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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15048955 No.15048955 [Reply] [Original]

I am unemployed due to Coronavirus and know that I could qualify for EBT if I bit the bullet. I have been eating ramen for 6 months.

Is getting to enjoy food again worth the loss of dignity?

>> No.15048960

Yes you tard. When you were working you paid a shitload of money to fund those programs, not using them when you have a legitimate need is moronic.

>> No.15048962

>Loss of dignity
Tell me, do you have a pretty mouth?

>> No.15048964

>The government constantly steals your money
>Sales tax
>Income tax
>Property tax

You take whatever you can fucking wring out of them, you moron.

>> No.15048966
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How do you qualify?

>> No.15048967

get food stamps if you need them, but you should give an honest, concerted effort to cooking on a budget beforehand
there are tons of people who qualify and don't need them at all, but just have shitty habits/want the free food

>> No.15048970

The whole reason you agree to pay taxes is for this sort of safety net. It would undignify you to forsake the mechanisms of the society you participate in

>> No.15048971

You actually have to be remarkably poor and shitty to qualify for it.

>> No.15048974

Not particularly. I don't think it's undignified to receive benefits but I just never personally thought I would be in this position.


These are strong points. Maybe I should just do it.

>> No.15048975

If you're not worried about losing dignity, get some knee pads.

>> No.15048979

I think you are using this resource as intended. Good luck and enjoy your dinner.

>> No.15048981

Since I live alone, I qualify as long as I make $2000 or less per month. I pay $600 in rent and make about $800 from my unemployment payments.

>> No.15048990

Yes, you should also hit up your local food bank to see what you can get from them. These are exactly the circumstances that social relief programs exist for.

>> No.15048995

I mean if you qualify then go for it. Maybe drive one town over if you’re really that embarrassed to be seen with the card lol

>> No.15048996

>$24k/yr with no dependents qualifies you for food stamps.

>> No.15049023

depends on the state.

>> No.15049026

I misspoke. It's actually $1968/month, not $2000.

>> No.15049035

What shit hole do you live in that doesn't have self-checkout areas?

>> No.15049045

Self checkout at my local market is not going on because of coronavirus.

>> No.15049053

This. If your state can't wait for President Biden you're much more likely to get EBT.

>> No.15049058

Sounds counter-intuitive

>> No.15049066

I think so, too. I think it's because they don't want to put extra employees on to clean the self checkout after each use.

>> No.15049075

If you actually need it then get them, that’s why they’re there. Just don’t take advantage of the system and once you’re more financially stable, get off them

>> No.15049082

You don't have any savings?

>> No.15049087

hee hee

>> No.15049092

I think this is the proper answer. Thanks, friend.

Unfortunately not. I just recently moved to a cheaper place. My rent was $1050 a month so I was draining my savings just paying my bills.

>> No.15049099

I have about 5K in the bank so I'm guessing that might disqualify me but I'm not sure.

>> No.15049105

The website for my state where you verify eligibility did not ask me about any liquid assets or anything, just my income and other info like that.

May be different for your state, though.

>> No.15049107

I personally wish they'd get rid of all gov assistance programs like ebt, I'm on food stamps and get 300 a month if they're available use it, but I hope one day they get rid of it because fuck taxes especially property taxes

>> No.15049114

They will preliminarily approve you, give benefits, then take them back if you turn out not to qualify later on.

>> No.15049115

I got them before. $200 a month in absolutely free food is awesome. As a single dude, I just ran out of stupid shit to buy. This was a few years ago and I spent the last of my food stamps on Halloween candy for trick or treaters.

>> No.15049117

This 100%. If you've ever paid tax, or your parents paid tax, and either of you complained about it; then now is your time to take back what you've paid.

You are literally entitled to this.

>> No.15049126

I've had food stamps off and on for a few years now. Renewing them every 6 months is sort of annoying but they don't actually make you go in person, here anymore.

It's a quick phone interview once a year and you have to fill out the full form once a year and then every 6 months there's a shorter interim form.

There's an app here where I am both to check your benefits so you don't have to call a phone number to see your EBT balance, and also you can submit the main EBT form through the app now. You can also usually print out the paper forms and take pictures of them (filled out) with your phone and email your local dept of health and human services with that as well if the app doesn't work.

Grocery store employees absolutely do not care about you using the card and I don't really buy anything that luxurious with it, just honeycrisp apples really.

I mean its just to supplement your grocery budget. I get like 3-4 grocery store visits mostly paid for per month. It won't last you the whole month but it is sure nice to have.

I'm not saying to lie about that, but if you really need the money, they are not exactly checking carefully unless you are getting like a ton of different benefits. Just ebt for one person, nobody really cares that much. If you are so desperate you are willing to apply, for the most part you are poor enough that nobody cares.

