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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 572 KB, 1080x1913, IMG_20201111_100619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15040344 No.15040344 [Reply] [Original]

Friendly reminder to clean your fucking kitchen, /ck/
Y'all filthy I swear

>> No.15040363

> I must post a picture of my kitchen for social approbation and internet points from strangers on a vietnamese basket weaving forum.

>> No.15040376

Soulless. I don't live in a hospital.

>> No.15040382

Nice showroom OP

>> No.15040391


Incel trying to look like a gay/10.

>> No.15040393

Cheese behind the foreskin, in my mouth. Savoury and delicious. Fuck yeah, RIP George Floyd!

>> No.15040426

Hey anon are you looking for a tranny gf to live with you and cook for you

>> No.15040439

>vietnamese basket weaving forum.

Based and oldfagpilled

>> No.15040460

That's not an oldfag meme you retard
>t. been here since 2013

>> No.15040465

Yes it is. Been here since 2008.

>> No.15040467

Is 2013 really considered old now?
In my mind thats around the time most boards got worse and its been a downwards trend for the whole site ever since.

>> No.15040489

Been here since 2007. Seriously. Plus I'm like 6ft 5 and 290lbs and could beat literally anyone here in a fight. Martial arts MASTER of multiple disciplines.

Interestingly I am also a pedophile. Imagine trying to defend your kids from the likes of me, lol. Not happening. They're mine.

>> No.15040490

/ck/ remained good until about 2015 iirc.

But most of the site was dogshit by then, you are right.

>> No.15040492


>> No.15040494

Not bragging about being here since my teen years, just saying it is what it is.

>> No.15040509

Your warped stovetop annoys me. 0/10, would not bang.

>> No.15040530
File: 7 KB, 228x323, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what was that whole shit about noone being able to make posts for an hour??

>> No.15040536

It annoys me too, anon, me too.

>> No.15040614
File: 20 KB, 324x324, angrybunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clean kitchen. A bit boring.
But PLEASE do not tell me those are fucking plastic plants. They sure do like fucking plastic ones.

>> No.15040627

>all these slobs seething at OP

/pol/ did something bad again so the mods had to take down the site and do a database dump for the authorities to go through.

>> No.15040637
File: 1.34 MB, 2320x1740, kitchenleft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's okay at the moment. Sometimes it gets a little messy.

>> No.15040642
File: 710 KB, 2320x1740, kitchenright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15040644
File: 20 KB, 852x480, imagine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now THAT'S what I call a kitchen. Comfy, looks like someone lives there and uses it. Would have enticing discussions in there, anon. Good job!

>> No.15040649

Thanks, it's very functional but it needs some work, I would like to do something about the countertops and backsplash and I would like to repaint it. I inherited the house and I think the person I inherited it from used floor tiles on the countertops/backsplash to cut corners.

>> No.15040763
File: 1.02 MB, 2702x2345, 20201111_141400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That looks comfy I want to sit in it having a hot cup of coffee while it snows heavily outside.
After the coffee I want to drink a whole bottle of Glenmorangie then waste the kitchen by cooking a nice and greasy tartiflette.
Pic related.

>> No.15040796

People with spice racks need shooting, just put them in the cupboard or use a tin like a normal person.

>> No.15040802

Neither of you are oldfags. You need to have been here from 2003-4 to be an oldfag.

>> No.15040806

I use them every single day, why would I inconvenience myself opening and closing a cupboard everytime?

>> No.15040817
File: 138 KB, 1283x1468, mnjdncm3sl201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based childprotection proudly displaying procreation products.
Based water filter anon, knowing about the dangers of pulic drinking water and bottled drinks.
Do throw out the microwave and those plastic bowls and kitchen aids.

>> No.15040826
File: 86 KB, 1024x728, happu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cleaned my kitchen right after i finished cooking last night

>> No.15040828

>procreation products.
You mean children?

>> No.15040830

>Sir Kensington jar
unbelievably based

>> No.15040837
File: 3.05 MB, 3864x5152, DSC00245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do too. You put them away so that they don't collect dust and look disgusting, as well as saving the aroma. Light is destroying the reason you use them as we speak. Pig related, is the best of both world. Easy to acces, yet nicely hidden inside a cupboard.

>> No.15040843


>> No.15040845

Getting the connection error messages while still being able to browse was weird.

>> No.15040846

Nice plastic plants.
Did you write on those jar with tipex?

>> No.15040858

>plastic plants
>autistically clean modern kitchen
>faux wood and bamboo lids
Ask me how I know that you're gay and sterile.

