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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 823 KB, 1150x738, UnitedSteaks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15038614 No.15038614 [Reply] [Original]

Do you eat meat every day? Do you eat meat at every single meal?

>> No.15038617

You'd have to be a really self entitled asshole to eat meat every day.

>> No.15038620

Only boomers and flyovers eat meat every day because they think it’s required to “make a meal”

>> No.15038635

not every single meal, but everyday.

>> No.15038640

No and no, I do enjoy eating it. Not sure why but I get abit of a pang if I dont have something meaty or atleast something chewy to dig into every so often and it just might be a vitamin or sensation kind of craving.

>> No.15038644

Duh, I'm not poor

>> No.15038645

Every single meal if eggs count. If so, I haven’t had a meal without meat in probably 5 or 6 years.

>> No.15038661

t. low test

>> No.15038731

Why would eggs count?

>> No.15038737

no, actually I'm almost exclusively a vegetarian with at home cooking. On the otherhand, I almost always eat meat when I go out to eat with friends/family so it's a nice balance.

>> No.15038744

You get infinitely more estrogen from eating meat daily than if you only eat it on occasion

>> No.15038752
File: 233 KB, 1329x2001, hormones-in-cattle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>estrogen from eating meat daily
Not this shit again.

>> No.15038772

Pastoral diet is objectively the most high T lifestyle. Boomers can’t into it because they never exercise and their walmart-bought meat is filled with hormones.

>> No.15038811

>their walmart-bought meat is filled with hormones
Not this shit again. Oh, wait, I already posted the image.

>> No.15038835

not every meal, but almost every day. The few times that I've gone a day without eating meat was usually due to lack of time, like relying on energy bars or something while cramming for finals. But if I'm taking the time to make myself a meal it's typically gonna have meat or at least eggs or cheese.

>> No.15038849

I’ve been eating ribeyes from Aldi like 4 nights a week for two months. Incredible steak for the price.

>> No.15038905

only a self-entitled asshole attaches values to what you eat.

>> No.15038931

I eat meat twice a week. It's usually two meals in a row, like a friday night dinner and saturday morning breakfast. Occasionally I will use meat to season a dish, like bacon in beans.

>> No.15038944

That's why I murder human children to eat every day.

>> No.15038953

>Do you eat meat every day?
No, I try to eat fish maybe 2 - 3 times a week though
>Do you eat meat at every single meal?
No but I try to eat protein at every meal. Usually this means greek yogurt, eggs + spinach + cheese, protein powder, edamame, etc.

>> No.15039173

Because nutritionally, eggs may as well be meat. High in animal protein and cholesterol, no carbs.

>> No.15039471

I eat meat every day. I would guess there have been 30 or less days in my life without any form of meat whatsoever.
I generally only eat meat at dinner

>> No.15039476

What’s a normal week’s worth of dinners for you like?

>> No.15039499

I'm kinda like this except I do maybe two or three vegetarian days a month. dunno why, it's just been a habit for the last few years. Sometimes I just don't feel like meat. and no fake meat bullshit

>> No.15039693

this year I've been really busy due to grad school + part time job so I go out for food (or get take out) 3 or 4 times a week, normally and after this year ends its 1-2 times a week, generally 1 with friends and one with family but can vary

>> No.15039821

That's why I only eat produce from pedophile farmers.

>> No.15039853
File: 50 KB, 512x494, 8DD7DF15-6E06-4DDC-8079-C8081E22DEEF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being complicit in the genocide of tens of millions of living, thinking, feeling beings every single time you have a meal
Shame on you.

>> No.15039877

...he says, after buying an iPhone.

>> No.15039892

The guy who sold it confirmed it’s ethically sourced. He’d gotten a new one and sold me an IPhone 9 for only 100 dollars. What a deal! Anyway, I’m not complicit in genocide, anon.

>> No.15039909

Are you implying you're no longer complicit just by adding in a middle man? There goes your entire argument.