>> No.15049132

This would fuckin suck.

$200 a month on food is unfathomable to me from my current situation, I've spent my whole life spending maybe $20/week on food, and much less recently.

Agreed. Think I am going to pull the trigger.

>> No.15049144

>This would fuckin suck.
Yeah, there are all sorts of people thinking the government should feed, clothe, and pay for their healthcare.

>> No.15049157

The government closed my workplace and then reduced my unemployment payments. Would be nice to be able to survive off the money that they do give me.

>> No.15049166

You should have a greater supply of personal savings and a proper social safety net with family and friends. You shouldn't count on the government to save you.

>> No.15049183

In an ideal world, these would be very easy things to do. However, a pandemic hit us and I didn't foresee myself being laid off for a year. I had a decent amount of savings but it disappeared quickly despite my budgeting.

>> No.15049198

>Is getting to enjoy food again worth the loss of dignity?
I don't think you wait in line in government offices like in the olden days. You probably just fill out of a form on a webpage and wait for your mail. So, you're the only person that really knows.
Then, I would imagine the best scenario is to use your card at a grocery/retailer that is not your usual store so they don't "know you" like their regulars.

Sorry anon. Hard times suck, but state and federal benefits are EARNED BY YOU when you were working and paid your taxes, so you don't need to feel weird about it. One scary thing would be that you don't stock up your larder with rice, beans, preserved meats, soups and your other staples and shit does hit the fan, and you find yourself kind of down and out, sick and grocery prices skyrocket, or the supply chain fails or some other catastrophe and your let your cupboards go totally bare in the meantime. So, get over the pride.
Also, you might look into where the churches and local charities do food bank handouts. I'll tell you what I've seen on the news here (Florida) in Naples...1800 families doing biweekly pickups. People with nicer/newer cars than me. Instantly losing your job can happen to any person in any profession. They are even laying off doctors and nurses right now.
Do what is good for your physical health and mental health both (and diet is a part of that), and when you are able again in future, you pay it forward with some other acts of kindness, if you can.

>> No.15049225

Very good head on your shoulders here. I will definitely look at food banks in the area, too. I'm excited at the prospect of looking forward to food again.

>> No.15049390

>I've spent my whole life spending maybe $20/week on food
Some people I know just barely qualified, and ended up getting a whopping $4/month.

HOWEVER- qualifying for SNAP at all made them eligible for other benefits from other agencies, so it was worthwhile, even if the $1/week seems like a rude slap.

>> No.15049404

dude just get it, that money is put aside and just not used unless it's taken advantage of. no one cares at the store unless you don't know your balance and hold up the line

>> No.15049412

imagine being so cucked by /pol/ logic that you can't even enjoy money that you've paid into taxes for years with your hard earned paychecks.
I'm part time employed and I get $200 a month EBT. shit is great.

>> No.15049422

I used to be a cashier at the local grocery store. I never cared that someone had to use EBT. I only got aggravated when they tried to buy things that didn't qualify and then got mad at me and called me racist names.

>> No.15049436

Ramen isn't even that cheap, anon. Start eating rice. It keeps well in the fridge in a sealed container and microwaves well. And fried rice is a great way to use up leftover odds and ends.

Another food you should eat is oats. Buy rolled oats and mix them 50:50 by volume with milk, put that in a container in the fridge and you have a perfect breakfast for the next day.

I made a cost per calorie calculator and have been testing things out on it. Oats are similar cost to ramen but so much better for you.

And yes, get on food stamps. I just did and it's great. I'm even buying chicken, but I get the pack of 12 bone-in thighs for like $6 and it's a lot of food.

Before I got fired I was making $45/hr and eating fancy luxury foods all the time. I still eat super well and it's fucking cheap if you know what you're doing.

>> No.15049450

White people need to give up this whole `i have dignity` idea. Sign up for every single welfare program you can from free food to free housing to free healthcare, sign up for energy assistance, free Marijuana, free bus fare, free money for blacks etc. Your relatives are paying for it just sign up already ..,.or die or don't reproduce its your choice but when you are eating a delic steak its better if you used ebt

>> No.15049465

Absolutely. And hit up a local food bank if you have one, organizations often do giveaways where once a week you can pick up a food box. People are here for you, Anon. Caring for our neighbors is the mark of a good civilization.

>> No.15049468

did you say free weed?

>> No.15049480

I usually just get ramen because it's cheap and flexible and I can make it quickly.

I've been turning Maruchan noodles into peanut butter noodles lately and that's been giving me some nice protein and helps keep me full.

I cannot remember the last time I bought milk.

I am half white and half black.

I figured it would be like that -- I just don't really want to take benefits from those who need them even more than I do.