>> No.15040871

Image saved for inspo, thanks anon

>> No.15040874

>you have to spend 16 years on a Yugoslavian knitting revue in order to have an informed opinion

>> No.15040881
File: 79 KB, 686x526, 1580053657563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15040900

I'm actually married, maybe what you see is her feminine touch

>> No.15040922

You are married and don't have children. That's just being gay with extra steps. That's not a feminine touch, is gay touch. A proper woman should buy real plants and put them somewhere logical not on a fucking exhaust hood. The only women which do such a thing a) don't have taste, b) are as fake as those plants and/or c) can't even keep some chlorophil transformators alive.

Those spice racks should be indoors, as any poper cook knows, light fucks up their use. That grinder is only left out for shitty try-hard aesthetics as well and also collects fat and dust.

All in all your kitchen doesn't look lived in. It's like some ikea catalgogue picture. It's clean and soulless. You might need to exchange your shitty XX modell.

>> No.15040934

Lol you fucking schyzo analysing a single photo from your armchair

You're wrong on many accounts, for one the fact that we grow many plants and herbs on the balcony, not indoor, (fake plants = fake woman! Lol give me a PhD!)

>> No.15040938
File: 66 KB, 750x1000, E86952C1-D944-42D2-978D-60FDA447CCBE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job anon :)

>> No.15040942

>fry something
>entire kitchen is coated in oil
every time. who's gonna clean theentire kitchene very mealtime? kitchens will always be somewhat dirty unless you hire someone for that one specific task.

>> No.15040947

Once a week is okay

Most posters here post photos with months old grease and shit on their stovetop

>> No.15040948
File: 2.68 MB, 3822x3024, 6D960F02-E997-450F-973D-A6947EC26FE6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you cook in here?

>> No.15040951

Anon I want a clean kitchen but my roommates are fucking retards. One of them always cooks food on MAXIMUM heat and there's oil fucking everywhere. It sucks desu :(

>> No.15040958

I wasn't making a suggestion that you're gay BTW anon I was asking if you want to date

>> No.15040965

ya looks super comfy

>> No.15040968

ya ive been putting it off since i cooked last night. not looking forward to doing that today

>> No.15040977
File: 23 KB, 720x348, 120017712_10164183429775577_2126064016815609753_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine coping for your choice of cum bucket. Should have picked wiser.

>> No.15040987

You asked why people judge you to be gay. Your response shows those anons to have been right from the start. Having plants outside doesn't take any skills, btw. How can you expect a woman to nurture a child if she fucks up indoor plants to a degree that she copes with shitty plastic plants? Pathetic.

>> No.15040998

Incels out

Anon is living the dream of being married to his best friend

>> No.15041013

But anon, I am married to the woman which build that kitchen herself.
Some of us simply know what signs to look out for. Plants are really a dead give away of nurturing skills of a woman.

>> No.15041036
File: 78 KB, 720x540, 1604241117389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a pretty open person but there are some choices people make that are like a dog whistle for me to instantly avoid all contact with them. I was at a friends house and her housemate had two exact copies of the same cheap ikea """Artwork""" hanging in the hall. She said she wanted something, and since she had it on one side she needed it on the other to balance it out. Cheap art is repulsive enough but to show its cheap art by having the duplicate is like the difference between sheepishly admitting you have no aesthetic taste and yelling it at the top of your lungs. There are so many beautiful artworks you can get prints of, why would you get some ikea soul sucking shit that makes you feel like you are consumer No. 3887674859? Anyway shit art and fake plants, they're on the same level for me. Apart from that it looks ok. I'd label the tops of those spices in the back so you don't have to pick every one up to find the one you need but they look like a new addition so you'll prolly figure it out later.

>> No.15041071

I used to share a house with 15 people. The kitchen was horrifying

>> No.15041088

I wipe the stove down after each use and scrub the floors once a week. Thing is, I didn't know I could pop the "top" off my gas range to get to the inside and I've since found what has to be years of my and the previous tenant's extras falling beneath the lid. So I will have to vaccuum all that shit up later.

>> No.15041104

I lived with a guy from Africa, i'm sure mine was worse.

>> No.15041121
File: 463 KB, 1600x2133, hh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but anon, my kitchen's cleaner'n horsecocks

>> No.15041245

Real plants are just a waste of time and effort. No nigga has time for that shit

>> No.15041253

fuck you

>> No.15041325

If you have time to post here, you have time to water a fucking fern once a day or you're indeed a nigga.