>> No.15039944

Apple sources everything ethically. You’re a victim of fake news.

>> No.15039950

Eating meat less than 7 times a week is for weak soyboys.

>> No.15039962

Those kids are legally traded and work under the proper slave regulations in China. Check your facts, bucko.

>> No.15040010

Not every meal, but every day, about 250 grams. What would you even eat to hit protein and calories, a shitton of bread and sauce? I'm not a medieval peasant, thanks.

>> No.15040616

Literally every meal needs parents. I got minimum tuna/deenz even at breakfast.

>> No.15040630

I eat meat twice a week at most and sometimes go weeks without any at all. I start getting sick of meat really quick if I have it more than twice in a week for some reason. I was vegetarian for a few years until my iron level started dropping too low, and I think that made me only want to eat meat when my body is really needing it rather than eating it just for the taste. I eat some cheese or eggs with every meal though, just don't feel satisfied without at least some animal protein.

>> No.15040643
File: 286 KB, 520x1066, 0217_plant2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheese and eggs seem to provide the best protein our body can use. Probably because they're just easier to digest. Cheese can have the same amount of protein per ounce when compared to meat, though obviously cheese will be higher in fat. Meat is still higher in some things like iron and creatine that makes it still good to have sometimes too, but for general protein needs cheese and eggs can do just fine.

>> No.15040680

Trolls. Trolls everywhere.
Honestly, unless you're doing eggs, not eating meat everyday as a non-veg is retarded health-wise.
Your other options are shit like milk, cheese and yogurt which are dairy and you (literally ANYONE) who consumes too much dairy will get lactose issues (or bust their wallet) while also contributing to cattle farms. Then of course I guess you could do yogurt, but what the fuck do you do with yogurt every single meal?
I used to use it to replace sour cream, but then I realized it's actually a pretty shit replacement for sour cream. Plus if you're using it to replace sour cream, you're probably using it with some unhealthy bullshit that might invovle cheese or some shit. Cheese of course being fucking awful for you except maybe cottage cheese. But again, who the fuck... Like, just eat a good chicken breast or some ground turkey

I know [you / this poster] is probably just fucking around, but what the fuck is the logic of this image macro?
We feed food to animals that we harvest... So we shouldn't eat them and just let them live and thrive and populate the earth on their own?
Okay so thwy will still eat "enough food to feed 3 billion people"

>> No.15040700

Anon anyone who involves themselves with Apple is a cool liberal skateboard dude. It can never be unethically sourced, so you might as well buy it from the guy "down the alley", if you will. This isn't as unusual a practice as you think. Why, just the other day I was hitting up my Apple guy for some earbuds. Gotta geta burner phone first so you don't breach contract, but other than that there's really nothing wrong with it.

>> No.15040714

No, no

>> No.15040719

Retard science

>> No.15040731

Which part?

>> No.15040771
File: 578 KB, 1500x1500, 2017_Infografica_6billion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never seen a vegan eat agricultural waste, despite constantly insisting we should eat it ourselves instead of feeding it to animals.

>> No.15040800
File: 138 KB, 1283x1468, mnjdncm3sl201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, if you count fish as meat equivalents - as an actual european should. If you are third world trash, you can flourish on agricultural waste products.

75% of my calories come from meat, fish, dairy and eggs. The remaining (calories, so a pretty bigy volume) from local and seasonal greens.

>> No.15040906

I eat meat everyday.
One simple reason is that it pisses vegan morons like you off so you post here like the cuckolds that you are and that's just plain funny to me.

>> No.15040920

A lot of the so called "reasoning" in this thread makes no sense, it's like idiots yammering straight out of school and have never lived life. Live a bit bitches, eat a steak and potatoes with spinach maybe with some red wine, a rioja.

>> No.15040924

Also anons, please eat meat. As a zoomer a lot of the zoomer girls I know are the type to talk about how real milk is disgusting and meat is disgusting, but those same girls are always complaining about chronic fatigue, random aches and pains, and tend to not be high achievers. You need vitamins anon, your body deserves them. Give it what it needs so you can reach your full potential, I believe in you.