>> No.15049491

>qualifying for SNAP at all made them eligible for other benefits

this there are other collateral benefits if you can prove you have a snap card in your name

I don't know exactly what benefits this anon is referring to, and i know this sounds a bit silly

but if you live in a big city and don't have a car like I do, all those rentable electric scooters (lyft/lime/bird/skip etc), bikes (jump/lime), and mopeds (revel) come at a big discount if you email them a photo of your snap card.

wayyyy better than public transit and the full cost usage fees are pretty outrageous but are reasonable with the low income discount

oh yeah and the snap card gives you a 20% discount on the (outrageously priced) medical marijuana here

>> No.15049503

>I am half white and half black.


>> No.15049509

Yes, and free $$$ if you say you are black

>> No.15049521

> just don't really want to take benefits from those who need them even more than I do.

IT'S NOT TAKING ANYTHING AWAY. the snap benefits are their own thing, you don't use them and no one uses them. It's not taking anything away, as a matter of fact most people leave thier benefits on the table when they are owed them LIKE YOU ARE DOING RIGHT NOW!

>> No.15049524
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Its a key that unlocks many doors, it gets you a free obama phone too

>> No.15049527

I'm sorry.

>> No.15049537

I am starting to understand that a bit more.

>> No.15049553

>unless you don't know your balance and hold up the line
Food stamps were a pain; couldn't accept if they were torn out of the book, lots of lining kids up with 10 cent candies and a single stamp each to get coins for the liquor store.
It's just a damn card now, may take a few extra seconds to authorize.
Call the hotline to check your balance right before you go shopping*, don't overflow the cart with ribeye and lobster and then "change your mind" about the rest once you max out. Avoid the ineligible items, or carry another form of payment for them.
Nobody gives a fuck about EBT if it vaguely looks like you're getting a wholesome mix of items and not just luxury protein or items for resale.

*Program all the numbers in as a speed dial with pauses. You dial your contact, it bleepity boops, announces your balance.

>> No.15049555


Being black is like winning the lottery

>Anyone “who has made income from using their or other people’s sexuality to financially assist themselves” can apply, said Cat Hollis, founder of PDX Stripper Strike and Haymarket Pole Collective, which is administering the grant. Priority will be given to Black, Indigenous and transgender applicants, those with minor dependents living in the household and those experiencing homelessness.


>> No.15049564

>call the hotline

just download ebt edge app to your phone and never have to call again

>> No.15049580

I wish I lived in PDX. California is okay but they aren't giving me stripper money

>> No.15049605

>don't know exactly what benefits
Likely qualifies you for medicaid insurance. Show SNAP card, get basic healthcare for free.

May ease you into qualifying for reduced/subsidized rent.
I think free/discounted public transit passes are often available.

So by proving once that you're too poor, now you officially get to pay less money for a lot of other stuff.

You're in a hard spot.
It is temporary.
Don't tough it out like a Big Dumb Man, get some help and make a plan for the future so you can reasonably transition back to paying for other people's EBT.

>> No.15049629

I had medicaid before I had SNAP I think, Depends which area of the country you are in but I recall medicaid as being pretty darn easy to sign up for and plus medicaid, once you are on it, you stay on it. Snap is a little more work to get imho.

>May ease you into qualifying for reduced/subsidized rent

sadly not at least here to not get annual rent hikes you need proof of disability or have to be over 65 I think.

>> No.15049630

Some people are too prideful for that.
Or their storage is full of games.
But agreed, there are ways to do it.

>> No.15049647

I think most people genuinely don't know there is an app for that. It isn't exactly widely advertised and I don't think it has even been around that long.

I'm not sure if its like a local EBT app just for my area or what.

Also, forgot to add, you get a discount on Amazon prime membership fees with your snap card, and that's totally worth it.

>> No.15049654

>sadly not at least here
Ancillary benefits vary by jurisdiction.

So the important message is "If you qualify for SNAP, you PROBABLY qualify to get something else too, so LOOK INTO IT."

>> No.15049655

i really don't understand why it is okay to discriminate against whites, or in this case anyone not black or "indigenous"

>> No.15049734

Just make sure you actually keep track of the money left on the card.
I've lost track of the number of times I got stuck in the checkout line behind some single mom who overestimated the money left on her card and has to spend 10 minutes figuring out what to keep and what to toss.

>> No.15049782

Only like 10% of Americans have any savings

>> No.15049846

It’s your money bro. If it still feels gross for no reason, just get a cash paid job on the side that you only gotta do 2-3 days a week of. Before you know it you’ll be back on your feet with some decent savings, and, you’ll be fucking the IRS, which is badass.

>> No.15050540

Do whatever you need to, just don't be those fat ugly retards that swarm all the grocery stores on the first Tuesday of the month or whatever day it is, hate it when I accidentally shop the same time as those people and the lines are backed up.