>> No.15041347

>spices exposed to sunlight
>grease-catching plants on range hood
>IKEA-tier cabinetry
>dirt vent filters
>shitty countertop
>stovetop has gap on sides, collecting filth
2/10 would not eat anything you brought to a potluck.

>> No.15041348

What did they do this time?

>> No.15041362

Post inside of electric kettle.

>> No.15041374

>Rewe Bio Früchtetee
Verpiss dich

>> No.15041391

I agree with you about cheap art. My wife made the upstairs look like it was staged by a realtor. She bought a bunch of shit that will eventually sell at a garage sale for $1 a piece. It impresses some people. I think it looks gross

>> No.15041445
File: 1.55 MB, 4032x3024, 20200805_171815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got cleaning people coming today

>> No.15041459

>Still thinks microwaving is bad
It has its place in a modern kitchen. It's a tool, not a means of actually cooking shit.

>> No.15041486

I was standing next to one and the ends of my hair burnt. I've also seen them cut WiFi. I don't think they're safe.

>> No.15041489

hell yeah
>keeps Le Creuset in box

>> No.15041494

Cant tell if troll or schizo. Either way, you are retarded.

>> No.15041498

Nice dog.

>> No.15041499

That doesn't look cozy or lived in.
Your kitchen is very soulless, anon.

>> No.15041508

Thats why I wear a foil hat.

>> No.15041511

Do you have a dishwasher?

>> No.15041516

I didn't hallucinate my hair burning or multiple people experiencing WiFi issues. Sorry you find being concerned with microwaves retarded.

>> No.15041519

>Plants are really a dead give away of nurturing skills of a woman
incels will never experience this

>> No.15041522

In theory they should be safe if in a proper faraday cage but they're not are they.

>> No.15041528

Btw being blindly trusting of obviously dangerous things because muh social norms is boomer tier.

>> No.15041539

You mean millenial tier, boomers lived most of their life in the real world unlike you who lives on acomputer

>> No.15041559

People now are scared of everything. When I was a kid only wierdos wore bike helmets. You only wore helmets with dirtbikes and our parents got us to go along with that because it looked cool

>> No.15041573

So push bikes are dangerous but radiation isn't even though you never researched it personally because they're sold at Walmart. Which generation turned people into faggots.

>> No.15041594

Out of all the shit that might get me, microwaves are pretty far down the list

>> No.15041609

Millennials turned themselves into faggots they are scared of their own shadow and even scared of microwaves and frying pans

>> No.15041626

Most frying pans are toxic, there's a great documentary about Teflon.
>DuPont C-8 "The Devil We Know"
They took it off Youtube unfortunately.

>> No.15041645

What do you have against a pregnant woman drinking organic fruit tea?

>> No.15041650

It makes the food taste like shit at least. Everything the microwave makes can be done better in a traditional way. The only people which use a microwave a lazy fucks and old farts.

>> No.15041654

It does mess with WiFi, I will give you that. But your hair burning? Nah you schizo

>> No.15041661

>Most frying pans are toxic

They scared the boomers with nuclear war
They scare millennials with frying pans

>> No.15041662

Oh wow I wonder why they took it off hmmm it's not like all the time foil shit that gets big is taken down for spreading retardation.

>> No.15041670

I use it to defrost things, boil a small amount of water quickly, melt butter or chocolate (chocolate in a pinch), reheat small take out left overs, etc. It's a tool, not used to cook fresh meals

>> No.15041678

Yes it's in the island nearest the camera, you can kind of see a towel hanging from it

>> No.15041680

Teflon is toxic, retard. Do I need to copypaste the studies again? You know that heating a teflon pan moderatly already can kill birds due to odors? Look up the documentary the anon listed and read the following:
“Non-stick kitchen utensils reduce T, penis length, semen quality and testicular size”
>We found that increased levels of PFCs in plasma and seminal fluid positively correlate with circulating testosterone (T) and with a reduction of semen quality, testicular volume, penile length, and anogenital distance. Experimental evidence points toward an antagonistic action of perfluorooctanoic acid on the binding of T to androgen receptor (AR) in a gene reporter assay, a competition assay on an AR-coated surface plasmon resonance chip, and an AR nuclear translocation assay.

>> No.15041687

The director pay walled it.

