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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15052707 No.15052707[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>black girl I met on tinder is surprised and upset I don't wash my chicken
>complains about slime and germs
>lectures me on why I should wash my chicken before cooking it
why are they like this

>> No.15052711

Because people are people. When we've done something all our lives, we tend to double down on the act. We assume others are wrong without critically examining the reason for our actions. I'm sure you have a few of these harmless quirks yourself.

>> No.15052726

black people have a poor understanding of food safety. Anyone whos worked in a restaurant will tell you 9/10 black people want their shit well done and will look at you sideways for eating anything even medium rare. They also seem to have the same weird hangup about washing meat.

>> No.15052729

most health authorities don't recommend it because you tend to splash around e.coli and it's far more dangerous, if you have to do it because your nagging gf says so, fill up a pot with water and do it in there.

>> No.15052730

Anon I don't think that's what she meant when she told you to wash your...

>> No.15052756

Could be what the person grew up eating. I came from a pretty well to do family, and always had access to very high quality food.

A couple years back I was volunteering in a soup kitchen and they had bbq chicken on the menu.

The chicken pieces were in these very large bags and everything had a film on it. They were also partially frozen or had ice chunks on them. So I fuckin washed all that shit off before I started marinating them. Otherwise nothing would have stuck to the chicken.

If this is the type of chicken someone is used to, I could see why they would feel the need to wash it. If you're getting a free range bird from a butcher, or a small package of well portioned and cleaned chicken pieces it wouldn't make sense.

>> No.15052775

What negative do you think washing the meat will do? Do you think the protein will wash away? You know nothing about a piece of meat is water soluble, right? The most you'll do is wash away surface slime and maybe any remaining blood. Before you balk at "surface slime", know that I live in the most expensive city in the united states and I often get chicken and fish that have "surface slime" from various grocery stores

>> No.15052781

>already trying to control you
Drop her

>> No.15052782

CDC says not to wash chickens because the juices will splash everywhere and contaminate your entire kitchen. That's just completely batshit crazy.

>> No.15052786

What's their endgame?

>> No.15052806

That nasty goop isnt soluble either, you can grab a wire brush and a bucket of bleach and go at it and the goop would still be there
If you got slimy chicken throw it away and get better chicken

>> No.15052808

Considering they also recommended people exposed to corona but asymptomatic to not get tested, I'm pretty sure it's just a bunch of retard politicians unintentionally trying to kill stupid people.

>> No.15052817 [DELETED] 


>> No.15052830


Also this.

>> No.15052834

Underrated and clever-pilled

>> No.15052847

Well in my personal experience I'll sometimes get a piece of salmon with the skin on, the skin is slimy and I want it to crisp on the pan, so I hold it under a running faucet and just rub the skin with my hand - washing the slime away. Let it dry and it's good to go.
Another is chicken wings, I got some whole section wings and there was a bit of smell and slime, it was before the sell by date so I wanted to verify if it was just the slime. Rinse and rub with your hands and both are removed/lessened, the meat was fine

>> No.15052852

don't date a bitch who is ok with eating poor quality meat

>> No.15052864

Literally huh? It just washes right off if you rub it with you fingers under water for a second. Fish is the same way. I don't care about germs. You sound like you've never cooked anything

>> No.15052893

It doesn't
I buy my chicken fresh, the only time I got weird goop on it was this awful frozen chicken I bought because it was the only thing in the store
Even my new knife I bought a month prior couldn't cut through it without slipping
Washing it did nothing

>> No.15053076

I thought asymptomatic spread wasnt a thing with covid

>> No.15053501

It's very much a thing.

>> No.15053518

did you try drying the chicken? you know you're supposed to pat it dry

>> No.15053531

The problem with niggers is that they are low-IQ. This doesn't just mean they are stupid, it means they don't understand what things do or how to make them or why they should make them. There has never been a nigger that stood on the bank of a river and thought, "Gee, sure would be easier to get this water back home if I had a way to carry more of it." Instead, they stand on the bank of the river, dunk their bucket, and walk 10 miles back home with their bucket of water. They don't build a canal, they don't irrigate, they don't build barrels. Nothing. It's because the thought never occurs to them.
This is why stupid niggers living in the West are still so incapable of coping. They see White man has a nice house and a nice car. They want a nice house and a nice car. They don't know how to get those things, so they get mad and decide everyone is racist. All they know is that they want what you have and they don't know how to get it. That's why they commit a disproportionate amount of crime. Niggers simply lack the curiosity to make innovation because they don't question anything or wonder or think. They just eat and shit out niglets. They are holding back all humanity.

>> No.15053540

>kneeling to niggers has extended to the kitchen
establish dominance or move on cuck

>> No.15053547

Her chicken is approaching expiration

>> No.15053558

Niggers are dumb as fuck anon they are apes that can talk.

>> No.15053562

Last I heard they decided otherwise

>> No.15053710

Covid is like Hitler: everything negative that can be attributed to it, is and no one will question the legitimacy of the claim.

>> No.15053930

I do the same thing when I buy the cheap brand whole cute entrecote because it is vacuum wrapped in (((plastic))). I imagine cleaning it gets rid of most of the plastic marinade

>> No.15054107

It was a ton of goop and it was thick and glue like

>> No.15054110

>>black girl I met on tinder
You know where you went wrong

>> No.15054113

take a picture next time, I've never seen goop like you're describing. Just surface grime/film on the skin

>> No.15054117
File: 1.88 MB, 4032x2384, fridge aged chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea I have some expired chicken that I am afraid to open and it still doesn't have thick goop. it just let out that water/slime >>15054113

>> No.15054207
File: 72 KB, 250x272, stopped_reading-there.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black girl I met on tinder

>> No.15054244

>most us authorities
other countries need not to be concerned

>> No.15054251

This. I never washed chicken growing up but there's a lot of cheap shit that starts to smell a little off days before it actually goes bad, just wash that shit and season the fuck out of it and build up your food poisoning tolerance a bit, and bam you're saving ducats on ducats.

>> No.15054317

I wash my chicken because they spay it with chlorine and I wanna make sure it all comes off before I eat it.
>inb4 pool water

>> No.15054328

Lol, gr8 b8 m8

>> No.15054560

based and reasonable

>> No.15054570

Great pasta!!