>> No.15050558

Under 50¢ for a dozen large eggs at Aldi for like the past month now. 24 eggs for 94¢

>> No.15050986

buddy the correct answer is go out and get yours, and get all the yours that you can get. I'm pretty far from a gommunist but self reliance is a meme, you think rich people pay more taxes than they absolutely have to?

>> No.15050996

i get like $200 a month for food lol

>> No.15051291

Aussie here
I went to the Food Bank when I was a poor uni student.
No shame in it.
It's literally there for people who've fallen on hard times.
May as well fucking use it.

>> No.15051292

EBT is something you do when you've given up on life. Most people who post here did that long ago, so you're going to get a lot of cope type answers.

>> No.15051458

>I am unemployed due to Coronavirus
No you are unemployed because your government prevents you from working. Corona is symptom not cause.
>Is getting to enjoy food again worth the loss of dignity?
It is governments fault you are without job so it is their goddam duty to provide for you.
The moment they lift shitty lockdowns they can go back to "pEoPLe aRe lAzY".

>> No.15052592

Do it simply for the fact that the majority are abusing it and some money should actually go to someone not using it for fraud.

>> No.15052599

Or they just have to eat to survive. Which is more likely than your pseudopsychological bullshit.

>> No.15052629

It's too easy to abuse EBT. I prefer WIC as you can only trade that card in for specific items. Also get a job you lazy faggot.

>> No.15052661

There is no shame in taking government money. Only 50% of the population is employed yet they continually flood in cheaper stupider slavery.
It's more embarrassing contributing to society.

>> No.15052670

Taxes are tyranny.

>> No.15052677

>Is getting to enjoy food again worth the loss of dignity?
How is starving/eating garbage dignified anon? Get food. It's why EBT exists, so you can eat real food instead of dying from eating ramen.

>> No.15052698

What a moronic take. The reason these programs exist IS to have a proper safety net, because not everyone has a large family or personal connections at all times in their life. The government maintaining its citizens is literally what the fuck a government is supposed to do you knuckle-dragging fuck.

>> No.15052705

Inheritance and Usury are the weapons of tyranny, not collective agreement.

>> No.15052706

>The government maintaining its citizens is literally what the fuck a government is supposed to do you knuckle-dragging fuck.
No it's not. You're a braindead 20-something fool.

>> No.15052717

You already get unemployment payments, so I really see no reason to draw the line at food stamps. Just don't be a jogger/trailer trash about it. Look for a job, and use the funds to buy healthy foods like vegetables.

>> No.15052727

>I've spent my whole life spending maybe $20/week on food, and much less recently.
Can you give an idea of what you buy? I definitely send more like $100-$150 a week. Granted, I also don't really worry about my grocery budget

>> No.15052742

>>t. libertarian university student
We get it Kyle, you're bucking the trend by enjoying your economic equivalent of wicca on grandpa's hard work.

>> No.15052749

I'm a 31 year old blue collar worker that's finally going back to finish his degree.

You couldn't be more wrong.

>> No.15052757

americans have it easy, food stamps and cheapest food in the first world

>> No.15052765

Yes, enjoy your steak and lobster dinners.

>> No.15052796

Yes, SO LONG AS when the time comes you can give the card up when you're better off, if you're actually working your ass off and not just sitting sround doing drugs then theres 0 shame

>> No.15052818

I work my ass off and pay all my debts but reading through this thread makes me realize I'm a fucking sucker. I should just checkout and get goverment gibs

>> No.15052826

>loss of dignity
who the fuck knows you're on EBT other than a cashier who doesn't care about you anyway

>> No.15052844

can't qualify now that they know you can work you fucking sucker

>> No.15052865

just go down and get them they dont really ask any questions and you dont have to prove how poor you are

>> No.15052890

Obama's children.

>> No.15052904
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I think it's pathetic. Going on the government dole makes you a slave and a leech. I also think that if the government is going to fuck you in the ass every chance they get, better to get something back than them bailing out only the big fish at the top.

82% of the country made more on unemployment during Corona boosted unemployment bonuses than actually working. I may or may not have kept working while being "unemployed." Fuck it, it's like trying to take every tax exemption you can.

>> No.15052905

How does it work? Can you get anything you want or is it nigger proof and you can only buy fresh produce?

>> No.15052937

I feel like you're bullshitting but then I remember the pieces of shit I see pulling into the welfare store every day wouldn't be able to scrape up official documentation for anything even if they tried.

Can't buy booze or smokes but anything else is fair game. Blow it all on candy and chips then complain you're still hungry

>> No.15052979

Many jurisdictions say that you can't buy hot prepared food. So rotisserie chickens are off. No booze, no smokes.