>> No.15040927

It's like these morons straight from school want everyone to eat soylent green wafers, except for themselves of course, they're the hypocrite crowd.

>> No.15040950

How many avocados have you bought this month ?

>> No.15040960

That fag's likely bought 'bout tree fiddy.

>> No.15040964

And in between buying avocados is pushing agenda on people, those fags always have time for agenda pushing.

>> No.15040969

They have to justify themselves by pushing agenda on others. They just cant do anything else, if they thought of themselves then their heads would explode.

>> No.15040978

They're like a cult, like scientologists which is why I wrote to stay out of san diego. A girlfriend went down there once, never to be heard or seen from again, real west coast weirdness.

>> No.15041500

>posting sources from a lobbying website
I'm sure there's no conflict of interest here.

>> No.15041523

when is Luxembourg gonna join the union?

>> No.15041567

Yes, I eat 1/4 lb of ground meat for each of the two meals I have everyday. So 1/2 lb everyday.

>> No.15042326

I try to (except on fasting days), and usually not, unless animal fat counts.

>> No.15042340

Isn't animals Australia the group that paid workers to torture sheep by shutting off air vents while they were being shipped to make them look more distressed for their film footage?

>> No.15042381

And yet I bet you unironically fell for "meat causes cancer!" shite a while back. Remember when the "researchers" had a meltdown after their findings were contradicted?
Elites are gradually setting us up to eat estrogen filled cancer-causing soy gruel burgers and bug paste so they don't have to give up their private jets or wagyu, you're the definition of a useful idiot.

>> No.15042702

I eat two or three eggs a day and at least a cup of dairy, I think it probably makes sense to not overdo anything out of autism. You can fill up on empty calories otherwise, I just think it's inefficient, and not very tasty to shovel half a pound of rice inside you instead of a schnitzel.

>> No.15042723

post wrist

>> No.15042728

phytoestrogen is not estrogen man, didnt anyone learn biology?

>> No.15042742
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>> No.15042771

>Do you eat meat every day? Do you eat meat at every single meal?

I am Indian so when I grew up in India, we'd eat meat maybe three or four times a week. Here in the USA I have meat almost every meal, with a much wider variety of meat.

>> No.15042792
File: 16 KB, 312x467, benis_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eat meat every day. and just for the record:

fuck flyovers
fuck boomers
fuck trannies
fuck wiggers
Heil Xi

>> No.15042829

>Wow dude you eat meat every day, how badass.
>You're so cool, anon, I wish I was as cool as you.
Said literally no one ever

>> No.15042832

>hails the leader of a country so incompetent that it has repeatedly destroyed its domestic pork industry because if you report a viral outbreak you just get silenced

>> No.15042969
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>> No.15042981
File: 716 KB, 1000x1416, b12supps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vegan diet is not deficient

>> No.15042984 [DELETED] 



>> No.15042992

I took your job and wealth inequality TO THE LOO

>t. FAANG getting paid 4x the median US income

>> No.15042995

Pretty much every day for dinner.
Not for lunch usually.
I don't eat breakfast.

>> No.15043003
File: 607 KB, 569x650, Screenshot_2020-02-06 Want to Clap for Xi Jinping’s Speech Use Your Smartphone(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>over four times the population
>barely 1.1 times the GDP
Lmao, how do they fucking keep it together with that level of incompetence?

>> No.15043004 [DELETED] 

Lmao no you didn't. A poo like you got fired yesterday at my office. We actually do real work.

>> No.15043011

Usually i have at least some sort of meat every day, but there are definitely days where i don't eat meat...as for the meals, no doubt.

Really, i'd say "mostly yes"

>> No.15043015 [DELETED] 

This holy fuck

>> No.15043016

>bro what if instead of eating meat, we ate shitty cattle grain? then we would be able to fit even more people on earth!
i fucking hate globalists.