>> No.15041699

Defrosting in a microwave ist shit and lazyness. Just put it out the evening before. Dont you meal plan?
Boiling water? wtf is wrong with you? Just use a kettle like a normal person. They too work with small quantities. Next thing you tell me, you're doing it in tupperware.
Melting butter and chocolate gives far better results in a water bath. If you aren't a fat fuck you can invest those 5 minutes.
Reheating always tastes better in a 100°C oven for 15 Minutes.
Like I said, the mcirowave is shit for lazy and stupid people.

>> No.15041708

K, I don't use them anymore.

>> No.15041709

Show me a study that says "Teflon is toxic"

You cant, so you had to shift the goalposts to pfcs, but nice try scaredy cat

>> No.15041720
File: 96 KB, 2354x473, retard alert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think Teflon is, brainlet?

>> No.15041739

It's all when you are in a pinch. Not everyone is an autistic NEET living with there parents with all the time in the world. Some of us have jobs and need to make a living. When you have been working for the week you might forget to leave something out to defrost. I might not want to make some retarded water bath to melt butter (what pretentious fuck even does this? I was expecting melting it in a pan). Have fun avoiding microwaves because they hurt your frail little body.

>> No.15041746


>nonstick pan
>frying pan

Im confused about your assertion.

>> No.15041749


Oh yeah? Well what about leftover chinese food? Or a bowl of soup? Or leftover pasketti? Or paskettios?

>> No.15041756

Firstly Wikipedia is fake news secondly you shifted the goalposts again. Tell me why you are scared of frying pans and show the proof

>> No.15041763

Why else, but for the purpose of baking, would you melt your butter in the first place? Just buy grass feed butter and it will be nice and soft straight from the fridge. I'm working fulltime, as does my spouse. It's not about not having time, as you clearly have time to shitpost on here. It's about the worth you give to your tasks. You don't care to get a better end product, that's called lazy and matches my describtion of microwave users.

I mean, use it, but whenever I see people having on of those in their kitchen it's an instant trash pleb filter.

>> No.15041766

oh, I usually boil my water in my electric kettle.I don't use the microwave in the picture for anything other than the timer or to reheat a beverage that has gotten cold if I am not using a thermocup. It was there when I inherited the house and it is a shit tier dorm room microwave, I want to replace it with a convection toaster oven.

>> No.15041777

>eating gutter oil
A Bowl of soup? Don't you have small pots to reheat softy?
Reheating Spaghetti is disgusting. You store both seperatly. Throw the noodles in hot water for 2-3 minutes and the sauce, if it can be reheated, into a pot or the oven to warm up. E voila, non trashy reheated moms spaghetti.

>I don't like studies nor chemical describtions
Why do you waste my time. For all I care, you can choke on Teflon.

>> No.15041784

to make drawn butter for seafood or to make ghee. I have a little dansk butter warmer I use, it works great.

>> No.15041791

Dubs destroyed your ass OP keep coping

>> No.15041794

Not that guy, but you are a pretentious dick if you judge people for having a microwave. You type like a poor person that is trying to feel superior

>> No.15041796

that sounds nice, but it doesn't snow here unfortunately. I will take the scotch though!

>> No.15041798

>Thinking microwaving butter to melt it vs any other method changes the end product
You sound like a pompus faggot.

>> No.15041799

Well, when I need soft or liquid butter I just throw a brick in the oven and let it soften up at 100°C. Works just fine. Do you make ghee in portionwise? I just get like 1kg of it and cook it down. How do you get ghee from microwaving butter?

>> No.15041800


>not living in america where all chinese food is exactly the same
>making two dirty dishes, one of which i have to wash by hand
>not making a bunch of pasta noodles equal to the amount of sauce you made

bro im not gonna wait 8-10 minutes for water to boil and another 8-10 for noodles to cook while dirtying a THIRD dish to regeat a serving of sauce. Youre just being stubborn.

>> No.15041803

Have you never eaten a bowl of pasta and had any left over that was already mixed?

>> No.15041804
File: 29 KB, 637x602, 123719561_1043472802758063_1203502529897737507_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't believe in science, only in dubs.

>> No.15041822

Haha this scaredy cat retard thinks people eat Teflon. You are so dumb you eat the food not the frying pan no wonder you are sick

>> No.15041823


I was gonna reply that either youre gay or your gf did your kitchen; either way, its pretty shit. Tryhard and not in a good way but in a way that takes form over function.

>> No.15041828
File: 53 KB, 1500x921, kobenstyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep a stick of kerrygold in a butter container in the cabinet, if I need soft butter. I usually make small amounts of ghee or drawn butter bc I am the only one using it. I don't microwave it, I use the butter warmer on the stove. cleaning out the butter splatter from the microwave is aggravating.

