by now.
I think my odds are infinitely better. Just call me the Joe Biden of fast casual lawsuits.
Could an autistic person hold a job or earn my salary?
I do have real problems. I had to put my dog down last month.
I'm not brutish enough to harm anyone physically. My torture will be psychological.

>> No.15053871
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>some lawyers and court judges are going to be reading this thread and the archive of all the others after OP loses his case and gets charges pushed for stalking and harassment

>> No.15053886

>My torture will be psychological.
And how do you plan on accomplishing that?

>> No.15053893

People like you shouldn't get access to legal aid

>> No.15053903

>I'm not brutish enough to harm anyone physically. My torture will be psychological.
That's called harassment, faggot.

>> No.15053905

>big meany chipotle manager kicked me out for loitering
>I now have ptsd and need reperations
anon you can admit that youre the autistic one.
chipotle is private property, you cant just decide to whatever you want there. if they determine you've been loitering they're well within their rights to kick you out. next time pick up food and play chess in a public place.

>> No.15053914

I've been watching his Twitter feed for the past few months keeping an eye out for anything that might prove he's racist or autistophobic. The moment that happens, I report him to activist groups and lead a protest. Problem is, this asshole only tweets about his pets and the books he "reads", but I know at some point he'll slip. I've also tried to report his car as stolen or involved in drive-bys, but the police have yet to take my suggestions seriously.
However, I once keyed his car when I found it parked at a Whole Foods. I bet that pissed him off pretty bad.

>> No.15053926
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you are evil
are you jewish?
stop living

the jew flies away

that's a haiku i just wrote for you

>> No.15053928

what books does he read? asking for a friend

>> No.15053934
File: 2.42 MB, 202x360, heard you were mad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus anon. You really should live and let live.

>> No.15053936

lmao you gotta be making this shit up. If not though enjoy prison.

>> No.15053939

low-iq trash like poetry and "the classics". he's a complete pseudo-intellectual who couldn't find a better job anywhere other than shitpotle

>> No.15053946

the classics?

>> No.15053949

anon you seriously need to drop it. you're going to get yourself in trouble if you continue. most certainly financially if you pursue a lawsuit, and possibly criminal if you keep harassing the manager. you're never going to prove discrimination unless he called you and your friends retards/niggers when he was kicking you out.
point is chipotle is private property and are allowed to remove you. you will win nothing in court unless this chipotle had a "no niggers" sign.

>> No.15053956

garbage like H.G. Wells and other childish drivel

>> No.15053966

This is absurd, though. No company would ever have such a sign!
Today's monsters are much more subtle. The moment he lets his mask slip, I'm going in for the kill.
I've also tried to catfish him to get his girlfriend to break up with him, but he never checks his Twitter messages.

>> No.15053971

He must begin a reading program immediately so that he may understand the crises of our age.

Beginning with the late Romans, including Boethius, of course. Then he should dip rather extensively into early Medieval. One may skip the Renaissance and the Enlightenment. That is mostly dangerous propaganda. Now that I think of it, he had better skip the Romantics and the Victorians, too. For the contemporary period, he should study some selected comic books.

I recommend Batman especially, for he tends to transcend the abysmal society in which he's found himself. His morality is rather rigid, also. I rather respect Batman

>> No.15053988

I take back calling you autistic. you're clearly schizo
unless this is larp then you're back to being autistic.

>> No.15054007
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He probably couldn't read Batman, lol.
I can assure you I'm 1000% serious. Tomorrow I'm going to follow his car back to where he lives and develop a strategy.

>> No.15054008

in all seriousness, OP, you realize that manager who crossed you is just doing his job, right? he doesn't make the rules but just enforces them. what do you expect to achieve by personally attacking an employee who is a "slave wagie" when they have no control over company policy?

>> No.15054025

he is not simply a pawn to his company. he is an egomaniac and a monster.

>> No.15054042

ok but promise to post pics

>> No.15054047

sometimes I think that baker acting someone is immoral. thank you for reminding me why its not.

>> No.15054058

shit like this is why blacks hate white people op
shove your entitlement up your undoubtedly hairy asshole

>> No.15054060

lucky for me, I don't live in Florida

>> No.15054064

They have similar provisions in many states.

>> No.15054067

>egomaniac and a monster
Let's try and look at this objectively. A manager at chipotle kicked you and your friends out, and was quite rude doing so. I can understand why youd be upset over this. However, you're now trying to ruin this mans life over being asked to leave a restaurant. You are the monster in this situation anon. Leave a bad Yelp review for the chipotle and move on.

>> No.15054075

>he is an egomaniac and a monster.
>Just call me the Joe Biden of fast casual lawsuits.
>My torture will be psychological.
this is actual projection
OP you bought chips and dip, not the rights to rent a room. Consider suicide

>> No.15054077

mmm this thread reminds me I haven't had chipotle in awhile.
thanks op! I know what i'm having for lunch now. brb

>> No.15054114

>management didn't approve of
Can you go into more detail here?
Were you having gay sex or telling black people to stop stealing shit?