>> No.15043029

Okay retard, Indian-Americans are responsible for commercializing the vast majority of intellectual property in the Silicon Valley (look at USPTO patent filings and the number of unicorn companies founded by Indians in the USA).
We are more entrepreneurial than you and are taking the USA to the 22nd century with our disproportionately high contributions to novel data infrastructures.

There's a reason why Indians are overrepresented as hell in tech startups in the USA. I've seen with my own eyes how fucking awful it is to work in a white-majority workplace where the culture revolves around being a dipshit alcoholic and slacking off as much as you can. No wonder every single tech venture that we tried back in the early 2000's with Spokane failed - everyone there was white.

>> No.15043055

You seem to be missing the point, namely that China will continue to grow this year, unlike Western countries that are still wrecking their economies over a flu.

>> No.15043057


>> No.15043058

This. Eating meat that isn't fish everyday is conducive to colorectal cancer and other meat-related issues.

>> No.15043068 [DELETED] 

The only thing you're responsible for is shitting in streets. I want you to know this. No matter what you do in life we just see you as a piece of shit. That's a fact.

>> No.15043070

Everyday, except Wednesdays and Fridays, when I eat fish.

>> No.15043071


>> No.15043074
File: 10 KB, 261x223, 1483371_604735616282060_556966556_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eat meat with every meal.

>> No.15043077

Every day? Yes.
Every meal? lately I've been on those ham and chees sandwiches.
Tbh protein intake still isn't what I'd want it to be.

>> No.15043081

Okay Cletus, while I enjoy outperforming you on every single socioeconomic and academic metric and stay happy with my overwhelming contributions to intellectual property development and contribution to the US tax base, you can stay in your cornhusking shithole snorting fentanyl with your cousins and talk about how you see me as a piece of shit because I'm brown/Indian/whatever. Hope you enjoy.

>> No.15043096

I'll pass on your collective responsibility bullshit.
I am responsible for the number of animals worth of meat I have eaten, by species, rounded up, since I was an adult.

>> No.15043097

That's some pathetic cope right there.

>> No.15043105


>> No.15043110

Meat isn't that high calorie. You could eat a doughnut a day. And 10kg of beans.

>> No.15043133

Are you actually going to eat 8 eggs or 200g of cheddar to match a non-vegetarian dinner? Sounds horrible.

>> No.15043154

yeah. every meal and only meat.


>> No.15043162 [DELETED] 

Diet shit belongs on >>>/fit/

>> No.15043169

Eggs are vegetarian, vegans aren't eating eggs as a rule.
Lactose tolerance is genetic.
Dairy is cheap.
Milk cows are treated well.
Cheese is healthy, cottage cheese is not particularly healthy unless you're fat and need a calorie deficit or are a body builder and don't want to supplement casein or do GOMAD.

>> No.15043172

Obese cankled hands typed this

>> No.15043176

All me.

>> No.15043192 [DELETED] 


>> No.15043219

Why do people still respond to the easiest, most obvious, most low effort shitpost there is? Mass (you)ing is even lazier than green texting a random comment with a soy wojak

>> No.15043260

>>15039853 #
That dishonest figure includes wheat straw and chaff which would otherwise normally be burned or ploughed back into the soil, IIRC the only actual grain that humans can also eat are basically supplements and make up like 10% of that total.
Also, for most of those people with food insecurity animals are the only way of converting marginal land which could never support crops into food. Forcing Ngubu from Kenya to give up his goats would make the situation much worse.
Mao was right about forcing quote unquote "intellectuals" and cityfags to work on farms.

>> No.15043539
File: 66 KB, 1190x758, male lineages.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. rapebaby
reminder that the based bat flu selectively kills europoids


bubonic white genocide all over again.