>> No.15041829

Op was destroyed and then he admitted that he lived in an apartment. Lmao imagine having opinions when you live in an apartment

>> No.15041856


>microwave butter til melted
>solids separate from butter

Wow bro, youre totally right.. i need to but a designated unitasker for that shit

>> No.15041881

my butter warmer is useful for other things since it's essentially a small saucepan, I love it.

>> No.15041964

>see this thread
>suddenly, a call from landlord - they'll be visiting soon
>apartment is a mess
Apparently, next several days would be mostly cleaning

>> No.15042151 [DELETED] 

hahahahahahahaa wassup Rome uy

>> No.15042162 [DELETED] 


>> No.15042429

your kitchen fan contraption actually vents the air outside or is it fo show only? (like in the next picture down)
i'm a slav working construction in america. i swear, multi-million houses have fake-ass kitchen hoods that just filter air with a tiny screen and blow it back. i dissapoint.
but merica is cool

>> No.15042451

It's a fake hood, nearly nobody has real ones. Also, america is not cool, anon.

>> No.15042460

Mirin' that spice rack

>> No.15042470
File: 254 KB, 1280x1024, 4chan zero hour deutsch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been here since 05 and I think you all need to be 18 to post here and should be posting about food and cooking, which, clearly, none of you newfriends knows how to do,

>> No.15042478

Thats not true. I just built a house and the hood has a chimney running through the attic and out the roof. Works good

>> No.15042483
File: 58 KB, 320x240, 81F0362A-B8AE-4A8C-94D4-0C7F2B2B3CC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spend this much time cleaning
Ok, yea, I’m on board
>space utilisation
Oh wow maybe you could get more counter space and have an easier time cooking inb4 “it’s enough” you could say the same thing about a kitchen being clean “enough” while it’s still gross

>> No.15042486
File: 21 KB, 214x250, 1578257955196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw 2011 cancerfag
>i was the cancer that killed /b/

>> No.15042487

Sure, if you build your own fucking house. But westerners are rent slaving and buying their kitchens at IKEA. They can't just drill a hole outside to install their hoods.

>> No.15042495

Imagine the grease and then dust that is collected above on those plastic leaves, even with ample use of the hood. Or if they are real, that’s dirt right above the main cooking area. A stupid decision either way

>> No.15042500

Looks a little cluttered but very functional despite. Better than OP

>> No.15042504
File: 124 KB, 500x464, 7086ABEE-5EED-49E7-875F-F76C407DF7C2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15042507


>> No.15042514

you have a fucking piece of banana peel on the floor

>> No.15042515

Try running your hood AND opening a window to create a good airflow. Even a crack when it’s cold outside will help create airflow to grab droplets of grease the throw them up your hood. Much more effective than a hood itself. Alternatively or as extra protection get a screen that sits on top of the pan

>> No.15042519

Looks fine little changes would be optimizing your use of space like using the area under your island (which looks kino btw) and getting shit off of your countertops. I’d love more natural light in there too but I’m only seeing it from one side and that’s a big big change

>> No.15042524

New construction have vent to roof, but alas new construction here in SW is crap. Gib old brick house, use better filter/hood.

>> No.15042527

kill yourself

>> No.15042554

>nearly nobody
in central and north NJ where i work, somewhere between 25 and 30% of new single family houses have real ones. i do hvac, so i install the ducts for them.

>> No.15042567
File: 1.32 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20201111-142136_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is how we did mine. That pipe goes straight out of the house. Hood works great

>> No.15042589

How does it work without a vent? Do they just blow into the attic?

>> No.15042591

Nice kitchen, you gave me some ideas on how to my own :D

>> No.15042606
File: 740 KB, 2340x1080, Screenshot_2020-11-11-21-30-35-086_com.google.android.GoogleCamera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ventilation is real and outputs outdoor
Don't know who replied you with lies (who cares)

>> No.15042621
File: 424 KB, 1800x1451, fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how people live in this places just imagining the peace of mind the place would give while I live in a literal shithole who rottens my soul everyday honestly just breaks my heart

>> No.15042626

>nearly nobody has real ones
The fuck are you on about?

>> No.15042863

This American? Looks like Horton Homes build. Why the heck cant they use conduit for commo/network/electric?