Most grocery items are allowed, including chips, candy, and soda.
Take and bake pizza is also allowed, which is kind of why you see Papa Murphy's next to the hood. Not the best value for money, but certainly not the worst.

>> No.15053081

How do I feel about my tax dollars being used by obese people to buy junk food? Pretty much the same way I feel about my tax dollars being used to fund failing public schools.

>> No.15053095

Other replies mention no alcohol or smokes, but remember you can always sell your EBT for cash. You’ll take a 5-20% loss but it is what it is.

>> No.15053099

Or you go to shitty little convenience stores run by immigrants that will ring up your items incorrectly and accept it. I dislike how easily EBT benefits are abused.

>> No.15053103

That’s the power of capitalism, son. One day you eurofags might figure that out.

>> No.15053107

how come negroes in the ghetto are always obese and carrying out mountains of food if the ebt gives you so little?

>> No.15053114

Because in an effort to buy more votes, the Democratic party enacted legislation that lets you buy junk food with the benefits and lets small retailers accept EBT.

>> No.15053116

You dumb fucking faggot the government doesn’t take care of anyone. We take care of ourselves via (involuntary) taxation which the government acts as an unnecessary middleman-distributor who gets the privilege of skimming +50% of our taxes for corporate socialism and aircraft carriers and letting us poor fans fight over whatever’s left.

>> No.15053122

Faggot you probably let niggers fuck your gf then apologize for the actions of your ancestors huh

>> No.15053141 [DELETED] 

There’s no such thing as “free” cocksucking nigger. So whenever your lazy ass gets your tax-payer funded healthcare or EBT, don’t forget to thank an actual tax payer, considering you’re their adult-dependent who they’ve never met.

>> No.15053189

No one cares you're poor and use ebt

>> No.15053202

Well maybe they can do what literally everyone else has to do and get a job. Taco Bell is hiring, and you even get a free food!

>> No.15053203

Witchcraft is still witchcraft no matter how old you are or what you do. Kudos to you for going back for your degree, but please don't try to guilt-trip people from merely asking for some return from their taxes. No matter how badly I disagree with you, I don't want you to be sick and in no position to pay your way back to health.

>> No.15053212

It takes a special kind of simp to pin the blame on the government after everything the elite have done to hamstring it. If you're so pissed off about 'corporate socialism', consider actually voting out the corrupt hypocrites shovelling more dollars to them (and ultimately themselves) and voting in the people who'll actually hand back the fruits of your labor.

>> No.15053229

I cannot see myself being in such a desperate situation again because I save a lot and work hard. I was quite poor in my early 20s when I dropped out of college, but I made a serious change in my life and now I own a home and have no fear about loss of income. I won't pretend my situation is typical, just that people are often victims of their own actions/inactions. Further, they shouldn't count on the government when the chips are down.

>> No.15053234

>made more on unemployment due to Corona bonuses
Genuinely would like a source for this, because if anything the number one complaint for workers is that compensation is nowhere near enough for lost wages (especially if they got sick!), and the money has been distributed poorly, i.e. handed to companies who need it the least. We really should be asking more questions about where those trillions of dollars went under Republican oversight (or rather, the lack of it...).

>> No.15053248

Lmao dude I got so much damn free money it went right into my pocket and my gf was making 2-300 dollars more than her regular paychecks, not to mention the 1200 as well.

>> No.15053264

>Coworkers make more than I do.
>But since I'm not married I don't get stimulus checks
>Since I'm still working, I don't get a spouse collecting more in unemployment than what she would normally be making
I honestly cannot see how people believe this system is fair.

>> No.15053284

Huh? You’re not making sense dude. Just give up.

>> No.15053312

Married couples that make more than I do get stimulus checks(while I do not) because of how the tax brackets work.

These same coworkers will also collect unemployment checks from their now unemployed spouse that exceed their normal income.

Does that make more sense.

>> No.15053318


>> No.15053321

>I never saw myself as a junkie until I broke my back, got hooked on Vicodin by my pharmacist, then resorted to shady drug dealers once I got desperate
>I never saw myself as a coronavirus patient until I actually got the disease and barely survived with my lung function halved, practically turning into a zombie
>I never saw myself as economically vulnerable until a recession hit, causing me to lose my job and my savings when my bank folded, and now I'm a hobo
>I never saw myself as a victim of police brutality until the cops got called on me for no good reason and I got shot, and people actually think I deserved it
>I never saw myself as someone who needed to worry about climate change until it caused a humongous wildfire that consumed my house
>I never, never, never, NEVER...

>> No.15053327

Lmao imagine having no agency over your life and thinking everything bad that happens to you is because of a political issue

>> No.15053344

Imagine thinking that, then promptly voting in people who'll take that agency and do all this to you and worse for a buck. They fooled us into not wearing masks, thinking private enterprises could do no wrong, that climate change was (metaphorical) hot air, that the police actually cared about justice, etc., etc. Now we know better, and can use that agency to stop these bastards.