>> No.15043548

lmfao this is funny. can't tell if bait or real but white vegans are dumb enough to buy this shit

>> No.15043660
File: 322 KB, 549x559, ElRA1lNXYAAb_Ct.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of retard can't place a human's quality of life above farm animals' and pets'?
Probably the same retards that bawl their eyes out of the death of a dog in a movie but are unphased by the death of a man. Western people can't value things properly and would rather falsely coodle and pamper a puppy than raise a child.
I would wager that the crowd that sees animalistic protein of negligible importance to the human diet most likely also think that proper muscle building and fitness amongst men are superfluous in the non-manual labor age, not recognizing the important relationship between an exerted body and challenged mind.

>> No.15043686

White Westerners from cities act like this, they're also the only people on Earth with an out-group preference. It's fucking pathetic.

>> No.15043691

if stock counts as meat, no

>> No.15043696

i mean yes

>> No.15044992

oh boy we got an urbanite. he thinks hes special.

>> No.15045851

Only man children eat meat every day, let alone ever.

>> No.15045934

Honestly my stomach is so bad that I don't like to consume a lot of meat anymore. It's harder on me to digest it. I usually eat 1 skyr or Greek yogurt per day which is higher in protein, or I'll eat some eggs for breakfast or with dinner and make a rice bowl. I eat chicken most often, but not by choice. I prefer salmon (raw) to eat but it is more expensive. I eat steak on occasion when I crave it, I mostly try to listen to my body and eat what it wants. Methinks something lemony with rice tomorrow.

>> No.15046565

no one is starving because we don't have enough food people are starving because either they are super poor in a rich country or their local government steals food aid

>> No.15046583

>Do you eat meat every day?
>Do you eat meat at every single meal?
I eat meat once a day every day. Since I generally have two meals a day, that means I don't eat meat every meal.

>> No.15046618

Not for every meal, but close to it. I enjoy meals with lots of protein, but I never learned to like beans or other alternative sources.

>> No.15046625

Also why does Utah have a picture of a gelatin/blancmange?

>> No.15046646
File: 106 KB, 554x439, 1598711228118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15046656

I eat meat every day at dinner. Meat, vegetables, and a starch if I'm really hungry. It's never steered me wrong.

>> No.15046674


>> No.15046677

Holy fuck Japan is that strong?

>> No.15046853

Every day, every single meal. Yearly checkups always clean.

>> No.15046872

So we should be eating 3 times as much meat, right?

>> No.15046891

Most days but not with every meal.

>> No.15046902


>> No.15046982

>Not yet

>> No.15046990

>white vegans
Racist detected.

>> No.15047248

did you know, if we killed half of all people currently living on earth, we would return to 1950's population level and wouldn't have to feed people like animals just to survive

>> No.15047258
File: 329 KB, 657x705, 48355391_2014903732138232_6682402962871943168_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you need to be clear about the quality of people.

>> No.15047287

did you know we can remove all of india, china, the middle east, and still not be back to 1950 population level? with only 2.5b people to budget for, the definition of undesirable can be relatively wide.

>> No.15047294

I eat meat three times a day plus two snacks of meat and eggs.

Generally, I will eat a steak for dinner, a chicken for lunch and a ham steak for breakfast. Also about six eggs and a liter of milk. Sometimes I make yogurt.

>> No.15047303

Generally if I'm being lazy, I'll eat 2 chicken breasts a day. Gotta hit them protein goals. Eating meat at every meal is a tall order though, generally oatmeal in the morning.

>> No.15047311

>india, china, the middle east
Seem to be missing the big one

>> No.15047318

Well, Greater Israel isn't a real country to begin with.

>> No.15047343

tell that to 99% of the population

>> No.15047368

lol, you can't even remove the cum-stained Kleenex from under your bed, loser

>> No.15047422

every day yes, every meal no

>> No.15048219

Different forms of estrogen with different levels of potency. Estradiol in cow's milk is orders of magnitude more powerful than, say, genistein in soy

>> No.15048224


>> No.15048256

Strange how China and India keep getting wealthier despite being 99.9% ethnically homogeneous while all these western nations keep getting worse the more they strive for diversity and mass immigration. I thought that was supposed to be beneficial

>> No.15048271

>strange how growing nations that were war-embroiled dirt farms a hundred years ago are growing while nations that were economic powerhouses a hundred years ago are stagnating

It'll take decades for them to reach the equivalent of western countries, even assuming consistent growth and decline respectively.