>> No.15042896

Its american. Conduit isnt required. I dont know where you are at but we use 110

>> No.15042931

South West US. Another thing I hate is the softduct for HVAC. Have a home built 1950's in NY with brick, and cleaning HVAC is easy. Have another home in SW, and softduct is a pain! and fragile/leaky, with rodent hole potential.

>> No.15042986

I cant remember what that soft pipe is. That is the upstairs and that is looking into the attic. The vents are in the floor there and all of that is tin.

Alot of stuff has changed over the years in houses. Most of it is to build them cheaper and faster. 1 thing I do like is modern siding and insulation

>> No.15043006

Just looked closer. That softpipe is going to a bathroom fan.

>> No.15043157

wtf does that mean?

>> No.15044151

>I've also seen them cut WiFi.
that's true, but it absolutely does not mean what you think it means

>> No.15044165

Are you trying to win a competition for newest guy here?

>> No.15044228

Kek, that he does.

>> No.15044249

Once I finish this masters program and can finally make a 6 figure income this is exactly the type of place I wanna live in.

>> No.15044334

It’s pretty nice but it would be nice to have a yard. Room for a pool table would also be nice.

>> No.15044345

Based. I love pool, but I plan on saving for a lake property one day with a tasteful game room with a pool table.

>> No.15044910

no it's not, white fixings and furniture is soulless and tacky, get a place with character.

>> No.15045210

Ditto. People that buy meme kitchen stuff like the red background and chef Hat stuff with fake ceramic peppers. Why.

>> No.15045213

Same lol

>> No.15045330


>> No.15045583
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my uh, camera's broken

>> No.15046297

Comfy as fuck.
I would love to sit there on rainy days, making delicious food or just drink a tea.

>> No.15046376

you'll get there mate.

>> No.15047421

what's that monstrosity attached to the faucet?

>> No.15047576

Maybe a kind of water filter

>> No.15047588

Anyone can say they’re from 05. It’s a shit point.

>> No.15047591

it's a PUR water filter. Water has a "taste" without it.

>> No.15047636

dishwashers are usually near sinks because they need to attach to the water mains and the drain and no one really wants to pay a plumber more than they have too.

>> No.15047678

coil stove, tiled bench, 4cm rat gap under all the benches. I don't think I could do it.

>> No.15047718

>no it’s not
What do you mean? No it’s not the type of place I want to live in? Bitch, I’ll live where I want to.

>> No.15047797

get some taste.

>> No.15047802

Stop eating Twinkies fren

>> No.15047842

Okay post a kitchen with cool interior design. I grew up with gen x hipster parents who love mid century modern so I get that my taste is probably different or weird to a lot. I wanna know what your ideal kitchen would look like

>> No.15047897
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Not that guy, but heres mine. Built the house so we did it how we wanted

>> No.15048507

Is this a joke?

>> No.15048675

Its a kitchen

>> No.15048771

Why do you have a rug thing by your oven?

>> No.15048774

what is SOVL?

>> No.15048800

Wife put it there.

>> No.15048828

This kitchen has racist energy

>> No.15048850

Looks like you managed to clean away all the soul as well.

>> No.15048853

I dont know whats racist about it. I would think a trailer would have a more racist feel

>> No.15048866

I like a minimal look. If I were single there wouldnt be a single thing on my counters.

>> No.15048870

Post the McMansion hellscape kitchen that you consider “good taste” pussy

>> No.15048880

Seething soullets.

>> No.15048891

Why do you have a retarded wife?

>> No.15048892

I like how poors try to say their dumps have more character than a decent place

>> No.15048895

Haha all I’m asking is you either post your kitchen or a kitchen that you would consider good. It’s not that hard.

>> No.15048920

Shes OK, but we do fight about her buying stupid decorations and cheap art. She has the upstairs staged like a realtor

>> No.15048984

Nigga it's a fire hazard. I cant see you being retarded enough to set your kitchen on fire, but it's still a hazard.

>> No.15049018

absolutely soulless
Name 1 thing you've "cooked" recently in that kitchen.

>> No.15049042

Last night was shrimp tacos. Tinight its tillapia scallopine. I can cook it but Im not sure how to spell it.

>> No.15049056

The main problem is if I splatter grease, the dog licks it. Pretty gross. My wife keeps cleaning it and putting back.

>> No.15049223
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>> No.15049240

See if you can get her to swap it for a very nice anti-fatigue mat.

>> No.15049251

I like it. Feels vacationy

>> No.15049258
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Not wild about the "family" wall art, byht this kitchen does have the look of a home where you all sit around the table for dinner. Post dog if you can. Is that wooden thing near the window for your kitchen helpers?