>> No.15053355

Bro go outside there’s better things to do in life than being an unpaid worker for a rich politician

>> No.15053371

As opposed to what? Being a unpaid drudge for the people paying the rich politicians? Who do you think is causing all this corruption in the first place? Why are you abdicating your responsibility to shut them and their pawns down?

>> No.15053383

Idk man nothing has changed in my immediate life in the last 8 years other than getting a phone and seeing a bunch more gay people, politics really doesn’t matter man

>> No.15053394

>I never saw myself as a junkie until I broke my back, got hooked on Vicodin by my pharmacist, then resorted to shady drug dealers once I got desperate
Have a little bit of self-control and beware of the side effects of narcotics. It's not difficult to never enter the spiral.
>I never saw myself as economically vulnerable until a recession hit, causing me to lose my job and my savings when my bank folded, and now I'm a hobo
What an absolutely stupid argument in the days of the FDIC.
>I never saw myself as a victim of police brutality until the cops got called on me for no good reason and I got shot, and people actually think I deserved it
People who don't act like morons don't typically get shot by the police. You don't fight with cops on the street, you fight with them in court.
>I never saw myself as someone who needed to worry about climate change until it caused a humongous wildfire that consumed my house
Good thing I have insurance that will take care of me.

If you take some personal responsibility your life will generally be fine. It's not like you can control the uncontrollable and neither can the government. Pray to God, not a bureaucrat.

>> No.15053414

I only dislike when people buy crap ton of junk food with it. When I was on it, I'd spend like 90 on meats (lots of bulk chicken and pork, with some grounded beef) 15 to rice, another 10 for any spices, 85 was left over to buy fresh veggies, breads, etc. My gf and I were able to live off that for a month.

>> No.15053429

We voted out Trump. We can vote out other parasites like McConnell, who has the gall to deny Dem calls for stimulus while shamelessly squandering trillions. Feel free to wallow in apathy, but people are actually remembering they can fight for their best interest and win by kicking the system back into shape. Biden is definitely not a dream candidate, but anyone who can drag us out of the Conservative morass will do at this point.

>> No.15053434

Being a “political guy” is so lame. Imagine your whole personality being centered around focus grouped images you were shown that activated your lizard brain and now you spend all day doing unpaid labor. At least paid shills make money. Unlike you, my hobbies are hiking, reading fiction, and cooking. They bring me joy. What does politics bring you?

>> No.15053437

Here's one
My state waived the first week no-pay and gave me $600/week on top of what I would normally get which was something like 70% of what I used to earn. I don't wish for more shutdowns, but on a personal level I would benefit.

>> No.15053447

>Implying Democrats aren't even worse.
They suck tech company dicks instead of oil company dicks. That's the only difference. They play up identity politics and incite far more hatred than any other group.

You've been had, bucko.

>> No.15053457

For every arrogant assumption you have, I can give you plenty of stories that deflate them faster than a piss bubble. There's a difference between self-pride and wilful delusion, and the elites are counting on you to conflate the two. Demanding justice, equity and the government to do its job is not a sign of weakness no matter how many inches of scum say otherwise.

>> No.15053467

>Demanding justice, equity and the government to do its job
The difference is that I don't think the government does or should do much of anything. You want to it be a surrogate parent.

>> No.15053472

you can also suppliment with foodbanks and dumpsterdiving

foodbanks stocked by donations fucking suck: powdered milk, fake cheese, oatmeal and dry beans
foodbanks stocked by grocery store excess/trash: day old bread, fancy cheeses, tons of kale and other select produce, premade sandwiches and wraps and jars of pesto and other amazing goodies

>> No.15053478

Imagine going around all day feeling stressed out about things completely out of your control. I wake up and smile, I go outside and feel the air tickle my skin, and I feel thankful to god for providing us with the ability to feel this feeling.

>> No.15053482

Funny you say that, because I don't recall Obama telling Antifa to 'stand down and stand by' while he was in office. Neither did Biden during his campaign. I genuinely cannot fathom how American Republicanism/Conservatism has any credibility left after supporting a manchild for 4 years.

>> No.15053487

If they axe all social assistance programs, they aren't going to stop taxing you, they'll just use your taxes for more military funding and corporate subsidies

>> No.15053490

>>The government constantly steals your money
>>Sales tax
>>Income tax
>>Property tax
>You take whatever you can fucking wring out of them, you moron.
ive been weighing the pros and cons, and i find the most sensible choice of lifestyle right now is to not work and collect max benefits AND MAX FREE TIME.

>> No.15053496

You can vote for better things, bro. You don't have to let spoiled children rule over you.