>> No.15048294

>while nations that were economic powerhouses a hundred years ago
When they were their least diverse?

>> No.15048303

Whatever suits your worldview, I guess?

>> No.15048346

Not stagnating, declining, after dramatically changing their countries over several decades specifically with the idea of economic growth as the main selling point

>> No.15048387
File: 97 KB, 720x471, GDP-per-capita-ppp-selected-countries-1900-2010-GK-international-US-dollars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please illustrate on this chart where the clear downward trend over the past hundred years is.

>> No.15048762

>He hasn't cooked an entire carton of eggs, eating some while the next are cooking, preparing them each differently and with different spices for variety

>> No.15049619

>milk cows are treated well
So you would be happy to be raped and artificially inseminated many times to keep you in a constant state of lactation, only to have your offspring taken from you, all while having your teats hooked up to an infection-causing milking machine?

>> No.15049634

The vegan philosophy does not place animal lives as equal to human lives; it places animal lives above human taste buds. In modern first-world countries, we can do just fine without consuming animal products, so to do so implies that our taste preference is more important than the widespread suffering and slaughter of millions of animals.

>> No.15049725

I have literally written 17 chapters of a story detailing my fantasy where exactly that happens to me.

>> No.15049895
File: 272 KB, 572x571, 1604788268106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only eat fish once or twice a week at most though

>> No.15049978

>you (literally ANYONE) who consumes too much dairy will get lactose issues
been drinking a liter of milk + eating like 100g of cheese every day for more than 30 years and I'm fine.

You're just black.

>> No.15050014

how do I get access to the full study?

>> No.15050022

its hard to eat small portions of meat without the whole lb going bad. especially if id like to eat different types of meat through out the week, and then throw in random other meals other people cook for me, or buy from a resturant and i end up eating way more than 2 or 3 oz of meat a day :(

especially if i want to have more than one type of meat in my fridge at a time.

i just bought the smallest pork shoulder i could find at grocery outlet and it was 2.5lb
oh yeah the meat is from grocery outlet so i need to eat it asap. i suppose i could buy 1/2lbs or1/4lbs at a time from butcher but it would end up being the same price

i miss having roommates who would happily eat what i cooked.

>> No.15050040

>I've never seen a vegan eat agricultural waste, despite constantly insisting we should eat it ourselves
i believe the argument is that we shouldnt dedicate huge swaths of land and resources to GROWING these "agricultural wastes"

>> No.15050112

What's worth debating is that one fact of how abstaining from animalistic products effects human health. It's not an easy issue to gloss over, and vegans seem to think that processed foods and artificially produced, costly alternatives will cover all potential gaps.
Vegetarians are more sensible in my eyes, since they realize that cows and chickens exist for producing milk and eggs for humans (that's their bred purpose) and that you don't necessarily need to factory farm them for slaughter.

On another note, I don't see the end goal of veganism or vegetarianism: releasing all farm animals into the wild to be killed by the environment immediately in droves?
More generally, how hard is it to swallow the fact that farm animals that produce food for humans don't have any other purpose in the world? It strikes me as viewing pet ownership as slavery, or something akin to that. Treating animals as if they were humans with a soul, rather than lower creatures that deserve the respect of nature but also the dominance of humans.
Veganism strikes me as a hedonistic philosophy, while raising the points of subpar produce created by industrial farming needing to be dealt with, it still doesn't make much sense to me to abandon the greatest food sources known to man for "feeling good". I'd rather have a well-fed village than 20 cows out in the woods, quickly feasted upon by wolves.