>> No.15049266

Thanks. Cabinets were here. I replaced the countertop recently. Bought the island and did the lights too

>> No.15049269
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>raisin bran

>> No.15049271

>The main problem is if I splatter grease, the dog licks it
That doesn't sound nice for the dog, he'd just get all the bits in his mouth too. I reckon you should set fire to it one day when she's out, just say you spilt milk on it

>> No.15049272

>Shes OK, but we do fight about her buying stupid decorations and cheap art. She has the upstairs staged like a realtor
My brother's wife does the same thing. Stupid Crate & Barrel type junk you see on markdown at Marshalls, obviously generic magazine and staging decor. Tell her you should invest in actual art and start collecting more quality pieces, one at a time. I like items from travels.

>> No.15049279

Great idea. That will look and perform better. Genuine thanks

>> No.15049338

We just made a deal recently. Our christmas gifts to each other will be a high end rock poster. I bought her a legit white stripes poster from a concert in rome for a few hundred a couple years ago and she loved it. This year we are buying a signed and numbered print of the Santana lion. The basement will eventually be filled with cool shit with value

>> No.15049360

you can if it's free. I don't have any idea why the person I inherited the house from used floor tile for the counter/backsplash though.

>> No.15049790

Yeah thats what that is. Also I swear I never fucking noticed that on the wall until now. We've been in this house for over a year.

>> No.15049834
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i passed an apartment inspection today are you proud of me /ck/

>> No.15049871

It's actually kind of clean these days but should get a go at the unused part as well I guess and no no pics atm

>> No.15049872

Hoe can you even think in there?

>> No.15049944


>> No.15049988

I always thought your laser engraver was in your kitchen for whatever odd reason.

>> No.15050093

I'm not proud but I am glad you did, good job. Some landlords can be right fuckers.

>> No.15050125
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It ain’t much but it gets the job done. Hoping to get a new range next year.

>> No.15050157

Do something productive and go smoke some crack

>> No.15050159
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Oi oi oi

>> No.15050227

I had a cheapo coil electric range and bought a gas one. Over rated. Im going to buy an induction burner.

>> No.15050239

it's moved out to the other room right now since its not hooked up but the room that connects through that ledge is where it was previously
might rig it up to this pc again as a dedicated machine runner once i get my new one then i can start doing silly stuff again, i wanna try doing some sugar and crushed candy sintering after i replace the worn out lens and scorched mirrors on it
hopefully the results will be edible, but structurally should be the same as those hard tubes of salt
I think some of the salt stuffi've done with it did a lot of damage since salt has a high melting point it was cranked past what the lens and mirrors were likely rated for (thanks china)
should be neat though
it's way more organized than usual, i thrive in chaos, just the way i'm wired.
this one isn't the worst, first winter i had no heat so i've still got him by the balls but he knows at this point if he doesn't give me trouble I don't give him trouble

>> No.15050324

Growing up we had a gas stove but we ended up going from coil to induction. I haven’t used one in a long while.

What do you like/dislike about the gas?

>> No.15050457
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>high end rock poster
Jesus Christ, what are you, 17?

>> No.15050473

Takes a month to boil water. I do like getting a cast iron hot and cooking fajitas. I want an inducrion burner for boiling and plan on experimenting from there

>> No.15050478

>Move into new apartment
>Landlord didn't clean under stove/between stove and cabinet
>Cant get stove pulled out because it's gas and there isnt enough room
>Can see rice and ??? between cabinet and stove from last resident
>Cant get it out even with wire hanger
>Even if I do the residue will remain
>Landlord not interested in helping me get it clean
>Scared one day I will get roaches or something because of it


>> No.15050480

Nah, looks cool framed. Rare ones go up in value. Check out D king gallery

>> No.15050485

>poor talk cope

>> No.15050524

"Family" lmao based retard

>> No.15050529

pretty based. Glad you have your shit together anon

>> No.15050554

Thanks bro.

>> No.15050555

>but my posters are expansive
It's retarded consumerism, to pay even more for a shitty piece of copied paper which was produced by the tousands. No artistic skill took place, it's not a piece of history and you are showing that you willingly throw money out of the window for shitty merchandise of your favorite boy band.

For that money you could auction actually nice art instead, something which actually will raise in price. But alas you bought a fucking signed copy of a trash poster. That's only what teens without children and taste do and it's pathetic.

t. just spend 600€ on a vestal bust

>> No.15050586



>> No.15050599
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Numbered by the artist. I hear what you are saying, but I like the art, so I choose to get cool ones of junkers that are numbered and signed.