>> No.15054124

call the ACLU they will provide you with a lawyer

>> No.15054156

chipotle doesnt have to let you and your weirdo friends loiter and play chess in its restaurant. No reasonable person would ever expect them to. Why the fuck would anybody trying to do business want 10 autists taking up their tables and making everyone uncomfortable

>> No.15054178

I remember OP from hos old threads, I just couldn't believe it was real and now, I don't know what to say

>> No.15054212
File: 26 KB, 511x340, 1602513273694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read about 9 posts in here and can say with 100% confidence:
1. This thread is fake and gay
2. OP's LARP boring and he's a faggot
3. Everyone who posts in here is fucking retarded
Eat shit and die morons.

>> No.15054229

>anon files a lawsuit
>the manager gets suspicious and counter-sues for harassment
>this thread is found and becomes actual court evidence for why OP was harassing a Chipotle manager
>even includes a full confession of the crimes in question
Put me in the screencap, lawyers in the future

>> No.15054276

Chipotle store managers are north of 50k/year. Not bad for restaurant work.

>> No.15054282

>Tomorrow I'm going to follow his car back to where he lives and develop a strategy.
You're going to get your ass shot, my dude.

>> No.15054294

I generally think it's immoral. I know a few people that it's happened to when it really shouldn't have. OP, however, is absolutely crazy.

>> No.15054302

Don't even try to sue a restaurant for food poisoning OP, you will never be able to prove that you got the food poisoning from there. Their lawyers will destroy you, it's all they do.

>> No.15054303

That's certainly bullshit
I'm going to win this case. My lawyer says she'll find a way to get me a psychological evaluation.

>> No.15054322

We might as well email this thread to Chipotle and mention that somebody is stalking one of their store managers over an in-restaurant incident.

>That's certainly bullshit
You'd be surprised. There's more to management than just being shift lead. There's the HR aspect, the inventory aspect, AR/AP, P&L reviews, sales and marketing. Store managers are professional employees, not food-making wagies.

It's why you see so many restaurants going to shit on Hell's Kitchen and Restaurant Impossible... they're owned and operated by chefs who have no aptitude for the business side of things.

>> No.15054330

I also found the manager's home. I left a surprise on the hood of his car. My persistance is paying off.

>> No.15054342

This goddamn thread again
Why are so many of you fucks replying

>> No.15054358

Pics or it didn't happen

>> No.15054360

There's a board game cafe where I live. They charge everyone $5 just to use the table, which makes sense since you're going to be there for longer than a meal would take. You're trying to use a normal restaurant as though it was a board game cafe, and not even paying the table fee. Since Chipotle does not advertise itself as a board game cafe, they have every right to kick you out for trying to use it as one.

Drop this whole thing before you embarass yourself any further, and go to a board game cafe if you want to play board games at a place that also serves food and drinks.

>> No.15054510

High IQ post

>> No.15054518
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>trying to sue a huge chain like Chipotle's for food poisoning.
are you dumb

>> No.15054552

That's good OP, you definitely need a psychological evaluation

>> No.15054593

That's evidence, you moron. And it's nothing illegal. I simply placed a black knight on the hood of his car.

>> No.15054604

He'd not trying to sue for food poisoning, this is way funnier

>> No.15054610

>implying this thread was funny the first ten times he reposted it

>> No.15054622


>> No.15054624

>I simply placed a black knight on the hood of his car
Yeah, he'd 100% know what group you're from. You've keyed the guys car, you left an identifying marker of the activity you were doing when you were kicked out for loitering. Best stop now and not escalate, or you'll be fucked.

>> No.15054647

I'm not an attorney, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. :^)

>> No.15054776

It is funny

>> No.15054799

I did NOT post it 10 times. I was seeking support and conversation in those threads, but you were all (mostly) being dumb assholes.
I doubt he'd remember me. I know you have your doubts, but I'm surely just one drop in his customer bucket.

>> No.15054814

>but I'm surely just one drop in his customer bucket
People who managers have odd encounters with definitely get remembered. I remember the name and address of a guy who I had a crazy encounter with back in 2016, just in case I needed to file legal charges or a restraining order.
t. hotel manager

>> No.15054823

shut-up low-life. I don't care about you or your filthy hotel.

>> No.15054830
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>unfairly discriminated agains
by a minimum wage worker in america? shut up idiot.

>> No.15054833

you better check state law about recording phone calls.
in some states you need the consent of all parties, recording w/o consent can be a felony.

>> No.15054861

>shut-up low-life. I don't care about you or your filthy hotel.
80k/year, my dude. You may hate it, but not everybody in the hospitality industry is a burnout.

>> No.15054978

Why do you guys insist upon cleaning the room everyday? I'm a pretty laid back dude and can make my own bed. I don't need Juanita tidying up.

>> No.15055038

I'd prefer if we didn't, it saves labor costs if we don't.. even the housekeepers are happy to skip rooms, because they want to go home earl (rarely do housekeepers want to work a full 8 hour shift, unfortunately). Just hang your 'Do Not Disturb' on the door and you'll be left alone. My company does have a policy of cleaning DND rooms once every 7 days, just to make sure that the room isn't trashed, but we always have a member of the management team go in when we ignore 'Do Not Disturbs', either myself, my executive housekeeper, or my maintenance chief. Those situations are rare though, not too many folks stay that long, and the ones who do are typically under corporate contracts, like constructions crews or something.