>> No.15053499

>or other people's
>free grants for pimps

West coast is a weird place

>> No.15053500

Log off, man. Go walk around and pay a stranger a compliment. You’ll be doing more good for the world than you could ever do shilling for politics on 4chan. And you’ll feel way better about yourself too.

>> No.15053508

Brother, I'm right there with you. I worry very little about the actions of the Federal government, but I do focus a bit more on my city/state. In the end, there's very little we can do, so I don't fret too much.

>> No.15053509

Never have voted, never will. Not worth my time, and never saw a change either way.

>> No.15053519

A parent raises their child until they can step out into the world on their own as a full-grown person, and catch them should they ever stumble on the path. Your idea of raising a child would lead to an immature corpse. Extend this analogy to a government and its citizens.

>> No.15053525

Chill out man. When was the last time you talked to your Grandma? She’s lonely and she would love to hear your voice (and a couple home baked cookies wouldn’t hurt either!)

>> No.15053526

The fact that you compare the government to a benevolent parent shows how deluded you are.

>> No.15053529

You think I don't go outside and try to change things for the better? People outside listen to me, or at least pretend to do so; right now, I'm just trying to convince you that you have a say in your life through politics.

>> No.15053533

You do this in real life? Sad. Get a real hobby.

>> No.15053535

>Yes, and free $$$ if you say you are black
oregon is one of the few states that has plentiful family farms not bought out by corporations.
up until 1950's black people werent allowed to live in oregon and denied any opportunity to sustain themselves with farm jobs like that.

good thing blacks had lots of blue collar jobs elsewhere
and then the corporations lobbied to have their jobs sent to china.
and then did the ca really flood black communities with crack to really fuck them or is that just a crackpot theory?

who flooded the black communities with crack? i would say that was really the demise of the black community. not becuase theyre inherrintly careless-worthless people but becuase a whole generation was raised by crack addicted worthless people and those shitty values were then passed on.

do you think you would have just as easily become the successful proud man you are now, if you were raised by crack adicted parents who only taught you wrong?

>> No.15053553

Why do you think this can't be an ideal? Or do you prize self-importance to the point of degrading yourself?

My grandmother is dead and I can't do anything for her anymore. But at least I'm doing research on subjects that can improve the lives of people like her.

>> No.15053561

You’re so worked up anon. Deep breaths. In, out. Take a walk.

>> No.15053565

>Why do you think this can't be an ideal? Or do you prize self-importance to the point of degrading yourself?
Government intervention leads to a loss of liberty. As it is said, "better to die on your feet than live on your knees."

>> No.15053575

It's not impossible to hold conversations while doing said hobbies.

>> No.15053578

You too, anon. Practice self governance. Is this argument the best use of your time? Is it bringing you joy?

>> No.15053583

So you just push the massive stress you’re constantly under from thinking about this stuff onto others, forcing them to be stressed out? How about you make them feel good instead.

>> No.15053593

I'm drinking a beer on the porch on a nice sunny day with my cat. Life is good, my man.

>> No.15054090

this. using food stamps is BASED.

>> No.15054099

This thread inspired me to actually apply, turns out I make too much money. Am I supposed to deduct bills and rent when telling them my financial info?

>> No.15054118

>I just never personally thought I would be in this position.
For goodness sake, sign up for food stamps. When you were working, you were paying taxes which fund these kinds of programs. Now that you've fallen on hard times, you should draw upon the insurance that you have paid for.

>> No.15054119

I agree, fuck the system.
All it's done is take and take and take from me and my family.
Grasp with both hands and milk those bastards for all its worth.
It's fake money anyway.

>> No.15054147

The Government destroyed community, and said they would take care of people.
Now you deride those who need to use it now that no community exists?
Fuck you.

>> No.15054169
File: 47 KB, 1280x720, FE300A7E-A341-40FF-B0E6-DD93EBD95842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the extreme radical socialist view that poor people should be able to eat so I’m for ebt and food stamps. Food stamps should be for anything and everything in the grocery store.
>but somebody buying beer and steak is a drain on the system and they’re taking advantage of it
Fuck outta here, a 5 million dollar missile used to kill brown people in the Middle East is a bigger drain than somebody buying a nice dinner with food stamps. Plus if you had a job and were laid off, it’s your tax dollars benefiting yourself.

>> No.15054185

No, it's for people who actually need it not lazy faggots that want to work less and collect money. The work required to filter out grifters are the reason why so many valuable social programs are cut or neglected. Look at the VA (but really any program will do). Actual disabled folks and PTSD-sufferers have to fight tooth and nail because billy bob redneck jackoff served for 4 years and thinks he deserves to never work another day in his pathetic life.

>> No.15054273

What loss of dignity? Do you retards not understand social security nets and taxes?