>> No.15050615

Doesn't make it really more mature, but I guess that's the fault of the infantilization of our society. I would still recommend looking at small auctions and finding better taste than posters, but do as you have to.

>> No.15050640
File: 911 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20201112-225723_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another. I took a map of my favorite lake and had it framed. Show yoyr art

>> No.15050651

I'm just off to work, so you'll have to wait till 18 CET.

>> No.15050657

Describe it then.

>> No.15050672

That's silly. but well, I collect bronze and marmor statures, antiquarian literature and regional dead white men painters. See, you're just as clueless as before. Patience is a virtue.

>> No.15050681

You are a poor kid huh?

>> No.15050687

>muh poor
I'm not, but why do you think it's a proper insult on a taiwanese pizza spelunking forum, when we're speaking about taste? New rich faggotry knows no boundaries.

>> No.15050688

I wouldnt pile on you if you would have been honest. Things will get better bro. Not being s dick. Try hard my friend

>> No.15050699

What on earth makes you believe such a simple collection would be made up? I'm not collecting Van Meme. Humble art, especially locally made is pretty cheap - comparatably. Antiquarian books are also not that expansive, just check out ZVAB. And my bronze collection is mostly from people which don't know the fuck waht they are selling. Just because you don't know a thing about art, doesn't make other smol collectors imposters, anon.

>> No.15050716

Calm down. I just like how it looks. My mom is the last of her family, so there is toms of antiques. I dont know how to display it

>> No.15050743

Have a good day at work. Didnt mean to bother you too much bro

>> No.15052143
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>hurr art shit, consoomerism
>t. just spend 600€ on a vestal bust
You cant eally say anything if you're doing the same thing

>> No.15052820

Finally, a kitchen with SOVL ITT

>> No.15052885

Looks good, some pet peeves like your sink being much nicer looking than the cheap faucet, your kitchen workbench being on wheels for extra work area being stuck in one place because of a coffee machine and the big old nothing done with the island space, you can hang pans off a grid there for a more French look or add shelves under it to keep it clean. Also get a plant, just any plant, anywhere.

>> No.15053647
File: 2.27 MB, 1539x1183, kitchen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poor person cozy kitchen coming through

>> No.15053951

Nice, but are those curtains under the counter? 0.o

>> No.15054084

Really comfyy and nice. High quality poor, better than many rich fags in here.

>> No.15054171

I'm just a tiny bit jelly

>> No.15054182

I can tell you don't actually cook or that sugar container would be gross by now and those plants would be dead.

>> No.15054341

yeah I don't have cupboard doors. It's a working progress. Just sewed some curtains to cover up the open shelves. It would be cool to get baskets on rollers, maybe a project for this winter. Did the backsplash last spring, it was fun.

>> No.15054897

I like it!

>> No.15054951

Thank you! It needs some work, but the space I have is great and I enjoy cooking in it. I am looking into how difficult it would be to change the tile on the back splash, floor, and counter tops by myself. I also want to paint it.

>> No.15054954

I think the plants are plastic, anon.

>> No.15055005

>But most of the site was dogshit by then
implying it wasn't always dogshit

>> No.15055023
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>putting plants on your rangehood

>> No.15055135

Sounds like a diamond dozen.

>> No.15055164

a roadless travelled

>> No.15055203

Lol. I thought about correcting him

>> No.15055259

You knew what he meant for all intensive purpose

>> No.15056516
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Thanks for the chuckle

>> No.15057195

Shut the fuck up you sniveling reddit asswipe

>> No.15057417

god this looks like the shitty appartments i could barely afford in WA

>> No.15057444

It's actually a super comfy place, probably the only reason I can afford it is because the fittings and appliances are old. Once the owner renovates it'll be like $550/wk. I hope I can get at least a couple more years here before she does


>> No.15058407
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do these actually help or are they a meme?

>> No.15058586

its just a lid that doesn't hold steam

>> No.15059255

So it helps then...

>> No.15060796

why call him that

>> No.15061438

they do but they're still a meme

>> No.15061446

99% is definitely a lie
it probably blocks like 80% or so

>> No.15061709


>> No.15061711

>no stove vent
How DE FUCK do you cook bacon or anything remotely meat like?

>> No.15061718
File: 53 KB, 500x567, Devilish_dfec03_6238404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>keeping salt and sugar next to eachother in identical containers

>> No.15061722

A microwave did not burn Your hair