>> No.15055054

Does your place have a "hang up your towel if you want to keep using it" sign, and then replace all the used towels regardless of whether you hang it up or not? I hate that.

>> No.15055062

Yeah, I was in a hotel for nearly a month for work and I felt it was far more often than once a week they insisted on coming to clean. Every 3 or 4 days. I just didn't get it. I do understand the necessity to make sure the room's not trashed, though.

How long have you been in the business? Is it more of a resort style place or a business traveler hotel?

>> No.15055102

>replying to an obvious pasta thread
r u dum

>> No.15055118

No signage, but my housekeepers don't replace towels that are hanging up. There's not an official brand standard on that, just my policy, though.
Been in the business for 10 years, in management for 8, and been running hotels as a general manager for 5. We're a business hotel, but get a large amount of tourists because we're in Florida. Definitely not a resort, however.

>> No.15055138

>since I myself am not autistic.
Are you sure about that?
>Could an autistic person hold a job or earn my salary?
Yes. In fact plenty of people on the spectrum have done a lot more than you. You just have a weird, unwarranted sense of self worth, on top of being an autist.
Grow up, anon. You were taking up space that other customers could've used, and probably bothering some in the process. It's not a personal attack when you annoy a business owner and they want you to fuck off, if you showed up a week later to buy more food they're not even going to turn you away unless you're making scenes and causing issues.

>> No.15055145

How do you like it? I worked in a hotel for ~4 years in high school and it was a lot of fun. I mostly did the restaurant/room service stuff. I even thought I might stay in the hospitality industry, but things changed.

>> No.15055191

>Could an autistic person hold a job or earn my salary?
I take offense to this. Yes, they can, and your statement to the contrary is evidence of your own shortcomings, as if anything else you've posted in this thread isn't

>> No.15055199

I like it pretty well, in good years, I've worked maybe 30 hours a week max outside of high season, but this year, we unfortunately had to lay a bunch of people off and I've picked dup a lot of the slack because I'm salaried exempt, so that's sucked. I much prefer directing people than I do spending hours in their jobs because I don't get paid OT.

>> No.15055207

So you're not only admitting to harassment by falsely reporting him to the police, wasting yours and their time, but you're admitting to vandalism too?

And what crime exactly did he commit to you? Not letting you take up space for hours in the restaurant he manages, where your presence there is by his discretion in the first place?

>> No.15055219

This has to be an elaborate troll. Where do you live, OP? I can't believe that people of your intelligence live anywhere civilized.

>> No.15055242

Plot twist, this whole thread isn't a troll or OP being an entitled idiot, it's a stunt to draw more attention to Chipotle. Those creative bastards in marketing got us again.

>> No.15055284

he definitely remembers you. I worked at a bagel store almost three years ago and I can still remember regular customers and people that were interesting or gave me a hard time.

I worked retail elsewhere ten years ago and can still remember some people from there who gave me a hard time, or other odd people.

ten billion percent he remembers you, and if he's any smarter than you seem to be he's gathering evidence right now that he will use to prove your constant harassment.

fwiw, at that bagel store when people wanted to stay for a while or have a gathering they'd *ask us* and it was generally okay as a one time thing, and they would buy food too. you should have gone to a games workshop or something, but now I encourage you to try the same thing at literally any other food place and see if you don't get the same results.

also I'm sorry your dog died.

>> No.15055293

not much point. the lawyer will take the majority of the money. i got $20,000 from subway and only ended up with a couple hundred in my pocket

>> No.15055297

So my mom was a maid back in the 70's and now wherever we stay somewhere when we leave she takes all the stuff off the beds and leaves them in neat piles. Is this a good thing to do, and how else can we make yours and your cleaner's jobs easier?

>> No.15055352

This sounds like one of those things that has good intentions but leaves the cleaning staff confused and very suspicious of what exactly is wrong with these folded piles of cloth.

>> No.15055368

>Is this a good thing to do, and how else can we make yours and your cleaner's jobs easier?
Yeah that's above and beyond what we expect any guest to do when they leave. I do the same thing when I stay in hotels. The only other thing that would make life easier for the housekeepers is making sure all of your trash is put into a trashcan, or at lease bagged up, rather than left all over the room.
Again, not expected, but appreciated.

Nah, it's not terribly uncommon for people to 'pre-bus' their rooms like this.

>> No.15055386

Thank you for your reply, friend. Will do.

>> No.15055400

>Nah, it's not terribly uncommon for people to 'pre-bus' their rooms like this.
Actually quite nice to hear, little things can mean a lot. There is some genuine good in the world.

>> No.15055450

I've read your posts before. This is either A+ bait or you're a low functioning autist. If this IS real please try and get a lawyer. Why? Because you'll have to pay the lawyer and everyone else who's time you've wasted when you inevitably lose.