>You and 10 friends chip into a fund that one of you can take out of if anything happens in your life that goes poorly
>Things happen to you finally
>Bros I feel bad taking from this thing I paid into...

>> No.15054300

You don't actually buy food with EBT cards, you just sell them to get a new weave or a pair och jordans

>> No.15054325

This is the most American post I've ever read. You guys take work-ethic (whatever that means) and being self reliant FAAR too seriously. To rely on others means to lose dignity?

Where does your power come from? Who builds the roads? Who stocks the supermarkets or grows the food? Its as if the American culture is to completely deny you live in, and are literally dependent on your society for survival?

You pay taxes for this shit your entire life. The govt literally steals your money to pay for programmes like this. Why would you not take some of that back.

>> No.15054336

I actually need it, I live by myself and can barely afford $60 a month on groceries

>> No.15054499

>I make too much to qualify
>I actually need it
Sounds like you need to stop wasting your income on needless shit and actually feed yourself like an adult, manbaby.

>> No.15054835


>> No.15054854

2 12 packs of Ramen, a small tub of peanut butter, and whatever spices (garlic salt, onion powder, paprika) that I've run out of since my last trip.

If I am feeling special or celebrating I will buy some pasta and a sauce.

>> No.15054903
File: 82 KB, 960x960, 1601785647271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should go back to stamps and remove the digital cards. They are a crutch not a way of life.

>> No.15055307

foodstamps is the opposite of capitalism

>> No.15055761

Are you retarded??

>> No.15055804

>ive got mine fuck you

>> No.15055996

Depends where you are.
In Aus anything under $60k/year means your below the poverty line

>> No.15056002

It help those in need.

>> No.15056012


>> No.15056021
File: 126 KB, 539x722, food stamps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take it if you need it. I was unemployed for most of the year, and considered receiving Unemployment as just getting a refund on my taxes while I was looking for a job. You won't be a nigger for getting food stamps if you're living off of ramen. Just don't do pic related.

>> No.15056410

i really only buy discounted meat, caffinated beverages, and snacks with my foodstamps. i really shouldnt even be consuming that stuff..
i cant spend my ebt fast enough. i have $1350. isnt there a $1500 cap? what happens when i reach it?

all else is plentiful at the foodbank or extrememely cheap from winco: beans, rice, cilanto, peppers and tortillas and some bases for sauces

>> No.15056421

Yeah and every paycheck you get for working hard a portion of it gets taken and given to worthless layabouts, niggers, and single mothers who do not lift a finger their whole life. Literally 4th generation+ welfare families who have never once contributed to society.

There is zero shame in taking back from an unfair system.

>> No.15056450


>> No.15056465

I'd rather lose weight and eat cheap food than leech off of my fellow citizens

>> No.15056477

Desu. Take what you can, give nothing back. Politicians try to do the same too.

>> No.15056486

>go back to stamps and remove the digital cards.
True. The prepaid cards are a scam to keep card companies rich from government contracts. Printing monopoly paper coupons is strangely cheaper because of those scam card corps.

>> No.15056487

it's absolute fucking bullshit that college students are barred from food stamps
if I qualify for a 100% pell grant, I should qualify for food stamps as well

>> No.15056494

>I'm already sucking off the government teet!
>Why don't I get to suck even more!
I hate college students more and more every day. You little shits are so far removed from reality.

>> No.15056504

sorry you couldn't make the grade but without government assistance I would have never been able to attend college and raise my socioeconomic standing

>> No.15056505

>I hate college students more and more every day.
AFAIK europoors get free college AND government assistance too during china flus lockdowns.

>> No.15056555

I work a bad job making a little over $17/hour and would have made more on unemployment in my state with the extra $600. Now, I still have my job after those benefits ended, and with my benefits (discounted company stock and a matched Roth 401k that I can't access till I retire) I probably close that gap a bit. And at least I've been able to work from home.

But for folks in fast food or especially retail I can't imagine how much of a slap in the face it was to be working for peanuts while the retard who got fired the week before for never showing up on time is making double what you are working 0 dollars a week and smoking weed all day. Plus their jobs become infinitely shittier with the COVID protocols.

>> No.15056575
File: 40 KB, 229x343, chrysippus-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paid my car off and still getting neetbux from mommy government (california)
>still qualify for weeks well until 2021

>> No.15056615

>who builds the roads

He said the line topkek. But yeah no, we build the roads with our fucking tax dollars. The government doesn’t do anything. The people do everything, the government is a worthless parasitic middleman perpetually siphoning wealth from the working class.

>> No.15056634

It wasn’t “government” assistance dumb faggot. The people helped you with our money. The government didn’t do shit.

>> No.15057044

the government is of the people, by the people, for the people
I see you didn't pass high school civics either

>> No.15057121

It’s got what plants crave