>> No.15050602
File: 130 KB, 790x504, shrek-the-sheep-4[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>More generally, how hard is it to swallow the fact that farm animals that produce food for humans don't have any other purpose in the world? I
They don't have any other purpose because they were explicitly bred for that purpose. They are an abomination that could not survive on their own and simply should not exist. It is a crime against nature and morality that such creatures were bred in the first place.

I'm sure you've heard of this sheep that escaped captivity for a few years and was then shorn. Most people think that this means domestic sheep need to be shaved regularly to be happy and healthy. I think it's disgusting that we've engineered these animals so much that they need human intervention to even live.

>> No.15051093

>It is a crime against nature and morality
God gave us cows and chickens to breed and slaughter for food. By definition, it's neither unnatural nor immoral because it is God's will

>> No.15051110

nobody reply to this or i am going to start screaming

>> No.15051119
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>> No.15051207

This is the most based and reasonable way to do it. Having meat when you need it.

>> No.15051257
File: 192 KB, 1400x770, pug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't agree about farm animals being bred to produce more.
I do agree about dysgenic pets though. Look at this disgusting creature? Who buys these asthmatic old men simulators?

>> No.15051492

You mean like using political prisoners of war to make their products?

>> No.15051607
File: 26 KB, 713x611, pepe-laughing-smoking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>graph ends before the world depression in 2008

>> No.15051637

Not usually, it's usually every 2 or 3 days or so. But I have been eating dishes with meat in it every day for the past couple of weeks now. Perhaps it's just the cold weather making me crave something more filling?

>> No.15051641

>Your other options
for what exactly? are you bitching about protein intake?
you are aware non animal products have protein right
im guessing you dont like anything soy based either, so dont eat soy
have some goddamn chickpeas occasionally

>> No.15051643

>you are aware non animal products have protein right
Lower bioavailability, lower concentrations, higher phytotoxin concentration. Plant protein is shit.

>> No.15051901
File: 250 KB, 1280x720, vegabald.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grow corn for humans
>have a bunch of inedible stalks and husks left over
>grow soy to make soybean oil for humans
>have a bunch of cellulose left over
Are you a mental toddler? Do you not understand what waste is?

The biggest problem with vegans is they don't seem to care about reality. In their fantasy we can grow corn without corn stalks somehow.

>> No.15052184

>ethnically homogeneous
there are massive levels of retardation in this thread but you my man get the honour of receiving my (you) of shame

>> No.15053444

>Are you a mental toddler? Do you not understand what waste is?
why must you insult me in your argument, its fucking childish.

>> No.15053717

>I don't agree about farm animals being bred to produce more.
What do you mean by that? Do you mean you don't see anything wrong with it? Or do you simply not believe that it's happening at all?

>> No.15053773

I try to eat veg at least 2 days a week.

2 chicken, 1 fish and 2 meat but chicken and fish are meat so 2 vegs and 5 meat a week.

>> No.15053804

>grow corn for humans
That's where you're wrong. A solid 1/3 of America's corn is grown solely for animal feed according to the USDA itself. The waste alone would be nowhere near enough to support all of America's farm animals.

>> No.15053840

Han Chinese make up 91% of the population and the largest ethnic minorities are from around the same geography. In a country of almost 2 billion they only have like a few thousand naturalized citizens from other countries.

In India 80% of the population is the same race, that speaks the same language and has the same religion. Again all their major ethnic groups are Indo-Aryan, Dravidian, and Iranic peoples which is typical of that geographic region.

The US is only 60% white and we don't even come close to differentiating between continents let alone countries. If you are from Morocco or if you're from Ireland you still end up in the "White" bucket. If they kept track of ethnic groups in those countries like we do in the US it would just say 99% Asian. I hope you realize how retarded you are.

>> No.15053873

I eat meat once a day, then again I usually only have 1-2 meals a day.

>> No.15053875
File: 1.08 MB, 200x350, 1604158830935.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I try to

>> No.15053890

Silence, white nigger